Year 2010, issues:
, 3
, 4
, 5
, 6
, 7
up |
S. A. Mikheev, V. P. Tsvetkov
Polynomial and Polytropic Approximations in the Equation
of Equilibrium Post-Newtonian Rotating Configurations of the
Degeneration Neutron Gas
(161 Ká) |
G. M. Zinovjev, S. V. Molodtsov
Variational Principle and Quantum Operators Ordering
(142 Ká) |
Ì. K. Volkov, E. A. Kuraev, Yu. M. Bystritskiy
Two-Photon Mechanism of Production of the Scalar Mesons in Colliders
(104 Ká) |
V. I. Zhuravlev, V. A. Meshcheryakov
On the Behavior at Infinity of the Separatrix of a Static Model
(116 Ká) |
N. T. Khai, T. D. Thiep, T. T. An, P. V. Cuong,
N. T. Vinh, Yu. P. Gangrski, G. V. Mishinski, V. I. Zhemenik, Sh. Gerbish,
A. G. Belov, O. D. Maslov
Monte-Carlo Calculations for Neutron Yield from Photonuclear Reactions
Following Bremsstrahlung in Tungsten Target
(264 Ká) |
A. S. Kurilin, S. N. Bazylev, V. A. Bednyakov,
A. G. Dolbilov, M. Yu. Doroshenko, E. S. Kuzmin, S. V. Podolsky,
A. A. Semenov, Yu. Yu. Stepanenko, V. V. Tikhomirov, V. N. Bolotov,
V. A. Duk, A. A. Khudyakov, V. A. Lebedev, A. I. Makarov,
A. Yu. Polyarush, G. I. Britvich, Yu. P. Guz, F. N. Novoskoltsev,
V. F. Obraztsov, A. P. Ostankov, V. K. Semenov, O. P. Yushchenko
Search for the
KL0  0
Decay at the IHEP U-70 Accelerator: The KLOD Project
KL0  0
(237 Ká) |
L. S. Azhgirey, T. A. Vasilev, Yu. V. Gurchin,
V. N. Zhmyrov, L. S. Zolin, A. Yu. Isupov, A. K. Kurilkin, P. K. Kurilkin,
V. P. Ladygin, A. G. Litvinenko, V. F. Peresedov, S. M. Piyadin, S. G. Reznikov,
A. A. Rovba, P. A. Rukoyatkin, A. V. Tarasov, A. N. Khrenov, M. Yanek
Measurement of Tensor Polarization of Deuteron Beam
Passing through Matter
(476 Ká) |
V. Yu. Batusov, Yu. A. Budagov, M. V. Lyablin, A. N. Sissakian
The Observation of Particular Features of a Laser Ray Propagation in Air Media with Standing Acoustic Waves
(989 Ká) |
S. V. Borisov, S. A. Voronov, A. V. Karelin, S. A. Koldobskij, M. F. Runtso
The Determination of Parameters of Shower Initiated in Imaging
Calorimeter by Electrons and Protons
(419 Ká) |
O. Brovko, O. Kozlov, S. Kostromin, R. Makarov, E. Matyushevskiy, N. Morozov,
E. Syresin, B. Zalikhanov, M. Yurkov
Diagnostics Development at JINR for ILC and FEL Ultrashort Electron Bunches
(468 Ká) |
A. A. Baldin, E. E. Perepelkin, V. L. Smirnov, I. P. Yudin
Mathematical Modeling of Field Distribution of SP-57 Magnet for MARUSYA Experiment
(599 Ká) |
S. A. Kulikov, I. V. Kalinin, V. M. Morozov, A. G. Novikov, A. V. Puchkov,
A. N. Chernikov, E. P. Shabalin
Measurement of Cold Neutron Spectra at a Model of Cryogenic
Moderator of the IBR-2M Reactor
(284 Ká) |
A. S. Khalil, A. Yu. Didyk
Influence of TEM Low Energy Electron Irradiation on InP Damage Structure
Irradiated Previously by 100 keV Au Ions
(284 Ká) |
up |
E. A. Kuraev, E. Tomasi-Gustafsson
The Two-Photon Exchange Amplitude in ep and e
Elastic Scattering: a Comparison
