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Announcement board
- 30.12.2023
New Year congratulations from JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov
Dear colleagues, friends!
The year 2022 will definitely go down in history books. Our life has become anxious, turbulent, but we have overcome all the challenges and adversities with dignity...
Dear friends, may you have this happiness!
And may the year bring us happy amazing discoveries!
Happy New Year 2024!
More in Russian.
- 30.12.2023
Happy New Year 2024 and Merry Christmas!
Dear colleagues!
We sincerely congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!
Whatever happens, may in the New Year new opportunities open up before you, new heights be reached, and harmony and comfort always reign in your home. We wish you happiness, health, joy, success and all the best!
Directorate of MLIT More in Russian.
- 27.12.2023
Review of the journal “Particles and Nuclei, Letters”, #6 2023
The journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei, Letters, publishes the articles with results of the original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodical, and applied research.
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JINR Science and Technology Council meeting
On 25 December (Monday), the meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council will take place at the JINR International Conference Centre.
The beginning of the meeting is set at 4:00 PM.
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Seminar on 70th anniversary of VBLHEP JINR. Live broadcast
Veksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energy Physics invites everyone interested to a seminar dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the laboratory.
Date and Time: Friday, 22 December 2023, at 2:00 PM
Venue: JINR Cultural Centre “Mir”
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Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On 16 December, the Republic of Kazakhstan, a JINR Member State, celebrates one of its main national holidays, the Independence Day.
The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research congratulates the Kazakhstani employees of JINR and their family members on the Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan and wishes them good health, happiness, welfare, good luck, and fruitful work for the benefit of science and progress.
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PRUE students and lyceum students at JINR
On 06-07 December 2023, the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies held a seminar “Research Activities of JINR” for second-year students of the Special Faculty of Talented Youth “Foresight Higher School”, as well as for third- and fourth-year students of the Higher School of Cyber Technologies, Mathematics and Statistics of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (PRUE), and on 12 December 2023, MLIT hosted students of the PRUE Economic Lyceum.
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Numerical results of thermal processes occurring in materials under action of femtosecond laser pulses
We offer to your attention a preprint “Numerical results of thermal processes occurring in materials under the action of femtosecond laser pulses” P11-2023-52 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Ilkizar Amirkhanov, Ibrokhim Sarkhadov, Zafar Tukhliev.
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First JINR Information Centre in international organization opens in Tunisia
On 4 December, the JINR Information Centre and Virtual Laboratory officially opened at the headquarters of the Arab Atomic Energy Agency (AAEA) in Tunisia. JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov and AAEA Director General Salem Hamdi signed a Memorandum of Understanding after the previous one had expired. The parties concluded they had successfully implemented all the provisions of the 2016 agreement and signed a new, indefinite Memorandum. On the same day, Grigory Trubnikov participated in an AAEA Executive Board meeting and made a report on the Institute’s focus areas.
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Research with JINR’s participation – best at All-Russian Youth Competition
A study “Development of technology for creating a new composite material with desired medical and biological properties”, in which a researcher at the Centre for Applied Physics of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR, Candidate of Chemical Sciences Ilia Vinogradov under the guidance of Head of the Sector Alexandr Nechaev, was considered the best at the All-Russian Youth Competition between scientific projects #ÂÖÅÍÒÐÅÍÀÓÊÈ (English “in the heart of science”). The final stage was held during the 3rd Young Scientists Congress in the Sirius Park of Science and Art.
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Simulation of laser ablation of materials within thermal spike model
We offer to your attention a preprint “Simulation of laser ablation of materials within the thermal spike model” P11-2023-51 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Ilkizar Amirkhanov et al.
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Giant resonances for SA-JINR Collaboration
The SA-JINR board coordinator for nuclear physics, Dr. Iyabo Usman from the University of Witwatersrand (Wits) in Johannesburg, South Africa, visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research from 2 to 8 November 2023 as part of the ongoing JINR-SA collaboration.
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9th meeting of Serbia-JINR Cooperation Committee took place in Belgrade
The 9th meeting of the JINR-Serbia Joint Coordination Committee on Cooperation (JCC) took place on 30 November and 1 December in Belgrade as part of the visit of the Institute’s delegation to the Republic of Serbia. JINR Chief Scientific Secretary Sergey Nedelko headed the delegation.
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Ion beam positioning and position stabilisation system for EG-5 accelerator
We offer to your attention a preprint “Ion beam positioning and position stabilisation system for EG-5 accelerator” P9-2023-50 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Vyacheslav Semenov et al.
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Review journal Particles & Nuclei, #6 (Vol. 54) 2023
Founded in 1970, the review journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, brief name Particles & Nuclei, is published by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. This is the most influential physical review journal in Russia.
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Great Union Day of Romania
1 December marks the Great Union Day of Romania. Romania was one of the founder states of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in March 1956. Since then Romania has been one of the JINR Member States.
Scientists from Romanian centres take part in research in 26 directions of the JINR Topical Plan for 2023.
The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research congratulates Romanian colleagues and partners, as well as their family members, on the Great Union Day, and wishes them good health, happiness, prosperity, luck, and new professional successes for the benefit of science and progress!
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2022 Bibliographic index of JINR scientific papers issued
The JINR Science and Technology Library has issued a 2022 Bibliographic Index of Papers by JINR Staff Members. Most bibliographic descriptions are provided with links to the full texts of the papers.
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JINR S&T Library exhibition
On 27 November – 15 December 2023, the JINR Science and Technology Library (S&T Library) invites visitors to the Books of Moscow University Press exhibition. Readers are offered more than 90 books published in the 21st century.
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JINR invites employees to participate in sociological survey
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is conducting a sociological study of the level of social satisfaction of JINR employees for the third time. All employees of the Institute are invited to fill out the questionnaire. The survey will be closed on 1 December 2023.
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Ambassador of Argentine Republic visited JINR
On 23 November, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Argentine Republic to the Russian Federation Eduardo Antonio Zuain and Second Secretary of the Embassy and Head of the Political and Scientific and Technological Departments Luciano Javier Liendo visited JINR. The meeting took place at the Institute’s Directorate. The participants discussed JINR University Centre’s projects that are of interest to educational centres of Argentina and the possibility of holding joint events.
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JINR hosted School on Physics of Quark-Gluon Matter
From 16 to 20 November 2023, the Autumn School on the Physics of Quark-Gluon Matter took place at JINR. The JINR University Centre and the JINR Basic Department in MIPT “ Fundamental and applied problems of microworld physics” organized the event. The School brought together 30 students of 1st-4th year studying elementary particle physics from universities in Moscow, Tomsk, Saint Petersburg, Novosibirsk, and Voronezh. The School on Physics of Quark-Gluon Matter was held in Dubna for the second time.
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RSF grant competition for young scientists started
Russian Science Foundation has announced that it started receiving applications within the Presidential research projects programme in two categories: initiative research competition for young scientists and youth research groups competition. One of the criteria for the projects is that they should solve the problems of keeping young scientists in the scientific and educational sphere, stimulating scientific mobility, and providing targeted assistance to talented researchers at the beginning of their scientific career.
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Diplomas of Candidates of Sciences awarded at JINR
On 21 November, diplomas on conferring academic degrees were presented during an award ceremony at the JINR Scientists’ Club. Three Candidate of Sciences (equivalent to a PhD), who defended their dissertations at the meetings of the Dissertation Councils of DLNP, FLNP, and MLIT at JINR, received the diplomas.
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Ana Maria Cetto Kramis – UNESCO Prize laureate
A physics professor of the National Autonomous University of Mexico and a JINR Scientific Council member Ana María Cetto Kramis has won the UNESCO Kalinga Prize for the popularisation of science. On 13 November, an award ceremony took place at an event dedicated to the World Science Day for Peace and Development, which is celebrated annually on 10 November, at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris.
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Cloud cluster launched and JINR Information Centre opened at INP in Almaty
On 11 November, within the guest CP JINR session, a new cloud computing cluster of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was launched and a festive opening ceremony of the tenth JINR Information Centre took place at the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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Physics Days 2023
On 24 November 2023, all interested are invited to participate in Physics days 2023 that will be held in the Flerov Lyceum No.6 (16, Pontecorvo str.) and UC JINR (4A, Vavilov str.).
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JINR Finance Committee summed up results of seven-year plan
On 9 November, a meeting of the JINR Finance Committee (FC) took place in Almaty. JINR FC Chairman and Deputy Minister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation Andrey Omelchuk chaired the meeting. The results of the JINR FC meeting will be presented at the upcoming meeting of the Committee of Plenipotentiary Representatives of the Governments of the JINR Member States tomorrow.
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Ahead of CP JINR session in Almaty: meetings with Minister of Energy and Minister of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan
On 7 November, in Astana, Director of the Joint Institute Grigory Trubnikov met with Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Almasadam Sätqaliev and Minister of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan Sayasat Nurbek. During the meetings, they discussed scientific and technological cooperation between JINR and Kazakhstani scientific and higher educational institutions.
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Ordinary muon capture by cadmium nuclei
We offer to your attention a preprint “Ordinary muon capture by cadmium nuclei” P4-2023-41 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Vladimir Kuz’min and Tatyana Tetereva.
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JINR research presented to scientific community of Kazakhstan
A scientific seminar took place at the Institute of Nuclear Physics on 3 November 2023 in a hybrid format, at which young scientists of the National Group of the Republic of Kazakhstan at JINR (NGRK) presented their scientific papers. Students and doctoral students of leading universities of Almaty, as well as employees of research institutes participated in the event. The National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan ( NAS RK) under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan organized the event.
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Patent for cold neutron storage ring received at JINR
The Innovations and Intellectual Property Department of JINR announces that on 15 September 2023, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research received a patent for the invention “Cold neutron storage ring”. The authors of the work are Yuri Nikitenko and Viktor Aksenov from the Laboratory of Neutron Physics at JINR.
