W H A T's N E W ?
JINR Seminars
- 20.12.04
The 3rd International Workshop "Quantum Physics and Communication'' (QPC 2005)
will be held in Dubna (Russia) on 30 June - 3 July, 2005
- 15.12.04
Schedule of JINR meetings for 2005 ( Eng / Rus )
- 9.12.04
XXXIII International Conference on High Energy Physics,
ICHEP’06, (Rochester Conference)
will be held from 26 July to 2 August, 2006 in Moscow at the Russian Academy of Sciences.
- 27.10.04
Information about "Scientific publications 2004, Bulgaria": MS Word-file in Russian
- 16.09.04
The 12th International Conference
"Mathematics. Computer. Education"
will be held in Pushchino, Russia, January 17 - 22, 2005
- 14.09.04
SCEMMP'05: Workshop "Symbolic Calculations and Exact Methods in Mathematical Physics"
will be held in Kyiv, Ukraine on June 20-26, 2005
- 23.08.04
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at Wikiverse - a world of knowledge: an up-to-date high speed static mirror of Wikipedia, a worldwide community of volunteers building an open-content encyclopedia
- 13.08.04
Information about 96th session of the JINR Scientific Council which was held in Dubna on 3-4 June, 2004 ( Eng / Rus )
- 22.07.04
9th Annual RDMS CMS Collaboration Conference
will be held in National Center of Particle and High Energy Physics of the Belarusian State University, Minsk on November 28 - December 2, 2004
- 11.06.04
Resolution of 96th Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Eng / Rus )
- 26.03.04
Conference "Scientific Service at INTERNET" will be held in Abrau-Dyurso on September 20-25, 2004
- 24.03.04
International Workshop “Molecular Simulation Studies in Material and Biological Sciences”
will be held in Dubna (Russia) on September 9-10, 2004
- 22.03.04
Web site
"JINR Digital Photo Archive"
has been opened!
- 2.03.04
International Conference “Distributed Computing ànd Grid Technologies in Science ànd Education”
will be held in Dubna (Russia) on 29 June - 2 July, 2004
- 26.02.04
XIX Russian Accelerator Conference “RuPAC - 2004” will be held in Dubna (Russia) on October 4 - 9, 2004
- 6.02.04
Information about 95th session of the JINR Scientific Council which was held in Dubna on January 15-16, 2004
- 5.02.04
Resolution of 95th Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Eng / Rus )
- 4.02.04
Topical Plan for JINR Research and International Cooperation in 2004 ( Eng )
- 3.02.04
III Sissakian Readings will be held in Yerevan, Ashtarak, Armenia on May 30 - June 3, 2004 ( HTML / WORD / PDF )
- 30.01.04
Schedule of JINR meetings for 2004 ( Eng / Rus )
- 27.01.04
Topical Plan for JINR Research and International Cooperation in 2004 ( Rus )
- 19.01.04
Second International
Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology in Iran will be
held on 27-30 April 2004 in Shiraz, Iran
- 16.01.04
VIII Conference for Young Scientists and Specialists will be held in Dubna (Russia) on February 2 - 6, 2004
- 15.01.04
Information about JINR Committee of Trade Union at 2003 - 2004 years
Archive: News-1998 / News-1999 / News-2000 / News-2001 / News-2002 / News-2003