(318 Ká) |
D. Bardin, S. Bondarenko, P. Christova,
L. Kalinovskaya, V. Kolesnikov, W. von Schlippe
SANCnews: Top Decays in QCD and EW Sectors
(351 Ká) |
G. M. Zinovjev, S. V. Molodtsov
The Heavy Quarkonia Properties at High Temperature
(198 Ká) |
O. S. Kosmachev
The Problem of Quantum Numbers of the Lepton Sector
(242 Ká) |
Yu. A. Kasatkin
Additional Requirements for Successive Description of Nonlocal Interactions in QED
(358 Ká) |
P. S. Isaev
Disintegration of the Photon
(64 Ká) |
N. N. Arsenyev, A. P. Severyukhin
Separabelized Skyrme Interactions and Characteristics of Giant Dipole Resonances
(192 Ká) |
Z. A. Igamkulov, S. V. Afanasiev, R. N. Bekmirzaev, D. K. Dryablov, D. M. Jomurodov
Estimation of Cross Section of a -Resonance Production in pA Collisions
for Internal Target of Nuclotron
(223 Ká) |
D. V. Kamanin, Yu. V. Pyatkov, A. Krasznahorkay,
A. A. Alexandrov, I. A. Alexandrova, M. Csatl s, L. Csige, J. Guly s, F. Naqvi,
N. A. Kondratyev, E. A. Kuznetsova, T. Tornyi, A. N. Tyukavkin, V. E. Zhuchko
Preliminary Results on Collinear Cluster Tripartition in 232Th+d (10 MeV) Reaction
(296 Ká) |
V. I. Zagrebaev, Yu. G. Teterev, V. I. Zhemenik,
G. V. Mishinsky, S. V. Mitrofanov, S. N. Dmitriev
Study of 6Íå Yield in the 7Li( , p)
Reaction at 22 MeV Electron Beam
(379 Ká) |
Yu. V. Gusakov, V. I. Davkov, K. I. Davkov, I. A. Zhukov, V. M. Lutsenko,
V. V. Myalkovskiy, V. D. Peshekhonov, A. A. Savenkov
Multichannel Prototype of Coordinate Detector Based on Segmented Straws
(374 Ká) |
O. A. Zaimidoroga, O. I. Streltsova, K. A. Fomenko
Modeling of the Propagation of Electromagnetic Pulses in Binary Scintillator Media
(368 Ká) |
N. Yu. Kazarinov, V. I. Kazacha
Reconstruction of Particle Distribution Function in Four-Dimensional Phase Space
according to Results of Measurements by Pepper-Pot Method
(768 Ká) |
up |
N. A. Chernikov, N. S. Shavokhina
Simple Binary Aether Objects in the Special Theory of Relativity, an Aether Sphere and a Round Aether Plate
(133 Ká) |
M. V. Tokarev, I. Zborovsk
Self-similarity of High-pT Hadron Production in Cumulative Processes
and Violation of Discrete Symmetries at Small Scales (Suggestion for Experiment)
(868 Ká) |
M. V. Tokarev, I. Zborovsk
Self-similarity of Pion Production in AA Collisions at RHIC
(1.439 Má) |
P. N. Usmanov, A. A. Okhunov, U. S. Salikhbaev, A. I. Vdovin
Analysis of Electromagnetic Transitions in 176,178Hf Nuclei
(267 Ká) |
A. V. Guskov
The Primakoff Reaction Study for Pion Polarizability Measurement at COMPASS
(563 Ká) |
N. Kazarinov
Hollow Beam Formation in the Intense Multi-Component Heavy Ion Beam Caused by Beam Self-field
(865 Ká) |
G. D. Kekelidze, V. M. Lysan, V. V. Myalkovskiy, S. S. Parzhitskiy,
V. D. Peshekhonov, V. S. Khabarov
The Analog Readout Electronics of the Segment Straw Based Prototype
(282 Ká) |
L. G. Beskrovnaya, E. A. Goroshkova, Yu. V. Mokrov