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Youth associations of JINR and Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences to work together
A festive signing of the Letter of Intent between the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS) of JINR and the Council of Young Scientists of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan took place in Uzbekistan.
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Boris Gikal turns 70
On 2 November 2023, a famous scientist in the fields of accelerator physics and technology, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Chief Engineer of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Boris Gikal celebrates his 70th anniversary.
The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, colleagues, and friends warmly congratulate Boris Gikal on his 70th birthday and wish him good health, success in his future work, happiness, and well-being!
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Review journal Particles & Nuclei, #5 (Vol. 54) 2023
Founded in 1970, the review journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, brief name Particles & Nuclei, is published by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. This is the most influential physical review journal in Russia.
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JINR-Egypt Committee summed up interim results of two-year cooperation
At the end of October, a JINR delegation led by Vice-Director Latchesar Kostov visited the Arab Republic of Egypt (ARE), where a number of meetings took place at the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), the Egyptian Atomic Energy Authority (EAEA), Zewail City of Science, Technology, and Innovation, and the National Research Centre (NRC).
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On finite-element modeling of large-scale magnetisation problems with combined magnetic vector and scalar potentials
We offer to your attention a preprint “On finite-element modeling of large-scale magnetisation problems with combined magnetic vector and scalar potentials” E11-2023-37 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The author is Alexander Chervyakov.
The investigation has been performed at the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies at JINR.
Read the full version. More in Russian.
JINR young scientists won Moscow Region Governor’s Award
JINR scientists Alexander Nezvanov and Vladislav Shalaev have won the competition for annual awards of the Governor of the Moscow Region in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and innovation for young scientists and specialists in 2023.
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MLIT JINR: about past Autumn School of Information Technologies
On 16 – 20 October, the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies (MLIT) hosted the Autumn School of Information Technologies of JINR. The event represents the first stage in a series of JINR Schools of Information Technologies, the main goal of which is to involve young specialists in solving tasks that face JINR using state-of-the-art information technologies. Over 50 senior students from 11 Russian universities, including those ones where JINR Information Centres operate, participated in the event.
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PyChannel Messaging Service in Sonix+
We offer to your attention a preprint “PyChannel Messaging Service in Sonix+” P10-2023-27 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Ivan Morkovnikov and Liubov Truntova.
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Results of JINR-India workshop on elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, and condensed matter physics
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research organized the India-JINR scientific workshop on elementary particle and nuclear physics, and condensed matter research. The goal of this multidisciplinary workshop was strengthening cooperation and furthering scientific exchange among the scientists and PhD students from India and the JINR in various research areas of interest.
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JINR employee Petr Shirkov won For Loyalty to Science Award
Candidate of Physics and Mathematics Petr Shirkov, a leading methodologist of the Department of Scientific and Educational Projects and Programmes of the JINR University Centre, won the For Loyalty to Science All-Russian Award in the Mentor nomination. Olga Vasilyeva, President of the Russian Academy of Education, presented the award to Petr Shirkov at a festive ceremony in the Zaryadye Concert Hall.
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JINR presented plans for research infrastructure development at BRICS Working Group meeting
JINR representatives participated in the 5th meeting of the BRICS Research Infrastructure Working Group ( BRICS GRAIN), which was took place from 23 to 25 October 2023 in Stellenbosch, the Republic of South Africa. Chief Scientific Secretary of JINR Sergey Nedelko, Director of the University Centre Dmitry Kamanin, and Deputy Chief Scientific Secretary Alexey Zhemchugov represented the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research at the event.
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Meeting of JINR-Mexico Joint Cooperation Committee
On 17 October, an expanded meeting of the JINR-Mexico Joint Cooperation Committee (JCC) took place in a hybrid format at CONACYT, the National Council for Science and Technology of Mexico. At the meeting, the parties considered and discussed fields of future cooperation and prospects for its development.
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iThemba LABS representative visited JINR
On 23 October, Dr. Rudzani Nemutudi, Deputy Director of the accelerator centre of the Republic of South Africa, iThemba LABS, visited JINR. The organization has been fruitfully cooperating with the Joint Institute for a long time. The visit started with excursions to the scientific infrastructure of JINR laboratories. In addition, a round table discussion between Rudzani Nemutudi and representatives of the JINR leadership took place.
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SPD Collaboration discussing experiment status in Samara
Yesterday, the 6th SPD Collaboration Meeting started at Samara National Research University named after Academician S. P. Korolev. The event brought together more than 150 scientists and specialists. A Workshop on Information Technologies in Natural Sciences will take place alongside the meeting.
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Ilya Mikhailovich Frank: first FLNP JINR director, laureate of Nobel Prize
23 October marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding scientist Academician Ilya Mikhailovich Frank (1908 – 1990), a laureate of the Nobel Prize, an organizer and longstanding Head of the JINR Laboratory of Neutron Physics was born.
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Geneticists and physicists discussing mechanisms underlying life in Dubna
On 19 October, a conference “Current Problems in Radiation Biology. Molecular genetic research in radiobiology. On the 70th anniversary of DNA structure discovery” started at the JINR International Conference Centre. It focuses on the discussion of experimental data on formation mechanisms of genetic and epigenetic changes in cellular structures under ionizing radiation and the consequences of such changes.
More in Russian.
Review of the journal “Particles and Nuclei, Letters”, #5 2023
The journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei, Letters, publishes the articles with results of the original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodical and applied research.
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Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Republic of India to Russia visited JINR
On 16 October, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India to the Russian Federation, H. E. Pavan Kapoor and JINR Director RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov met to discuss aspects of strengthening JINR-India cooperation.
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JINR-India workshop takes place at Joint Institute
On 16 October, a workshop “India-JINR: Frontiers of Basic and Applied Research” started at the International Conference Centre at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. A delegation of scientists from leading universities and scientific centres of India came to Dubna to participate in the event. In addition, many specialists from Indian research centres are taking part in the workshop online. In total, the event brought together about 200 participants.
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Diplomas of Candidates of Sciences awarded at festive ceremony at JINR Scientists’ Club
On 13 October, an award ceremony of diplomas on conferring academic degrees took place at the JINR Scientists’ Club. Four Candidates of Sciences received their diplomas. By tradition, the event was held in a festive atmosphere with the participation of representatives of the JINR Qualification Committee, guests, and scientific secretaries of Dissertation Councils, at meetings of which the defences took place.
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JINR exhibition “Big Science” opened at Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University
On 11 October, a JINR exhibition “Big Science” opened at the Information Centre of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research at Vitus Bering Kamchatka State University (KamSU). The exhibition is organized within the Kamchatka School on Physics with International Participation 2023. The works presented at the exhibition are to tell its visitors about big science, advanced technologies, discoveries and achievements of a global scale, as well as experiments in which employees of the Joint Institute participate. A contemporary photographer working in the style of industrial photography Mark Kozhura is the author of the art works.
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JINR participated in Role of Women in Science Forum
On 10 October, the Role of Women in Science Forum took place in Dubna. Participants and speakers of the Forum were scientists, entrepreneurs, students, industrialists, journalists, politicians, and other leading specialists in science and engineering. The Forum emphasised the role of women in science in building a sustainable future using innovations and technologies.
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Latchesar Kostov turns 70
Today, 11 October, marks the 70th anniversary of the Vice-Director of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research Latchesar Krumov Kostov.
The JINR Directorate and international team, colleagues and friends warmly congratulate Latchesar Kostov on his 70th birthday and wish him good health, great success in research and organizational activity, and the fulfilment of all plans.
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Device for controlling light transmission efficiency of optical fibres created at FLNP JINR
Specialists of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, JINR, have developed a device that makes it possible not only to detect defects in wavelength-shifting optical fibers, but also to control whether the material with these defects retains its main function – transmitting capacity. In other words, the new device allows one to understand how defects in fibers affect the loss of light transmitted through them. The patented device was used in the development of two large-area thermal neutron detectors for scientific instruments at the IBR-2 research reactor.
More in Russian.
Call for applications for START Winter session 2024
The START (STudent Advanced Research Training) programme invites students and postgraduates to join the research conducted at JINR and supervised by the leading scientists and engineers. Applications for the Winter Session 2024 are accepted at start.jinr.ru until 31 October 2023.
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MPD collaboration discussing experiment’s progress in Serbia
On 4 October, the 12th Collaboration Meeting of the MPD Experiment at the NICA Facility started at the Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences in Belgrade. Reports of the first day of the event have highlighted that the project is successfully overcoming obstacles caused by external circumstances. The firs test launches of the collider are still scheduled for 2024. There is a need to postpone the start of data collection in a collider mode until the middle of 2025. More than 120 specialists from research centres in Bulgaria, China, Egypt, Georgia, Israel, Mexico, Mongolia, Russia, and Serbia participate in the event.
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Agreement of intent signed between JINR and NAS of Republic of Kazakhstan
According to the parties’ opinion, the agreement will give a new impetus to the development of cooperation not only with the Institute of Nuclear Physics in Almaty, its branch in Astana and universities, but also with other scientific centres of Kazakhstan. The document was signed during the visit to JINR of the delegation of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan under the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan (NAS RK), headed by President of the Board of NAS RK Kunsulu Zakarya, on 2 – 3 October, 2023.
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JINR and Serbia to enhance scientific ties
On 3 October 2023, a JINR delegation met with high-ranking officials of the scientific leadership of the Republic of Serbia in Belgrade. The meeting focused on the discussion of a wide range of issues related to the enhancement of the scientific and practical cooperation between JINR and Serbian scientific organizations with the main goal of gradually advancing Serbia’s status in JINR from associate to fully fledged membership. The meeting was held alongside the NICA Days 2023 International School that is taking place these days in Serbia.
