General date |
Capital: |
Area: |
447 400 sq. km. |
Population: |
23 784 300 people.
Admin. division: |
12 velayats, 1 Autonomous Republic and 1 city of the central submission.
Language: |
Currency: |
Uzbekistan som.
Large cities: |
Chirchik, Samarkand, Andijan, Nukus, Toitep, Almalyk.
Geographical position: |
Uzbekistan is situated in the Central Asia. The most part of Uzbekistan is located in limits of Turanskaya lowland. Its significant part is occupied within Kyzyl Kum desert. On North-east and the South there are the slopes of Tien Shan and Gissaro-Alay (height 4 634 m.), between them intermountain hollows: Ferganaskaya, Zeravshanskaya, Chirchik-Agrenskaya and others are located.
State system: |
Climate: |
Average temperatures of July from 26C on the North up to 32C on the south, January from - 10C in North-west up to 3C on the South-east. Annual precipitations: from 80-90 mm. on plain, up to 1000 mm. in mountains.
Miscellaneous: |
According to the United Nations estimation (1994) Uzbekistan was one of the poorest countries of the world. The wages level among the population did not exceed these years 50 $. But there are some reasons which optimistical conclusions allow to draw on the further development of national economy. First, the country has significant mineral resources, second, since the second half of 90th years in the country economic market reforms more actively are carried out. The main mineral resource of Uzbekistan is gold. Till 1992 the Uzbek gold made third of all gold mining of USSR, it that time Soviet Union took the third place in the world on volumes of extracted precious metal. In 1992 Uzbekistan has extracted 80 thousand tons of gold that has removed the country on the first place in the world on the given parameter. In outskirts of Toitep, located between Tashkent and Almalyk, extraction of fluorite is keeping. Near Almalyk extraction of copper, zinc, lead, molybdenum, tungsten is keeping. They are used in the national heavy industry in the north-east Uzbekistan. On slopes of Chatkalsky and Kuraminsky mountain ranges extraction of uranium is keeping.
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