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Announcement board
- 28.12.2024
New Year’s greeting of JINR Director Grigory Trubnikov
Äîðîãèå äðóçüÿ è êîëëåãè!
Âïåðåäè ó íàñ íåñêîëüêî ïðàçäíè÷íûõ äíåé, ïîçàäè — ãîä, íàïîëíåííûé íàïðÿæåííîé è èíòåðåñíîé ðàáîòîé, ïåðåæèâàíèÿìè, äîñòèæåíèÿìè è ïîáåäàìè. Ñàìîå âðåìÿ îñòàíîâèòüñÿ íà ìèã, îñìûñëèòü èòîãè è ïîäóìàòü î áóäóùåì â ïðåäâêóøåíèè ñàìîé áîëüøîé ðàäîñòè íàøåé ïðîôåññèè — ðîæäåíèÿ íîâûõ çíàíèé è ïî÷òè ìàãè÷åñêîãî ïðåâðàùåíèÿ çàäóìàííîãî â ñóùåñòâóþùåå.
Ñ íàñòóïàþùèì Íîâûì ãîäîì, äîðîãèå äðóçüÿ! Ñ÷àñòüÿ âàøèì ñåìüÿì, óñïåõîâ è ðàäîñòè!
Äèðåêòîð ÎÈßÈ àêàäåìèê ÐÀÍ Ãðèãîðèé Òðóáíèêîâ
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- 27.12.2024
Competition results for JINR Youth Grants in 2025
In December 2024, the Central Expert Commission presented the results of the 2025 Grant Competition for Young JINR Scientists and Specialists held by the Association of Young Scientists and Specialists of JINR (AYSS).
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- 27.12.2024
VBLHEP developed new method of manufacturing HTS cable joints
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research has obtained a patent for a method of manufacturing high-temperature superconducting (HTS) cable joints. The authors are the employees of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR Andrey Shemchuk, Maxim Ilyin, and Mikhail Novikov.
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- 20.12.2024
Slovak Republic students visited JINR
On 13 December 2024, a group of Slovak students from MGIMO University, Financial University, and Moscow Polytechnic University toured the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. During the visit, they got acquainted with the research infrastructure and attended educational lectures by the Institute’s scientists.
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- 19.12.2024
JINR Science and Technology Council meeting
On 20 December (Friday), the meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council will take place at the JINR International Conference Centre.
Programme of the meeting on Indico
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- 19.12.2024
Professor Votruba’s leadership in early JINR research
19 December marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Czechoslovak theoretical physicist Vaclav Votruba (19/12/1909 – 11/09/1990), one of the first Vice-Directors of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
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- 16.12.2024
Registration for NUMAR-2025 International School opens
On 24–27 February 2025, the International School On Nuclear Methods And Applied Research In Environmental, Material, And Life Sciences ( NUMAR-2025) will take place in Havana ( Cuba). The organizers are the Joint Institute For Nuclear Research and the Agency of Nuclear Energy and Advanced Technologies
(AENTA, Cuba)
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- 16.12.2024
Independence Day of the Republic of Kazakhstan
On 16 December, the Republic of Kazakhstan, a JINR Member State, celebrates one of its main national holidays, the Independence Day.
The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research congratulates colleagues and partners from Kazakhstan as well as their loved ones on the Independence Day and wishes them good health, well-being, happiness, and new professional successes for the benefits of science and progress!
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- 12.12.2024
2023 bibliographic index of JINR scientific papers
The JINR Science and Technology Library has issued the 2023 Bibliographic Index of Papers Published by JINR Staff Members. Most bibliographic descriptions are provided with links to the full texts of the papers. An alphabetical index of authors working at the Joint Institute is provided for convenient searching. In addition, there are statistical tables on authors, topics, and types of publications.
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- 11.12.2024
First school for Belarus teachers
From 2 to 6 December 2024, JINR hosted the first scientific school for teachers of the Republic of Belarus. 16 physics teachers of engineering classes got acquainted with the research and facilities of the Institute and gained new knowledge that they can apply in their lessons.
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- 09.12.2024
JINR STC discussed developing higher education in Dubna and attracting scientific personnel
On 29 November, a meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council (STC) took place at the JINR International Conference Centre. STC members discussed the task of attracting highly qualified scientific personnel to the Joint Institute.
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- 06.12.2024
FLNP JINR booklet on neutron research at IBR-2 published
The Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics released a digest about neutron research carried out at the IBR-2 Pulsed Reactor. The booklet aims to illustrate the active and effective use of the IBR-2 by scientists from the JINR Member States, which is reflected in publication activity on various emerging topics and research frontiers.
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- 05.12.2024
FLNP JINR to take part in Arctic environmental studies
The 13th scientific and practical conference entitled “Obdoria: Arctic and Subarctic ecosystems under conditions of climatic and social transformations” took place from 26 to 28 November 2024 in Labytnangi, Russia. Head of the FLNP JINR Sector of Neutron Activation Analysis and Applied Research, Inga Zinicovscaia, participated in the event. Following the conference results, Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics, Arctic Research Station of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology ( IPAE), and Saint Petersburg State University outlined plans to carry out joint research.