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Day of German Unity
3 October marks the Day of German Unity, a national holiday of Germany – an Associate Member of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
The Directorate of the Institute congratulates German colleagues on the Day of German Unity and wishes them and their loved ones good health and well-being, successful work, scientific achievements and discoveries for the benefit of science and progress!
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NICA Days 2023 School started in Belgrade
On 2 October 2023, the NICA Days 2023 International School started in a mixed format at the Vin&vcirc;a Institute of Nuclear Sciences in Belgrade, Serbia. At the event, leading scientists will deliver their reports on the status of the NICA Project and its experimental facilities such as BM@N, MPD, and SPD. The School aims to attract new scientists and students to the creation of the NICA Accelerator Complex.
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NJINR included in shortlist of For Loyalty to Science Award
Petr Shirkov, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, an employee at the JINR University Centre, a teacher at the V. G. Kadyshevsky Physics and Mathematics Lyceum in Dubna, has become a candidate for the For Loyalty to Science Award 2023 in the Mentor nomination.
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JEMS-23 results: forming basis for new round of JINR-RSA cooperation development
On 15 September, a regular round table with the JINR Directorate summed up the results of the 23rd JINR International Training Programme (JEMS-23). JEMS was specially organized for representatives of universities and research centres of the Republic of South Africa for the first time. The internship was the result of an agreement between JINR and the National Research Foundation of South Africa (NRF) as part of the work of the Joint South Africa-JINR Coordination Committee. Growing mutual interest in developing cooperation, in particular regarding matters of personnel training, impelled an RSA-only JEMS programme.
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JINR – Oman: step towards cooperation
On 28 September, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was visited by a delegation from the Sultanate of Oman headed by Dr. Khalid Al-Shuaibi, President of the National Investment and Export Development Programme and Coordinator of the Oman Vision 2040 Programme, who was on a work visit to Russia.Head of the Investment Department of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion of the Sultanate of Oman, Khadija Al-Saqtari, and Head of the Business Partnership Development Department, Jassim Al-Alalwi, also arrived at JINR.
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Autumn call for JINR International Postdoctoral Programme started
Applications for participation in the JINR Postdoctoral Programme are accepted from 1 October to 1 November 2023. The JINR Postdoctoral Programme is aimed at young scientists specialising in theoretical and experimental particle physics, nuclear physics, relativistic heavy ion physics, condensed matter physics, and radiobiology. The original appointment will be for 1 year, with the possibility to renew it for another 2 years.
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NICA Days 2023 – unique chance for students and postgraduates to join NICA Project
On 2-3 October 2023, the Vin&vcirc;a Institute of Nuclear Sciences in Belgrade, Serbia, hosts the NICA Days 2023 International School. The School is held in a mixed format. To join the event via Zoom, it is enough to register for it. The School is intended for students and postgraduates interested in physics of relativistic heavy ion collisions and the design and development of detectors and equipment for megascience experiments. The School is mainly organized to stimulate interest in the NICA Project among young scientists and attract new scientific and engineering personnel.
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JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov honoured with Friendship Award of China
On 28 September, at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, the festive ceremony of awarding the laureates of the Friendhip Award of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) took place.
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JINR scientist received Cherenkov Prize of RAS
On 19 September, by the decision of the Praesidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Head of the Scientific and Experimental Department of Heavy-Ion Physics at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR, Alexsander Malakhov, was presented the Cherenkov Prize. He was awarded the prize for a cycle of research in relativistic nuclear physics carried out at JINR and foreign centres and provided the basis for the physical programme of the NICA Accelerator Complex.
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Vladimir Korenkov turns 70!
On 26 September 2023, Vladimir Vasilievich Korenkov, Scientific Leader of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, celebrates his 70th birthday.
Dear Vladimir Vasilievich! The JINR Directorate, the staff of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, colleagues and friends heartily congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you new scientific achievements, health, happiness and prosperity!
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JINR Scientific Council honoured scientists’ achievements
On 22 September, the 134th session of the Scientific Council finished at the JINR International Conference Centre. On this day, the OGANESSON Prize’s first winners were announced, the N. N. Bogoliubov Prize and the JINR Prize diplomas for the best research works of 2022 were presented to winners. Two scientists were awarded the title “Honorary Doctor of JINR”.
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First winners of OGANESSON Award announced
On 22 September, the first winners of the OGANESSON Award were announced at the 134th session of the Scientific Council of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in Dubna. The award was created at the suggestion and expense of RAS Academician Yuri Oganessian and established at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in 2023. The award’s founders are Scientific Leader of the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions Yuri Oganessian and JINR.
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Creating solid foundation for Institute’s development for next seven-year period
On 21 September 2023, the 134th session of the Scientific Council of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research started. The members of the Scientific Council, international experts from leading scientific organizations and universities, considered the latest scientific results of JINR and the results of the summer meetings of PAC JINR, discussed the revised draft of the Seven-Year Plan for the Development of JINR for 2024–2030, held elections for the position of Director of DLNP at JINR, and approved the appointments of Deputy Directors of MLIT and FLNP. The event was co-chaired by the Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Professor Sergey Kilin.
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Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia
21 September marks the Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia, a JINR Member State. The Republic of Armenia, as part of the USSR, joined JINR since its foundation based on the Agreement signed on 26 March 1956. As a sovereign republic, Armenia has been a JINR Member State since 1992.
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New Book Acquisitions exhibition in S&T Library
On 18 – 29 September 2023, the JINR Science and Technology Library is hosting the New Book Acquisitions exhibition. Readers are offered educational and scientific literature that will be interesting for students, postgraduates, teachers, and researchers.
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134th session of JINR Scientific Council
On 21 – 22 September 2023, the 134th regular session of the Scientific Council of the Institute will be held at the JINR International Conference Centre. The event will be chaired by Professor Sergey Kilin, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The members of the Scientific Council will discuss the draft of the JINR Development Plan for the next seven years and elect the Director of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems. The presentation of the awards will take place. Winners of a new OGANESSON Award will be announced.
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Igor Anatolievich Golutvin. Condolences
On 13 September 2023, Igor Anatolievich Golutvin, Professor, full member of the Russian Academy of Engineering Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, International Academy of Sciences, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Chief Researcher of the Scientific and Experimental Physics Department at CMS at VBLHEP, passed away.
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Registration for School on Physics of Quark-Gluon Matter opened
Registration is open for the School on Physics of Quark-Gluon Matter that will be held at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research as part of the preparation for experiments at the NICA Accelerator Complex on 16 – 20 November 2023.
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Representatives of South African Embassy in Russia visited JINR
On 12 September, representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of South Africa in Russian Federation visited JINR, coinciding with the 23rd JINR Training Programme for Decision-Makers in Science and International Scientific Cooperation, JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries (JEMS). The Counsellor of the Political Section of the SA Embassy, Douw Vermaak, and the First Secretary of the Section, Lesiba Ratlou, visited JINR laboratories, met with the management and leading scientists of the Joint Institute and the participants of the JEMS-23 training programme, which is currently being held for leaders from South Africa.
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“Moving forward confidently”: results of first meeting of PRC-JINR Joint Coordination Committee
On 11 September 2023, the first meeting of the Joint Coordination Committee took place under the Protocol between the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China, JINR, and the
Chinese Academy of Sciences
on strengthening cooperation in the field of basic scientific research. The event was held during the visit of the People’s Republic of China delegation headed by Vice Minister of Science and Technology of China, Academician Wu Zhaohui to the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research on 10 – 11 September 2023.
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JINR took part in Swiss MDPI webinar
On 7 September, Advisor to the FLNP Directorate at JINR Marina Frontasyeva participated in the MDPI Webinar dedicated to the International Day of Clean Air 2023. The researcher delivered a report “Atmospheric Deposition of Trace Elements and Radionuclides in Europe, Asia and the Pacific Region Based on Moss Analysis” that covered the research carried out at FLNP.
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Nuclear physics methods for study of cultural objects being discussed in Tashkent
The Third International Workshop “Application of nuclear physics methods for the study of cultural heritage objects” has started today in Tashkent, the Republic of Uzbekistan. The event is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
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EMS-23: strengthening ties with South Africa
On 11 September, a regular training programme, JINR Expertise for Member States and Partner Countries (JEMS-23), started.
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Registration for Wave 9 of INTEREST programme announced
The JINR University Centre announces the start of registration for Wave 9 of the INTEREST programme, which will be held on 30 October – 10 December 2023. Registration is available from 11 September to 8 October 2023.
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JINR News bulletin #3 2023 issued
The JINR News bulletin is issued 4 times a year and provides information on new scientific results, obtained at JINR Laboratories, on progress in performance of large-scale experiments, on construction of new installations, about discoveries, inventions, etc. JINR social life is presented extensively.
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JINR and Vietnam enhance cooperation on youth work
On 28–30 August 2023, the JINR delegation took part in the 8th Academic Conference on Natural Science for Young Scientists, Master and PhD Students from ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) countries in Vinh, Vietnam.
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JINR and Pakistan discussed cooperation opportunities
In the second half of August, at the invitation of the leadership of the National Centre for Physics of Pakistan, a work visit of the JINR delegation to Islamabad took place. As part of the business trip, JINR representatives visited the leading scientific research institutes of Pakistan and discussed possible cooperation areas with their leaders and the management of the
Higher Education Commission overseeing the activities of all the country’s universities.
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Physics of strong interactions being discussed in Armenia
On 3 – 9 September, the traditional JINR/BLTP – SKLTP/CAS Joint Workshop on Physics of Strong Interactions is taking place in Yerevan. The event has been held annually since 2010. It is organized jointly by the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR and the State Key Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
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Software for creating digital twins of distributed data processing centres developed at JINR
Employees of the Laboratory of Information Technologies at JINR have developed and registered a software complex for creating digital twins (DTs) of distributed data acquisition, storage, and processing centres (DDPCs). The uniqueness of this program is that DTs created with its help effectively monitor the operation of DDPCs in terms of data flows and related tasks. According to developers, it is supposed to use the created software mainly for design and operation of computing infrastructures of physical experiments.
