Scientific Programme (preliminary)  |
18 July, Tuesday |
09:30-10:05 |
Gales Sidney (Caen, France) |
"Investigation of exotic nuclei at GANIL" |
10:05-10:40 |
Stoehlker Thomas(Darmstadt, Germany) |
"Experiments with cooled heavy ions at the ESR storage ring" |
10:40-11:15 |
Weick Helmut(Darmstadt, Germany) |
"Mass and lifetime measurements in storage rings" |
11:15-11:40 |
Coffee Break |
11:40-12:15 |
Lewitowicz Marek (Caen, France) |
"Challanges of SPIRAL2" |
12:15-12:50 |
Imai Nobuaki (Tokai, Japan) |
"Status of Tokai Radioactive Isotope Accelerator Complex and feasibility study for transfer reactions using low-energy RNB" |
12:50-13:25 |
Brauning-Demian Angela (Darmstadt, Germany) |
"The FAIR Project: a future Antiproton and Heavy Ions international research facility in Darmstadt" |
13:30-15:00 |
Lunch |
15:00-15:35 |
Motobayashi Tohru (Wako, Japan) |
"Progress report of RIKEN RI Beam Factory Project" |
15:35-16:10 |
Gulbekian Georgy (Dubna, Russia) |
"Present status of the DRIBs project at Dubna" |
16:10-16:45 |
Kubo Toshiyuki (Wako, Japan) |
"Status and overview of BigRIPS separator project at RIKEN" |
16:45-17:10 |
Coffee Break |
17:10-17:45 |
Villari Antonio (Caen, France) |
"S3 super separator-spectrometer for very high intensity stable beams in SPIRAL2" |
17:45-18:20 |
Shimoura Susumu (Wako, Japan) |
"High resolution magnetic spectrometer SHARAQ in RIBF" |
18:20-18:55 |
Popeko Andrey (Dubna, Russia) |
"On-line separator for Gamma-spectroscopic studies" |
19:00 |
Dinner |
20:00 |
Social program |