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- 02.12.2024
JINR at School of Advanced Science on Synchrotron Techniques in Brazil
From 14 to 25 October 2024, Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory ( LNLS) hosted SyncLight 2024, the international school of advanced science in Campinas, Brazil. It was dedicated to the application of modern experimental synchrotron technologies. Brazilian Centre for Research in Energy and Materials ( CNPEM) invited young scientists from the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research to participate in the event. They contributed to the discussion of current scientific problems and the development of international partnership.
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- 01.12.2024
Great Union Day of Romania
1 December marks the Great Union Day of Romania. Romania was one of the founding states of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in March 1956. Since then Romania has been one of the JINR Member States.
The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research congratulates Romanian colleagues and partners as well as their family members on the Great Union Day, and wishes them good health, happiness, prosperity, luck, and new professional achievements for the benefit of science and progress!
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- 28.11.2024
JINR, University of Debrecen, and Institute of Nuclear Research of Hungarian Research Network to expand cooperation
On 25 November, representatives of the Joint Institute paid a visit to the University of Debrecen ( Hungary), as part of which a trilateral agreement was signed with the University of Debrecen and the Institute of Nuclear Research ( ATOMKI). The document is aimed at strengthening ties in personnel training, academic mobility programmes, collaborative research, and organization of joint events, including training courses and conferences.
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- 22.11.2024
JINR Science and Technology Council meeting
On 29 November 2024 (Friday), a meeting of the JINR Science and Technology Council will take place at the JINR International Conference Centre
The beginning of the meeting is set at 3:00 PM.
Programme of the meeting on Indico
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- 20.11.2024
Unity of strong science: CP results in Minsk
On 15 November, a session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries of the Governments of the JINR Member States of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (CP JINR) took place in the capital of the Republic of Belarus under the chairmanship of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the Government of Georgia to JINR Arsen Khvedelidze. The CP members got acquainted with the main scientific results of the Institute, its activities in personnel training, and social infrastructure development. Following the meeting, the Committee approved the Institute’s budget for 2025 and elected new members of the Scientific Council. Three JINR employees received state awards of the Russian Federation and Belarus.
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- 19.11.2024
BLTP JINR and Chinese Institute of Theoretical Physics signed agreement
On 11 November, the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (ITF CAS) and the Bogoliubov Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research signed a cooperation agreement in Beijing. BLTP JINR Director, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Dmitry Kazakov signed the agreement on behalf of JINR, while ITF CAS was represented by Director of the Institute, Professor Shang-Gui Zhou.
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- 19.11.2024
JINR and Belarusian State University discussed cooperation in Minsk
On 14 November, ahead of the session of the Committee of Plenipotentiaries, Director of the Joint Institute Grigory Trubnikov met with Rector of Belarusian State University (BSU) Andrei Karol at the BSU. The parties discussed the prospects of joint scientific projects and a double degree programme. In order to implement the prospects for further cooperation and specificy joint work plans, working meetings between JINR representatives and the deans of the BSU faculties are set to take place in the near future.
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- 18.11.2024
Review of Particles and Nuclei, Letters journal, #6 2024
The journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei, Letters, publishes the articles with results of the original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodical and applied research.
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- 15.11.2024
DLNP JINR developed new neutron cooling method
A senior researcher at the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR Sergey Dolya proposed an effective way to cool the neutron flux to ultra-low temperatures. The new patented technology opens wide opportunities for particle physics research.
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- 14.11.2024
JINR grants for Dubna teachers
To promote professional development, stimulate the creative activity of teachers specialising in subjects and technologies essential for potential future JINR employees, and to encourage the work of the best teachers, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research is holding a competition for annual JINR grants for teachers of the Dubna schools and additional education institutions.
The JINR Directorate invites Dubna teachers to participate in the competition.
The deadline for applications is set on 14 February 2025 (inclusive).
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- 14.11.2024
S&T Library exhibition at VBLHEP. Particle detectors in high energy physics
From 11 to 29 November 2024, the branch of the Science and Technology Library at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics JINR (building 3, 2nd floor) invites everyone interested to the book exhibition entitled “Particle detectors in high energy physics”.
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- 13.11.2024
AYSS-2024: uniting young international researchers
From 28 October to 1 November, the Laboratory of Information Technologies hosted AYSS-2024, the 28th International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists, organized by AYSS JINR. The event took place in person and gathered a record number of participants: more than 260 young people under 36 from 17 countries. During the five days, they listened to lectures from leading researchers of the Joint Institute and discussed their scientific presentations at sections.
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- 13.11.2024
Strong interaction physics discussed in China
From 4 to 8 November 2024, the 12th workshop on physics of strongly interacting systems took place at Huzhou University (China), organized by the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ( ITP CAS) and the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The event gathered more than 100 scientists representing JINR (BLTP, FLNR, and MLIT) and scientific centres in China, Germany, Japan, Kazakhstan, Poland, and South Africa.
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- 13.11.2024
JINR Youth Grant Competition 2025
The Association of Young Scientists and Specialists (AYSS) of JINR announces the 2025 Grant Competition for Young JINR Scientists and Specialists. Young scientists, specialists, and highly qualified workers from the JINR laboratories, offices, and departments under 36 are invited to take part in the competition.
