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JINR Seminars / Newspaper "DUBNA" / "JINR News" Bulletin / NOC News / JINR Announcement board
- 18.12.2009
The 60th anniversary of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems
- 16.12.2009
A round table meeting Italy-Russia Efforts in Fundamental Research and Perspectives for Applied S&T and Business Development" will be held in Dubna on 18-19 December 2009.
- 30.11.2009
The 31st meeting of the Joint CERN–Russia Committee under the co-chairmanship of RF Minister of Education and Science A.A.Fursenko and CERN Director General R.Heuer was held on 21 November 2009.
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- 30.11.2009
A regular meeting of the JINR Scientific and Technical council will be held on Wednesday 4 December 2009, at 16:00 at the International Conference Hall.
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- 27.11.2009
RUSNANO CEO Anatoly Chubais to sign the European XFEL GmbH shareholder agreement in Hamburg on the 30th November, 2009.
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- 24.11.2009
The LHC circulated two beams simultaneously for the first time, allowing the operators to test the synchronization of the beams and giving the experiments their first chance to look for proton-proton collisions on 23 November 2009.
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- 20.11.2009
A meeting of the working group for developing a draft of the Interstate special-purpose programme of innovative cooperation between CIS states until the year 2020 will be held on 24 November in the Green Hall of the JINR International Conference Hall.
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- 19.11.2009
A guest session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of JINR Member States opened today in the capital of Kazakhstan Astana.
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- 18.11.2009
The 40th regular run at the Nuclotron started on 17 November 2009 at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics.
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- 03.11.09
The First All-Russian School for young Russian teachers of physics is being held on 1-7 November, 2009 in CERN (Geneva, Switzerland).
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- 30.10.09
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) will organise a joint Advanced Workshop on
"Multi-Scale Modelling for Characterization and Basic Understanding of Radiation Damage Mechanisms in Materials", Miamare - Trieste (Italy), 12 - 23 April, 2010.
- 26.10.09
Round Table Italy-JINR
"Efforts in Fundamental Research and Perspectives for Applied S&T and Business Development" will be held on December 18 - 19, 2009, Dubna, Russia
- 23.10.09
Information about 106th session of the JINR Scientific Council which was held in Dubna on 24–25 September 2009 ( Eng / Rus )
- 19.10.09
Resolution of 106th Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Eng / Rus )
- 12.10.09
11th international workshop-seminar of operators "INTRUS-2009" will be held on 13 - 14 October, 2009 in Dubna.
- 06.10.09
The International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei EXON-2009 was held on 28 September - 2 October, 2009 in Sochi.
- 2.09.09
The Paper by V. Bednyakov and N. Russakovich from Journal "Znanie-Sila" about LHC (PDF, in Russian)
- 31.08.09
13th Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics (DSPIN-09) will held in Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics on 1 - 5 September, 2009.
- 28.08.09
8th international workshop to the memory of Prof. V.P.Sarancev «Problems of charged particle accelerators and colliders» will be held on 31 August - 5 September, 2009 in the Holiday Hotel «Dubna» (Alushta, Ukraine).
- 20.08.09
The website dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Russian scientist Academician N.N.Bogolubov was launched. You can visit it on: http://bogolubov.jinr.ru/
- 17.08.09
The International Bogolyubov Conference Problems of Theoretical and Mathematical Physics will be held from August 21 to August 22, 2009 in Moscow at the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and from August 23 to August 27, 2009 in Dubna at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR).
- 06.08.09
The 13th Annual RDMS CMS Collaboration Conference will be held in Dubna on 10-12 August, 2009. This cooperation overlaps centres and industrial enterprises of Russia and JINR member states.
- 27.07.09
VIII International Workshop "Supersymmetries & Quantum Symmetries - SQS'09" will be held on 29 July - 3 August, 2009 at the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
- 23.07.09
Advanced Study Institute "Symmetries and Spin" which is the next in the series of Prague meetings on Spin Research Programme will be held on July 26 - August 2, 2009 , in Prague, Czech Republic.
- 15.07.09
The 10th International School-Seminar "Actual Problems of Micro world Physics" is held on 15-26 July, 2009 in Gomel, Belarus
- 08.07.09
International School - Workshop "Calculations for modern and Future Colliders" will be held on 10-20 July, 2009 in the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
- 7. 07.09
On July 7, 2009, the Web-portal of PEPAN Journals was launched.
Journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei (PEPAN) of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was founded by Academician N.N. Bogolyubov in August 1969. The journal Physics of Particles and Nuclei, Letters (PEPAN Letters) has been published since 1984 (till 2000 under the title JINR Rapid Communications).