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New Book Acquisitions exhibition in S&T Library
On 4 – 15 September 2023, the JINR Science and Technology Library (S&T Library) invites visitors to the New Book Acquisitions exhibition. Readers are offered educational and scientific literature that will be interesting for students, postgraduates, teachers, and researchers.
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Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics started
These days, a traditional Dubna event, Workshop on High Energy Spin Physics, is taking place in a hybrid format at JINR. The current meeting is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Anatoly Efremov, an outstanding physicist, a world-renowned specialist in the field of quantum field theory and elementary particle physics. Almost 90 scientists from research centres of different countries are taking part in the event.
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Independence Day of Vietnam
On 2 September, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a JINR Member State, celebrates the Independence Day. Vietnam has been a Member State of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research since 1956. One of the largest scientists of this country, Academician Nguyen Van Hieu worked at JINR. For many years, he was a member of the governing bodies of the Institute.
The Institute’s Directorate congratulates Vietnamese colleagues on the Independence Day and wishes them and their families good health and well-being, successful work, scientific achievements and discoveries for the benefit of science and progress!
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Cycle of lectures by Yuri Oganessian
By the beginning of the new academic year, we would like to present you a cycle of five popular science video lectures by Academician Yuri Oganessian.
The video lectures are available on the JINR Educational Portal in English and Russian versions.
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Independence Day of Uzbekistan
1 September marks a national holiday, the Independence Day, or Mustaqillik, of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a Member State of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Uzbekistan joined the Institute as a Soviet Republic in 1956. In June 1992, Uzbekistan became an independent JINR Member State.
The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research congratulates colleagues and partners from Uzbekistan, as well as their relatives, on the Independence Day and wishes them good health, well-being, happiness, and new professional successes for the benefits of science and progress!
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JINR to hold Navigator Festival for second time
On 9 September, all schoolchildren and their parents are welcome to the JINR Universal Public Library to take part in Navigator, the second festival of additional development and education. During the festival day, parents will be able to get firsthand information about extracurricular activities and opportunities for additional education and development for children in Dubna.This will help them build an educational trajectory for their children for the next academic year. Participants of the festival will involve young guests in different workshops, games, lectures, and other activities. Admission is free. The events of the festival will take place from 12:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Organizers: JINR Universal Public Library and the JINR Women’s Committee.
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JINR scientist – competition finalist for Lobachevsky Medal and Prize
A meeting of the jury of the competition for the Lobachevsky Medal and Prize “For outstanding contributions to fundamental and applied mathematics” has taken place at Kazan Federal University (KFU). It resulted in the determination of finalists. Head of the Sector of Quantum Groups and Integrable Systems of the Scientific Department of Modern Mathematical Physics of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR, RAS Professor Nikolay Tyurin was among finalists.
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Research on Survival of À549 Tumor Cells under Proton Beam Irradiation in Flash and Conventional Mode
We offer to your attention a preprint “Research on Survival of À549 Tumor Cells under Proton Beam Irradiation in Flash and Conventional Mode” P19-2023-31 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Anna Rzyanina, Gennady Mitsyn, Alexey Agapov, Evgenia Gritskova, Svetlana Uglova, Victor Gaevsky, Konstantin Shipulin, Indira Hasenova.
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Delivery of High-Intensity Proton Beam for the Study of Flash Effect in Radiotherapy
We offer to your attention a preprint “Delivery of High-Intensity Proton Beam for the Study of Flash Effect in Radiotherapy” P13-2023-35 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Alexey Agapov, Evgenia Gritskova, Sergey Gustov, Gennady Mitsyn, Alexander Molokanov, Indira Hasenova, Sergey Shvidky, Konstantin Shipulin.
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New data processing methods at NICA being discussed in Saint Petersburg
On 28 – 29 August, the first seminar “ The use of new methods for processing data of physical experiment. Application of machine learning methods at the NICA Complex” is taking place in the Mendeleev Congress Hall of Saint Petersburg University (SPbU). The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and Saint Petersburg State University organized the event.
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Conference “Actual Problems of Microworld Physics” taking place in Minsk
Today, on 28 August 2023, the 15th International School-Conference “The Actual Problems of Microworld Physics” started in Minsk, Belarus. Together with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, the Institute for Nuclear Problems of Belarusian State University and the B. I. Stepanov Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus organized the event.
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Independence Day of Republic of Moldova
On 27 August, Moldova, a Member State of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, celebrates its national holiday the Independence Day. The Republic of Moldova, as part of the USSR, joined JINR since its foundation in 1956. As a sovereign republic, Moldova has been a JINR Member State since 1992.
The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research congratulates Moldavian colleagues and partners, as well as their relatives, on the Independence Day and wishes them good health, happiness, well-being, luck, and new professional successes for the benefits of science and progress.
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Congratulations to Gheorghe Adam
On 26 August 2023, Professor Gheorghe Adam, a Chief Researcher of the Scientific Department of Computational Physics of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, celebrates his 80th birthday.
Dear Gheorghe! We heartily congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you good health, energy, and success in your work, well-being, mutual understanding and happiness in family life. All the very best to you!
Directorate of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies, colleagues and friends
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Development of Ionization Chambers for Monitoring High-Intensity Radiation Beams
We offer to your attention a preprint “Development of Ionization Chambers for Monitoring High-Intensity Radiation Beams” P13-2023-34 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Alexey Agapov, Gennady Mitsyn, Konstantin Shipulin.
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Strong ties with JINR Member States: Uzbekistan
JINR Director RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov has received a personal commendation from President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev. The commendation has been given for congratulations by the JINR leader on behalf of the entire international team of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research to the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the re-election to a new term.
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Tenth “NICA Bulletin” issued
We offer to your attention the tenth issue of the regular NICA Bulletin reviewing the progress of the implementation of the JINR flagship international project “NICA Complex”.
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Accumulator of cold and very cold neutrons
We offer to your attention a preprint “Accumulator of cold and very cold neutrons” P13-2023-28 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The author is Yuri Nikitenko.
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Research of response of neutron dosimeter DVGN-01 in field of DC-280 to correct its readings
We offer to your attention a preprint “Experimental research of the response of the albedo individual neutron dosimeter DVGN-01 in the field of the accelerator DC-280 to correct its readings” P16-2023-24 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Yuri Mokrov et al.
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On 110th anniversary of birth of Bruno Pontecorvo
22 August 2023 marks the 110th anniversary of the birth of an outstanding Italian and Soviet scientist Bruno Pontecorvo. He lived in Dubna for more than 40 years and worked at the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR. The famous physicist passed away in 1993, but the interest to his life and scientific research has not waned. Books and films about the life of Bruno Pontecorvo continue to be published today.
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Kinematic fitting in restored film information processing (FIP) in pictures from bubble chambers
We offer to your attention a preprint “Kinematic fitting in the restored film information processing (FIP)
in pictures from bubble chambers” P10-2023-21 published by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Alexander Belyaev ( VBLHEP JINR) and Victor Rikhvitsky ( MLIT JINR).
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Leopold Infeld, world-class theoretical physicist and peace fighter
20 August marks the 125th anniversary of the birth of a famous theoretical physicist, one of the JINR founders Leopold Infeld (1898 – 1968). He was an Academician of the Polish Academy of Sciences and some foreign academies, creator of the school of theoretical physics in Poland. He seemed to have made his own phrase as his motto “Nothing in the world should remain hidden from humanity”. At JINR, he was a member of the Scientific Council.
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Saint István Day in Hungary
On 20 August, Hungary, an Associate Member of JINR, celebrates Saint István Day, the main state holiday.
The Directorate of the Institute congratulates Hungarian colleagues on Saint István Day and wishes them and their loved ones good health, happiness, prosperity, new successes and achievements for the benefit of science and progress!
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Review of the journal “Particles and Nuclei, Letters”, #4 2023
The journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei, Letters, publishes the articles with results of the original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodical and applied research.
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JINR and AFK Sistema agreed to train students for master’s degree
Ten students of Dubna State University will study for a master’s degree for free from September this year. They will improve their skills under the guidance of experienced professionals in the field of hydrogen energy. The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and the Sistema Public Joint-Stock Financial Corporation (AFK) agreed on this in order to train staff for the implementation of joint projects. On 10 August, future masters got acquainted with its latest developments and got interviewed at the Moscow Centre for Hydrogen Technologies, a part of the AFK structure.
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Exhibition of S&T Library dedicated to 110th anniversary of Bruno Pontecorvo
On 21 August — 1 September 2023, the JINR Science and Technology Library will host an exhibition of literature dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the greatest scientist Academician Bruno Pontecorvo.
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FLNP JINR scientists discovered new magnetic phenomena in heterostructures
Applying the method developed at JINR, scientists of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics managed to detect a number of new magnetic phenomena, which were not previously predicted. The phenomena are connected with the interaction of superconducting and ferromagnetic order parameters. These studies can give great practical results in the development of such areas as superconducting spintronics, nanoelectronics, and superconducting quantum computing. In addition, employing rare–earth elements that they had not previously used, namely dysprosium and holmium, scientists managed to obtain a non-trivial magnetic ordering in layered structures, which gives excellent prospects for obtaining innovative materials.
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Search for dark matter in NA64 Experiment
A few days ago, scientists at CERN successfully completed another data collection within the scientific programme on the search for dark matter in the NA64 Experiment. Researchers conducted runs with the electron and muon secondary beams of the SPS Accelerator.
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JINR scientists at 15th International Conference VINANST-15 in Vietnam
On 9-11 August, in Nha Trang ( Vietnam), a JINR delegation took part in the 15th Vietnam Conference on Nuclear Science and Technology ( VINANST-15), organised by the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute ( VINATOM) and the Department of Science and Technology of Khanh Hoa Province. JINR Director and RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov delivered his welcoming speech at the opening ceremony.