You can find competition terms and conditions in the grant regulations.
The deadline for submission of the grant application is set at 1 December 2024, 11:59 PM (MSK).
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- 07.11.2024
NICA Supervisory Board approves megascience project launch plan at meeting in Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education
On 6 November, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation hosted a meeting of the Supervisory Board of the NICA Project dedicated to discussing the status of the megascience project of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. Following the meeting, the board members approved an updated work plan for the construction and launch of the basic configuration of the VBLHEP JINR accelerator complex, confirming the Institute’s intentions to complete the project on time.
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- 06.11.2024
SPD Collaboration Meeting starts at VBLHEP at JINR
On 5–8 November, the 8th Collaboration Meeting of the SPD (Spin Physics Detector) Experiment at the NICA Accelerator Complex is taking place at VBLHEP at JINR in a hybrid format. During the event, participants will discuss the progress of preparations for the experimental facility construction, and exchange experience and ideas on the collaboration development.
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- 05.11.2024
Keep Your Balance: cycling world of JINR employees
On 31 October, the JINR Mir Cultural Centre hosted the opening of the Keep Your Balance photo exhibition and the presentation of the eponymous JINR corporate calendar for 2025. The exposition is organized by the Press Office of the Joint Institute and features its employees who actively cycle while getting to work, exploring the city , and training in recognisable locations of Dubna, the city JINR is situated in. The exhibition will be open at the Mir Cultural Centre until 24 November.
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- 05.11.2024
Properties of previously unknown 227Pu isotope studied at FLNR at JINR
Scientists at the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR, in collaboration with colleagues from scientific centres in Russia, China, and Kazakhstan, studied the properties of the radioactive decay of the new 227Pu (plutonium-227) nucleus and its daughter products. For the first time, the obtained data of the plutonium nuclei half-lives are in good agreement with theoretical predictions and existing taxonomists.
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- 02.11.2024
“Always support youth!”: Yuri Oganessian in Dubna College
On 1 November 2024, the College of Dubna State University held a meeting between students and the Scientific Leader of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yuri T. Oganessian. The event, initiated by the College Acting Director Yulia Kochneva and Professor Andrey Samsonov, provided students with a unique opportunity to not only get acquainted with the outstanding world-renowned scientist, but also ask questions concerning both education and scientific career prospects.
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- 01.11.2024
NICA polarisation research programme discussed at JINR
On 30–31 October, the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR hosted a workshop on polarised sources, polarimetry, and high-energy spin physics. During the event, the participants discussed the development of the polarisation research programme at the NICA Accelerator Complex, including the preparation of the necessary experimental equipment and key facilities, and promising cooperation areas between JINR and the leading scientific centres of the Russian Federation.
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- 30.10.2024
Two young JINR scientists received Prizes of Governor of Moscow Region
On 29 October, the winners of the annual Moscow Region Governor’s Prize were announced. Young scientists and specialist were awarded for their endeavours in science, technology, engineering, and innovation. Among the fifteen prizewinners are two representatives of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research: Candidate of Technical Sciences, Head of the VBLHEP Scientific and Experimental Department of Superconducting Magnets and Technologies Dmitry Nikiforov and Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, a researcher at the BLTP Sector of Nuclear Reactions and Core Structure Evgeny Mardyban.
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- 28.10.2024
AYSS-2024 International Conference starts at MLIT at JINR
On 28 October, the 28th International Conference of Young Scientists and Specialists ( AYSS-2024) began at the Laboratory of Information Technologies of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, gathering more than 260 youth representatives from around the world. During the week, the event attendees will give talks and participate in discussions on important issues of modern science.
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- 25.10.2024
Review of Particles & Nuclei, #6 (Vol. 55) 2024
Founded in 1970, the review journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, brief name Particles & Nuclei, is published by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. This is the most influential physical review journal in Russia.
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- 24.10.2024
New Book Acquisitions exhibition in S&T Library
From 21 October to 8 November 2024, the JINR Science and Technology Library invites visitors to the New Book Acquisitions exhibition.
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- 23.10.2024
JINR held course for Member States’ representatives
From 7 to 11 October 2024, JINR hosted the first “Introduction for the Plenipotentiaries’ Offices and Officials Responsible for Liaison with JINR” programme, which gathered representatives of the JINR Member States and Associate Members responsible for cooperation with the Institute.
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- 23.10.2024
JINR researchers studied structural properties of Dsup, tardigrade radioprotective protein
DLNP and FLNP scientists at JINR, in collaboration with colleagues from Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology ( Russia) and the University of South Florida ( USF, USA), pioneered in studying the structural properties of the tardigrade radioprotective protein Dsup (Damage suppressor) and its complex with DNA. The study reveals new details of the highly effective DNA protection mechanism and extreme durability of one of the most radioresistant animals known to science, the tardigrade Ramazzottius varieornatus.
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- 21.10.2024
Condolences on passing of Fernando Guzmán Martínez
On 16 October 2024, Professor Fernando Guzmán Martínez, a great friend of JINR and a member of Institute’s Scientific Council in 2007–2012, passed away.
