PTP-2004 PTP-2003 PTP-2002 PTP-2001 (eng) |
Ïëàí 07-09 win |
01 02 03 04 05 |
| Fields and Particles | D.I. Kazakov O.V. Teryaev |
01-3-1029-99/2008 | Nuclear Theory | V.V. Voronov |
01-3-1030-99/2008 | Theory of Condensed Matter |
N.M. Plakida |
01-3-1047-2003/2007 | Modern Mathematical Physics |
A.S. Sorin A.P. Isaev |
Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics
A.S. Sorin V.V. Voronov |
01 03 04 05 |
Elementary Particle Physics and Relativistic Nuclear Physics
Study of e+e- Interactions, Linear Collider Physics and Detector | ||
Study of Rare Processes | A.S. Kurilin | |
Lifetime measurement of ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() to test low-energy QCD predictions |
L.G. Afanasyev L.L. Nemenov | |
ATLAS – General-purpose pp Experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider | ||
JINR's Participation in the Physics Research Programme at the Upgraded Fermilab Tevatron ((Projects D\O, CDF) |
G.D. Alexeev V.V. Glagolev J.A Budagov | |
Study of Neutrino Oscillations and Determination of Oscillation Parameters | Yu.A. Gornushkin G.A. Chelkov | |
Investigations at the GSI Accelerator Complex | A.N. Sissakian | |
International Linear Collider: Accelerator Physics and Engineering | A.N. Sissakian G.D. Shirkov | |
Charmed and Strange Quarks in Hadronic Reactions (OSCAR) | V.D. Kekelidze | |
CMS - Compact Muon Solenoid | A.V. Zarubin I.A. Golutvin | |
The LHC Transverse Damping System (JINR's participation in the "LHCDamper") | V.M. Zhabitsky | |
Study of the Hadron Structure in the Experiments with the COMPASS (NA58) and HERMES (DESY) Spectrometers | A.P. Nagatsev I.A. Savin | |
Search for Effects of Polarized Hidden Strangeness in Nucleons (Project NIS) | E.A. Strokovsky A.G. Litvinenko | |
Development of the JINR Basic Facility for Generation of Intense Heavy Ion and Polarized Nuclear Beams Aimed at Searching for the Mixed Phase of Nuclear Matter and Investigation of Polarization Phenomena at the Collision Energies up to √sNN = 9 GeV | A.N. Sissakian A.S. Sorin A.D. Kovalenko | |
Search for Non-Nucleon Degrees of Freedom and Spin Effects in Few-Nucleon Systems | N.M. Piskunov G. Martinska | |
Study of Multiple Production in 4![]() | A.I. Malakhov | |
High-Acceptance Toroidal Spectrometer HADES R&D of New Particle Detectors | A.I. Malakhov | |
Investigation of the Properties of Nuclear Matter and Particle Structure at the Collider of Relativistic Nuclei and Polarized Protons (Project STAR at RHIC) |
R. Lednicki | |
ALICE: A Large Ion Collider Experiment at CERN's LHC | A.S. Vodopianov | |
Investigation of Relativistic Multiparticle Interactions | A.A. Baldin | |
Development of Radiotherapy Methods with a Proton and Heavy Ion Beams of the Nuclotron of JINR | N.N. Agapov E.A. Krasavin G.V Mytsin J. Ruzicka |
01 02 04 05 |
Development and Construction of an Accelerator Complex for Producing Radioactive Ion Beams (Project DRIBS) | G.G. Gulbekyan Yu.Ts. Oganessian | |
Synthesis of New Nuclei and Study of Nuclear Properties and Heavy-Ion Reaction Mechanisms | M.G. Itkis Yu.Ts. Oganessian | |
Development of the FLNR Cyclotron Complex for Producing Intense Beams of Accelerated Ions of Stable and Radioactive Isotopes | G.G. Gulbekyan | |
Investigation of Fundamental Interactions in Nuclei at Low Energies | V.B. Brudanin A. Kovalik | |
Nucleus and Particle Interactions at Intermediate Energies | D.A. Mzhavia | |
Improvement and Development of the JINR Phasotron for Fundamental and Applied Research | M.Yu. Kazarinov G.A. Karamysheva L.M. Onischenko | |
Construction of the IREN Facility (Project IREN) | V.N. Shvetsov V.G. Pyataev | |
Nuclear Physics with Neutrons – Fundamental and Applied Investigations | V.N. Shvetsov Yu.N. Kopatch |
01 02 03 05 |
Condensed Matter Physics, Radiation and Radiobiological Research
Neutron Investigations of the Structure and Dynamics of Condensed Matter | V.L. Aksenov A.M. Balagurov | |
Upgrade of the IBR-2 Complex | A.V. Vinogradov | |
Development and Creation of Elements of Neutron Spectrometers for Condensed Matter Investigations | A.V. Belushkin V.I. Prikhodko | |
Radiation Effects and Modification of Materials, Radioanalytical and Radioisotopic Investigations at the FLNR Accelerators | S.N. Dmitriev P.Yu. Apel | |
Radiation and Radiobiological Investigations at the JINR Basic Facilities and in the Environment | E.A. Krasavin G.N. Timoshenko |
01 02 03 04 |
Networking, Computing, Computational Physics
Information, Computer and Network Support of JINR’s Activity | V.V. Ivanov P.V. Zrelov | |
Mathematical Support of Experimental and Theoretical Studies Conducted by JINR | V.V. Ivanov Gh. Adam P.V. Zrelov |
![]() |
01 02 03 04 05 |
01-3-1028-99/2008 | Fields and Particles | ||
Further development of the quantum field theory approach in the framework of the Standard Model of fundamental interactions and its extensions. Detailed investigation of astrophysical constraints for new physics. Elaboration of multiloop calculations in QCD, Electroweak theory and Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model. Theoretical predictions concerning the experimental observation of supersymmetry, the Higgs boson, investigation of the spin structure of the nucleon, T-odd spin effects, jet handedness, heavy flavor physics, vacuum structure in QCD, and hadron properties in dense and hot media. Elaboration of new phenomenological models to describe the hadron dynamics in the framework of general principles of quantum field theory incorporating basic experimental patterns. Theoretical support of current and future experiments at JINR, IHEP, CERN, GSI, DESY, and other physics centers.
01-3-1029-99/2008 | Nuclear Theory | ||
The main goals are to investigate properties of atomic nuclei at the limits of their stability and development of new theoretical methods to predict their properties; to study dynamics of nuclear reactions and mechanisms of production of exotic nuclides; to investigate fundamental characteristics of exotic few-body nuclear, atomic and molecular systems; to study the behaviour of nuclear matter and its phase transitions at high temperature and density; further development of relativistic nuclear physics methods and application them to analyze subnuclear and spin effects in few-nucleon systems. Theoretical support of current and future experiments at JINR and GSI.
01-3-1030-99/2008 | Theory of Condensed Matter | ||||
Multiparticle models of solids taking into consideration strong electron correlations, electron-lattice, and spin interactions to describe spectra of quasiparticle excitations, phase transitions and kinetic phenomena in solids. The main subjects of the study are integrable systems, equilibrium systems of the statistical mechanics, and dissipative systems far from the thermodynamic equilibrium. The aim of these investigations is to reveal common properties of the multiparticle systems associated with the ideas of self-similarity and universality. The electronic spectrum of carbon materials, fullerenes and nanotubes, will be examined within the field-theory model adapted to account for nontrivial geometry of these nanostructures. Theoretical support of experimental investigations of condensed matter at the JINR.
01-3-1047-2003/2007 | Modern Mathematical Physics | ||||
Superstring Theory is the most serious and worldwide pursued candidate for a unified theory of all fundamental interactions including Quantum Gravity and thus it is the principal source of the problems which are the subject of modern mathematical physics. The development of the theory involves the study of its surprisingly wide spectrum of possible regimes, vacua and exact classical and quantum solutions. Furthermore, the theory has applications in many directions including the nonperturbative regime of supersymmetric gauge theories, the mechanics and thermodynamics of black holes and cosmological models of the universe expansion. These are unique laboratories to check general ideas from unified theories. In particular, in order to accommodate and develop the new ideas in these sectors inspired by String Theory, it is crucial to use the powerful mathematical methods provided by the theory of Integrable Systems, Quantum Groups and Non-Commutative Geometry. The goals of the present new theme precisely belong to the bridging between these fields and further development of suitable schemes to be applied in this context.
01-3-1053-2004/2008 | Dubna International Advanced School of Theoretical Physics (DIAS-TH) | ||
DIAS-TH organizes and supervises all educational programs for students, postgraduates, and young scientists at BLTP. It should function continuously and the standard short schools (about 3-4 a year) should be organized coherently. Support of the JINR experimental programs by organizing lecture courses and review lectures on new trends in modern physics. Other educational programs in Dubna such as the JINR University Center may also correlate with DIAS-TH (common programs on modern theoretical physics, workshops for students and young scientists, etc.).
01 02 03 04 05 |
02-0-1062-2006/2008 |
Leader: | A.G. Olshevski |
Armenia (Yerevan, YerPhI), Belarus (Minsk, NC PHEP BSU), Bulgaria (Sofia, INRNE BAS; Shumen, Univ.), CERN (Geneva), Czech Republic (Prague, CU), France (Paris, Univ. VI, PCC-CF; Strasbourg, IReS), Georgia (Tbilisi, IP GAS), Germany (Hamburg, DESY; Zeuthen, DESY; Munich, MPI-P), Japan (Tsukuba, KEK), Italy (Turin, Univ.), Poland (Cracow, JU), Russia (Moscow, ITEP; Novosibirsk, BINP SB RAS; St. Petersburg, PNPI RAS; Troitsk, INR RAS), Switzerland (Villigen, PSI), Ukraine (Kharkov, ISC NASU), United Kingdom (Oxford, Univ.), USA (Gainesville, UF).
Physics of e+e- interactions. Test of the Standard Model (SM) and search for effects beyond SM. Optimization of existing detectors and construction of new detectors for investigation of e+e- interactions. Development of physical program for LC, performing of calculations, creation of algorithms and codes, data development.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | LNP |
1.1 | SANC project – accurate calculations of complex processes |
Simulations and application the SANC to physical data analysis |
Development of SANC theoretical basis for further SM verification |
1.2 | Development of technique for beam energy determination |
Construction of pilot items of detector and participation in their testing |
1.3 | Calorimetry including near-beam measurements. Search for and testing of new materials |
Pilot detector construction and testing. Optimization of the detector |
1.4 | Development of technology of production and test of new photo-detectors. |
Parameter optimization and presentation of fields of applications |
1.5 | Simulation study of possible techniques for physical analysis aimed at verification of SM and searching for phenomena beyond SM |
Data analysis from å+å- interactions at LEP and BEPC |
2. | VBLHE |
Development of read-out electronics for hadronic calorimetry |
Preparation of the equipment and test runs with detectors |
3. | LPP |
Simulation of ILC detector. Development of simulation and forward track reconstruction tools |
Optimization of structure for inner silicon detector |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | A.S. Kurilin |
Belarus (Gomel, GSU; Minsk, NC PHEP BSU), Czech Republic (Prague, CU), France (Saclay, SPhN CEA DAPNIA), Georgia (Tbilisi, IHEPI TSU), Germany (Mainz, JGU), Japan (Ibaraki, Ibaraki Univ.; Kyoto, Kyoto Univ.; Osaka, Osaka Univ., RCNP, Saga, Saga Univ.; Tsukuba, KEK; Yamagata, Yamagata Univ.), JINR (Dubna, BLTP, LPP, LIT), Poland (Cracow, JU), Republic of Korea (Pusan, PNU), Russia (Moscow, NIKIET, GPI RAS, VNIIHT, NIKIET, SINP MSU; Protvino, IHEP; Troitsk, INR RAS), Slovak Republic (Kosice, IEP SAS), Ukraine (Kharkov, KFTI NASU), USA (Chicago, UChicago; Tempe, ASU), Taiwan (Taipei, NTU).
Test of Standard Model predictions. Investigation of rare decays of K-mesons. Measurement of the branching ratio for the decay
A study of polarization-dependent reaction with participation of nucleon and nuclei constitutes. The indispensable part of this program is the double polarization experiments using polarized beam and target techniques.
Study of 3N interactions with a polarized neutron beam and a polarized deuteron target at an energy about 16 MeV. Measurement of L and
T in the nd-scattering.
Experimental verification of the Gerasimov-Drell-Hearn (GDH) sum rule. Measurement of spin-dependent asymmetry p -
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Data analysis of 1st and 2nd runs |
Data analysis of 2nd and 3rd runs |
Final data analysis to obtain the final physical result |
R&D and creation of the beam of the long-living neutral Kaons |
Creation of pilot apparatus |
2. | Measurements of nd-scattering |
3. | Performing experiments with polarized target at Mainz |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
02-2-1043-2002/2008 |
Leader: | L.G. Afanasyev |
Scientific leader: | L.L. Nemenov |
CERN (Geneva), Czech Republic (Prague, CTU, IP ASCR), Italy (Frascatti, INFN LNF; Messina, Univ.; Trieste, INFN), Japan (Kyoto, KSU; Fukuoka, Kyushu Univ.; Tsukuba, KEK; Tokyo, TMU), Romania (Bucharest, IAP), Russia (Moscow, SINP MSU; Protvino, IHEP), Spain (Santiago de Compostela, USC), Switzerland (Bern, Univ.; Basel, Uni Basel; Zurich, Univ.).
The experiment aims to measure simultaneously the lifetime of +
- atoms
to observe
± K
and to measure their lifetime using the 24 GeV proton beam of PS CERN.