The Investigation of Correspondence of Indications of the Albedo Dosimeter
DVGN-01 to Personnel Irradiation Doses in the Fields of Neutron
Radiation at the JINR Nuclear Power Installations
(489 Ká) |
up |
A. P. Isaev, S. O. Krivonos, O. V. Ogievetsky
BRST Charges for Finite Nonlinear Algebras
(146 Ká) |
A. E. Dorokhov
Rare Decay 0 e+e-
as a Test of Standard Model
(194 Ká) |
F. Lehar, C. Wilkin
Review of Quasi-Elastic Charge-Exchange Data
(474 Ká) |
G. G. Gulbekyan, S. N. Dmitriev, B. N. Gikal, S. L. Bogomolov,
O. N. Borisov, V. A. Verevochkin, A. A. Efremov, I. A. Ivanenko, G. N. Ivanov, N. Yu. Kazarinov,
V. I. Kazacha, I. V. Kalagin, I. V. Kolesov, S. V. Pashchenko, M. N. Sazonov, A. V. Tikhomirov,
J. Franko, M. V. Khabarov, K. K. Kadyrzhanov, A. Zh. Tuleushev
DC-350 Accelerator Facility
(2.230 Má) |
I. A. Kryachko, S. I. Tyutyunnikov, V. N. Shaliapin
Calculation of Thermal Process at Absorption of Microwave Impulse Energy
by the Spherical Form Nanocluster in the Liquid Medium
(497 Ká) |
A. Hamel, B. Hadjoudja, A. Chibani
Possible Improvement of Solar Cell Efficiency
(158 Ká) |
V. A. Kalinnikov
A New Algorithm of Active Suppression of Pickup Noise and Background in Information Signals
in Real Time Measurements
(306 Ká) |
V. A. Kalinnikov
A New Algorithm of Active Suppression of Pickup Noise and Background in Information Signals
in Real Time Measurements
(306 Ká) |
A. Lebedev, C. H hne, I. Kisel, G. Ososkov (for the CBM Collaboration)
Fast Parallel Tracking Algorithm for the Muon Detector of the CBM Experiment at FAIR
(363 Ká) |
up |
D. J. Cirilo-Lombardo
On Unified Field Theories, Dynamical Torsion and Geometrical Models
(175 Ká) |
R. M. Mir-Kasimov
Relativistic Kinetic Momentum Operators
(144 Ká) |
O. B. Abdinov, F. T. Khalil-zade, S. S. Rzaeva
Electric Charge Quantization in Gauge Theories
(207 Ká) |
N. Kochelev
Role of Anomalous Chromomagnetic Interaction in Pomeron
and Odderon Structures and in Gluon Distribution
(248 Ká) |
A. I. Ahmadov, E. A. Kuraev, M. K. Volkov
Contributions of Semi-hadronic States
P , S ,
+ -
to AMM of Muon in the Framework of the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio Model
(140 Ká) |
S. B. Gerasimov, A. S. Khrykin
On Evidence for Exotic Dibaryon d*1(1956)
in Selected Two-Nucleon-Two-Photon Reactions
(368 Ká) |
O. Pavlovsky, M. Ulybyshev
Casimir Energy Calculations for Chern-Simons Surfaces and Dielectric Plates
within the Formalism of Lattice Quantum Field Theory
(116 Ká) |
V. P. Ladygin, A. P. Jerusalimov, N. B. Ladygina
Polarization of 0
Hyperons in Nucleus--Nucleus Collisions at High Energies
(330 Ká) |
I. A. Golutvin, A. Yu. Kamenev, V. Yu. Karjavin,
M. A. Makankin, P. V. Moissenz, V. V. Palichik, V. V. Perelygin, S. E. Vassiliev, A. V. Zarubin, V. A. Tchekhovski
The Spatial Resolution of the CMS ME1/1 Muon Station Cathode Strip Chambers with CRAFT08 Data