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- 21.10.2024
MMCP2024 conference held in Yerevan
From 21 to 25 October, the conference entitled “Mathematical Modelling and Computational Physics, 2024” (MMCP 2024) is taking place in Armenia. The event is organized by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Alikhanyan National Science Laboratory, Yerevan State University (YSU), and the Institute for Informatics and Automation Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Armenia (IIAP NAS RA).
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- 17.10.2024
JINR – Brazil: new cooperation agreements signed with CNEN and University of South Bahia
On 15 October, two new cooperation agreements were signed at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research with the National Nuclear Energy Commission of Brazil ( CNEN) and the Federal University of Southern Bahia ( UFSB). During their visit to JINR, representatives of the higher educational institutions of the Federative Republic of Brazil got acquainted with the scientific infrastructure of the Institute and discussed cooperation prospects, including joint research and experience exchange.
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- 14.10.2024
Exhibition in S&T Library in memory of Academician Alexei Sissakian
From 14 October 2024, the JINR Science and Technology Library invites visitors to an exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, JINR Director in 2006-2010 Alexei N. Sissakian.
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- 11.10.2024
JINR at Nuclear Science and Technology International Forum in Republic of Kazakhstan
On 11 October, the 5th International Scientific Forum entitled “Nuclear Science and Technology”, organized with the participation of the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, and research and educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan (RK) and supported by the European Organization for Nuclear Research ( CERN), finished at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University ( KazNU). During the five days, employees of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research actively participated in the forum.
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- 10.10.2024
Program for predicting radiation damage to nerve cells registered
The JINR Innovation and Intellectual Property Department announces that on 6 September 2024, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research received a certificate of state registration of the software for predicting radiation damage to nerve cells taking into account a detailed description of the subneuronal target, track structure, and radiolysis mechanism. The authors are Munkhbaatar Batmunkh and Lkhagvaa Bayarchimeg ( JINR Laboratory of Radiation Biology).
Congratulations to the authors on receiving the state registration certificate!
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- 09.10.2024
In memory of LHEP JINR co-founder Ivan Chuvilo
9 October 2024 marks the centenary of the birth of a talented scientist in nuclear and particle physics, one of the founders of the JINR Laboratory of High Energy, LHE Director in 1966–1968, Professor Ivan V. Chuvilo (09/10/1924-16/03/2001).
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- 08.10.2024
BLTP JINR scientists presented new particle model
JINR theoretical physicists, together with their colleagues from Moscow State University and universities of Tomsk, presented a new particle model that generalises an infinite (continuous) spin particle in flat space for constant curvature space. The model is described by commuting Weyl spinor additional coordinates.
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- 04.10.2024
Second stage of international student internship finished at JINR
On 9–27 September, the second stage of the International Practice for students and postgraduates from universities of the JINR Member States took place at the University Centre of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. During the three weeks, 37 young participants from Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Serbia, South Africa, and Vietnam worked on educational and research projects under the guidance of the Institute’s leading researchers.
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- 04.10.2024
New properties of elastic proton-proton and proton-antiproton scattering at high energies
A leading researcher at the Standard Model Sector of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR Oleg Selyugin studied new properties of elastic scattering of hadrons at small angles based on all existing experimental data for dσ/dt of pp and p p scattering at √ s ≥540 GeV. As a result of the study, the main characteristics of the corresponding non-trivial terms of the elastic scattering amplitude were obtained. This opens up new opportunities for making predictions for hadron interactions at essentially larger energies at future colliders and at ultra-high energies of cosmic rays.
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- 03.10.2024
Registration for Wave 11 of INTEREST Programme opens
From 5 November to 14 December 2024, the JINR University Centre will hold the Wave 11 of the INTEREST (International Remote Student Training) online programme. As part of the training, participants work on selected projects under the JINR researchers’ supervision. Interest is a prospective platform for the development of international cooperation in education allowing students and postgraduates to get acquainted with the activities of the Institute and carry out projects remotely.
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- 03.10.2024
Scientists of JINR and China designed HTS cable for NICA
Scientists from the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR and their colleagues from China presented the engineering design of a forced-flow cooling high temperature superconducting (HTS) cable for a SMES system with high current capacity. This system is used to ensure stable operation of superconducting magnets in accelerators, including the one at the NICA Complex.
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- 03.10.2024
Day of German Unity
3 October marks the Day of German Unity, a national holiday of the Federal Republic of Germany, an Associate Member of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
The Directorate of the Institute congratulates German colleagues on the Day of German Unity and wishes them good health and well-being, successful work, scientific achievements, and discoveries for the benefit of science and progress!
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- 02.10.2024
New Book Acquisitions exhibition in S&T Library
From 30 September to 18 October 2024, the JINR Science and Technology Library invites visitors to the New Book Acquisitions exhibition.
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- 01.10.2024
Common cryogenic concept for various superconducting magnets of NICA Collider
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity published an article on the specifics of the cryogenic cooling concept for superconducting magnets of the NICA Accelerator Complex, their design features, and test results by a research team from the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR. In addition, the paper includes a brief report on the status of the NICA Megascience Project.
