Scientific Programme (preliminary)  |
19 July, Wednesday |
09:30-10:05 |
Greiner Walter (Frankfurt, Germany) |
"Fusion reactions of superheavy and giant nuclear systems" |
10:05-10:40 |
Hofmann Sigurd (Darmstadt, Germany) |
"Studies of SHE at SHIP" |
10:40-11:15 |
Oganessian Yuri (Dubna, Russia |
"Heavy Element Research at Dubna (main results)" |
11:15-11:45 |
Coffee Break |
11:45-12:20 |
Block Michael (Darmstadt, Germany) |
"Mass measurements at SHIPTRAP" |
12:20-12:55 |
Staszczak Andrzej (Lublin, Poland) |
"Superheavy Nuclei in Self-consistent Description" |
12:55-13:30 |
Yeremin Alexander (Dubna, Russia) |
"Gamma and electron spectroscopy of heavy nuclei at FLNR JINR" |
13:30-13:55 |
Aritomo Yoshihiro (Dubna, Russia) |
"Roles of shell effects in fusion process for synthesis of superheavy elements" |
13:55-15:00 |
Lunch |
15:00-15:35 |
Dmitriev Sergei (Dubna, Russia) |
"Chemistry of Superheavy Elements.
Latest Results and Prospects" |
15:35-16:10 |
Duellmann Christoph (Darmstadt, Germany) |
"Physical preseparation: a powerful new method for transactinide chemists" |
16:30-19:00 |
Poster Session |
19:00-20:00 |
Dinner |