(535 Ká) |
V. Batusov, Yu. Budagov, M. Lyablin, A. Sissakian
On Some New Effect of Laser Ray Propagation in Atmospheric Air
(307 Ká) |
Yu. S. Kovalev, V. A. Skuratov, S. I. Tyutyunnikov, G. Bujnarowski
Using of Laser Confocal Microscopy to Study Low-Dimensional Structures
(889 Ká) |
A. M. Sukhov, A. N. Polyakov, Yu. S. Tsyganov Yu.
Parameters Monitoring and Control System of the Dubna Gas-Filled Recoil Separator
(889 Ká) |
up |
D. V. Shirkov
Coupling Running through the Looking-Glass of Dimensional Reduction
(165 Ká) |
S. A. Mikheev, V. P. Tsvetkov
Coupling Running through the Looking-Glass of Dimensional Reduction
(492 Ká) |
E. Z. Avakyan, S. L. Avakyan
The Mixing Parameters of
and ' Mesons
(188 Ká) |
J. Karachuk, A. I. Malakhov
Asymptotic Behavior of Pion Clusters in Different Nuclear Reactions
(293 Ká) |
V. B. Zlokazov, Yu. S. Tsyganov
Half-Life Estimation under Indefinite "Mother-Daughter" Relation
(130 Ká) |
A. G. Beda, V. B. Brudanin, V. G. Egorov, D. V. Medvedev,
M. V. Shirchenko, A. S. Starostin
GEMMA Experiment: Three Years of the Search for the Neutrino Magnetic Moment
(276 Ká) |
T. N. Mamedov, D. Herlach, K. I. Gritsaj, V. A. Kesko,
G. D. Nipan, A. V. Stoykov, R. Khasanov, U. Zimmermann
Search for Magnetic-Ordered Phase in Zn0,99Co0,01O
by the SR Method
(356 Ká) |
Yu. P. Gangrsky Yu., V. I. Zhemenik, B. N. Markov, G. V. Mishinsky
The Yield Ratio of I and Xe Isotopes in the Photofission Fragments of Heavy Nuclei
(150 Ká) |
A. V. Simonenko, A. M. Artikov, V. V. Glagolev, F. V. Prakoshyn, D. Chokheli
The CDF II Muon Trigger Scintillation Counters Modernized Control System
(792 Ká) |
I. V. Bednyakov, A. G. Dolbilov, J. P. Ivanov
Method of Cloning Grid-Element at ATLAS
(154 Ká) |
up |
V. Shiltsev
Accelerator R&D toward Muon Collider and Neutrino Factory
(433 Êá) |
N. N. Agapov, A. V. Butenko, V. I. Volkov,
A. V. Eliseev, H. H. Khodzhibagiyan,
V. N. Karpinsky, A. D. Kovalenko, Î. S. Kozlov, I. N. Meshkov,
V. A. Mikhailov, V. À. Ìonchinsky, R. V. Pivin,
À. Î. Sidorin, À. V. Smirnov, G. V. Trubnikov
Booster Synchrotron of the NICA Accelerator Complex
(854 Êá) |
N. N. Agapov, A. V. Alfeev, V. A. Andreev, V. I. Batin,
O. I. Brovko, A. V. Butenko,
B.-R. V. Vasilishin, V. I. Volkov, A. I. Govorov, E. D. Donets, E. E. Donets,
A. V. Eliseev,
I. B. Issinsky, V. N. Karpinsky, V. D. Kekelidze, A. D. Kovalenko,
O. S. Kozlov, I. N. Meshkov, V. A. Mikhailov, V. A. Monchinsky, P. A. Rukojatkin,
N. V. Semin, A. O. Sidorin, A. N. Sissakian, V. M. Slepnev, A. S. Sorin,
G. V. Trubnikov, G. G. Khodzibagijan
Progress in the Nuclotron Development
(83 Êá) |
B. Zh. Zalikhanov, R. S. Makarov,
E. A. Matyushevskiy, N. A. Morozov, E. M. Syresin, M. V. Yurkov
Diagnostics of FEL and ILC Ultrashort Electron Bunches
on the Basis of Undulator and Synchrotronic Radiation
(597 Êá) |
Zhabitsky V.M.