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JINR specialists developing and studying compositions of durable cement for radioactive waste storage
A group of scientists at the Laboratory of Neutron Physics at JINR has studied cement samples with various inclusions used for long-term conditioning – one of the key stages of radioactive waste treatment. Experiments with methods of non-destructive microstructural neutron analysis have resulted in the determination of cement matrices with high mechanical stability characteristics. According to the scientists, the obtained results could become a promising basis for further research of cement compositions of new types.
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Application of method of moments for doublet and triplet analysis in radiation spectra
We offer to your attention a preprint “Application of the method of moments for the doublet and triplet analysis in the radiation spectra” E6-2023-29 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The author is Igor Izosimov ( FLNR JINR).
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Registration for Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS-2023) started
The Association of Young Scientists and Specialists at JINR has announced the opening of registration for the 27th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS-2023). The event will be held on 30 October – 3 November 2023 in person at the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR.
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Enrolment for creative teams of Cultural Centre “Mir”
The JINR Cultural Centre “Mir” announces enrolment to its creative teams (season 2023 – 2024)...
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New equipment expands JINR publishing capabilities
A set of new post-printing equipment was installed in the Publishing Department of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Together with the already used technology, it will allow the Publishing Department to print hardcover books in the future.
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New Book Acquisitions exhibition in S&T Library
On 7 – 18 August 2023, the JINR Science and Technology Library invites visitors to the New Book Acquisitions exhibition. Readers are offered educational and scientific literature that will be interesting for students, postgraduates, teachers, and researchers.
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Registration for International Baldin Seminar is open
Registration for the 25th International Baldin Seminar on High Energy Physics Problems, Relativistic Nuclear Physics and Quantum Chromodynamics, is open. The event will take place on 18-23 September 2023 in person at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research as part of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development. The Seminar is organized by JINR with the support of the International Union of Pure and Applied Physics.
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Neutrino oscillations: status and prospects for determination of neutrino mass ordering and leptonic CP-violation phase
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is preparing to celebrate the 110th anniversary of the birth of the founder of experimental neutrino physics, one of the JINR founders Bruno Pontecorvo (1913 – 1993). An outstanding scientist was the first in the world to put forward the idea of neutrino oscillations, which was confirmed experimentally only 60 years later.On the eve of this date, a team of authors from the Joint Institute has prepared a review article on this topic.
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During the study of soil composition for the presence of potentially toxic metals, a group of scientists from the Laboratory of Neutron Physics at JINR obtained an interesting result. They discovered a correlation between the pollution map and the soil map based on satellite images. According to the researchers, under certain conditions, this correlation can be used to identify areas of massive soil contamination in places where it is impossible to collect samples.
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Polynomial Approximation of the Magnetic Field for Track Detector
We offer to your attention a preprint “Polynomial Approximation of the Magnetic Field for Track Detector” P1-2023-20 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Alexander Belyaev ( VBLHEP JINR), Victor Rikhvitsky ( MLIT JINR).
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Refinement of optical constants for bubble chambers
We offer to your attention a preprint “Refinement of optical constants for bubble chambers” P10-2023-19 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Alexander Belyaev ( VBLHEP JINR), Victor Rikhvitsky ( MLIT JINR).
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Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova to Russia visited JINR
On 26 July, a meeting was held of Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Moldova to the Russian Federation Lilian Darii and leaders of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research headed by JINR Director RAS Academician Grigory Trubikov.
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JINR awarded diplomas on conferring academic degrees
On 26 July, an awarding ceremony of diplomas on conferring academic degrees took place in the Big Hall of the JINR Scientists’ Club. Two Doctors of Sciences and five Candidates of Sciences received their diplomas. By tradition, the event was held in a festive atmosphere with the participation of representatives of the JINR Qualification Committee, guests, and scientific secretaries of Dissertation Councils, at meetings of which the defences took place.
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Professor Sangaa turns 70!
Today marks the 70th anniversary of a Member of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics, Research Supervisor of Functional Material Laboratory of the Institute of Physics and Technology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (IPT MAS), MAS Academician Professor Deleg Sangaa.
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SUSU and LRB developing system for analysing behaviour patterns of laboratory animals
On 24 July, a delegation of the South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk) headed by Rector Alexander Vagner visited JINR. During the visit, a working meeting on the problems of developing automation systems for processing the results of behavioural experiments with laboratory animals took place.
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Application of machine learning methods for data processing at NICA to be discussed in Saint Petersburg
A two-day seminar “Use of new methods for data processing in physical experiments. Application of machine learning methods at the NICA Complex” will take place on 28 – 29 August in Saint Petersburg. The event is organized by Saint Petersburg State University together with JINR and MIPT in a mixed format and will be held for the first time
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ICS-2023: summary of School’s work
On 15 July 2023, the 35th International Computer School finished at the JINR Resort Hotel “Ratmino”. The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research organized the School. 46 students from the Moscow Region, Moscow, St. Petersburg, Primorsky and Krasnodar Krai took part in it.
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International School “Integrable and Stochastic Systems” started at BLTP JINR
On 23 July, the International School “Advanced Methods of Modern Theoretical Physics: Integrable and Stochastic Systems” started at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR. The event was initiated by the BLTP JINR employees together with colleagues from the Member States. More than 50 participants from Russian and foreign universities will explore the School’s topics during lectures and present their poster reports.
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Revolution Day in Egypt
On 23 July, the Arab Republic of Egypt (ARE), a member state of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, celebrates the Revolution Day. It is a state holiday dedicated to the anniversary of the July Revolution that took place in Egypt in 1952. The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research congratulates Egyptian colleagues and partners, as well as their relatives, on the Revolution Day and wishes them good health, happiness, well-being, luck, and new professional successes for the benefits of science and progress.
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New program to simulate efficiency of low-energy neutron extraction systems
The Innovations and Intellectual Property Department of JINR announces that the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research has received a certificate of state registration of the software “Monte Carlo Simulation of nanodispersed extraction systems for low-energy neutrons (MCSnes)” on 4 July 2023. Authors are Alexander Nezvanov and Eyvaz Teymurov (the Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR). Congratulations to the authors on receiving the state registration of the program!
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Nguyen Van Hieu. Serving to science for benefit of people
21 July marks the 85th anniversary of the birth of Academician Nguyen Van Hieu (21.07.1938 – 23.01.2022), one of the greatest Vietnam scientists and ex-president of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology. For many years he was a member of the JINR Scientific Council and Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of Vietnam in JINR.
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Creation of new DC-140 Accelerator gaining momentum at JINR
Specialists continue to create the DC-140 Accelerator Complex at the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions JINR. The complex is being created to solve applied problems, namely research on solid state physics and surface modification of materials, production of track membranes and testing of electronic component base, etc. On 12 July, specialists completed the installation of the main magnet of the cyclotron. It is planned to put the accelerator into operation in one and a half to two years.
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VII Summer School “Physics. Mathematics. IT” taking place with JINR participation at University “Dubna”
On 16 July, the State University “Dubna” hosted an opening of the VII Summer School “Physics. Mathematics. IT”. The university and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research were the co-organizers of the event. The School gathered 60 senior pupils from 26 cities of Russia. During ten days of the event, its participants will get acquainted with university teachers, scientists, engineers, IT specialists, visit the JINR laboratories and the NICA Collider, learn about what projects trainees and graduates of the university are working on. In addition, schoolchildren will have to work on scientific projects under the guidance of the best theoretical physicists, nuclear physicists, electronics engineers, biophysicists, geophysicists, web developers, analysts, data security and mathematical modelling specialists.
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TESLA-Type Superconducting Accelerator Niobium Resonators for Electrons and Positrons
We offer to your attention a preprint “TESLA-Type Superconducting Accelerator Niobium Resonators for Electrons
and Positrons” P9-2023-9 issued by the JINR Publishing Department.
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Development of cities with high scientific and technological potential discussed at JINR
On 18 July, the Meeting of Working groups of Dubna and Obninsk teams on participation in the pilot project of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI) “Cities with High Scientific and Technological Potential” took place at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The participants of the event discussed how to support the potential of Russian science cities and territories with a high concentration of intelligence to accelerate the scientific and technological development of the country and establish its technological sovereignity.
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Summer School “Dialogue-2023”, organized with JINR support, started
The summer session of the Dialogue School started on 18 July. This year, it is taking place at the Gubkinets Sports and Recreation Centre in the Tver Region. During 15 days, 56 schoolchildren (7th – 11th forms) of Dubna and other cities will develop research projects, as well as participate in educational and sporting events. Traditionally, the best project will receive a diploma named after A. N. Sissakian, the former JINR Director, the initiator and an ideological inspirer of the Dialogue School.
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International conference GRID’2023 finished in Dubna
On 3-7 July, the 10th anniversary international conference “Distributed Computing and Grid Technologies in Science and Education” ( GRID’2023) was held at the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies in a mixed format. The conference traditionally attracted a large community of Russian and foreign experts, who discussed emerging challenges and prospects related to the use and development of distributed grid technologies, heterogeneous and cloud computing in different fields of science, education, industry, and business. This year, the list of conference topics was complemented with computing for megascience projects, machine and deep learning, Big Data analytics and quantum computing.
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Meeting on problems in nuclear and particle physics took place in South Korea
From 9 to 15 July, the 14th Meeting “Modern Problems in Nuclear and Particle Physics” was held in Pohang located in the south-east of the Korean Peninsula. The organizers of the event were the Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics (APCTP) and the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR. About 50 specialists discussed the issues of nuclear and particle physics. The meeting was attended by young scientists both from JINR and from the member states of the Asia-Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics, which gives hope for the successful continuation of this series of meetings.
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Review journal Particles & Nuclei, #4 (Vol. 54) 2023
Founded in 1970, the review journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, brief name Particles & Nuclei, is published by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. This is the most influential physical review journal in Russia.