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- 30.09.2024
Participants of Shanghai Cooperation Organization business incubator visited JINR
From 24 to 27 September, the final part of the International Youth Acceleration Programme “Business Incubator of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO)” took place in Moscow and the Moscow Region. The last two days of the event, held in the Dubna Special Economic Zone (SEZ), were devoted to introducing the participants to the scientific and industrial enterprises of the city.
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- 30.09.2024
Negative Barnett effect, negative moment of inertia of gluon plasma, and evaporation of chromomagnetic condensate
Theoretical physicists from the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Institute for High Energy Physics
of Kurchatov Institute, the University of Tours (France), and Stockholm University (Sweden) conducted a study on the negativity of the moment of inertia of (quark-)gluon plasma in a window of “supervortical” range of temperatures above the deconfining phase transition, T≃(1…1.5) Tc, found recently in numerical Monte Carlo simulations by two independent methods.
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- 26.09.2024
Leptonic and semileptonic decays of mesons in the domain model of the QCD vacuum
Physical Review D published a paper about leptonic and semileptonic decays of mesons in the domain model of the quantum chromodynamics (QCD) vacuum by senior researcher of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR Vladimir Voronin.
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- 25.09.2024
JINR scientists at Eurasian Women’s Forum
On 19 September, a session “Women in science – leaders in the scientific and educational sphere” was held as part of the fourth Eurasian Women’s Forum, which took place on 18-20 September in Saint Petersburg. Among the attendees were representatives of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research: Head of the JINR International Cooperation Department Otilia-Ana Culicov, Head of an FLNP JINR sector Inga Zinicovscaia, and a DLNP JINR senior researcher Katherin Shtejer Diaz.
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- 25.09.2024
Assessment of chemical elements in soil in Romania
Specialists from the Laboratory of Neutron Physics at JINR and research centres in Romania studied the multi-element composition of soils in the vicinity of siderurgical industry and assessed toxic risk. Using sensitive analysis techniques, the scientists quantified 45 major, minor, and trace elements in soils around large siderurgical plants (Galati, SE Romania).
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- 25.09.2024
Uzbekistan–JINR: cooperation development prospects
On 21 September, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research received a visit from representatives of the leadership of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan (AS RUz): AS RUz Acting President Sirojiddin Mirzaev and Vice President of the Academy Gayrat Bahadirov.
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- 24.09.2024
Review of “Particles and Nuclei, Letters” journal, #5 2024
The journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, Letters, brief name Particles and Nuclei, Letters, publishes the articles with results of the original theoretical, experimental, scientific-technical, methodical and applied research.
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- 24.09.2024
Project of new Vietnam Accelerator Complex discussed at JINR
On 10–20 September, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research hosted a workshop on accelerator technology with the participation of specialists from Vietnam and South Africa. During the two weeks, they got introduced to the JINR research infrastructure and the intricacies of the structure and principles of operation of modern accelerator facilities. The central topic of the meeting was the project of the Vietnam Accelerator Complex, which JINR is taking part in.
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- 24.09.2024
Registration for 2nd International African Symposium on Exotic Nuclei opens
From 9 to 13 December 2024, the iThemba LABS Accelerator Centre (South Africa) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research will organize the Second International African Symposium on Exotic Nuclei (IASEN-2024), which will take place in Cape Town (South Africa). The Symposium will focus on the study of nuclei in extreme states, particularly the limits of nuclear stability (from very light neutron and proton-rich to superheavy nuclei).
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- 23.09.2024
JINR at 68th IAEA General Conference
A delegation of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, led by Vice-Director Latchesar Kostov, took part in the 68th General Conference of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as observers. JINR delegates included Special Representative of the JINR Director for Cooperation with International and Russian Scientific Organizations Boris Sharkov, Deputy Director of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics Sergey Kulikov, and International Cooperation Advisor to the Director of the Institute Irek Suleymanov.
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- 21.09.2024
Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia
21 September marks the Independence Day of the Republic of Armenia, a JINR Member State. Scientists from Armenia contribute to 19 topics of the Topical Plan for JINR Research and International Cooperation. The collaboration covers joint research on high energy physics, theoretical and neutron physics, materials science, radiobiology, and other fields. Armenian employees are also interested in IT and Institute’s educational programmes.
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- 20.09.2024
FLNP JINR researchers evaluated effect of rare-earth metals on cyanobacteria
Scientists of the Laboratory of Neutron Physics at JINR in collaboration with colleagues from the Technical University of Moldova è
Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering ( Romania) evaluated the accumulation of holmium(III), erbium(III), and gadolinium(III) accumulation by cyanobacteria Arthrospira platensis using neutron activation analysis and elements’ effects on biomass quantity and biochemical composition. The studied elements had different effects on the primary biomolecule content, suggesting that holmium(III) and erbium(III) were more toxic than gadolinium(III) for Arthrospira platensis.
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- 19.09.2024
On calculations of the quantum-electrodynamic radiative corrections to lepton anomalies
JINR and Gomel State Technical University ( Belarus) theoretical physicists performed analytical calculations of the tenth order QED radiative corrections to lepton anomalies within the Mellin-Barnes representation. This allows one to obtain, for the first time, exact analytical expressions for the radiative corrections of the tenth order w.r.t. the electromagnetic coupling constant e.