The precise measurement of these quantities will enable us to determine the combination of s-wave pion-pion |a0 - a2|
and pion-kaon |a1/2 -a3/2| scattering lengths
(with isospin 0, 2 and 1/2, 3/2, respectively) in a model-independent way.
The precision of A2
lifetime measurement
will be better than 6% and the difference |a0 - a2|
will be determined within 3% or better.
The accuracy of A
K lifetime measurement will be at the level of 20% and
the difference |a1/2 -a3/2| will be determined at the level of 10%.
Low energy QCD predicts these values with accuracy about 2%
for the
scattering lengths and about 10%
for the
K scattering lengths.
These results have been obtained assuming a strong condensation of quark-antiquark pairs in vacuum.
The pion-pion and pion-kaon scattering lengths have never been verified with experimental data with the same level of precision. For this reason the proposed measurements will be a crucial check of the low-energy QCD predictions and our understanding of the nature of the QCD vacuum
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Data taking runs at PS CERN |
1.1 |
for observation of A![]() |
1.2 |
for the lifetime measurement of A![]() |
1.3 |
for improvement of the accuracy in the A2![]() |
2. | Data processing and analysis: |
2.1 |
for publication of the A2![]() |
2.2 |
for the observation of A![]() |
for the A![]() |
for the A2![]() |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | N.A. Russakovich |
Armenia (Yerevan, YerPhI), Azerbaijan (Baku, IP ANAS), Belarus (Minsk, IP NASB, BSU, NC PHEP BSU, ISSP NASB, INP BSU; Gomel, GSTU), Canada (Vancouver, TRIUMF, Montreal, UdeM), CERN (Geneva), Czech Republic (Prague, CU), France (Clermont-Ferrand, LPC-CF; Orsay, LAL), Georgia (Tbilisi, IHEPI TSU), Germany (Munich, MPI-P), Greece (Athens, Univ.), Israel (Rehovot, WIS), Italy (Pisa, Univ.), Netherlands (Amsterdam, NIKHEF), Russia (Moscow, LPI RAS, MEPhI, ITEP, CC RAS, MSU; Protvino, IHEP), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, CU, IP SAS), Spain (Barcelona, IFAE), USA (Argonne, ANL), Uzbekistan (Samarkand, SSU).
ATLAS is a particle physics experiment that will explore the fundamental nature of matter and the basic forces in our universe. The ATLAS detector will allow one to reveal the mysterious problems of modern particle physics (Higgs mechanism, CP-violation, Dark matter, etc) and to search for new discoveries in collisions of protons of extraordinarily high energy of LHC. JINR participation in the construction of the ATLAS detector and development of the ATLAS physical program is aimed at successful solutions of the above-mentioned problems.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts |
1. | Completion of production of outer muon chamber supporting constructions. |
2. | Commissioning of detector in the pit. |
3. | Creation of software: |
3.1 | Calibration of calorimetry systems. Creation of calibration data bases. |
3.2 | Creation at JINR of prototype system for remote data quality control. |
4. | Physical investigations: |
4.1 | Investigation of top quark properties and the Standard Model physics. |
4.2 | Study of Drell-Yan processes and physics beyond the Standard Model. |
4.3 | Search for and study of Higgs bosons. |
4.4 | Search for and study of SUSY. |
5. | Support of the detector operation during preparation and the data taking periods, including contribution into M&O |
6. | Creation and support (at JINR) of the data developing node on the basis of Tier-2, with including in it of remote node for data quality monitoring |
7. | Preparation for the ATLAS setup upgrade for higher LHC luminosity |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leaders: | G.D Alexeev V.V. Glagolev |
Scientific leader: | J.A. Budagov |
Belarus (Minsk, ISEU, NC PHEP BSU), Italy (Pisa, Univ., INFN, Udine, Univ.), Greece (Athens, Univ.), Georgia (Tbilisi, IHEPI TSU), Romania (Bucharest, IFIN-HH), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, IP SAS, CU), USA (Argonne, IL, ANL; Batavia, IL, Fermilab; Boston, MA, NU; Gainesville, FL, UF; Madison, WI, UW-Madison; New York, NY, SUNY; Stanford, CA, SLAC; Urbana, IL, UIUC), Ukraine (Kharkov, ISC NASU), Uzbekistan (Samarkand, SSU).
The CDF II upgrade for high luminosity running to study collisions at 2 TeV FNAL TEVATRON. R&D, production, commissioning and running of the enlarged acceptance central muon scintillation counter trigger, preshower, time-of-flight and new Si-strip detector based triggers. Data collection, processing; physics analysis.
Maintenance and upgrade of the DØ experiment muon system at the level adequate to the luminosity ~1032 sm-2 s-1. Development of the software for the apparatus. Participation in data acquisition and its analysis, creation and development of the physics analysis programs. Obtaining the results on basic activities of the JINR group in the DØ experiment: measuring of the proton structure functions (QCD physics), search for cascade b-hyperons, measuring of their masses and lifetimes (b physics).
Schedule and cost estimation of the project
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Production, commissioning and running of the enlarged acceptance central muon scintillation counter trigger for c,b,t - study. Maintenance of the CDF muon trigger detectors. Development and maintenance SLOW CONTROL system for these detectors. |
2. | Participation in CDF data taking. Provide of the effective work for JINR created hard and software. |
3. | Data analysis, participation in conferences and workshops | |||
3.1 | Top quark mass measurement in l+jets and dilepton modes at ≥ 1 fb -1 integrated luminosity, search for "tt" resonances. |
3.2 | Very High Multiplicity studies. | |||
Total CDF: |
1. | Physics research: | |||
1.1 | QCD physics – measurement of structure functions. |
The result to be gained with the 1 inverse fb statistics. | ||||
The result to be gained with the 3 inverse fb statistics. | ||||
1.2 | B physics – searching and studying of the cascade b-hyperons |
Total D0: |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | Yu.A. Gornushkin |
Deputy: | G.A. Chelkov |
Belgium (Brussels, ULB, VUB; Leuven, K.U.Leuven), CERN (Geneva), Bulgaria (Sofia, SU), Croatia (Zagreb, RBI), France (Annecy-le-Vieux, LAPP; Lyon IPN Lyon; Orsay, LAL; Paris, Univ. VI; Strasbourg, IReS), Germany (Dortmund, Univ.), Japan (Nagoya, Nagoya Univ.), Italy (Bari, Univ.; INFN; Naples, INFN; Legnaro, INFN LNL, Milan, Unimi, INFN; Padua, Univ.; Rome, INFN; Trieste, Univ., INFN), Russia (Moscow, ITEP: Obninsk, IPPE; Protvino, IHEP; Troitsk, INR RAS), Switzerland (Bern, Univ.; Neuchatel, UniNe; Geneva, UniGe), Ukraine (Kharkov, ISC NASU).
Long base-line neutrino oscillations search and study of oscillation parameters with the OPERA detector in the CNGS beam (CERN-Gran Sasso). Accomplishment of data analysis of previous neutrino experiments. Preparation of new neutrino oscillation studies
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Direct experimental confirmation of the mechanism responsible for oscillation observed in atmospheric neutrinos, measurement of oscillation parameters | |||
1.1 | Participation in OPERA experiment on direct registration of tau-neutrinos at the CNGS neutrino beam |
Creation of the emulsion scanning station, beginning of the experiment | ||||
Data analysis, development of programmes and algorithms | ||||
1.2 | Accomplishment of the data analysis of the previous experiments |
1.3 | Preparation of the new neutrino oscillation experiments and R&D on new detectors |
Equipment and material purchase, detector tests | ||||
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | A.N. Sissakian |
Deputies: | A.G. Olshevski A.I. Malakhov V.V. Ivanov |
Bulgaria (Sofia, INRNE BAS, TU-Sofia, ISSP BAS), Czech Republic (Prague, VP, IMMC ASCR; Rez, NRI), Georgia (Tbilisi, TSU), Germany (Darmstadt, GSI; Erlangen, FAU; Frankfurt/Main, GU; Giessen, JLU), Heidelberg, Univ., KIP; Julich, IKP FZJ; Munich, TUM; Rossendorf, FZR), Italy (Ferrara, INFN; Frascatti, INFN LNF, Turin), Russia (Moscow, ITEP, Geliymash, MEPhI, Dubna, BSINP MSU; Kazan, Kazancompressormach; Protvino, IHEP; Troitsk, INR RAS), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, SAS, IP SAS), Ukraine (Kiev, BITP NASU).
Problem elaboration, methodological investigations, and subsequent preparation of proposals for participation of JINR in future physics research at the GSI accelerator complex
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Development of the GSI accelerator complex |
1.1 | Calculations and test of materials | |||
1.2 | Construction of the prototype magnet | |||
2. | CBM experiment |
2.1 | R&D for detector element | |||
2.2 | Construction of the prototypes of chosen versions | |||
3. | PANDA experiment |
3.1 | R&D for detector element | |||
3.2 | Construction of the prototypes of chosen versions | |||
4. | PAX experiment, submission of the project |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leaders: | A.N. Sissakian G.D. Shirkov |
Deputies: | E.M. Syresin G.V. Trubnikov |
Armenia (Yerevan, YerPhi), Belarus (Minsk, INP BSU), Bulgaria (Sofia, INRNE BAS), United Kingdom (Swansea Univ.), Germany (Bochum, RUB, Hamburg, DESY, Zeuthen, DESY, Darmstadt, GSI, Dresden, TUD, Frankfurt/Main, GU, Julich, FZJ), Greece (Athenes, SU), India (Indore, CAT), Italy (Catania, INFN LNS, Pisa, INFN, Frascatti, INFN LNF), Poland (Warsaw, IEP WU), Russia (Moscow: ITEP, MSU, RRC KI, LPI RAS; Novosibirsk, BINP SB RAS, Sarov, VNIIEF, Nizhny Novgorod, IAP RAS, Troitsk, INR RAS), USA (Upton, BNL), CERN (Geneva), Japan (Chiba, NIRS, Kyoto, Kyoto Univ., Tsukuba, KEK)
R&D works in particle accelerator physics and engineering, construction of the free electron laser and research facilities of submillimeter range with the aim to prepare proposals for the project of JINR participation in international collaboration on construction of the International Linear Collider (ILC).
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Development of metrological laser complex |
2. | Calculation of electrical and magnetic fields in accelerating elements, systems of transportation and of e-/e+ beams formation |
3. | Preparation of reasonable proposals of the ILC location in the area of Dubna. |
10.0* |
80.0* |
70.0* |
4. | Calculation of parameters of electromagnetic elements of the ILC damping rings and construction of prototypes |
5. | Elaboration of the photoinjector prototype |
139.0* |
299.0* |
329.0* |
6. | Elaboration of the LINAC-800 based test-bench with e- beam |
7. | Participation in development and design of cryogenic modules of the 4th generation. Preparation of technical documentation for cryogenic production basis |
8. | Theoretical and experimental investigation of the methods of ion beam generation |
9. | Development of the cooling methods for charged particle beams |
10. | Completion of the LEPTA construction |
11. | Project FLASH |
12. | Project CLIC |
Total budgetary resources: Total non - budgetary resources: |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | V.D. Kekelidze |
Deputy: | Yu.K. Potrebenikov |
Austria (Vienna, HEPHY), Belarus (Minsk, NC PHEP BSU), Bulgaria (Sofia, SU, INRNE BAS; Plovdiv, PU), CERN (Geneva), France (Saclay, SPhN CEA DAPNIA), Georgia (Tbilisi, IP GAS), Germany (Mainz, JGU; Siegen, Univ; Hamburg, DESY), Italy (Florence, INFN; Ferrara, INFN; Perugia, INFN; Pisa, INFN; Turin, INFN), JINR (Dubna, LIT), Kazakhstan (Almaty, PTI MS-NAS RK), Poland (Warsaw, SINS), Romania (Bucharest, IFIN-HH), Russia (Protvino, IHEP; Troitsk, INR RAS), United Kingdom (Cambridge, Univ.; Edinburgh, Univ.), USA (Chicago, UChicago; Evanston, NU).