Stability of an Ion Beam in Synchrotrons with Digital
Filters in the Feedback Loop of a Transverse Damper
(155 Êá) |
P. R. Zenkevich, A. V. Barkhudaryan
Harmonic Method of Measurement and Correction of Gradient
Perturbations in Circular Accelerators
(133 Êá) |
P. R. Zenkevich, N. I. Samargin
The Betatron Resonances Crossing during the Compression
of Intense Beam
(237 Êá) |
E. N. Dementev, S. E. Karnaev, S. A. Krutikhin, G. Ya. Kurkin,
A. S. Medvedko, S. V. Motygin, V. N. Osipov,
V. M. Petrov, E. A. Rotov, V. V. Smaluk, D. P. Sukhanov,
V. P. Cherepanov
Commissioning of the Feedback Systems at the VEPP-4M Collider
(578 Êá) |
A. V. Eliseev, I. N. Meshkov, V. A. Mikhailov, A. O. Sidorin
Longitudinal Dynamics of 197Au32+
and 197Au79+ Beams in the NICA Collider Injection Chain
(184 Êá) |
A. V. Tuzikov, V.A. Mikhaylov
Booster-Nuclotron Beam Line for NICA Project
(484 Êá) |
A. V. Philippov, V. A. Monchinsky, A. B. Kuznetsov
The Electron Clouds Effect Estimation for NICA Collider
(177 Êá) |
A. V. Agafonov
Quasi-Neutral Beams Systems
(216 Êá) |
A. V. Agafonov
Transportation of High-Current Electron Beams in Plasma and
Plasma-Filled Diodes
(266 Êá) |
N. Yu. Kazarinov
Axial Injection Beam Lines of the Cyclotrons
(78 Êá) |
M. A. Gorbunov
On a Modification of Synchrotron Sources
(144 Êá) |
E. V. Akhmanova, V. F. Bykovsky, M. K. Eseev, A. G. Kobets,
V. I. Lokhmatov, I. N. Meshkov,
V. N. Pavlov, R. V. Pivin, A. Yu. Rudakov,
A. A. Sidorin, S. L. Yakovenko
Progress in LEPTA Project
(244 Êá) |
Y. Jongen, G. A. Karamysheva, S. A. Kostromin,
N. A. Morozov, E. V. Samsonov,
E. M. Syresin, G. D. Shirkov, S. G. Shirkov
Simulation of Beam Extraction from C235 Cyclotron for Proton
(418 Êá) |
G. Gulbekyan, B. Gikal, I. Kalagin, N. Kazarinov
Development of FLNR JINR Heavy-Ion Accelerator Complex in the Next 7 Years
(1.250 Má) |
V. N. Karpinsky, I. G. Kondratiev, A. L. Osipenkov,
V. G. Karavaev, N. A. Filippov, G. V. Trubnikov,
A. D. Kovalenko, A. O. Sidorin, A. V. Butenko,
V. I. Volkov, B. V. Vasilishin, A. E. Kirichenko,
S. V. Romanov
Upgrade of the Nuclotron Power Supply
(960 Ká) |
V. A. Rezvov, A. N. Artemev, A. G. Maevsky,
N. A. Artemev, A. A. Demkiv, B. F. Kirillov,
A. D. Belyaev, A. V. Porokhova
Automatic Control of Commercial Computer Programs
(188 Ká) |
N. I. Balalykin, V. F. Minashkin, M. A. Nozdrin, G. D. Shirkov
The Control System for the Injector of Linear Accelerator of