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Igor Victorovich Puzynin. Condolences
On 17 July 2023, Advisor to the Directorate of the Meshcheryakov Laboratory of Information Technologies JINR, Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation Igor Viktorovich Puzynin passed away. He was a world-famous scientist, who brought up generations of mathematicians and scientists in many JINR Member States.
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Call for applications for Vyzov Award started
Vyzov is an annual National Award in the field of future technologies in the Russian Federation. The Award was established by the Vyzov Foundation for the Development of Scientific and Cultural Relations with the support of Gazprombank and the Presidential Executive Office of Russia. The Award is dedicated to the Decade of Science and Technology.
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FLNP JINR developed highly efficient detector of thermal and cold neutrons
Scientists of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR have developed a new position-sensitive gas detector of thermal and cold neutrons. According to the inventors, the detector surpasses in its characteristics similar detectors used in European scientific centres. Scientists have improved the construction of the high-speed narrow-gap gas ionization chamber developed in 1998 at the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems.
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FLNP Director Egor Lychagin turns 50!
On 17 July, Director of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Egor Lychagin turned 50.
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FLNP JINR researchers studied charge effect on morphological changes of cell membrane
A group of scientists at the Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP JINR), in collaboration with colleagues from the Laboratory of Information Technologies, continues to study the interaction of amyloid-beta peptide (Aß 25-35) with model lipid membranes. These interactions provide a basis for an amyloid-beta theory of the etiology of Alzheimer’s disease that explains the damage of lipid membranes of brain cells caused by the influence of the amyloid-beta peptides. The latest experiment by JINR scientists has shown that previously observed morphological changes of membranes and their damage are independent of the charge existence in the system.
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JINR hosts Physics Workshop at Summer School
From 6 July to 7 August, the 20th Summer School is taking place at the Volga Recreation Centre of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Among 23 workshops of the School, there is an Element 105 Workshop organized by JINR employees.
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Solidarity of countries is crucial for science development. Grigory Trubnikov at Future Technologies Forum
On 13 July, JINR Director RAS Academician Grigory Trubnikov participated in the “Computing and Communication. The Quantum World” discussion session of the Future Technologies Forum. The participants discussed Russia’s technological development strategies, the country’s place in the international scientific arena in modern geopolitical circumstances, as well as the role of international cooperation in science.
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Ficus and eucalyptus helped to assess air quality in Egypt
Scientists of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR developed a methodology for conducting environmental air monitoring based on the neutron activation analysis. According to the results of a recent study, JINR scientists managed not only to obtain data on the air quality in Egypt, but also to make a forecast about its condition in the future and find out what threats it may pose to public health. Scientists used to carry out such monitoring with the help of mosses, and in such a way the air state was assessed in a number of the JINR Member States.However, it turned out that moss is not suitable for research in Egypt due to the hot climate. Scientists found an alternative solution choosing evergreen plants common in the country. Biomonitors were eucalyptus, namely Eucalyptus globulus Labill, and ficus, namely Ficus microcarpa L.f. and Ficus benjamina L.
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Proceedings of conferences in Armenia published
The JINR Publishing Department issued proceedings of conferences.
1. “Armenian meeting. Climate changes: adaptation”
The collection contains abstracts of the reports presented at the conference in Yerevan on 27 – 28 March 2023 and short papers by young scientists.
2. “Meeting in Nor Amberd”
The proceedings of the conference “Modern problems of genetics, radiobiology, radioecology and evolution: GRRE2021” includes abstracts of presentations, memories and discussions, lectures made at the event. The materials are published in the authors’ wording. The Conference was held on 5 – 9 October 2021 in Nor Amberd, Armenia, and was dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of Nikolay Timofeeff-Ressovsky. The Joint Institute was on of the event’s organizers.
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“We want to come back here with students”. Physics teachers shared their impressions about internship at JINR
From 3 to 7 July, the JINR University Centre held a regular School for Physics Teachers. 20 teachers from 18 regions of Russia and a teacher from Armenia took part in it.
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Working Group on Financial Issues under CP JINR Chairperson held a meeting
On 10 – 11 July, a meeting of the Working Group on Financial Issues under the Chairperson of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of JINR took place in Irkutsk. The Working Group prepared a number of recommendations for the upcoming meetings of the Financial Committee and the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of JINR.
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Workshop on superconducting and magnetic hybrid structures started at BLTP JINR
On 11 July, the International workshop “Superconducting and Magnetic Hybrid Structures” began at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics JINR. The event brought together about 70 leading scientists from JINR and research centres in Cameroon, Egypt, France, Iran, the Netherlands, Russia, South Africa, and Sweden. The conference is being held at BLTP for the first time. Its working language is English.
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School on Particle Physics and Astrophysics, devoted to 110th anniversary of Bruno Pontecorvo, started on Lake Baikal
Today, the XXIII Baikal Summer School on Physics of Elementary Particles and Astrophysics has started. The event is traditionally taking place in Bolshiye Koty village on the shore of Lake Baikal.
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14th Workshop “Modern problems in nuclear and elementary particle physics”
On 9 July, in Pohang, South Korea, the 14th APCTP-BLTP JINR Joint Workshop “Modern problems in nuclear and elementary particle physics” in honour of Prof. Yongseok Oh started. The Workshop aims to promote cooperation between researchers of the countries of Asia Pacific region and leading research centres of Russia in the fields of nuclear physics and elementary particle physics.
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National holiday of Mongolia
On 11- 13 July, Mongolia, a Member State of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, celebrates its main national holiday Naadam.Mongolia has been a JINR Member State since the Institute’s foundation. For more than half a century Mongolian scientists have been successfully taking part in the Institute’s activities.
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Igor Alekseevich Savin. Condolences
On 8 July, 2023, Professor Igor Alekseevich Savin, Honorary Director of VBLHEP, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, passed away. He was a scientist with a worldwide reputation, a man who created the glorious history of our Institute and world science. Carlo Rubbia, Nobel Laureate in physics, wrote to Igor Savin on his 90th birthday, “Igor, your anniversary celebration represents for all of us a unique result to which we have been involved over many decades and of which we are extremely proud”.
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Plenipotentiary Representative of Cuba made first visit to JINR
On 8 July, the new Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Cuba in JINR, Director of the Center for Radiation Protection and Hygiene (CPHR) Dr. Gonzalo Walwyn Salas visited Dubna to get acquainted with the Joint Institute. He was appointed by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of Cuba in March this year. During the visit, the Plenipotentiary Representative met with the Directorate of the Institute. The parties discussed prospects for the development of cooperation.
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New JINR e-service to order certificates now available
The process of ordering and issuing certificates at the Joint Institute is getting more convenient. The JINR Digital Ecosystem now provides a new service thanks to which the Institute’s staff can order salary certificates.
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STC JINR reviewed results of Institute’s work for half a year and report by youth organization
On 5 July, a meeting of the Science and Technology Council of JINR was held chaired by Elena Kolganova. The STC Members heard a report by JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov on the results of the Institute’s activities for the first half of 2023. They also reviewed a report on the work of the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR. The JINR Laboratories have obtained good scientific results. The infrastructure is being updated, work of departments and offices is undergoing optimisation. AYSS is widening the range of its activities and holds new events.
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JINR holds jubilee International Computer School for children
At the beginning of July, the 35th jubilee Summer International Computer School named after V. Volokitin and E. Shirkova ( ICS-2023) started. The School is held at the JINR Resort Hotel “Ratmino”.
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JINR launched Summer School on Physics and Technology of Accelerators
The Summer Science Intensive School “Physics and Technology of Accelerators” has started in Dubna. The event jointly organized by the Joint Institute and Tomsk Polytechnic University (TPU) aims at 3-4 – year engineering and physics students of technical universities of the JINR Member States who are keen on modern accelerator technologies. On 4 July, the School opening and first lectures took place at the JINR University Centre (UC JINR).
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Joint Coordination Committee on RSA – JINR Cooperation
The 22nd meeting of the Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) on Cooperation of the Republic of South Africa (RSA) with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was held on 20 June 2023.
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Recovery of software and hardware complex for film information processing (FIP) for bubble chambers
We offer to your attention a preprint “Recovery of the software and hardware complex for film information processing (FIP) for bubble chambers” P10-2023-18 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The authors are Anton Baldin, Alexander Belyaev, Alexey Beloborodov, Victor Rikhvitsky, Alexander Troyan.
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JINR scientist won student research paper competition
An engineer of the DLNP Scientific and Experimental Department of Elementary Particle Physics Anna Stepanova won R. V. Khokhlov Competition of Student Research Papers of the MSU Faculty of Physics. The diploma of I degree was awarded to a graduate of the Dubna Department of Elementary Particle Physics based on the results of the Master’s thesis defence.
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JINR Science and Technology Council meeting
On 5 July (Wednesday), the meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council will be held at the JINR International Conference Centre.
The beginning of the meeting is set at 4:00 PM.
- The information of the Directorate. Speaker: Grigory Trubnikov
- AYSS report. Speaker: Vladislav Rozhkov
Programme of the meeting on Indico.
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Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus
3 July marks the Independence Day of the Republic of Belarus (Republic Day), a Member State of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
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PAC NP meeting took place at JINR. Synthesis of new elements at the top of the agenda
On 29 – 30 June, the 57th meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics took place at JINR. Participants of the event got acquainted with reports on the JINR flagship projects and considered proposals for their extension. Reports on new projects and subprojects were made.
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Lipnya-2023: registration opened
Registration for XXVII Summer School for Young Scientists and Specialists ( Lipnya-2023) has opened. The School is organized by the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR. The event will take place from 14 to 16 July at the Lipnya Tourist Base on Lipnya island. Young scientists and specialits of JINR and Dubna enterprises under 35 are kindly invited to participate.