Completion of the NA48 and OKAPI (NA48/3) projects will allow making a significant advance in the understanding of the problem of the CP violation, and defining more accurately many parameters of rare decays of neutral and charged kaons and hyperons. In the framework of the H1 project, the processes of deep inelastic ep-scattering will be studied in a wide kinematical range of the squared momentum transfer Q2 and the Bjorken variable x, which will allow testing the Standard Model predictions in electroweak and QCD sectors.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | NA48 |
1.1 | Obtaining the final results of the measurement of the charge asymmetry in charged kaon decays into three pions. Finalization and presentation of the obtained results | |||
1.2 | Precise measurement of the matrix elements of the three-pion decays of the charged kaons. Finalization and presentation of the obtained results | |||
1.3 | Study of the final state pion rescattering effects in kaon decays. Finalization and presentation of the obtained results | |||
1.4 | Study of rare kaon decays, and search for new kaon decays. Finalization and presentation of the obtained results | |||
1.5 |
Precision measurement of form factors and partial widths of the K± ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
1.6 | Software support and experimental data processing: reprocessing and filtering of the data, carrying out simulations to solve the above problems | |||
2. | OKAPI (NA48/3) |
2.1 | Design and creation of a straw detector prototype, its tests with cosmic rays and with a beam of charged particles | |||
2.2 | Design and building of the mechanical constructions of the detector, manufacturing of the straw tubes | |||
2.3 | Mass production of the detector modules, its delivery to CERN and assembling in the framework of the experimental setup | |||
3. | H1 |
3.1 | Modernization and maintenance of the FPS spectrometer, BPC and PLUG calorimeter | |||
3.2 | Study of characteristics of deep inelastic scattering with the data accumulated in the H1 experiment using the FPS spectrometer, BPC and PLUG calorimeter | |||
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | A.V. Zarubin |
Scientific leader: | I.A. Golutvin |
Armenia (Yerevan, YerPhI), Austria (Vienna, HEPHY), Belarus (Minsk, NC PHEP BSU, BSU, INP BSU, RIAPP BSU, JIPNR-Sosny NASB; Gomel, GSU, GSTU), Belgium (Louvain-la-Neuve, UCL; Mons, UMH; Brussels, ULB, VUB; Antwerp, UA), Bulgaria (Sofia, SU, INRNE BAS), CERN (Geneva), China (Hefei, USTC; Beijing, IHEP CAS, PKU), Croatia (Split, TUS, Univ.), Cyprus (Nicosia, UCY), Estonia (Tallinn, NICPB), Finland (Helsinki, UH, HUT, HIP; Jyvaskyla, UJ; Tampere, TUT; Oulu, UO), France (Annecy-le-Vieux, LAPP; Saclay, SPhN CEA DAPNIA; Strasbourg, ULP; Lyon, IPN Lyon), Georgia (Tbilisi, IHEPI TSU, IP GAS), Germany (Berlin, HUB; Karlsruhe, Univ; Aachen, RWTH PI, RWTH PI A, RWTH PI B), Greece (Attikis, NCSR ``Demokritos''; Athens, Univ; Ioannina, UI), Hungary (Budapest, KFKI RMKI; Debrecen, Atomki, Univ), India (Mumbai, BARC, TIFR EHEP, TIFR HECR; Bhubaneswar, IP; Chandigarh, PU), Iran (Tehran, IPM), Italy (Bari, INFN; Bologna, INFN; Catania, INFN LNS; Florence, INFN; Genoa, INFN; Padua, INFN; Pavia, INFN; Perugia, INFN; Pisa, INFN; Rome, INFN; Turin, INFN), Pakistan (Islamabad, QAU), Poland (Warsaw, IEP WU, SINS), Republic of Korea (Kwangju, CNU; Naju, DU; Namwon, SU; Seoul, KU, Konkuk Univ, SNUE; Chongju, CBNU; Pohang, POSTECH), Russia (Moscow, ITEP, LPI RAS, SINP MSU, NIKIET; Gatchina, PNPI RAS; Protvino, IHEP; Snezhinsk, VNIITF; St. Petersburg, Electron; Troitsk, NR RAS; Zhukovsky, MDB), Serbia (Belgrade, INS ``VINCA''), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, SUT), Spain (Madrid, CIEMAT, UAM; Oviedo, Uniovi; Santander, IFCA), Switzerland (Zurich, ETH, Univ; Villigen, PSI; Basel, Uni Basel}), Turkey (Adana, CU; Ancara, METU), Ukraine (Kharkov, KFTI NASU, ISC NASU, KNU), United Kingdom (London, Imperial College; Didcot, RAL; Bristol, Univ.), USA (Ames, ISU; Baltimore, JHU; Blacksburg, Virginia Tech; Boston, BU, NU; Batavia, Fermilab; Davis, UCDavis; Cambridge, MIT; Chicago, UIC; College Park, UM; Columbus, OSU; Gainesville, UF; Evanston, NU; Houston, Rice Univ. ;Iowa City, UI; Lincoln, UNL; Livermore, LLNL; Los Alamos, LANL; Los Angeles, UCLA; Lubbock, TTU; Madison, UW-Madison; Minneapolis, UofM; Notre Dame, ND; Oxford, UM; Pasadena, CALTECH; Pittsburgh, Univ; Piscataway, RutgersPrinceton, PU; Riverside, UCR; Rochester, UR; Tallahassee, FSU; Tuscaloosa, UA), Uzbekistan (Tashkent, INP UAS).
Construction of the CMS experimental complex, development and realization of a research program at the LHC aiming for study of the phenomena within and beyond the Standard Model, including precise measurements of production of muon (and hadronic jet) pairs in the region of large invariant masses, search for signature of extra dimensions – physics with gravitation at a TeV scale, extended gauge models, and other new phenomena in the channels with pairs of muons (or hadronic jets).
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
Study of the phenomena within and beyond the Standard Model at the CMS experimental complex |
1. | Construction and commissioning of the CMS detectors in the LHC experimental hall | |||
Conduction of a magnet test with cosmic muons, and the corresponding data processing | ||||
Commissioning of the setup and performing a test run | ||||
Data processing. Creation and updating of the detector calibration database | ||||
2. | Maintenance of efficient performance of the CMS detectors during the LHC data taking | |||
3. | Participation in data taking shifts. | |||
4. | Participation in development and testing of the software for distributed data processing and analysis based on the GRID technology. Providing the data transfer between CERN and JINR | |||
5. | Development of reconstruction algorithms, processing and analysis of CMS data | |||
Calibration of the hadronic calorimeter using physical processes | ||||
Development of the algorithms of reconstruction of high energy muons, working out the algorithms of jet reconstruction | ||||
Obtaining the first results of the measurement of cross sections of muon (and hadronic jet) pair production in the region of large invariant masses, angular characteristics of these processes, and forward-backward asymmetries | ||||
Obtaining the limits for the possibility of existence of new physics phenomena, including extra dimensions and new heavy gauge bosons | ||||
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Project leader: | V.M. Zhabitsky |
Deputy: | N.I. Lebedev |
Bulgaria (Sofia, INRNE BAS), Germany (Darmstadt, GSI), Russia (Yekaterinburg, USTU-UPI; Lesnoy, Elektrokhimpribor), CERN (Geneva).
The LHC Transverse Damping System (ADT) is constructed in the framework of the LHC project at CERN. The system will be used for preventing transverse coupled bunch instabilities, for damping the transverse injection errors, and for excitation of transverse oscillations for beam measurements. The broadband power amplifiers and the deflectors for the LHC ADT were designed and are being constructed at the LPP (JINR) in collaboration with AB-RF (CERN). The JINR team will participate in the hardware tests and the beam commissioning of the LHC ADT as well as in the investigations of transverse beam dynamics with the aim of obtaining the ultimate beam parameters at the LHC. Results of research studies and spin-off from design work will be used for R&D studies and construction of the transverse feedback systems and the power electronics at the accelerators of the JINR and other scientific centres.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Hardware tests and beam commissioning of the LHC ADT |
1.1 | JINR’s participation in the hardware tests and in the beam commissioning | |||
1.2 | Completion of construction of the spare units | |||
1.3 | The LHC ADT studies aimed for obtaining the design beam parameters | |||
2. | Transverse beam dynamics in synchrotrons |
2.1 | Transverse beam dynamics studies and regimes of the LHC ADT aimed for obtaining the ultimate beam parameters in the LHC | |||
2.2 | Investigations of non-linear regimes of the transverse feedback systems | |||
2.3 | R&D studies of the transverse feedback system at the JINR’s nuclotron | |||
2.4 | Beam dynamics and noise issues | |||
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | A.P. Nagatsev |
Scientific leader: | I.A. Savin |
Armenia (Yerevan, YerPhI), Belarus (Minsk, NC PHEP BSU), Belgium (Mons, UMH; Brussels, ULB), Bulgaria (Sofia, INRNE BAS, SU), Canada (Vancouver, TRIUMF; Edmonton, U of A), CERN (Geneva), Czech Republic (Prague, CTU), Finland (Helsinki, UH), France (Saclay, SPhN CEA DAPNIA), Georgia (Tbilisi, TSU), Germany (Bielefeld, Univ.; Bochum, RUB; Bonn, UniBonn; Freiburg, Univ.; Hamburg, DESY; Heidelberg, MPI-K; Munich, LMU, TUM; Mainz, JGU; Erlangen, FAU), Israel (Tel Aviv, TAU), Italy (Turin, INFN; Trieste, INFN; Frascatti, INFN LNF), Japan (Chiba, Toho Univ.; Nagoya, Nagoya Univ.; Osaka, OCU; Sendai, Tohoku Univ.; Tsukuba, KEK; Yamagata, Yamagata Univ.), JINR (Dubna, DLNP, BLTP, LPP, LIT, CAR), Netherlands (Amsterdam (NIKHEF), Poland (Warsaw, WU), Romania (Bucharest, IFIN-HH), Russia (Moscow, SINP MSU, LPI RAS; Protvino, HEP; Gatchina, PNPI RAS; Troitsk, NR RAS), Switzerland (Zurich, Univ.), United Kingdom (Liverpool, Univ.), USA (Argonne, ANL; Cambridge, MIT; Boulder, CU; Pasadena, CALTECH).
Studies of inclusive and semi-inclusive processes in deep inelastic scattering of muons and electrons at polarized and non-polarized targets in adjacent and partially overlapping kinematical regions are being carried out. They include a measurement of gluon polarization, estimates of quark and gluon orbital momentum contributions to the nucleon spin, a search for effects of polarization of the strange sea of nucleons and gluons in L hyperon production, a study of the Gerasimov-Drell-Hern sum rule, a measurement of structure functions and the DVCS, a study of mechanisms of exclusive production of pions and r mesons in lepton DIS, a study of Primakov reactions and diffractive processes, a study of hadron structure, and spectroscopy of light quark systems and glueballs in hadronic beams.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | COMPASS. |
1.1 | Preparation and carrying out the data taking runs |
1.2 | Participation in data processing |
Measurement of g1 structure functions with partons and deuterons. Joining the results with the ones obtained earlier | ||||
QCD analysis of the world data on g1, including the newly obtained data. | ||||
Study of effects due to quark transversal polarization. Transversity at longitudinally and transversally polarized p and d targets | ||||
Measurements of the gluon contribution to the nucleon spin using the channels with charmed particles and pairs of hadrons | ||||
Measurement of spin transfer of lambda hyperons. Joining, finalization and presentation of the results | ||||
Measurement of polarization of u-, d- and s-quarks. Joining, finalization and presentation of the results | ||||
Measurement of spin density matrix of rho mesons | ||||
Study of Primakov reactions | ||||
1.3 | Preparation of a new project of an experiment dedicated to study of generalized structure functions of nucleons (GPD). Simulation and design of the detectors |
2. | HERMES |
2.1 | Maintenance of the DVC mini drift chambers |
2.2 | Measurement of polarization of u-, d- and s-quarks in NLO QCD |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leaders: | E.A. Strokovsky A.G. Litvinenko |
Germany (Munich, LMU), Georgia (Tbilisi, IHEPI TSU), Poland (Cracow, JU), Ukraine (Kiev, BITP NASU).
The main goals of the project are 1) search for manifestations of polarized hidden strangeness of nucleons in production of f and w mesons in proton-proton and neutron-proton interactions; 2) search for production of exotic pentaquark baryons, including the ones with positive strangeness, in nucleon-nucleon interactions at intermediate energies. For that reason, a multipurpose magnetic spectrometer NIS with a time-of-flight particle identification system is being constructed, which will be capable of providing an exclusive registration of high multiplicity events. It is being assembled in a beam line of the JINR Nuclotron; the beginning of the measurement is planned for 2007. Staff from several JINR laboratories, member states, and other foreign centers takes part in the project.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Commissioning and calibration of the spectrometer |
1.1 | Commissioning of the time-of-flight and trigger systems and data acquisition system, finalization of the electronic instrumentation. Production of a part of electronics for MDK-1 | |||
1.2 | Complex commissioning of the spectrometer, calibration at the Nuclotron beam in binary reactions, start of the measurement of the p(p,f pp) reaction | |||
2. | Measurement of f meson production cross section; start of the search form 5q-baryon |
2.1 | Commissioning of the MDK-1 and its readout electronics | |||
2.2 | Production of MDK-2 and its readout electronics | |||
2.3 | Data taking of the p(p,f pp) reaction, and analysis of the results | |||
3. | Measurement of f and w production cross sections. A search of pentaquark signals |
3.1 | Commissioning of the MDK-2 and its readout electronics | |||
3.2 | Extension of the time-of-flight and trigger systems in order to increase the detector acceptance | |||
3.3 | Production and commissioning of MDK-3 and its readout electronics. | |||
3.4 | Continuation of data taking devoted to f and w production, continuation of the searches for pentaquark signals. Data analysis and the first publications | |||
4.0 | VBLHE | |||
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leaders: | A.N. Sissakian A.S. Sorin A.D. Kovalenko |
Bulgaria (Sofia, INRNE BAS, ISSP BAS), Czech Republic (Liberec, TUL; Prague, CU; Turnov, "COMPAS"), Finland (Turku, UT), Germany (Darmstadt, GSI; Frankfurt/Main, GU; Erlangen, FAU), Japan (Nagoya, Nagoya Univ.), JINR (Dubna, LIT, LRB), Kazakhstan (Almaty, PTI MS-NAS RK), Moldova (Kishinev, SUM); Poland (Warsaw, ETI; Wroclaw, ILTSR PAS; Otwock-Swierk, IAE), Romania (Bucharest, IFIN-HH, INOE2000, INCDIE ICPE-CA), Russia (Kazan, Compressormach; Moscow, IPP RAS, LPI RAS, MRTI RAS, Cryogenmash, Geliymash, RRC KI, VNIINM, IBMP RAS; Novosibirsk, BINP SB RAS; Tomsk, NPI TPU; Troitsk, INR RAS; Protvino, IHEP), South Africa (Cape Town, UCT), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, IMS SAS), Sweden (Stockholm, SU), Ukraine (Kiev, BITP NASU); USA (Upton, BNL).
