Photo Exhibits
Photographs used by Publishing Department may be of some interest as
"stand-alone" materials. Please note that photos' descriptions or comments
may be found in corresponding publications; besides, photos are
not sorted.
Navigation: Click on a book cover to enter an index; click
on a thumbnail to view an enlarged picture (up to 640x480 pixels) and
click on an enlarged image to return back to the index.
A set of 104 black-and-white photos from the book "M.G. Mescheryakov:
To the 90th Birthday Anniversary". Edited by: R.G. Pose, E.M.
Molchanov. Compiled by: V.F. Nikitin, V.I. Nikitina, T.A. Strizh.
Dubna: JINR, 2000. ISBN 5-85165-575-5
Photos from family album of M. G. Mescheryakov, JINR still library, and those granted by his friends and colleagues.
A set of 54 black-and-white photos from the book "N.W. Timofeeff-Ressovsky".
Compiled by: V.I. Korogodin, V.L. Korogodina, M.A. Reformatskaya.
Cover by Yu. Tumanov.
Dubna: JINR, 2000. ISBN 5-85165-576-3
Photos from archieves of M. Delbrück Zentre (Berlin-Buch), V. I. Ivanov, V. I. Korogodin, N. V.Kulikov,
R. V. Petrov, M. A. Reformatskaya. |
A set of 149 black-and-white photos by P. Zolnikov
, Yu. Tumanov , E. Smetanina , N. Gorelova, and most of which were
used in publishing the book dedicated to the 50th Anniversary of
the JINR Synchrocyclotron - "Dubna's First Accelerator".
Pages of history in illustrations and reminiscences. Edited by N.A.Russakovich.
Dubna: JINR, 1999. ISBN 5-85165-547-х |
A set of 70 black-and-white photos, most of which
were used in publishing the book "N. N. Bogolubov.
Life. Scientific Work" by A. N. Bogolubov. The majority
of the pictures were taken by Yu. Tumanov.
Dubna: JINR, 1997. ISBN 5-85165-464-3 |