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- 18.09.2024
International seminar on problems of charged particle accelerators takes place in Alushta
From 15 to 20 September, the Dubna Resort House (Alushta, Russia) is hosting the 15th International Seminar on Problems of Charged Particle Accelerators dedicated to the outstanding JINR scientist, Professor Vladislav P. Sarantsev. The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, the Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( BINP SB RAS), and the RAS Scientific Council on the Problem of Charged Particle Accelerators organized the event. The working languages are Russian and English.
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- 18.09.2024
Comparative biomonitoring of airborne PTEs using mosses and lichen
Scientists from the JINR Laboratory of Neutron Physics and research centres in Romania and Serbia conducted comparative biomonitoring of airborne potentially toxic elements (PTEs) using mosses (Hypnum cupressiforme, Brachythecium spp.) and lichens (Evernia prunastri) over remote areas.
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- 18.09.2024
Registration for conference on neutron research of condensed matter starts
JINR employees are invited to participate in the 4th All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference titled “Tasks and Methods of Neutron Research of Condensed Matter”, which will take place from 11 to 15 November 2024 in the hybrid format in the Dubna State University.The university and the Joint Institute are holding the conference as part of the implementation of the research grant programme of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russia.
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- 18.09.2024
JINR Fellowship Programme: call for applications
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Research invites applications for the international JINR Fellowship Programme. The JINR Fellowship Programme provides an opportunity for young talented scientists and experienced researchers to participate in scientific projects of the Joint Institute. The fellows will gain an experience of working in an international team with advanced research equipment.
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- 17.09.2024
Research into electrorheological and magnetorheological properties of liquid composites
Scientists from the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR and research centres in Romania and the Czech Republic conducted an in-depth study of the electrical and magnetic properties of a polypyrrole nanotubes/magnetite nanoparticles (PPyM) material embedded in a silicone oil matrix. The distinct electrical, magnetic, and rheological modulation capabilities demonstrated by this composite render it as a promising candidate for advanced applications, such as sensory technology, actuation systems, and energy storage solutions.
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- 17.09.2024
Fourth science school for Egyptian schoolchildren
On 10-14 September 2024, JINR hosted the 4th Science School for Students of the Children’s University of the Egyptian Academy of Scientific Research and Technology. Throughout the week, the schoolchildren enjoyed getting introduced to the laboratories of the Institute and participating in hands-on physics workshops at the JINR University Centre.
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- 17.09.2024
Winners of 2024 OGANESSON Prize announced
On 13 September, the winners of the OGANESSON Prize were announced at the 136th session of the Scientific Council of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. The Prize was created at the suggestion and expense of Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences ( RAS) Yuri T. Oganessian and established at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research in 2023. The Prize founders are Yuri Oganessian and JINR. This year is the second time the Prize is awarded.
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- 17.09.2024
Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Republic of Belarus to Russia visits JINR
On 16 September, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Belarus to the Russian Federation Alexander Rogozhnik visited the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research. At the meeting with the leadership of the Institute, the parties discussed prospects for the development of comprehensive cooperation between JINR and Belarus
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- 16.09.2024
Excitation-energy dependence of fission-fragment neutron multiplicity in improved scission-point model
Scientists from the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR in collaboration with Babes-Bolyai University ( Romania) and Tomsk Polytechnic University studied excitation-energy dependence of fission-fragment neutron multiplicity in the improved scission-point model. The results are published in Physical Review C, an international journal.
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- 16.09.2024
FLNP JINR researchers conducted air biomonitoring in national park of Kazakhstan
Scientists from the Laboratory of Neutron Physics at JINR in collaboration with their colleagues from scientific and educational centres of Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, and Romania determined the level of air pollution in the Burabay National Park located in the north of Republic of Kazakhstan with the use of moss as biomonitors.
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- 16.09.2024
Results of 136th session of JINR Scientific Council: reaching new frontiers
On 12–13 September, the 136th session of the Scientific Council of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research took place in Dubna under the chairmanship of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Professor Sergey Kilin.
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- 16.09.2024
Results of 136th session of JINR Scientific Council: reaching new frontiers
On 12–13 September, the 136th session of the Scientific Council of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research took place in Dubna under the chairmanship of Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Professor Sergey Kilin.
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- 13.09.2024
Thin-film heating element with silver nanowires network embedded inside
Scientists of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR, LPI RAS, Skoltech, Center of Crystallography and Photonics of RAS, and MSPU offered an innovative method for fabricating a thin-film polymer heating element with a continuous silver nanowires network embedded inside. The resulting flexible heating element can be utilized in medical devices for heating purposes or as a thermal barrier coating.
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- 12.09.2024
Analysis of shape of multiplicity distributions of prompt neutrons emitted in spontaneous fission
Scientists from the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR analysed the shape of multiplicity distributions of prompt neutrons emitted in spontaneous fission. The study was carried out in collaboration with researchers from the University of Strasbourg, Paris-Saclay University (France), Eurasian National University, Institute of Nuclear Physics ( Kazakhstan), Kazan Federal University è Dubna State University ( Russia).