Investigation of the mixed phase formation problem in strongly interacting nuclear matter at extremely high nuclear densities and polarization phenomena in few-body nucleon systems. Development of theoretical models of the processes and theoretical support of the experiments. Development of the Nuclotron as the basis for study of relativistic nuclear collisions over atomic mass range A = 1-238. Preparation of the project of the nuclear collider and multipurpose particle detector at heavy ion colliding beams (NICA/MPD) and staged realization. Experiments at the Nuclotron nuclear and polarized deuteron beams.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Development of the Nuclotron accelerator complex aimed at generation of heavy ion and intense polarized deuteron beams |
1.1 | Upgrade of highly charged heavy ion source KRION |
1.2 | Works on the construction of heavy ion pre-accelerator, including injection and extraction lines |
1.3 | Upgrade of vacuum system of the Nuclotron ring |
1.4 | Modernization of quench detection and energy damp systems of structural magnets |
1.5. | Upgrade of the electronics and beam RF capture system |
1.6. | Partial reconstruction of beam extraction line for transportation heavy ion beams at maximum energies |
1.7 | Extraction system for beams of heavy nuclei at maximum energies |
1.8 | Power supplies of injection line, slow extraction and magnetic elements placed at building 205 |
1.9 | Upgrade of automated control, diagnostics and monitoring system of beam parameters and accelerator complex |
1.10 | Improvement of radiation shield along beam extraction line |
1.11 | Closed circuit of liquid nitrogen cooling system for the Nuclotron magnet cryostat system |
1.12 | Experiments at the Nuclotron on investigation of the beam dynamics, minimization of particle loss at all stages of the cycle |
1.13 | Commissioning and test works during the Nuclotron runs |
1.14 | Acceleration and extraction beams of heavy ion beams at Nuclotron |
1.15 | Design, construction and put into operation of high intensity polarized deuteron source, development of polarization technologies |
2. | Theoretical investigations on the specified problems **) |
2.1 | Development of the models for description of the properties of excited nuclear media under high temperatures and compression, dynamics of nuclear interactions at extreme dense baryon matter | |||
2.2 | Analysis of possible signals of phase transitions and, in particular, study of polarization for hyperons and dileptons as an order parameter in the mixed phase of nuclear matter | |||
3. | Preparation of the project of heavy ion collider (NICA) and its staged realization **) |
3.1 | R&D work, optimization of the collider scheme aimed at reaching √ sNN = 4÷ 9 Gev and averaged luminosity of 1·1027 ñì-2ñ-1 for heavy ions |
3.2 | Preparation of the Technical design Report |
3.3 | R&D work and construction of model pulsed superconducting magnets with the field up to 6 T |
3.4 | Engineering design, staged production of the collider system elements |
4. | Preparation of the project of detector (MPD) and its staged realization **) |
4.1 | Modeling of the specified processes |
4.2 | R&D work, optimization of the detector scheme |
4.3 | Engineering design, staged production of the detector system elements |
5. | Obtaining of the experimental data at the Nuclotron nuclear and polarized deuteron beams, important for the MPD design and construction |
È Ò Î Ã Î: |
Â Ñ Å Ã Î íà 2007 — 2009 ãã.: |
The Nuclotron operation cost is not included.
*) including additional budgetary financial contribution for the Nuclotron development of 500 k$ in 2007,
625 k$ - in 2008 and 780 k$ - in 2009.
**) advanced financial support of R&D work and engineering design of NICA/MPD system, including non-budgetary contribution.
Leaders: | N.M. Piskunov G. Martinska |
Belarus (Minsk, INP BSU), Bulgaria (Sofia, INRNE BAS, UCTM), Czech Republic (Prague, CU, CTU; Rez, NPI ASCR), France (Saclay, SPhN CEA DAPNIA), Georgia (Tbilisi, IHEPI TSU), Germany (Dresden, TUD; Julich, FZJ), Italy (Trieste, INFN), Japan (Hiroshima, Hiroshima Univ.; Osaka, RCNP), JINR (Dubna, LIT, BLTP, DLNP, LPP), Poland (Lodz, FPCh UL; Otwock-Swierk, SINS), Russia (Gatchina, PNPI RAS; Moscow, LPI RAS, RRC KI; Troitsk, INR RAS), Slovak Republic (Kosice, IEP SAS, UPJS), Sweden (Uppsala, UU), Switzerland (Geneva, UniGe; Villigen, PSI), Ukraine (Kharkov, KFTI NASU; Kiev, BITP NASU), USA (Newport News, JLab; Norfol, NSU; Williamsburg, W\&M), Uzbekistan (Tashkent, INP UAS, Assoc.’`P.-S.'' PTI).
Study of charge-exchange processes in dp interactions. Study of polarization characteristics of different reactions with polarized and nonpolarized deuterons and nucleons in inclusive, exclusive and correlation experiments (PPM, DELTA-SIGMA). Study of highly excited nuclear matter and collectivity effects in nuclear medium; delta and other nucleonic resonance excitations on protons and nuclei. Study of spin-spin correlations in pp elastic scattering. Study of the threshold production and rare decays of light mesons. Modernization of the polarized proton target to study polarization characteristics of NN and dN interactions. Detector development for relativistic nuclei and polarization experiments at the Nuclotron (DELTA-SIGMA), PSI, CEBAF (Hall A), COSY.
First measurements of complete set of the np spin observables at 0 o - L(np),
T(np), A00kk(np), A00nn(np) and Rdp (the total np cross section differences and spin-correlation parameters), using longitudinal (L) and transverse (T) polarized and unpolarized targets as well as quasimonochromatic relativistic 1-6 GeV neutron beams. Data on energy dependences of these observables allow to determine the forward scattering NN amplitudes, for the first time over this energy region. Comparison of the obtained data with QCD motivated calculations.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | STRELA |
1.1 | Upgrade of the setup | |||
1.2 | Data taking | |||
1.3 | Data processing and analysis. Participation in conferences. | |||
2.1 | Upgrade of the setup (Electronics). | |||
2.2 | Data taking | |||
2.3 | Data processing and analysis. Participation in conferences. | |||
3. | ALPOM | |||
3.1 | Testing POMME polarimeter. | |||
3.2 | Data taking | |||
3.3 | Data processing and analysis. Participation in conferences. | |||
4. | MPT |
4.1 | Modernization of the polarized proton target. | |||
4.2 | Operation, participation in runs. | |||
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | A.I. Malakhov |
Deputy: | E.B. Plekhanov |
Armenia (Yerevan, YerPhI, YSU), Australia (Sydney, Univ.), Azerbaijan (Baku, IP ANAS), Belarus (Minsk, IP NASB), Bulgaria (Sofia, SU, INRNE BAS, RAC BAS, UCTM), CERN (Geneva), China (Beijing, IHEP CAS, CIAE; Wuhan, HZNU), Czech Republic (Prague, CU, CTU; Plzen, ``Skoda``; Rez, NPI ASCR, NRI), Democratic People's Republic of Korea (Pyongyang, INE SCNR), Egypt (Cairo, NRC AEA; Giza, CU), France (Strasbourg, CRN), Georgia (Tbilisi, TSU, IHEPI TSU, IP GAS), Germany (Darmstadt, TUD; Karlsruhe, Univ.; Marburg, Univ.; Siegen, Univ.; Julich, FZJ), Greece (Thessaloniki, AUTH), Japan (Osaka, RCNP; Tsukuba, Univ.; Tokyo, UT), JINR (Dubna, DLNP, LPP, LIT, BLTP, FLNP, LRB, SOD), India (Shillong, NEHU; Jaipur, Univ.), Italy (Catania, Univ., INFN LNS; Turin, INFN), Kazakhstan (Almaty, PTI MS-NAS RK, INP NNC RK), Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar, IPT MAS), Montenegro (Podgorica, Univ.), Poland (Cracow, NINP PAS; Lodz, UL; Lublin, IP MCSU; Otwock-Swierk, SINS, IAE; Warsaw, SINS, WU, ETI, FP WUT, IRE WUT, IEP WU), Romania (Bucharest, UB, IFIN-HH, INCDIE ICPE-CA, ISS), Russia (Gatchina, PNPI RAS; Dimitrovgrad, RIAR; Dubna, ``Dubna'' Univ.; Moscow, SINP MSU, MSU, LPI RAS, ITEP, MEPhI, RRC KI, VNIINM, VNIIAM, KIAM RAS, Rusatom; Novosibirsk, BINP SB RAS; Obninsk, IPPE; Ozersk, ``Mayak Plant''; Protvino, IHEP; St. Petersburg, BSTU ``VOENMECH'', KRI; Sarov, VNIIEF; Tomsk, NPI TPU; Troitsk, INR RAS; Vladivostok, FENU), Serbia (Belgrade, Univ.), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, CU, IP SAS; Kosice, UPJS), Spain (Barcelona, UB), Sweden (Lund, LU; Stockholm, KTH), Tajikistan (Dushanbe, TGNU, PTI TAS), Ukraine (Kharkov, KFTI NASU, KNU, ISC NASU; Kiev, BITP NASU, INR NASU), USA (Berkeley, Berkeley Lab; Iowa City, UI; Los Alamos, LANL; Upton, BNL), Uzbekistan (Samarkand, SSU; Tashkent, INP UAS, Assoc.``P.-S.'' PTI), Vietnam (Hanoi, IP NCST).
Experiments on cumulative particle production and correlated phenomena. Search for manifestation of quark-gluon degrees of freedom in collisions of relativistic nuclei and phase transitions in nuclei and exotic Experiments on cumulative particle production and correlated phenomena. Search for manifestation of quark-gluon degrees of freedom in collisions of relativistic nuclei and phase transitions in nuclei and exotic resonances. Study of nuclear multifragmentation processes and hyper- and -nuclei production. Cumulative particle production by tenzor polarized deuterons. Asymptotics in nuclear collisions and nucleon clusters. Development of the data base of the bubble chamber data. Detector development for relativistic heavy-ion experiments. Investigation of the 3He spin structure. Study of fragmentation of light stable and radioactive nuclei in emulsions including irradiation of emulsion stacks with beams of secondary nuclei.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | GIBS |
1.1 | Upgrade of the setup (Electronics) | |||
1.2 | Data processing and analysis | |||
1.3 | Data processing and analysis. Participation in conferences | |||
2. | DELTA-2 |
2.1 | Upgrade of experimental installation under the program of the project | |||
2.2 | Preparation and the beginning of researches on studying properties strong interaction matters | |||
2.3 | Data taking (2.1 & 2.2) | |||
2.4 | Data processing and analysis. Participation in conferences | |||
3. | NA49 |
3.1 | Data taking | |||
3.2 | Data processing and analysis. Participation in conferences | |||
4. | LNS |
4.1 | Upgrade of the setup (Electronics) | |||
4.2 | Data taking | |||
4.3 | Development of programs of processing and modeling | |||
4.4 | Data processing and analysis. Participation in conferences | |||
5. | pHe3 |
5.1 | Upgrade of the setup (Electronics) | |||
5.2 | Data taking | |||
5.3 | Data processing and analysis. Participation in conferences | |||
5.4 | Preparation new project | |||
6. | PHENIX |
6.1 | Upgrade of the setup | |||
6.2 | Data processing and analysis | |||
7. |
![]() |
7.1 | Upgrade of the setup (Electronics) | |||
7.2 | Construction and production of neutron detector | |||
7.3 | Data processing and analysis. Participation in conferences | |||
8.1 | Upgrade of the setup | |||
8.2 | Data processing and analysis. Participation in conferences | |||
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | A.I. Malakhov |
Belarus (Minsk, NC PHEP BSU), Czech Republic (Prague, IMMC ASCR; Rez, NRI), Cyprus (Nicosia, UCY), Germany (Darmstadt, GSI; Frankfurt/Main, GU; Giessen, JLUHeidelberg, Univ.; Munich, TUM; Rossendorf, FZR), Italy (Catania, INFN LNS; Milan, Unimi), Hungary (Debrecen, DE), JINR (Dubna, BLTP, FLNP, LIT), Poland, (Cracow, JU). Portugal (Coimbra Univ.), Russia (Moscow, ITEP, IC RAS, MEPhI; Chernogolovka, ISMAN; Troitsk, INR RAS), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, SAS), Spain (Santiago de Compostela, USC; Valencia, IFIC), USA (Williamsburg,, W\&M; Norfol,, NSU)
.A high-acceptance high-resolution spectrometer for electron pair detection in heavy-ion collisions is under construction at SIS (Darmstadt). The physics motivation includes the investigation of in-medium modification of light vector mesons (ρ, ω, f ) as well as the study of the dilepton continium below the ρ/ω -region in hot dense hadronic matter. The main detector components include a ring-imaging Cherenkov detector (RICH) for electron identification, a superconducting magnet with toroidal geometry, a drift chamber system for tracking before and behind the field region and an electron trigger array with time-of-flight measurement and shower detection. The spectrometer has the geometric acceptance of almost 50% for the electron pair and a mass resolution of 1.0% in the ρ/ω -region. Special attention will be paid to the investigation of different aspects of dilepton and photon radiation from a hot and dense nuclear medium, dilepton sources in nuclear interactions, asymmetry and anisotropy of dielectrons and photons. High-resolution low-mass multilayer drift chambers for the central part of the HADES spectrometer were constructed at VBLHE JINR. The analogue readout electronics with high density of integration and low power dissipation was developed at VBLHE; mass production of this electronics was carried out for the drift chamber system of the spectrometer. The track-finding software in the drift chamber system and data analysis are in progress. Research and development of new Position Sensitive Detectors with high spatial resolution.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | HADES |
1.1 | Participation in further development and application of the track-finding and track-fitting software for the drift chamber system, participation in the experimental p/p (2.5-3.5 GeV) program and data analysis | |||
1.2 | Participation in drift chambers, FEE and trigger upgrade of HADES spectrometer, participation in experimental program (p/p and light nuclei) | |||
1.3 | Participation in HADES upgrade for experiments on SIS-100, participation in experimental program with heavy nuclei | |||
1.4 | R&D on fast gas detector based on 2 and 3 stage GEM | |||
