J I N R N E W S ( 2 0 0 1 )
- 27.12.01
Happy New Year!!!
- 27.12.01
New version of JINR-home has been opened! There is access to the old JINR-home
- 26.12.01
International Seminar "Accelerators of Particles and Nuclei (ISAPAN-02)", dedicated to the memory of V.I. Veksler will be held in Dubna on March 4 - 6, 2002
- 10.12.01
Fourth Scientific Conference RCDL’2002: "Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods And Technologies, Digital Collections" will be held in Dubna on October 15 - 17, 2002
- 12.11.01
Information about Scientific Council of RAS for Charged Particles Accelerators
- 12.11.01
XVI International Baldin Seminar On High Energy Physics Problems will be held in Dubna on June 10 - 15, 2002
- 02.11.01
V International Congress on Mathematical Modeling will be held in Dubna on September 30 - October 6, 2002
- 31.10.01
New Journal of Physics - all-electronic journal publishing original research in all areas of physics
- 30.10.01
7th International Symposium on Ferroic Domains and Mesoscopic Structures
(ISFD7) will be held In Peninsula of Giens (French Riviera) on September 15 - 19, 2002
- 29.10.01
Collection of the A.M. Baldin's photo
- 22.10.01
Third International Workshop "Very High Multiplicity Physics" will be conducted in Dubna from 3 to 5 June 2002
- 22.10.01
VI Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists will be held in Dubna on February, 4-9, 2002
- 15.10.2001
IX International Conference "MATHEMATICS. COMPUTER. EDUCATION" will be held on January 28 - February 2, 2002 at Dubna
- 17.09.2001
New version of the JINR Programme Advisory Committees ( Eng / Win )
- 17.09.2001
New version about membership of the JINR Scientific Council ( Eng / Win )
- 10.09.2001
New information about IV Scientific Memorial Sarantsev's Seminar
- 17.08.2001
New schedule of JINR meetings for 2001 (from August) ( Eng / Win )
- 10.08.01
Physics resources from Russian Lycos Search
- 04.07.01
Resolution of 90th Session of the JINR
Scientific Council ( Eng / Win )
- 11.05.02
Presentation of the website SBNT - Science Bringing Nations Together
- 10.05.01
Information about VIth International School-Seminar on Actual Problems of High Energy Physics
- 26.04.01
2001 Topical Plan for Research and International Cooperation
- 23.04.01
New site about basic Facilities of JINR
- 13.04.01
Information about conference: "Scientific service at INTERNET"
- 13.04.01
Information about APE Computer at JINR
- 22.03.01
Information about Scientific Memorial Sarantsev's Seminars
- 12.03.01
Information about XVIII JINR International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing
- 11.03.01
Link to photo-archive of V.I. Veksler
- 05.03.01
Site JINR Arts Library has been opened
- 01.03.01
Information about the conference CHEP'01 - Computing in High Energy and Nuclear Physics.
- 28.02.01
JINR PRIZES FOR 2000 ( Eng / Win )
- 15.02.01
Resolution of 89th Session of the JINR
Scientific Council ( Eng / Win )
- 05.02.01
Workshop "OS LINUX at Computing Infrastructure of the Future"
- 01.02.01
The scientific seminar dedicated to the jubilee of A.M. Baldin ( Eng / Win )
- 22.01.01
2001 Topical Plan for Research and International Cooperation ( Win / KOI8 )
- 18.01.01
New link to journal "PARTICLES and NUCLEI, LETTERS"
- 17.01.01
New site of Laboratory of Information Technologies (LIT)
- 15.01.01
About on-line access to the INIS for JINR
- 15.01.01
The International Student School "Nuclear Physics Techniques and Accelerators in Biology and Medicine"
- 11.01.01
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Press-Release) ( Eng / Win )
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