Vice-Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
- Doctor of Physics and Mathematics
Date and place of birth: 14 October 1945, Vitkovice, Czechoslovakia
1968 - Faculty of Physics and Mathematics, Charles University, Prague
Academic degrees:
1973 - Candidate of Physics and Mathematics ("Pair Resonance Production in - Interactions")
1990 - Doctor of Physics and Mathematics ("Multiple Production of Particles and Resonances, Spin and Correlation Effects")
Professional career:
1969 - 1990 - Junior scientist, scientist, research officer, senior and leading scientist of the Laboratory of High Energies
Since 1975 - Research scientist and senior scientist of the Institute of Physics, Czech Academy of Sciences
1987 - 1988 - Research work at CERN
1990 - 1992 - Leading scientist of the Laboratory of Particle Physics (LPP), JINR
2001 - 2004 - Deputy Director of LPP, JINR
Since 2005 - Acting Director of LPP, JINR
Since 2006 - JINR Vice-Director
2007 - 2008 - Acting Director, LPP, JINR
Scientific-organizational activities:
1988 - 1992, 2007 - Member of the Scientific-Technical Council, LHE, JINR
1989 - 1992 - Member of the Scientific-Coordinating Council on high energy physics, JINR
1991 - 1992 - Member of the Scientific Council of Czech staff members at JINR
Since 1996 - Member of the Executive Committee, DIRAC collaboration
2001 - 2008 - Member of the Scientific-Technical Council, LPP, JINR
Since 2003 - Member of the Scientific-Technical Council, JINR
Since 2006 - Member of the Executive Committee of the STAR project (BNL, USA) and co-leader of the STAR group at JINR
Since 2007 - Member of the Executive Committee of the NICA/MPD project at JINR
Since 2008 - Member of the Scientifi c-Coordinating Council of VBLHEP, JINR
Educational activities:
Supervision of graduation and other theses
Research interests:
Experimental and theoretical particle physics, chiral symmetry, gauge theories, QCD analysis of structure functions, studies of spin effects, particle interferometry, polarization effects, measuring life-time of pionium
Author of more than 400 papers and reviews on high energy
physics, including multiple production and correlation femtoscopy
Source of the information: Information Bulletin "JINR News" 2 /2012 |