1.5 | Development of FEE, readout electronics and software | |||
1.6 | Testing of Detectors in a laboratory and on the beam | |||
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leaders: | R. Lednicky Yu.A. Panebratsev |
Deputy: | D.A. Arkhipkin |
Armenia (Yerevan, YerPhI), Azerbaijan (Baku, ANAS, IP ANAS), Brazil (San Paulo, USP), CERN (Geneva), Czech Republic (Prague, CU; Liberec, TU; Rez, NRI; Turnov, “COMPAS''), Germany (Heidelberg, Univ., MPI-K), Israel (Rehovot, WIS), France (Nantes, SUBATECH), India (Jaipur, Univ.), JINR (Dubna, LIT, BLTP), Kazakhstan (Almaty, PTI MS-NAS RK), Montenegro (Podgorica, Univ.), Romania (Bucharest, IFIN-HH), Russia (Moscow, MEPhI; Novosibirsk, BINP SB RAS; ITEP; Protvino, IHEP; St. Petersburg, SPbSU), Serbia (Belgrade, INS ``VINCA''), Slovak Republic (Kosice, UPJS), USA (Argonne, ANL; Bloomington, IU; Berkeley, Berkeley Lab; Detroit, MI, WSU; New Haven, Yale Univ.; Upton, BNL; University Park, Penn State; Seattle, UW
).Investigation of the properties of nuclear matter with extremely high density and temperature, search for the signs of the quark deconfinement and possible phase transitions at the collisions of heavy nuclei at the energies of the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Measurement of spin dependent structure functions of nucleons and nuclei using polarized RHIC beams.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Data taking on heavy ion and polarized proton collisions in the STAR experiment at RHIC |
2. | Study of the photon spectrum in AuAu and dAu collisions at √sNN = 200 GeV in order to estimate the temperature of the produced fireball |
2.1 | Measurement of the ratio of the inclusive photon spectra in AuAu and dAu in collisions | |||
2.2 | Measurement of the photon yields in the energy range 40 – 160 MeV | |||
3.0 | Study of the heavy quark production in AuAu, dAu and pp collisions in the energy range √sNN = 65 - 200 GeV |
4.0 | Study of event structure, collective variables, correlation characteristics, femtosopic correlation functions and high pt processes |
5.0 | Measurement of spin dependent structure functions of nucleons and nuclei. |
6. | Energy scan program to search for the QCD critical point |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Project leader: | A.S. Vodopianov |
Armenia (Yerevan, YerPhI), Bulgaria(Sofia, SU), CERN (Geneva), China (Beijing, CIAE; Wuhan, HZNU), Croatia (Zagreb, RBI), Czech Republic (Prague, IP ASCR; Rez, NPI ASCR), Denmark (Copenhagen, NBI), France (Clermont-Ferrand, LPC-CF; Orsay, IPN Orsay; Lyon, UCBL; Nantes, SUBATECH; Strasbourg, CRN; Saclay, SPhN CEA DAPNIA), Georgia (Tbilisi, IHEPI TSU, IP GAS), Germany (Darmstadt, GSI; Heidelberg, Univ.; Frankfurt/Main, GU; Marburg, Univ.; Munster, Univ.), Greece (Athens, Univ.), Hungary (Budapest, KFKI RMKI), JINR (Dubna, BLTP), India (Aligarh, AMU; Bhubaneswar, IP; Calcutta, VECC; SINP; Chandigarh, PU; Jammu, Univ.), Italy (Alessandria, Univ.; Bari, INFN; Bologna, INFN; Cagliari, INFN; Catania, Univ., INFN LNS; Legnaro, INFN LNL; Padua, INFN; Rome, INFN; Salerno, INFN; Turin, INFN), Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar, IPT MAS), Netherlands (Amsterdam, NIKHEF; Utrecht, RU), Norway (Bergen, UiB; Oslo, UiO), Poland (Cracow, NINP PAS; Warsaw, ETI, SINS), Republic of Korea (Kangnung, KNU), Romania (Bucharest, ISS), Russia (Gatchina, PNPI RAS; Novosibirsk, BINP SB RAS; Moscow, ITEP, MEPhI, RRC KI; Troitsk, INR RAS; Protvino, IHEP; St. Petersburg, SPbSU; Sarov, VNIIEF), Slovak Republic(Bratislava, CU; Kosice, UPJS), South Africa (Cape Town, UCT), Sweden (Lund, LU), Switzerland (Lausanne, EPFL), United Kingdom (Birmingham, Univ.), Ukraine (Kharkov, KFTI NASU; Kiev, BITP NASU), USA (Columbus, OSU; Oak Ridge, ORNL).
Experimental research of heavy ions interactions at relativistic and ultrarelativistic energy.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | ALICE |
1.1 | Participation in the development and manufacture of detectors for the ALICE setup | |||
1.2 | Preparation of the physics research programme for LHC | |||
2. | TRD/ALICE | |||
2.1 | Constructing and testing at JINR of 24 TRD chambers, transportation to Germany and testing | |||
2.2 | Participation in assembling and testing of TRD Super Modules, integration to ALICE setup, testing on the beam | |||
2.3 | Participation in experimental data taking at CERN and data analysis | |||
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | A.A. Baldin |
Bulgaria (Sofia, INRNE BAS), Czech Republic (Rez, NRI), Germany (Darmstadt, GSI; Frankfurt/Main, GU), Georgia (Tbilisi, IP GAS), JINR (Dubna, LIT, DLNP, BLTP, LPP), Romania (Bucharest, UB; Constanta, UOC), Russia (Moscow, ITEP; St. Petersburg, FIP; Troitsk, INR RAS; Protvino, IHEP), Ukraine (Kiev, INR NASU).
Development of the MARUSYA setup and experiments with extracted beams of Nuclotron. Investigation of rare subthreshold and cumulative processes of hadronic production, antimatter production. Investigation of spin phenomena in the transition regime and single spin asymmetries. Analysis of the obtained experimental data on the production of very low energy fragments.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Marusya |
1.1 | Modernization of the setup (Electronics) | |||
Upgrade of system of taking and data processing | ||||
Analysis of the methodical result of the magnet-optical spectrometer operation on the basis of the measured maps of magnetic fields and experimental investigations | ||||
Development of the new TOF system, upgrade of the data collection and processing system | ||||
1.2 | Preparation and the beginning of researches on studying properties strong interaction matters | |||
1.3 | Data taking | |||
1.4 | Data processing and analysis. Participation in conferences | |||
1.5 | Preparation new project | |||
1.6 | Creation of base of experimental data on subthreshold and cumulative processes | |||
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leaders: | N.N. Agapov E.A. Krasavin G.V. Mytsin J. Ruzicka |
Australia (Sydney, Univ.), Bulgaria (Sofia, INRNE BAS), Belarus (Minsk, JIPNR-Sosny NASB), Czech Republic (Prague, NRI), Greece (Thessaloniki, AUTH), JINR (Dubna, LIT, DLNP, FLNR, LRB, UC), Poland (Warsaw, FP WUT; Cracow, NINP PAS; Otwock-Swierk, IAE), Russia (Obninsk, MRRC RAMS; Dubna, RDH-9, BSINP MSU; Tomsk, TPU), Romania (Bucharest, ISS, U.M.F.``Carol Davila'', INCDIE ICPE-CA), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, UNMS SR, CU), USA (Dallas, UT; Libertyville, STERIS Corporation).
The main goal of the theme is creation of Biomedical technical complex on the base of accelerator of protons and ions of VBLHE and carrying out research program on the field of medical biology and oncology therapy. On the first stage it is considered development of new equipment for ion beam shaping and monitoring.
Research programme on the field of molecular biology besides other topics includes studying of the changes in the structure of genes of both animal and human under heavy ion irradiation with a wide range of linear transfer of energy.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Med - Nuclotron | |||
1.1 | Medico-biological research | |||
1.2 | Upgrade of the Setup | |||
Total : | ||||
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
01 02 03 04 05 |
Project leader: | G.G. Gulbekyan |
Project scientific leader: | Yu.Ts. Oganessian |
Bulgaria (Sofia, INRNE BAS, RAC BAS), Czech Republic (Prague, VP,
CU; Rez, NPI ASCR), France (Orsay, IPN Orsay; Caen, GANIL), JINR (Dubna, DLNP, LIT), Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar, NRC NUM), Romania (Bucharest, ”N&V”), Russia (Gatchina, PNPI RAS; Sarov, VNIIEF), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, SUT; Nova Dubnica, EEPI), Uzbekistan (Samarkand, SSU). Producing of beams of exotic light neutron-deficient and neutron-rich nuclei in reactions with light ions, producing of uranium photofission fragments, isotope separation, development of ion sources and charge breeders, design of beam transportation systems.
Acceleration of radioactive ions on the FLNR cyclotron U400 and producing of monochromatic beams of light À=4 ÷ 30 radioactive ions with energy Å=1 ÷ 18 MeV/A.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Development of ion sources |
2. | Optimization of beam transportation to experimental set-ups |
3. | R&D of a target and separator for producing photofission fragments, study of yields of photofission fragments at the MT25 microtron |
4. | Development of beam control and diagnostic systems |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | M.G. Itkis |
Scientific leader: | Yu.Ts. Oganessian |
Armenia (Yerevan, YerPhI), Belarus(Minsk, JIPNR-Sosny NASB), Belgium (Brussels, ULB), Bulgaria (Plovdiv, PU; Sofia, INRNE BAS, ISSP BAS, RAC BAS), China (Lanzhou, IMP CAS), Czech Republic (Prague, VP; Rez, NPI ASCR), Finland (Jyvaskyla, UJ), France (Caen, GANIL; Grenoble, ILL; Orsay, CSNSM; Saclay, SPhN CEA DAPNIA, Strasbourg, CRN), Germany (Berlin, HMI; Darmstadt, GSI; Frankfurt/Main, GU; Mainz, JGU; Munich, TUM; Tubingen, Univ.), Italy (Catania, INFN LNS; Legnaro, INFN LNL; Messina, Univ.; Milan, Unimi; Padua, INFN), Japan (Kobe, Kobe Univ.;
Tokyo, TM CAE; Wako, RIKEN), JINR (Dubna, LIT,BLTP, DLNP), Kazakhstan (Almaty, INP NNC RK, KNU), Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar, NUM), Poland (Cracow, NINP PAS; Poznan, IP AMU, PUT; Warsaw, HIL WU, IEP WU, INChT, SINS), Republic of Korea (Seoul, Konkuk Univ.), Romania (Bucharest, IFIN-HH, UB), Russia, (Cheboksary, CSU; Dimitrovgrad, RIAR; Gatchina, PNPI RAS; Novosibirsk, IAE SB RAS; Moscow, GEOKHI RAS, MEPhI, MUCTR, RRC KI, SINP MSU, VNIINM; Obninsk, IPPE; Omsk, OmSU; Sarov, VNIIEF, St. Petersburg, KRI, SPbSU; Troitsk, INR RAS, ISAN; Voronezh, VSU), Serbia (Belgrade, INS “VINCA”), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, CU, IP SAS), Slovenia (Ljubljana, UL), Switzerland (Villigen, PSI), Ukraine(Kiev, BITP NASU, INR NASU), United Kingdom (Birmingham, Univ.; Manchester, Univ.), USA (Berkeley, Berkeley Lab.; College Station, Texas A\&M; Dallas, SMU; Idaho-Falls, INEEL; Livermore, LLNL; Nashville, VU), Uzbekistan (Tashkent, INP UAS), Vietnam (Hanoi, IPE VAST).Synthesis and investigation of nuclear and chemical properties of new elements. Investigation of nuclei close to the nucleon drip line. Study of nuclear reactions using radioactive nuclei beams. Investigation of the dynamics of spontaneous and induced fission. Nuclear and laser spectroscopy studies of heavy isotopes. Experimental and theoretical study of the mechanism of nuclear interactions and of the decay of heavy compound nuclei.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Experiments on the synthesis of new elements with Z > 118 using the Dubna gas filled separator with the sensitivity 0.5 pb |
2. | Investigation of chemical properties of superheavy elements. Experiments on chemical isolation and identification of the new elements with Z=112 and 114 produced in 48Ca + 244Pu reactions |
3. | Study of energy, mass and angular distributions of fission and quasifission fragments in coincidence with γ-quanta and neutrons in 50Ti, 54Cr, 58Fe, 64Ni + (actinide targets) reactions using the CORSET+DEMON set-up |
4. |
α-, β- γ-spectroscopy of transfermium isotopes produced in heavy ion induced reactions at the VASSILISSA+GABRIELA set-up. R&D and construction of a separator at the beam of U400MR for spectroscopic investigations of heavy isotopes |
5. | Study of the manifestation of shell effects in the entrance channel of symmetric reactions like 86Kr + 136Xe, 136Xe + 136Xe using physical and radiochemical methods |
6. | Investigation of yields and properties of neutron rich isotopes and production of radioactive ion beams at the COMBAS separator |
7. | Investigation of reactions with light radioactive nuclei, investigation of proton halos in neutron pure nuclides, investigation of resonance states of 10Íå in using the high resolution beam line ACCULINNA |
8. | Investigation of exotic spontaneous and induced fission modes of heavy nuclei using the upgraded FOBOS set-up |
9. | Experiments on the study of subbarrier fusion and transfer reactions of 6He and 8He using multidetector systems. Study of elastic and inelastic scattering of 6,8He using γ-quanta and neutron detectors |
10. | Charge radii measurements of heavy isotopes using laser spectroscopy |
11. | Experiments on the mass measurement of heavy Db isotopes produced in 48Ca + 243Am using the MASHA set-up. Launching of the separator in on-line mode at the beams of U400MR |
12. | Experiments on the search for superheavy elements in osmium samples using neutron multiplicity detectors in the Modane (France) underground laboratory |
13. |
Theoretical study of mechanisms of heavy ion induced reactions. Developing, filling and supporting the nuclear physics knowledge base allocated in the Web |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | G.G. Gulbekyan |
Belgium (Leuven, K.U.Leuven; Louvain-la-Neuve, IBA), Bulgaria (Sofia, RAC BAS); China (Lanzhou, IMP AS), Czech Republic (Prague, CU, VP; Rez, NPI ASCR); Egypt (Cairo, AASTMT), France (Caen, GANIL; Grenoble, ISN), Germany (Darmstadt, GSI), Italy (Catania, INFN LNS), JINR (Dubna, DLNP, LIT, LPP, VBLHE, LRB), Kazakhstan (Almaty, INP NNC RK), Poland (Cracow, NINP; Warsaw, HIL WU), Romania (Bucharest, IFIN-HH), Russia (Vladimir, ELMAG; Moscow, ITEP, GPI RAS; Nizhny Novgorod, IAP RAS; St. Petersburg, KPI, NIIEFA); Serbia (Belgrade, INS “VINCA”), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, IMS SAS; Nova Dubnica, EEPI), Ukraine (Kiev, INR NASU).