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- 12.09.2024
On Geant4 model of electron beam mode in clinical linear accelerator
Researchers from the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR, Tomsk Polytechnic University, and three medical centres from Russia and Germany developed a Geant4 model of the electron beam mode in a clinical linear accelerator. The methodology employed in the development of the numerical model of the medical linear accelerator is vendor-independent, readily implementable, and allows for rapid calculations. Furthermore, the model can be applied for a variety of purposes, including the selection of parameters for the fabrication of heterogeneous dosimetry phantoms.
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- 12.09.2024
FLNP JINR at webinar of UN Environment Programme
In 2019, at the initiative of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), 7 September was declared the International Day of Clean Air for Blue Skies. Over the past five years, on this day, the world community has been calling on countries and peoples to raise awareness and promote measures to improve air quality and prevent environmental pollution.
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- 11.09.2024
On numerical methods for solving partial differential equations
In 2024, the Springer publishing company published in electronic form the monograph entitled “High-order finite difference and finite element methods for solving some partial differential equations” by scientists of the Laboratory of Information Technologies and Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR, Mongolian University of Science and Technology, and Institute of Mathematics and Digital Technology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences. The monograph was released in the book series “Synthesis Lectures on Engineering, Science, and Technology” and based on the research results obtained by their authors in collaboration with the co-authors.
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- 10.09.2024
136th session of JINR Scientific Council
On 12-13 September, the 136th session of the JINR Scientific Council will take place at the JINR International Conference Centre in a hybrid format. At the meeting, the members of the Scientific Council will hear a report by the Director of the Institute Grigory Trubnikov, consider recommendations of the JINR Programme Advisory Committees held in June 2024, and discuss the JINR Topical Plan for 2025.
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- 10.09.2024
Burn-in test and thermal performance evaluation of silicon photomultipliers in TAO Experiment
Employees of the Methodical Research Sector of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR Nikolay Anfimov and Arseny Rybnikov together with their Chinese colleagues conducted comprehensive tests of SiPM tiles for the JUNO-TAO Experiment. An article about the tests was published in the Journal of Instrumentation in July 2024.
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- 10.09.2024
JINR News bulletin #3 2024 issued
The JINR News bulletin is issued four times a year, providing information on new scientific results obtained at JINR Laboratories, updates on large-scale experiments, construction of new facilities, discoveries, inventions, etc. JINR social life is presented extensively.
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- 09.09.2024
Latchesar Kostov receives Order of Friendship
By decree of the President of Russia dated 9 September 2024, JINR Vice-Director, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Latchesar Kostov was honoured with a state award, the Order of Friendship, for his great contribution to strengthening the Russian-Bulgarian partnership in nuclear energy and the development of intergovernmental cooperation in fundamental and applied research.
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- 09.09.2024
SYMPHYS-XIX Conference starts in Yerevan
The XIX International Conference on Symmetry Methods in Physics (SYMPHYS-XIX), organized jointly by JINR and the International Centre for Advanced Studies of Yerevan State University, began in Yerevan on 8 September. SYMPHYS-XIX is dedicated to the memory of the outstanding scientist, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexei N. Sissakian. The event, set to last until 13 September, gathered more than 60 scientists from around the world.
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- 09.09.2024
Impact of swift heavy ion-induced point defects on nanoscale thermal transport in ZnO
Together with researchers from the scientific centres of Kazakhstan and South Africa employees of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR studied the effect of point defects created by irradiation with swift heavy ions (SHI) on nanoscale thermal transport in ZnO. The results of the research were published in Materials Research Bulletin.
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- 09.09.2024
Review of Particles & Nuclei, #5 (Vol. 55) 2024
Founded in 1970, the review journal Physics of Elementary Particles and Atomic Nuclei, brief name Particles & Nuclei, is published by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna. This is the most influential physical review journal in Russia. Published by leading physicists from Member States of JINR, as well as scientists from all over the world, review articles in this eminent journal examine elementary particle physics, problems of vacuum in quantum field theory, condensed matter problems, symmetries in physics, string theories and gravity, nuclear physics, automatic processing of experimental data, accelerators and related instrumentation, accelerator-based transmutation studies, ecological implications of present nuclear and conventional energy sources, energy amplifiers based on accelerators. The journal provides review articles in Russian and in English. Note: all volumes are translated into English and published by the Nauka/Interperiodika International Academic Publishing House. The translation journal appears under the name Physics of Particles and Nuclei. Annualy 6 issues are published joined in one volume. In 2000-2004, the journal had a supplementary issue in addition to the six regular issues. The Editors invite you to contribute review articles and guarantee rapid publication of your papers.
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- 06.09.2024
About new developments of Newton-type iterations for solving nonlinear problems
As part of the Mathematical Engineering Book Series, Springer published the monograph entitled “New developments of Newton-type iterations for solving nonlinear problems” by Ochbadrakh Chuluunbaatar, Deputy Director of the Laboratory of Information Technologies at JINR, Academician of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences (MAS), and Tugal Zhanlav, JINR Honorary Doctor, MAS Academician. The authors analyse the intricacies of Newton-type methods for nonlinear equations, discussing their convergence, accelerations, and extensions.