Electrons LINAC-800
(428 Ká) |
Yu. G. Alenitsky, S. B. Vorozhtsov, S. N. Dolya,
A. A. Glazov, N. L. Zaplatin, E. V. Samsonov, G. A. Karamysheva,
N. A. Morozov, L. M. Onischenko
High Power Cyclotron Complex for Neutron Production
(916 Ká) |
A. A. Drozdovskiy, A. A. Golubev, B. Yu. Sharkov,
S. A. Drozdovskiy, A. P. Kuznetsov, Yu. B. Novozhilov,
P. V. Sasorov, S. M. Savin, V. V. Yanenko
Investigation of the Formation of a Hollow Heavy Ions
Beam in the Plasma Lens
(528 Ká) |
V. G. Abdulmanov, N. S. Dikansky
Electron-Beam Ion Source MIS-1
(300 Ká) |
V. S. Alexandrov, G. G. Gulbekian, N. Yu. Kazarinov
Focusing of Ion Beam by Axial Electrode
(300 Ká) |
V. S. Alexandrov, V. F. Shevtsov
Channel ESIS-RFQ Variants: Advantages and Lacks
(1.083 Má) |
B. N. Gikal, E. V. Gorbachev, N. I. Lebedev, A. A. Fateev
DC-110 Heavy Ion Beam Scanning System
(486 Ká) |
B. N. Gikal, G. G. Gulbekyan, S. N. Dmitriev,
S. L. Bogomolov, O. N. Borisov, I. A. Ivanenko, N. Yu. Kazarinov,
V. I. Kazacha, I. V. Kalagin, I. V. Kolesov, M. N. Sazonov,
A. V. Tikhomirov, J. Franko
The Project of the DC-110 Heavy Ion Cyclotron for
Industrial Application and Applied Researh in the Nanotechnology Field
(164 Ká) |
I. S. Guk, A. N. Dovbnya, S. G. Kononenko,
F. A. Peev, A. S. Tarasenko
Aberrations in Magnetooptical System of SALO Recirculator
(448 Ká) |
N. I. Ayzatskiy, V. F. Zhiglo, V. A. Kushnir, V. V. Mytrochenko,
A. N. Opanasenko, S. A. Perezhogin
Electron Phase Motion at Subpicosecond
Bunch Formation by Traveling Wave under Heavy Beam Loading
(250 Ká) |
A. V. Philippov, V. A. Monchinsky, V. A. Mikhaylov, A. B. Kuznetsov
Booster Vacuum Requirements for NICA Accelerator Complex
(155 Ká) |
A. N. Dovbnya, V. V. Zakutin, N. G. Reshetnyak,
N. I. Ayzatsky, V. N. Boriskin, N. A. Dovbnya
Enhancement of Electron Beam Current
for the Accelerator Based on the Magnetron Gun with a Secondary-Emission Cathode
(894 Ká) |
A. V. Belozerov, Yu. Boettcher, Yu. K. Bulicheva,
V. N. Zamriy, A. S. Kayukov, V. V. Kobets, I. N. Meshkov,
V. F. Minashkin, V. A. Petrov, V. G. Pyataev, P. V. Sedyshev,
A. V. Skrypnik, A. P. Sumbaev, A. B. Ufimtsev, V. G. Shabratov,
V. A. Shvets, V. N. Shvetsov, A. A. Fateev, O. V. Belikov,
A. A. Galt, P. V. Logachev, A. S. Medvedko, V. M. Pavlov
Physical Startup of the First Stage of the IREN Facility
(849 Ká) |
Author index (rus) |
Subject index (rus) |