Development of the FLNR cyclotron complex U400M - U400M for producing intensive beams of accelerated ions with energies up to 100 MeV/n.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Development of accelerator complex U400 – U400M |
2. | R&D of high-performance ion sources |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leaders: | V.B. Brudanin A. Kovalik |
Armenia (Yerevan, YSU), Belarus (Minsk, NC PHEP BSU), Belgium (Leuven, K.U.Leuven), Bulgaria (Sofia, INRNE BAS, SU; Plovdiv, PU), Czech Republic (Prague, CTU; Rez, NRI), Finland (Helsinki, SEFT; Jyvaskyla, UJ), France (Orsay, CSNSM, LAL), Germany (Halle, MLU; Heidelberg, MPI-K; Mainz, JGU; Tubingen, Univ.), Hungary (Budapest, KFKI RMKI), Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar, NRC NUM), Poland (Cracow, NINP PAS, IP JU, FPNT AGH; Lublin, IP MCSU; Warsaw, SINS), Romania (Bucharest, IFIN – HH, UB), Russia (Gatchina, PNPI RAS; Voronezh, VSU; Moscow, RRC KI, MEPhI, PFUR, ITEP, SINP MSU, MSU, INTRA; Troitsk, INR RAS; St. Petersburg, KRI, SPbSU, IPTI RAS; Sarov, VNIIEF; Tomsk, NPI TPU, IHCE SB RAS; Yekaterinburg, IEP UB RAS), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, CU), Spain(Valencia, UV), Sweden (Uppsala, UU), Ukraine (Kiev, INR NASU), USA (Durham, NC, Duke, Gainesville, FL, UF; Irvine, CA, UCIrvine, Livermore, CA, LLNL), Uzbekistan (Tashkent, INP UAS, IAP NUU, NUU; Samarkand, SSU).
Investigation of fundamental interactions in nuclei at low energies. Investigation of phenomenology of supersymmetry and other theories in the neutrino mass problem, rare decays and dark matter problem. Study of weak and electromagnetic properties of neutrinos. Investigations of 2β-decays in nuclei. Study of processes with light nuclei at very low energies with plasma accelerators. Development of technique for diagnostic of creation of the dense plasma flows. Spectroscopy of nuclei far from band of beta-stability. Development of new techniques for detection of neutral and charged particles.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Search for 2b 0n decay and study of 2b 2n decays (TGV, NEMO, G&M) |
1.1 | Research and development of muon veto for GERDA spectrometer |
1.2 | Development and construction of scintillator calorimeter BiPo for measurements of very low-level contaminations in construction materials. |
Measurement of pollution of constructional of spectrometers NEMO, GERDA, SuperNEMO. |
1.3 | Study of 2β processes in decays of 100Mo, 106Cd, 82Se, 76Ge. Data taking and data development from spectrometers TGV, NEMO |
2. | Search for dark matter (DM-GTF and EDELWEISS projects) |
2.1 | Completion of data taking and data analysis in DM-GTF |
2.2 | Development and construction of a high-sensitivity Radon detector |
2.3 | Development and construction of a low background neutron detector |
2.4 | Creation of doped beta sources for calibrations |
2.5 | Dark matter search. Data taking and data analysis |
3. | Measurement of neutrino magnetic moment (GEMMA) |
3.1 | Upgrade of spectrometer GEMMA |
3.2 | Development and construction of neutrino monitor for reactor at KAPP |
3.3 | Measurement of antineutrino magnetic moment. Data taking and development |
4. | Study of processes with light nuclei at very low energies (LESI) |
4.1 | Upgrade of high-current Hall’s ion accelerator |
4.2 | Creation of multi-parameter system for diagnostics of development of intense flows of plasma |
4.3 | Development and construction of charged particle detectors |
4.4 | Measurements of astrophysics S-factors and effective cross sections of dd-,pd- and d3He reactions at ultra-low energies (~keV) |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | D.A. Mzhavia |
Azerbaijan (Baku, IP ANAS), Belarus (Minsk, NC PHEP BSU, INP BSU), Bulgaria (Sofia, SU), Croatia (Zagreb, RBI), Canada (Vancouver, TRIUMF), Georgia (Tbilisi, IHEPI TSU), Germany (Aachen, RWTH; Heidelberg, Univ.; Julich, FZJ; Cologne, Univ.; Munster, Univ.; Rossendorf, FZR IKH; Stuttgart, MPI-MF), Italy (Frascatti, INFN LNF; Rome, Univ. I; Turin, INFN), JINR (Dubna, BLTP, FLNR, LIT), Netherlands (Delft, TUDelft), Poland (Otwock-Swierk, SINS), Russia (Alexandrov, VNIISIMS; Gatchina, PNPI RAS; Moscow, ITEP, GPI RAS, MSU, SINP MSU, RRC KI; Sarov, VNIIEF; Troitsk, INR RAS), Switzerland (Zurich, Univ., ETH; Villigen, PSI), USA (Charlottesville, UVa; Pittsburgh, Univ.; Tucson, UA).
The project comprises study of various pion and muon decays, study of spin-dependent reactions of light meson production in proton-proton and proton-deuteron collisions, study of short-range interaction dynamics in NN-system, preparation of the PAX experiment at GSI on measurement of the transverse quark distribution in transverse polarized proton, study of interaction of slow pions with lightest nuclei, search for meson decays forbidden by the Standard Model, study of interactions of muon in medium.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Precise study of rare pion and muon decays |
1.1 | Construction, assembly and beam tests of the electromagnetic calorimeter and tracking detector for the MEG experiment |
1.2 | Upgrade of the PEN spectrometer, data taking for π+→e+ν decay and analysis. |
2. | Spin physics at storage rings |
2.1 | Study of processes with high momentum transfer at COSY with polarized proton and deuteron beams |
2.2 | Preparation and carrying out the experiment on test of the method to polarize the beam proposed in the PAX project |
2.3 | Data handling, publication of the results |
3. | Study of the muon properties and the muon interactions with matter |
3.1 | Upgrade of the MUSPIN setup. Study of the property of magnetic nano-particles |
3.2 | Measurement of the g-factor of the negative muon bounded in atom |
3.3 | Study of the interaction of the accepter centers in semiconductors with diamond crystal structure by polarized negative muon |
4. | Study of interactions of pions with light nuclei |
4.1 | Detector renewal |
4.2 | Data taking and analysis |
5. | Study of the nuclear fusion reactions in muonic deuterium and tritium |
5.1 | Detector (TRITON with γ-detector) assembly, study radiative capture rate in deuterium muonic molecule |
5.2 | Upgrade of the TRITON setup and study of the mechanism of meso-molecule formation in solid deuterium |
5.3 | Construction a deuterium-tritium target for study of muon catalysis at super-high pressures and super high temperatures |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leaders: |
M.Yu. Kazarinov G.A. Karamysheva |
Scientific leader: | L.M. Onischenko |
Belgium (Louvain-la-Neuve, IBA), Japan (Wako, RIKEN), Poland (Cracow, NINP), Serbia (Belgrade, INS “VINCA”), USA (Los Alamos, LANL), Uzbekistan (Tashkent, INP UAS).
Physics experiments are carried out with extracted beams. Design and development of the beam channel for electronuclear investigation (SAD project) are planed. Variants of the beam channel for the eyes tumor treatment will be under investigation. Projects of the cyclotrons for radiological medicine: hadron therapy and PET isotope production are developing. Works on modernization of cyclotrons in Russia and abroad are planed.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Improvement of the JINR Phasotron and beam channels |
1.1 | Maintenance of the Phasotron and its beam channels for the scientific and applied researches |
1.2 | Modernization of the power equipment of the Phasotron |
1.3 | Modernization of the Phasotron beam channels control system |
1.4 | Development and construction of the proton beam channels |
2. | Research and development of the cyclotrons for medical applications |
2.1 | Conceptual design of the cyclotron for Proton Therapy C220. | |||
2.2 | Design and manufacture of the prototype of the PET cyclotron |
2.3 | Parameters improvement of the Cyclotron AIC-144 (Krakow, Poland). Increasing of the extraction energy to 62-63 MeV |
2.4. | Design of the superconducting Carbon/Proton therapy cyclotron Ñ400 (IBA, Belgium). |
2.5 | Modernization of Tver Cyclotron to remove the reasons of the beam intensity losses. |
3. | Research and development of the cyclotrons for scientific researches |
3.1 | Customs cyclotron design |
3.2 | Participation in starting up experiments on INS ``VINCA'' cyclotron. |
3.3 | Theoretical investigation and computer modeling for RIKEN/CNS AVF cyclotron (Japan). |
3.4 | Computer modeling of the systems for external injection into Phasotron |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
*- Financial support from outside sources
Leaders: |
V.N. Shvetsov V.G. Pyataev |
Bulgaria (Sofia, RAC BAS), Czech Republic (Prague, VP), Italy (Rome, ENEA), Republic of Korea (Taejon, KAERI), Russia (Moscow, MEPhI, RRC KI, SSDI, VNIINM; Novosibirsk, BINP SB RAS), Ukraine (Kharkov, KFTI NASU), USA (Washington, DOE).
Development of the project and construction of a new basic facility in JINR – IREN (Intense Resonance Neutron Source).
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Design and construction of nonmultiplying target and test bench for applied research |
2. | Revision of geodetic network of accelerator and reactor halls in bldg.43 |
3. | Design and creation of communication, fire alarm and fire extinguishing systems |
4. | Manufacturing of accelerator equipment |
5. | Equipping with component parts and assembling of main control panel and automated control system |
6. | Design, equipping with component parts and assembling of automated radiation control system of the 1st stage |
7. | Equipping with component parts and assembling of water-cooling and thermostabilisation systems |
8. | Equipping with component parts and assembling of power supply system |
9. | Assembling of accelerator equipment |
10. | Testing and starting of accelerator equipment components |
11. | Commissioning of accelerator |
12. | Repair of the IBR-30 reactor hall |
13. | Equipping with component parts and assembling of automated radiation control system of the 2st stage |
14. | Assembling of nonmultiplying target and test bench for applied research |
15. | Modernization of collimators and shutters in the wall of the reactor hall |
16. | Design and creation of gamma bremsstrahlung beam at the IREN facility |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leaders: | V.N. Shvetsov Yu.N. Kopatch |
Australia (Parkville, Univ.), Austria (Innsbruck, UI; Vienna, IAEA), Belarus (Minsk, JISSSP NASB), Belgium (Brussels, ULB; Geel, IRMM), Bulgaria (Plovdiv, PU; Sofia, INRNE BAS, RAC BAS), CERN (Geneva), China (Beijing, IHEP CAS, PTNNC), Czech Republic (Prague, CEI, CTU), Egypt (Cairo, AEA), Finland (Jyvaskyla, UJ), France (Cadarache CEC CEA; Grenobl, IBS, ILL; Saclay, LLB, SPhN CEA DAPNIA; Strasbourg, IReS), Georgia (Tbilisi, IP GAS), Germany (Darmstadt, GSI; TUD; Karlsruhe, FZK; Munich, TUM; Rossendorf, FZR; Tubingen, Univ.), Greece (Athens, AUA; Kalamata, N.AG.RE.F.), Italy (Rome, ENEA), Japan (Kyoto, KSU; Tsukuba, KEK), JINR (BLTP, DLNP, LIT, LRB, SPC “Aspect”), Latvia (Riga, FI LU), Macedonia (Skopje, UKM), Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar, NRC NUM), Netherlands (Delft, TUDelft), Norway (Trondheim, NTNU), Poland (Cracow, NINP PAS; Gdansk, GUT; Lodz, UL; Lublin, IP MCSU; Poznan, AMU; Warsaw, INChT), Republic of Korea (Pohang, PAL; Taejon, KAERI), Romania (Bucharest, IFIN-HH, UB; Constanta, INCDM, UOC; Iasi, UAIC; Oradea, UO; Pitesti, SCN; Rm. Valcea, ICSI, Targovice, UVT), Russia (Borok, IBIW RAS; Dubna, Univ. ”Dubna”; Gatchina, PNPI RAS; Irkutsk, LI SB RAS; Izhevsk, UdSU; Magnitogorsk, MagTU; Moscow, GIN RAS, IKI RAS, ITEP, MEPhI, MSU, RRC KI, SINP MSU; Obninsk, IPPE; Ozersk, “Mayak Plant”; Sarov, VNIIEF; Snezhinsk, VNIITF; St. Peterburg, FIP, KRI, Hermitage; Troitsk, INR RAS; Voronezh, VSU; Yekaterinburg, USTU-UPI), Serbia (Novi Sad, UNS), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, CU, IEE SAS, IP SAS; Zvolen, FRIS), South Africa (Pretoria, UNISA), Switzerland (Villigen, PSI), Turkey (Istanbul, BU), Ukraine (Kiev, BG NASU, INR NASU, NTSU), United Kingdom (London, CARE; NHM), USA (Durham, Duke; Los-Alamos, LANL; Oak-Ridge, ORNL), Vietnam (Hanoi, INEP HUT; INST; IPE VAST).