- 15. 06.09
LIT JINR: two important projects were completed
- 1. 06.09
Some problems and secrets of the Large Hadron Collaider will be discovered to readers of weekly newspaper “Dubna: science, community, progress” in interview with JINR’s vice-director Richard Lednicky who visited CERN lately...
- 20. 05.09
VIII International scientific workshop to the memory of Prof. V.P. Sarantsev "Problems of charged particle accelerators and colliders" will be held in Alushta, Ukraina, on 31 August - 5 September, 2009
- 18.05.09
XVII International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei ISINN-17 will be held in Dubna, Russia, on May 27-30, 2009
- 15.05.09
The XXII International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC'2009) will be held in Varna, Bulgaria, on September 7 - 14, 2009
- 23.03.09
1-st CBM Collaboration Meeting (Participation of JINR&Russia) will be held in Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna, Russia) during 19-22 May, 2009.
- 20.03.09
3-rd Workshop of the CBM-MPD STS Consortium"Challenges of the CBM and MPD Silicon Tracking Systems - 2009" will be held in Sortavala, Karelia, Russia on June 1 - 4, 2009
- 17.03.09
Resolution of 105th Session of the JINR Scientific Council ( Eng / Rus )
- 12.03.09
Visit of the Ambassador of Montenegro at JINR.
On 11 March, 2009 the Ambassador of Montenegro in the Russian Federation Mr. Slobodan Backovich with his wife visited Dubna.
- 11.03.09
Information about 105th session of the JINR Scientific Council which will be held in Dubna on February 19 - 20, 2009 ( Eng / Rus )
- 20.02.09
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on March 02, 2009 at 15:00 ( Rus - PDF format )
- 17.02.09
JINR website “Innovations” is open for access since February 17, 2009
- 13.02.09
The International Seminar in Memory of Svetlana Ivanova will be held on February 21, 2009 in Dubna, BLTP of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The Programme ( Eng / Rus )
- 11.02.09
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on February 13, 2009 at 11:00 ( Rus - PDF format )
- 2.02.09
XIII Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists
will be held in Dubna, Russia, on February 16 - 21, 2009
- 29.01.09
The 2009 European School of High-Energy Physics will be held in Bautzen, Germany, on
14 June – 27 June, 2009
- 28.01.09
A session of the Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics will be held at the International Conference Center on January 29 — 30, 2009 A programme.
- 27.01.09
On January 27 — 29, 2009 the Workshop "Neutrino Physics at Accelerators" is taking place at the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems. You can find a scientific program of the Workshop at the DLNP site
- 26.01.09
A session of the Programme Advisory Committee on Condensed Matter Physics will be held at the International Conference Center on January 26 — 27, 2009 A programme.
- 26.01.09
JINR Seminar will be held in BLTP conference hall on January 28, 2009 at 15:00 ( Rus - PDF format )
- 25.01.09
The 19th meeting of the Coordination Committee for Implementation of the BMBF—JINR Agreement on Cooperation and Use of JINR Facilities will be held on 26 – 27 January, 2009 at Zeuthen (Germany). JINR will be represented by A. Sissakian, M. Itkis, V. Katrasev, N. Russakovich, A. Popeko and W. Kleinig.
- 23.01.09
The VIIth Winter School on Theoretical Physics "Introduction to Theory of Nanostructures" will be held in Dubna, Russia, on January 25 - February 5, 2009
- 22.01.09
International Conference "Mathematical Modeling and Computational Physics" will be held in Dubna, Russia, on July 7 - 11, 2009
- 20.01.09
A session of the Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics will be held at the JINR International Conference Hall on January 22 - 23, 2009. A draft programme.
- 16.01.09
International Scientific Symposium "Periodic Table of D.I. Mendeleev. The new superheavy elements" dedicated to the 175th anniversary of the great Russian scientist Dmitry Mendeleev will be held in JINR International Conference Hall, Dubna, Russia, on January 20 - 21, 2009. A program of the symposium.
- 15.12.08
On January 12 - 13, 2009 in Dubna and Moscow the memorial readings and the announcement of results of the young scientists competition in tribute of V. Korogodin and V. Shevchenko will be held.
- 28.11.08
New announcements about Ph.D. / D.Sc. Thesis Defense ( Rus )
- 11.06.08
International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei “EXON - 2009” will be held in Sochi, Russia, on September 28 - Oktober 02, 2009
- 4.06.08
On June 4, 2008 a new version of JINR site was launched. Link to the previous version (this site) is http://wwwinfo.jinr.ru/
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