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Finding mass of charged particle according to shape of its trajectory, and hypothesis of anomalous lepton existence test
We offer to your attention a preprint “Finding the mass of a charged particle according to the shape of its trajectory, and hypothesis of anomalous lepton existence test” P1-2023-22 issued by the JINR Publishing Department. The author is Alexander Belyaev.
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JINR scientists tested bakery yeast’s ability to extract precious metals from wastewater
Performing experiment with silver-containing wastewater and ordinary baker’s yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the group of scientists from the Sector of Neutron Activation Analysis and Applied Research of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics of JINR confirmed the amazing ability of yeast to adsorb metal ions. The researchers were able to achieve 100% silver removal from wastewater. They believe that this type of yeast can become a promising biosorbent, which is not only safe but also cost-effective.
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International School on Advanced Methods of Modern Theoretical Physics in Dubna
From 23 to 28 July, the International School “Advanced Methods of Modern Theoretical Physics: Integrable and Stochastic Systems” will take place in Dubna. Lecturers will acquaint the participants with modern trends in theoretical physics. The deadline for applications is set on 3 July.
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JINR and China will produce detectors for experiments on fundamental science and medicine
In mid-June, in Wuhan, JINR specialists discussed with their Chinese colleagues joint development of equipment for the NICA Megascience Project. At the initiative of the Joint Institute, there will be a new joint project created. Its main objective will be the development and production of Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors (MAPS) for cutting-edge fundamental and applied scientific experiments.
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Results of Social Mortgage competition announced
The Ministry of Investments and Innovations of the Moscow Region annually holds a competition within the “Social Mortgage” programme to provide the most in-demand young scientists and specialists with state support in purchasing or building housing.
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Summer meeting of PAC for Nuclear Physics
A regular, the 57th Meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Nuclear Physics will take place on 29 – 30 June at the JINR International Conference Centre in a mixed format. The Chairman of the session Valery Nesvizhevsky will open the event and present information on the implementation of the recommendations of the previous meeting of the Committee.
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JINR received certificates of state registration of software
The Innovations and Intellectual Property Department of JINR announces that on 14 June 2023 Joint Institute for Nuclear Research has received two certificate of state registration for the software “Program for processing and visualisation of information on the state of magnetic optics in the measuring pavilion” and the “Program for remote monitoring of warm magnet protections activation in the experimental hall”.
Congratulations to the authors on receiving the state registration of the programs!
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JINR-China cooperation in the field of scientific research to be enhanced
On 15 June, the 14th regular meeting of the Russia-China Working Group on High Technology and Innovation took place in Beijing. At the invitation of the Russian side, a JINR representative, Deputy Head of the Department of Science Organization Activities Alexey Zhemchugov took part in the event. At the meeting, the parties discussed practical steps to implement the quadrilateral Protocol on Strengthening Cooperation in the Field of Basic Scientific Research, in particular, the implementation of the NICA Megascience Project and other flagship large-scale projects of institutions of both countries.
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Alushta-2023: Seven-Year Plan and impressions of JINR youth
From 4 to 11 June, the 12th International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists Alushta-2023 was held at the Dubna Hotel in Alushta. This time it was attended by representatives of six countries. Participants discussed the tasks of the Institute’s Laboratories with regard to the new Seven-Year Plan of JINR, as well as key JINR projects and latest achievements. The current Conference turned out to be the “youngest”, the average age of participants was 28.
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Large IT-School finished in Vladikavkaz
From 15 to 17 June, a jubilee 5th International Summer School for Young Scientists “Modern information technologies for solving scientific and applied problems” was held at the North Ossetian State University. This is an annual event held on the platform of the first Information Centre of JINR in the South of Russia with active participation of the Joint Institute. This time there were participants not only from North Caucasus but also from the Far East. Within the participation in the event Head of the JINR delegation, Director of the Institute Grigory Trubnikov met with Head of the Republic of North Ossetia – Alania Sergey Menyaylo, as well as discussed training of staff for scientific and digital economy.
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FLNP JINR scientists study promising gold deposits in the Eastern Desert of Egypt
Scientists of the group of neutron activation analysis of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR together with their colleagues from Mansoura University of Egypt within the framework of the cooperation with the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT) have studied rock samples from the gold mines of Egypt. The study was aimed at determining the elemental composition of ore and the prospects of deposits.
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JINR scientists found coefficient of angular anisotropy of emission of gamma-rays relative to fission axis
A group of scientists of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics JINR has carried out a more detailed analysis of the data obtained during experiments in 2016-2018 on measuring the rotation effect of the fission axis, the so-called ROT effect, in the binary fission of 235U induced by monochromatic polarised neutrons. A new approach to the data allowed scientists to find the coefficient of angular anisotropy of emission of gamma-rays relative to the fission axis in 2020. The Romanian Reports in Physics journal published the scientific article with the obtained results in 2023.
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Papers of NICA-2022 seminar published in special issue of prestigious journal
Papers of the international online seminar on methods of data analysis and processing in experiments at the NICA Accelerator Complex ( NICA-2022) held in December 2022 have been published in a special issue of Particles 2023, 6(2).
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Experimental laser-plasma diode with magnetic insulation for neutron generation
We offer to your attention a preprint “Experimental laser-plasma diode with magnetic insulation for neutron generation” P13-2023-10 issued by the JINR Publishing Department.
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XXX International Seminar “Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems” started
Today, the 30th anniversary International Seminar “Nonlinear phenomena in complex systems” (NPCS) has started at the Joint Institute for Power and Nuclear Research – Sosny of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. JINR co-organized the event. The event brought together scientists and specialists from the scientific centres of Belarus and Russia.
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Lipnya welcomes first JINR School of Accelerator Physics
From 19 to 23 June, the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR is holding the first School of Accelerator Physics. Almost three dozens of young specialists have gathered at the Lipnya Tourist Base of JINR to get an idea of accelerator physics and learn about the latest achievements in science and technology in the fields of charged particle physics and accelerator technology. Within the School, employees of the Institute will attend a lecture course by leading scientists and specialists into basic principles of operation and major systems of accelerators of charged particles.
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Summer meeting of PAC for Particle Physics
A regular, the 58th Meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Particle Physics chaired by Itzhak Tserruya will take place on 21-22 June at the JINR International Conference Centre in a mixed format.
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NOSU joined ARIADNA Applied Research Collaboration at NICA
On 17 June, a festive signing of the Memorandum of Understanding took place in Vladivostok on the admission of the K. L. Khetagurov North Ossetian State University to the ARIADNA collaboration for carrying out the applied research programme at the NICA Accelerator Complex. The ceremony took place at the JINR Information Centre in the South of Russia at NOSU. On the same day, a three-day workshop “Applied research at the NICA Complex: prospects for cooperation between North Ossetia-Alania Region and JINR” started. At the opening of the event, JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov and NOSU Rector Alan Ogoev made welcoming speeches.
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In search of causes of Alzheimer’s disease: JINR scientists recorded temperature effect on structure of cell membrane
A new cycle of the Alzheimer’s disease study has begun with the development of modern experimental techniques and effective detection tools. Today, this severe neurodegenerative disease is an urgent problem all over the world. Alzheimer’s disease is called the most common type of dementia affecting the elderly. Currently, there are no effective drugs for this disease. Any treatment is almost impossible due to the diagnosis in the late stages, as well as the lack of an unambiguous understanding of the aetiology of the disease. In this regard, the study of the fundamental mechanisms of the occurrence of Alzheimer’s disease is becoming very important.
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PAC for Condensed Matter Physics: NEPTUN Reactor and new projects
The 57th meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics of JINR started yesterday. During the two-day meeting in a mixed format, the participants considered proposals for the opening and extension of projects. The programme of the event includes a meeting with the JINR Directorate and poster presentations by young JINR scientists. The event brought together representatives of scientific centres of Bulgaria, France, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Mongolia, Romania, Russia, and Uzbekistan.
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International IT School taking place in Vladikavkaz with JINR participation
Today, on 15 June, an official opening of the V International Summer School for Young Scientists “Modern information technologies for solving scientific and applied problems” took place. The School is being held from 15 to 17 June at North Ossetian State University named after K.L. Khetagurov (NOSU, Vladikavkaz) at the JINR Information Centre in the south of Russia.
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JINR News bulletin #2 2023 issued
The JINR News bulletin is issued 4 times a year and provides information on new scientific results, obtained at JINR Laboratories, on progress in performance of large-scale experiments, on construction of new installations, about discoveries, inventions, etc. JINR social life is presented extensively.
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JINR received certificate of software state registration
The Innovations and Intellectual Property Department of JINR announces that Joint Institute for Nuclear Research has received a certificate of state registration, namely “Program for analysing work of websites of organizations cooperating with JINR” on 1 June 2023. Authors are Vladimir Eliseev and Tatiana Tyupikova.
Congratulations to the authors on receiving the state registration of the program!
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Protein of tardigrades increased resistance of flies to radiation, but made them slower
Scientists of the Sector of Molecular Genetics of the Cell of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems JINR have managed to increase the resistance of fruit flies and human cultured cells to radiation and oxidative stress using the unique damage suppressor protein of tardigrades (Dsup). Experiments conducted at JINR prove the hypothesis about the action mechanism of proteins of tardigrades and could open up new possibilities in the fields of biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, and oncology.
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Summer meeting of PAC for Condensed Matter Physics
A regular, the 57th meeting of the Programme Advisory Committee for Condensed Matter Physics of JINR will take place on 15 – 16 June at the JINR International Conference Centre. The chairman of the meeting Dénes Lajos Nagy will open the event and present information on the implementation of the recommendations of the previous PAC CMP meeting.
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S&T Library exhibition “Information technologies. Artificial intelligence”
On 13 – 30 June 2023, the JINR Science and Technology Library invites everyone interested to visit the exhibition “Information technologies. Artificial intelligence” ( DLNP site, BLTP building, 1st floor).