Use of UCN, cold, thermal, resonance and fast neutrons to study the fundamental properties of neutrons and atomic nuclei. Application of neutron physics methods in other fields of science and technology, development and creation of neutron and gamma-detectors.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Obtaining of new experimental data on characteristics of the neutron as an elementary particle |
1.1. | Carrying out of the first in the world experiment on direct measurement of n,n-scattering length at the JAGUAR reactor, Snezhinsk |
1.2. | Experiments with ultracold neutrons at ILL. Experimental verification of equivalence principle for the neutron. Investigation of interactions of neutrons with nanoparticles |
1.3. | Measurement of n-e scattering length bne and determination of mean-square charge neutron radius. Search for neutron-mirror neutron oscillations |
2. | Investigations of violations of fundamental symmetries in neutron-nucleus interactions |
2.1. | Experiment to verify time invariance in interactions of polarized neutrons with aligned nuclei at the source JSNS (Japan) |
2.2. |
Measurement of P-odd effect in total cross-section in interaction of cold polarized neutrons with natural lead and asymmetry of gamma-quanta from the reaction ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
3. | Investigations of properties of atomic nuclei |
3.1 | Search for rare modes of nuclear fission. Experiments to study ternary and quadruple fission. Search for ternary collinear decay (in cooperation with FLNR). Preparation of experiment to search for quinary decay |
3.2. | Mesurements of neutron – fission fragment angular correlations in fission of 252Cf |
4. | Preparation of experiments at IREN |
4.1. | Precision measurements of total neutron cross-section on nuclei with rare resonances to obtain new information on hypothetical long-range potential in the neutron-nucleus system |
4.2. | Search for negative p-wave resonances of lead isotopes and their relation with parity violation effects in interactions of polarized neutrons with lead |
4.3. | Investigation of dynamics of superfluid-normal transition in heated nuclei using precision gamma-spectroscopy to analyze two-quantum cascades of radiative decay of fissionable nuclei induced by thermal and resonance neutrons |
4.4. | Investigation of interference effects in reactions 35Cl(n,p)35S è 14N(n,p)14C in the resonance neutron energy range |
4.5. | Measurement of neutron cross-sections for purposes of reactor engineering, transmutation of nuclear wastes and nuclear astrophysics. |
4.6. | Creation of test bench for applied research at IREN |
5. | Applied research |
5.1. | Development of nuclear-physical techniques for element analysis of solids on accelerated particle beams of the electrostatic generator EG-5 | |||
5.2. | Modeling and calibration of neutron detectors for space vehicles Mars Science Laboratory 2009 and Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter 2008 | |||
5.3. | Project REGATA |
Total: |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Projects/stages of projects, which can be carried out in full only on condition of additional financing beyond the frames of the budget of the Laboratory, are italicized.
01 02 03 04 05 |
Leaders: | V.L. Aksenov
A.M. Balagurov |
Belarus (Minsk, BSU, INP BSU, JISSSP NASB, NC PHEP BSU, PMI NASB, RIPChP BSU), Bulgaria (Sofia, IMS BAS, INRNE BAS, ISSP BAS), Czech Republic (Prague, CTU, GPI ASCS, IG ASCR, IMMC ASCR; Rez, NPI ASCR), Finland (Espoo, TRC), France (Grenoble, IBS, ILL; Orsay, LAL; Saclay, LLB), Germany (Bayreuth, Univ.; Berlin, HMI; Bochum, RUB; Darmstadt, TUD; Dortmund, Univ.; Dresden, IZFP; Freiburg, Univ.; Hamburg, DESY; Julich, FZJ; Kiel, CAU; Leipzig, Univ.; Potsdam, GFZ; Saarbrucken, IZFP; Werdohl, “Krupp VDM”), Hungary (Budapest, KFKI RMKI), Japan (Tsukuba, NIRIM), JINR (BLTP, LPP, DLNP), Latvia (Riga, CFI LU, FEI LAS), Poland (Cracow, IP JU, NINP PAS; Kielce, IP PA, Lublin, IP MCSU, Poznan, IP AMU; Szczecin, IP SUT, SUT; Warsaw, INChT, Unipress; Wroclaw, IPTCH WUT, WU), Romania (Bucharest, IFIN-HH, INFM, ISS; Cluj-Napoca, I.N.C.D.T.I.M.), Russia (Alexandrov, VNIISIMS; Chernogolovka, ISSP RAS; Dimitrovgrad, RIAR; Gatchina PNPI RAS; Krasnoyarsk, IP SB RAS; Moscow, GC RAS, IC RAS, IGIC RAS, IMET RAS, IPCE RAS, ITEP, MEPhI, MITHT, MSU, NIKIET, PFUR, RRC KI, SINP MSU, VNIINM; Nizhny Novgorod, NNSU; Obninsk, IPPE; Podolsk, GIDROPRESS; Rostov-on-Don, RIP RSU; St. Petersburg, IPTI RAS; Sterlitamak, SSPU; Tomsk, NPI TPU; Troitsk, INR RAS, HPPI RAS; Tula, TSU; Yekaterinburg, IMP UB RAS), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, CU, IEE SAS), Switzerland (Villigen, PSI; Zurich, ETH), Ukraine (Kiev, IPMS NASU, NTSU; Sumy, IAP NASU), United Kingdom (Didcot, RAL), Uzbekistan (Tashkent, INP UAS).
Carrying out of scientific investigations at the spectrometers of the IBR-2 reactor and in other neutron centers to study the structure and dynamics of condensed matter by neutron physics methods, providing for effective operation of the IBR-2 spectrometers, development of the available spectrometers and experimental techniques, creation of new modern spectrometers to operate in new up-to-date directions of investigations of condensed matter.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | High-resolution Fourier diffractometer HRFD |
1.1. | Creation of new back-scattering ZnS(Ag)-based detectors |
1.2. | Creation of new correlation analysis electronics |
2. | Fourier stress diffractometer FSD |
2.1. | Equipping of ASTRA detectors with component parts |
2.2. | Purchase and adjusting of radial collimator |
2.3. | Development of correlation analysis electronics |
3. | Multipurpose diffractometer DN-2 |
3.1. | Manufacturing of neutron chopper. |
3.2. | Creation of annular detectors for small and back-scattering angles |
3.3. | Design and manufacturing of vacuum housing |
3.4. | Manufacturing of neutron guide |
4. | Diffractometer for microsamples DN-6 |
4.1. | Manufacturing and assembling of neutron chopper |
4.2. | Design and manufacturing of vacuum housing |
4.3. | Manufacturing and assembling of reflector neutron guide |
4.4. | Design and manufacturing of diffractometer DN-6 |
4.5. | Design and manufacturing of detector system for DN-6 |
4.6. | Design and manufacturing of measuring module for DN-6 |
5. | Texture diffractometer SKAT |
5.1. | Purchase of uniaxial compression chamber |
5.2. | Design of the second detector ring |
6. | Small-angle scattering spectrometer YuMO |
6.1. | Design and manufacturing of detector case |
6.2. | Manufacturing of detector frames |
6.3. | Purchase of electronic blocks and component parts |
6.4. | Design and manufacturing of branching junction in annular corridor |
6.5. | Manufacturing of detector entrance window |
6.6. | Design and manufacturing of devices for positioning and moving detectors |
6.7. | Purchase of He3 |
6.8. | Design and manufacturing of vacuum-gas branching junction for HV |
7. | Polarized neutron spectrometer REMUR |
7.1. | Manufacturing of collimator, purchase of non-magnetic goniometer for cryostat |
7.2. | Purchase of materials for shielding detectors and neutron polarization analyzer |
7.3. | Manufacturing of detector shielding, purchase of chopper power supply unit |
7.4. | Design and manufacturing of new polarization equipment for the IBR-2 reactor | 60.0 | ||
8. | Inverted geometry spectrometer NERA |
8.1. | Repair of gas compressor (UNIPRESS Warsaw) |
8.2. | Adjustment of high-pressure system at the NERA spectrometer |
9. | Direct geometry spectrometer DIN |
9.1. | Purchase of component parts for TS-3000 |
Total: |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leader: | A.V. Vinogradov |
Czech Republic (Prague, NRI), Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Pyongyang, IFR SCNR), Germany (Dresden, “Steuersystem”; Rossendorf, FZR), Hungary (Budapest, BME), Japan (Ibaraki, KEK; Kyoto, KURRI), JINR (LIT, LRB), Poland (Cracow, AGH-UST, IP JU), Republic of Korea (Seoul, KEMCO), Russia (Moscow, VNIINM, RSC KI, NIKIET; Gatchina PNPI RAS), Spain (Valencia, UPV), USA (Argonne, ANL),
Modernization of the IBR-2 reactor to enhance efficiency of experimental investigations in the fields of nuclear physics and condensed matter, and to improve basic characteristics, service reliability and safety of the reactor.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts)* |
1. | Manufacturing of stationary reflectors, rolling shieldings and water moderators |
2. | Design and manufacturing of safety control system (SCS) |
3. | Dismantling of the equipment being replaced |
4. | Assembling of the IBR-2M equipment |
5. | Design, manufacturing and assembling of the IBR-2M cryogenic moderators complex |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
*Note: JINR budgetary funds are specified in the numerator and planned extra-budgetary funds from ROSATOM – in the denominator.
Leaders: |
A.V. Belushkin V.I. Prikhodko |
Belarus (Minsk, BSU, ISEU), Bulgaria (Sofia, INRNE BAS), China (Mianyang, INPC CAEP), France (Grenobl, ILL; Saclay, LLB), Germany (Berlin, HMI; Heidelberg, Univ.; Julich, ESS FZJ, IFF FZJ; Magdeburg, OvGU; Munich, TUM; Zeuthen, DESY), Hungary (Budapest, KFKI RMKI), Latvia (Riga, CFI LU), JINR (VBLHE, LIT), Romania (Bucharest, INCDIE ICPE-CA), Russia (Gatchina PNPI RAS; Moscow, RRC KI, MEPhI; Nizhny Novgorod IPM RAS; Troitsk, INR RAS; Yekaterinburg, IMP UD RAS), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, IMS SAS), United Kingdom (Didcot, RAL).