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Day of Russia
On 12 June, the Russian Federation, a Member State and the location country of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, celebrates the national holiday of the Day of Russia. Russia significantly contributes to scientific and innovative activities of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. JINR cooperates with almost 200 research centres, universities, industrial companies of Russia from more than 50 Russian cities. Six JINR Information Centres already operate in Russia in Vladikavkaz, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Arkhangelsk, Tomsk, and Vladivostok.
The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research congratulates Russian colleagues and partners, as well as their relatives, on the national holiday and wishes them good health, happiness, well-being, luck, and new professional successes for the benefits of science and progress.
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Mexico welcomes JINR: new contacts for new projects
During the JINR’s visit to Mexico, that took place in the last days of May, the delegation got a warm welcome from the National Autonomous University of Mexico ( UNAM), where presentations and round tables were organized for two days in a row. The working programme continued in Morelia where the round table with JINR was welcomed at the highest level by the Michoacan University of San Nicolàs de Hidalgo ( UMSNH).
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Young scientists from South Africa started practice at JINR
On 7 June, the second stage of the International Student Practice of the JINR University Centre started at JINR. 28 young scientists came from the South African Republic to participate in the internship.
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Baikal-GVD collaboration discussed milestones of winter expedition and future plans
From 30 to 2 June, a collaboration meeting of the Baikal-GVD Megascience Project took place at the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems JINR. About 50 scientists participated in the event in-person and online. They discussed the milestones of the last winter expedition aimed at installing two new clusters at the Baikal Neutrino Telescope. In particular, specialists considered the results of improving the reliability of the Telescope and promising results of a new method of temporary time synchronisation of optical modules.
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Review journal Particles & Nuclei, #3 (Vol. 54) 2023
Founded in 1970, the review journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, brief name Particles & Nuclei, is published by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. This is the most influential physical review journal in Russia.
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Let us save planet with help of physics: JINR joined the World Environment Day
On 5 June, on the World Environment Day, a 24-hour online marathon took place within the framework of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development (IYBSSD 2022/2023). During 24 hours, leading specialists were discussing how science and scientific results promoted the better development of world for everyone. The Joint Institute, as a co-organizer of IYBSSD 2022/2023, contributed to the programme of the event.
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VBLHEP scientists discussed channels and stations for applied research at NICA
As part of the NICA Project, the ARIADNA infrastructure is being set up, focusing on applied problems that requires beam transport and shaping from the accelerators to the target stations for applied research. On 26 May, a seminar was held at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR.A VBLHEP senior engineer Georgy Filatov spoke about the areas of applied research and equipment of channels and stations, namely SIMBO, ISCRA, and SOCHI.
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Regular Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists started in Alushta
On 4 June, the annual International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists began at the JINR Hotel “Dubna”. This year, the event brought together participants from five countries, namely Egypt, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, Romania, and Russia. In total, young scientists will present more than 50 reports at the conference.
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Regular Three-week practice of students from Egypt ended at JINR
On 16 May, the first stage of the International Student Practice organized by the JINR University Centre started at the Joint Institute. 22 trainees – students and young scientists from universities and research centres of the Arab Republic of Egypt – came to Dubna for three weeks. During the first week of the Practice, they listened to lectures on research conducted at JINR and the basic facilities of the Institute, went to excursions to VBLHEP, FLNR, FLNP, DLNP, MLIT. In addition, they learned more about the history of Russia, and went sightseeing in Moscow.
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Baikal Summer School invites participants
Registration for the XXIII Baikal Summer School on Physics of Elementary Particles and Astrophysics opened. The School will be dedicated to the 110th anniversary of Bruno Pontecorvo. Applications are welcome until 16 June 2023 via the link. Master and postgraduate students, as well as Bachelor students, are kindly invited to participate.
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Science Through the Looking Glass Exhibition opened
The grand opening of the photo exhibition featuring works by Mark Kozhura took place on 3 June on the Mendeleev embankment in Dubna. JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov, Acting Head of the Dubna City District Maxim Tikhomirov, Teleset Director Ilya Prokh, and archpriest of the Dubna-Taldom Church District Pavel Murzich took part in the event. The exhibition is a joint project of JINR and the Teleset company with the support of the Dubna administration. As part of the opening, an audio guide to the institute part of the city was presented.
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Registration for AYSS Accelerator Physics School opened
The Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR invites those interested in modern accelerator technologies to take part in the Accelerator Physics School that will be held at the Lipnya Tourist Base of JINR (Lipnya island, Ivankovo reservoir, Tver Region) from 19 to 23 June. The School aims to provide its participants with an overview of the latest achievements of science and technology in the fields of physics of charged particles and accelerator technology.
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Proclamation Day of the Republic of Italy
2 June marks a state holiday of the Republic of Italy, an Associate Member of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. On this day, 77 years ago, the institutional referendum was held, which resulted in Italy becoming a republic in the form of government, ceasing to be a monarchy.
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Announcement by CPED JINR about switch to direct agreements
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research hereby informs owners and tenants of residential premises about a switch to direct agreements from 01.07.2023.
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JINR Annual Report 2022
The JINR Annual Report on activities of the Institute in 2022 was published. As of 1 January 2023, the total number of the staff members at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research was 5,156 (without temporary staff members). Joint research was conducted with scientific centres in the Member States, as well as with international and national organizations in other countries, on 42 topics of first priority and one topic of second priority. 24 international scientific conferences and schools were organized and held. More details about activities and results of work of JINR offices and services in 2022 are available in the JINR Annual Report.
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Internship for young scientists from CIS countries started at JINR
On 29 May, the opening of the 16th International internship for young scientists and specialists from the CIS countries took place at the JINR International Conference Centre. During the internship in Dubna, the participants will visit the JINR laboratories and enterprises of the science city, as well as prepare projects. The authors of the best projects will have the opportunity to receive grants of the International Innovative Nanotechnology Centre of the CIS countries (ININC CIS).
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In memory of Professor Alexandru Mihul
1 June marks the 95th anniversary of the birth of a Romanian physicist Alexandru Mihul (1928 – 2015), JINR Vice-Director in 1970-1973, a co-author of the discovery of the antisigma minus hyperon.
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S&T Library exhibition at VBLHEP “Particle accelerators as instruments of scientific discoveries”
From 5 to 23 June, the branch of the Science and Technology Library at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR (building 3, 2nd floor) invites everyone interested to the book exhibition “Particle accelerators as instruments of scientific discoveries”.
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JINR received two new certificates of state registration
The Innovations and Intellectual Property Department of JINR announces that Joint Institute for Nuclear Research has received two certificates of state registration, namely “JINR international cooperation accounting database” on 12 April 2023 and “Sys_Monit current measurement programme for superconducting structural magnets of the Booster and Nuclotron Synchrotrons” on 2 May 2023.
Congratulations to the authors on receiving state registration!
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Science Through the Looking Glass on Dubna embankment
The Joint Institute and the Teleset company cordially invite you to the opening of the exhibition Science Through the Looking Glass.
The event will be held on 3 June at 5:00 PM in the central alley of the Mendeleev embankment in Dubna.
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Kick-off meeting of JCC of JINR-Mexico: Successful Start
A visit of the JINR delegation to Mexico, headed by Director Grigory Trubnikov, began on 29 May. The first event of the visit has been the kick-off meeting of the Joint Cooperation Committee JINR-Mexico. It became the first practical step on the road towards the implementation of the Joint Declaration of Intent, signed by JINR and the National Council of Humanities, Science and Technologies of Mexico ( CONAHCYT) on the sidelines of the JINR Scientific Council’s session in February.
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Relevant MBIR project committee held with JINR participation
On 26 May, Uzbekistan, a JINR Member State, hosted a meeting of the Committee on Non-Energy Application of Nuclear Technologies of the Advisory Board of the International Research Centre based on the MBIR reactor (IRC MBIR). The event took place in Tashkent on the site of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan. JINR Vice-Director Latchesar Kostov represented the Joint Institute at the meeting. He announced that the Institute together with colleagues had already started working on the research programme of the facility under construction.
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Meeting on development of information and educational environment: entering new stage
On 18 May, an international working meeting on the development of the JINR University Centre project “Open information and educational environment to support fundamental and applied interdisciplinary research at JINR” took place. Representatives of universities of the JINR Member States and Associate Members took part in the event. The participants of the meeting discussed new approaches using information and communication technologies in teaching students and schoolchildren. In addition, new ideas and proposals on the creation of virtual workshops were considered.
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ISINN-29: Lanzhou University became new co-organizer of conference
On 29 May, the 29th International Seminar on Interaction of Neutrons with Nuclei ( ISINN-29) started. The meeting has been bringing together specialists from leading research centres from around the world for 30 years. This year, Lanzhou University co-organized the event for the first time.
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Book about outstanding scientist Yulian Budagov published
The JINR Publishing Department has released a book “Professor Budagov Yulian Aramovich” written in memory of this talanted scientist, world-class experimental physicist, science organizer. The book describes the scientific biography of the scientist, as well as the memoirs of his colleagues and friends.
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Independence Day of Republic of Azerbaijan
The Independence Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan has been celebrated in the JINR Member State since the 1990s in honour of the proclamation of independence of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic by the National Council in 1918.
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Dedicated to Wang Ganchang’s birthday
28 May marks the birthday of one of the JINR founders, a prominent Chinese scientist, a researcher in the fields of nuclear physics, cosmic rays, and elementary particle physics, RAS Academician Wang Ganchang (1907-1998). Wang Ganchang achieved worldwide recognition by making a major contribution to the development of Chinese science and technology, high technology. In 1956, the Chinese government sent him to JINR to develop high energy physics in China. At JINR, he was first a researcher until 1958 and the JINR Vice-Director from 1958 to 1960.
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Independence Day of Georgia
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