Development of promising gas and scintillation neutron detectors, of new generation of data acquisition systems, information and computing infrastructure, cryostats and cryomagnetic systems, neutron beam-forming systems and sample environment systems for condensed matter investigations at the IBR-2Ì reactor in accordance with the strategic development plan for JINR and the development program of the IBR-2M spectrometers complex.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Gas and scintillation neutron detectors |
1.1. | PSD based on multi-wire proportional chamber with individual readout from each wire | |||
Design and manufacturing of the detector case and electrodes |
Purchase of analog electronics (NIM crate, high-voltage power supply and connectors) |
Purchase of equipment and materials for a clean room |
Design of ASIC read-out electronics in the University of Krakow |
Design of data acquisition electronics |
Detector assembling |
Manufacturing of read-out electronics and data acquisition electronics |
Testing of the detector with a source and on neutron beams at PNPI and SSC RRC KI |
1.2. | Bent position-sensitive X-ray detector (in cooperation with INRNE BAS, Sofia) | |||
Design and manufacturing of the detector case and electrodes |
Purchase of analog electronics (NIM crate, high-voltage power supply and connectors) |
Design and manufacturing of data acquisition electronics |
Assembling and testing of the detector |
1.3. | Module scintillation detector on the basis of matrix photomultipliers | |||
Design of the detector, purchase of photomultipliers, electronic and optical components |
Design of the case |
Manufacturing of case elements and design of data accumulation scheme |
Programming of data acquisition system and purchase of computing techniques |
Manufacturing of 6 sections of the ASTRA detector for the FSD diffractometer |
1.4. | 2D PSD 200´ 200 based on multiwire proportional chambers with delay lines | |||
Design and manufacturing of the detector case and electrodes |
Design and manufacturing of data acquisition electronics |
2. | Development and creation of new generation of data acquisition systems for IBR-2M spectrometers |
2.1. | Design, manufacturing and testing of electronic blocks (multicounter systems, data accumulation blocks for PSD, Fourier-analyzers, real time blocks, histogram memories, optical interfaces, etc.) |
2.2. | Development of the Sonix+ software package for remote control over experiments as well as on-line and off-line visualization programs (purchase and support of license software) |
2.3. | Modernization and support of infrastructure of engineer and programmer work places | |||
Purchase of control instrumentation (oscilloscopes, generator, multimeters, PC upgrading, software – CAD, CAE systems, general-purpose software) |
3. | Creation of new architecture of the FLNP local area network and change-over to gigabit rates |
3.1. | Creation of cable infrastructure of network segment of IBR-2 experimental halls (Gigabit Ethernet). Purchase of optical cable, payment for cable laying and assembling |
3.2. | Support of the FLNP information and computing infrastructure (purchase of software and expendable materials) |
3.3. | Purchase and installation of gigabit network switches |
4. | Cryostats and cryomagnetic systems. |
4.1. | Purchase of cryocooler PT403 |
4.2. | Assembling of vacuum test bench | |||
4.3. | Design, purchase of equipment and manufacturing of cryogenic test bench |
4.4. | Design, purchase of equipment and manufacturing of cryostat to work with superconducting magnets |
5. | Neutron beam-forming systems and sample environment systems |
5.1. | Calculations and modeling of neutron guide, manufacturing of a set of vacuum housings and mechanical constructions of neutron guide |
5.2. | Development of CAN of control block of actuating mechanisms |
5.3. | Purchase of C+ 1 software for controller M167-1 |
5.4. | Manufacturing of SMC-32-CAN blocks |
5.5. | Adjusting of blocks and debugging of software | |||
5.6. | Replacement of electric drives of IBR-2M choppers |
5.7. | Manufacturing of controllers for electric drives of choppers |
5.8. | Support of machining facilities and purchase of instruments |
Total: |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leaders: |
S.N. Dmitriev P.Yu. Apel |
Belarus (Gomel, GSU, MPRI NASB; Minsk, BSU, NC PHEP BSU, PMI NASB, RIAPP BSU), Bulgaria (Plovdiv, PU; Sofia, INRNE BAS, ISSP BAS, RAC BAS), China (Beijing, Beijing Fert Co; Shanghai, SINAP CAS), Czech Republic (Prague, VP; Rez, NPI
ASCR), Egypt (Cairo, TIMS), Germany (Darmstadt, GSI; Dresden, HWM, TUD; Quealinburg, ISI, SDK-Technik), Hungary (Budapest, ELTE, KFKI RMKI), Japan (Takasaki, JAERI), JINR (Dubna, DLNP, FLNP, LIT, LRB, VBLHE), Kazakhstan (Almaty, INP NNC RK, PTI MS-NAS RK), Mongolia, (Ulaanbaatar, NRC NUM), Poland (Lublin, LUT, MCSU; Otwock-Swierk, IAE; Warsaw, INChT, WU), Russia (Moscow, CCS, IBP, IC RAS, IMET RAS, ISPM RAS, ITEP, LPI RAS, MATI, MEPhI, MIEM, MUCTR, SSDI, Tehnomedexport, Trackpore Technology; Novosibirsk, ISP SB RAS; Obninsk, IPPE; St. Petersburg, NIIEFA, IPTI RAS Troits, ISAN; Yekaterinburg, IEP UB RAS, Zarechn, IRM), Romania (Bucharest, INFLPR), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, CC SR, CU), Switzerland (Geneva, HUG), Tajikistan (Hodjent, HSU), Ukraine (Zaporozhye, ZSU), United Kingdom (London, Middlesex Univ.),USA (Atlanta, Analytics, Inc.; Glasgow, Graver Tech.).Studies on the radiation damage physics of alloys, monocrystals and polymers at their bombardment with 0.5-100 MeV/A heavy ions. Production of ultra-pure isotopes. Design and creation of accelerator complexes of heavy ions and protons and matching technologies for condensed matter investigations and production of radionuclides for nuclear medicine and radio therapy.
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Investigations of radiation effects in condensed media |
2. | Investigation of materials with low energy ions using ECR ion source |
3. | Production of ultra-pure isotopes |
4. | Radioanalytical methods for environmental studies |
5. | Design of accelerator complexes for condensed matter investigations and production of radionuclides |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leaders: |
E.A. Krasavin G.N. Timoshenko |
Armenia (Yerevan, YerPhI), Belarus (Minsk, BSU, IRB NASB), Bolgaria (Sofia, IE BAS, INRNE BAS, NCRRP), Czech Republic (Brno, IBP ASCR, IRG ASCR; Rez, NPI ASCR, NRI), Germany (Darmstadt, GSI), JINR (Dubna, VBLHE, DLNP, LIT, LPP, FLNP, UC), Poland (Cracow, NINP PAS; Otwock-Swierk, IAE; Warsaw, INChT), Russia (Moscow, IBMP RAS, MMA, MSU, RCRC RAMS; Gatchina, PNPI RAS; Protvino, IHEP; Puschino, ITEB RAS), Romania (Bucharest, U.M.F. "Carol Davila"), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, CU, IPCM, SIM; Kosice, IAP SAS), Ukraine (Kiev, ICBGE NASU), Vietnam (Hanoi, IPE VAST).
The fundamental research of the mechanisms of the mutagenic damages produced by heavy charged particles with different energies at the JINR basic facilities. The study of the biological effects of the ionizing radiation with various LET values. The mathematical modeling of the radiation-induced effects in biological substance. The calculation of radiation transport in matter and radiation situation behind the shields.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Radiobiological research at the JINR basic facilities |
1.1. | Acquisition of the reagents for the molecular and citogenetic analysis of the eukaryote cells |
1.2. | Acquisition of the modern equipments for molecular and citogenetic analysis of the biological patterns |
1.3. | Acquisition of the retail materials for work with different types cells |
1.4. | Acquisition of the modern biological boxes for work with cell cultures |
1.5. | Acquisition of the device for the DNA damages visualization (scanning microscope, ÑD-camera, soft) |
1.6. | Acquisition of the fluorescence spectrometer and other instruments for the photoradiobiological investigation |
1.7. | Development, production and acquisition of the necessary components for the design of the installation for single cells and micro objects irradiation |
2. | Radiation research |
2.1. | Development of the methods for wide-energy neutron spectrometry |
2.2. | Design and creation of the devices for the irradiation of the biological patters by the heavy ion beams |
2.3. | Acquisition of the activation detectors and standard gamma-sources |
2.4. | Acquisition of the electronic units for the radiation spectrometers |
2.5. | Development of the computing base for the calculation of the radiation effects in matter |
3. | ISTC |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
01 02 03 04 05 |
Leaders: |
V.V. Ivanov V.V. Korenkov P.V. Zrelov |
Armenia(Yerevan, YerPhI, YSU), Azerbaijan (Baku, IP ANAS), Belarus (Minsk, NC PHEP BSU, UIIP NASB), Bulgaria (Sofia, INRNE BAS, SU), CERN (Geneva), Czech Republic, (Prague, IP ASCR; Rez, NPI ASCR), Georgia, (Tbilisi, IHEPI TSU), Germany, (Berlin, HMI; Hamburg, DESY; Heidelberg, CERTON, KIP; Karlsruhe, FZK; Rossendorf, FZR; Zeuthen, DESY), JINR (Dubna, BLTP, DLNP, LRB, FLNP, FLNR, LPP, VBLHE, SCAR, STL, Publ. Dep.), Moldova (Kishinev, ASM, IAP ASM), Poland (Cracow, CYFRONET; Poznan, IP AMU), Romania (Bucharest, IFIN-HH) Russia (Moscow, CC RAS, IMAMOD RAS, IOC RAS, IPI RAN, ISP RAS, ITEP, JSCC RAS, KIAM RAS, KM, MIET, MSU, RCC MSU, RIPN, RRC KI, RSCC, SINP MSU; Cherkessk, KCSTA; Chernogolovka, SCC IPCP RAS; Dubna, Adm. of Dubna, BSINP MSU, Dedal, “Dubna” Univ., Raduga, SCC “Dubna”; Gatchina, PNPI RAS; Nizhniy Arkhyz, SAO RAS; Novosibirsk, BINP SB RAS; Pereslavl-Zalesskiy, PSI RAS; Protvino, IHEP; Puschino, IMPB RAS; St. Petersburg, IHPCDB; Troitsk, INR RAS), Slovak Republic (Bratislava, CC SAS; Kosice, UPJS), South Africa (Cape Town, UCT), Sweden (Lund, LU), Ukraine (Kharkov, KFTI NASU), USA (Chicago, UChicago; Pasadena, CALTECH), Uzbekistan (Tashkent, IAP NUU, II UAS).
Provision of theoretical and experimental research conducted by the JINR Member State institutes at JINR and other scientific centers with modern telecommunication, network and information resources. In order to fulfill the task, it is necessary: to provide JINR and its Member States with high-speed telecommunication data links; to create a high-speed, reliable and protected local area network of JINR; to create and provide a maintenance of the distributed high-performance computing infrastructure and mass storage resources; to provide information, algorithmic and software support of programming environment of the research-and-production activity of the Institute; to develop a Grid-segment of JINR and to provide its introduction in the European and global Grid-structures.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Information, computer and network support of JINR's activity | |||
1.1. | Research work. |
1.2. |
Development and maintenance of the JINR informational - computational infrastructure (networks, external data links and computers) |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |
Leaders: |
V.V. Ivanov Gh. Adam P.V. Zrelov |
Armenia (Yerevan, YerPhI, YSU), Austria (Linz, RISC),Bangladesh (Gazipur, BOU), Belarus (Minsk, IM NASB), Belgium (Brussels, ULB; Leuven, K.U.Leuven; Liege, ULg), Brazil (San Paulo, USP), Bulgaria (Sofia, IMech BAS, IMI BAS, INRNE BAS, IPP BAS, SU, TU-Sofia; Rousse, RU), Canada (Calgary, UofC; London, UWO; Toronto, IBM Lab), CERN (Geneva), Czech Republic (Prague, CTU, CU; Liberec, TUL; Rez, NPI ASCR), Egypt (Cairo, AEA, CU), Georgia (Tbilisi, IC GAS, RMI GAS, TSU), Germany (Berlin, FUB, HUB; Aachen, RWTH; Cottbus, BTU; Darmstadt, GSI; Dresden, IFW, MPI-PkS; Essen, Univ.; Giessen, JLU; Hamburg, DESY; Heidelberg, KIP, MPI-K; Julich, IKP FZJ; Kaiserslautern, TU; Karlsruhe, FZK, Univ.; Kassel, UNIK; Leipzig, Univ.; Munich, TUM; Potsdam, AIP; Rostock, Univ.; Stuttgart, Univ.; Tubingen, Univ.; Weingarten, FH), Greece (Athens, Univ.; Thessaloniki, AUTH; Volos, UT), Hungary (Budapest, KFKI RMKI), ICTP (Trieste), Italy (Catania, Univ.; Pisa, Univ.; Turin, INFN), Japan (Hakodate, FUN; Osaka, Kansai Univ.; Tsukuba, Univ.), France (Strasbourg, IReS), JINR (Dubna, BLTP, DLNP, FLNP, FLNR, LPP, VBLHE, LRB, UC, SCAR), Kazakhstan (Almaty, INP NNC RK, PTI MS-NAS RK), Mongolia (Ulaanbaatar, SMCS NUM), Norway (Bergen, UiB), Poland (Warsaw, FP WUT, SINS; Cracow, AGH-UST, IP JU, NINP PAS; Lodz, SINS; Otwock-Swierk, IAE, SINS; Poznan, AMU), Portugal (Coimbra, Univ.), Romania (Bucharest, IFIN-HH, ISS), Russia (Moscow, CC RAS, IKI RAS, IMAMOD RAS, IPP RAS, MEPhI, MIREA, MGTU, MSU, PFUR, RCC MSU, RRC KI, SINP MSU; Belgorod, BSU; Gatchina, PNPI RAS; Kazan, ZPhTI RAS; Kostroma, KSU; Perm, PSU; Protvino, IHEP; Puschino, IMPB RAS, ITEB RAS; Saratov, SSU; St. Petersburg, FIP, PDMI, SPbSU; Tver, TvSU), Slovak Republic (Kosice, IEP SAS, TU), South Africa (Cape Town, UCT), Sweden (Uppsala, UU; Stockholm, KTH, SU; Lund, LU), Taiwan (Chung-Li, NCU; Taipei, AS), Tajikistan (Dushanbe, TGNU; Hodjent, HSU), Ukraine (Kiev, BITP NASU, IC NASU, IM NASU; Kharkov, ILTPE NASU, IME NASU, KFTI NASU, STEPC NASU), United Kingdom (Belfast, Univ.; Manchester, Univ.), USA (Boston, UMass; Los Angeles, UCLA), Uzbekistan (Tashkent, Assoc.”P.-S.” PTI, INP UAS), Vietnam (Hanoi, VNU).
Performance of top research in computational mathematics and computational physics, aimed at solving specific problems arising in experimental and theoretical research carried out with the direct participation of JINR. The basic part of this activity covers: the mathematical description and algorithmic reformulation of the physical models such as to meet the requirement of computing solution in polynomial time; development of methods and algorithms, capable to extract physically insightful information from experimental data; simulation of physical processes within experimental installations; algorithm implementation into efficient and reliable hardware adapted programs. The successful realization of such interdisciplinary research efforts assumes: development of mathematical methods and tools for modeling physical processes and experimental data analysis; creation of methods and numerical algorithms for modeling magnetic systems and charged particle beams transportation; development of software and computer complexes for experimental data processing; elaboration of numerical algorithms and software for simulation of complex physical systems; development of methods, algorithms and software of computer algebra; development of computing tools of a new generation.
Schedule and cost estimation of the project:
(materials, visits, contracts) |
1. | Mathematical support of experimental and theoretical studies conducted by JINR | |||
1.1. | Methods and tools for simulation of physical processes and analysis of experimental data. Software and computer complexes for experimental data processing |
1.2. | Numerical methods, algorithms and software for simulation of complex physical systems. Methods and numerical algorithms for modelling magnetic systems |
1.3. | Methods, algorithms and software of computer algebra. New computing paradigms |
Total : |
Total in 2007 — 2009: |