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- 06.09.2024
Study of etching features of quartz glass irradiated with xenon ions
Head of the Centre of Applied Physics of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR Pavel Apel, in collaboration with scientists from the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National University of Science and Technology, conducted a research on the specifics of chemical etching of quartz glass under the influence of accelerated heavy xenon ions.
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- 05.09.2024
Study of etching features of quartz glass irradiated with xenon ions
Head of the Centre of Applied Physics of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR Pavel Apel, in collaboration with scientists from the Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and the National University of Science and Technology, conducted a research on the specifics of chemical etching of quartz glass under the influence of accelerated heavy xenon ions.
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- 05.09.2024
Production of neutron-enriched isotopes along magic number N = 126 by multinucleon transfer reactions with radioactive-ion beams
Scientists from the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR, Vyacheslav Saiko and Alexander Karpov, studied the synthesis of neutron-enriched isotopes along magic number N = 126 by multinucleon transfer reactions with radioactive-ion beams. Physical Review C published the results of the study in June 2024.
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- 04.09.2024
Prompt neutron emission in 250Nî spontaneous fission associated with ground and isomeric state decays
Scientists from the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions and Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR restored and presented an unusually symmetrical shape of the prompt neutron multiplicity distribution in 250Nî for the first time. Research was conducted in cooperation with colleagues from scientific centres in France, Kazakhstan, and Russia.
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- 04.09.2024
New Book Acquisitions exhibition in S&T Library
From 2 to 20 September 2024, the JINR Science and Technology Library invites visitors to the New Book Acquisitions exhibition.
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- 04.09.2024
ARIADNA Collaboration Meeting on applied research at NICA Complex starts
On 4 September, the three-day ARIADNA Collaboration Meeting on applied research on accelerated ion beams at the NICA Complex began at the JINR International Conference Centre. The participants are scientists and specialists of 33 organizations from 15 countries, including Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Cuba, Egypt, India, Japan, Kazakhstan, Mexico, Romania, Russia, South Africa, Turkey, Uzbekistan, and Vietnam. Following the results of the event, an integrated programme for the collaboration for several years will be developed.
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- 03.09.2024
Application of photonic crystals for generating broadband radiation at LINAC-200 Linear Accelerator
Scientists from the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR, in cooperation with colleagues from Russian scientific centres, studied the possibilities of using ordered three-dimensional arrays of photonic crystals to generate gigahertz, optical, and neutron radiation in the interaction with the high-energy electron beam at the LINAC-200 Linear Accelerator. Nuclear Physics and Engineering published the results of the study in the third issue of the journal for 2024.
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- 02.09.2024
Mass testing setup for silicon photomultipliers in TAO Experiment developed
Employees of the Laboratory of Nuclear Problems at JINR, together with Chinese scientists from Zhengzhou University, the Institute of High Energy Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences ( CAS), and CAS University developed a unique setup and methods for testing silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) arrays as part of the TAO Experiment.
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- 02.09.2024
Observation of positive-parity wave in low-energy spectrum of 7Íå
An article entitled “Observation of a positive-parity wave in the low-energy spectrum of 7Íå” by a group of scientists from the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR was published in Physical Review C.
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- 02.09.2024
Call for applications for 2025 START Winter Session opens
The START (STudent Advanced Research Training) Programme invites students and postgraduates to join research conducted at JINR supervised by leading scientists and engineers. Applications for the 2025 Winter Session are accepted at start.jinr.ru until 31 October.
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- 02.09.2024
Independence Day of Vietnam
On 2 September, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, a JINR Member State, celebrates the Independence Day.
The Institute’s Directorate congratulates Vietnamese colleagues on the Independence Day and wishes them and their families good health and well-being, successful work, scientific achievements and discoveries for the benefit of science and progress!
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- 01.09.2024
Independence Day of Uzbekistan
1 September marks a national holiday, the Independence Day, or Mustaqillik, of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a Member State of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research congratulates colleagues and partners from Uzbekistan, as well as their relatives, on the Independence Day and wishes them good health, well-being, happiness, and new professional successes for the benefits of science and progress!
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- 29.08.2024
Bekhzod S. Yuldashev. Condolence letter
We are deeply saddened to announce the death of Academician Bekhzod S. Yuldashev, an outstanding physicist, a talented scientific leader, and a public figure.
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- 28.08.2024
High energy cooling
Journal of Instrumentation published an article by Deputy Head of the VBLHEP Accelerator Department for Scientific Work Valery Lebedev on methods of heavy particle cooling for high energy colliders in the energy range of the RHIC-based ep-collider.
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- 27.08.2024
Density distribution of samples printed by fused filament fabrication
Researchers from the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR, Tomsk Polytechnic University, and Tomsk National Research Medical Centre of the Russian Academy of Sciences conducted X-ray study of the density distribution of samples printed by fused filament fabrication with different fill patterns.
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- 27.08.2024
National holiday of Republic of Moldova
On 27 August, Moldova, a Member State of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, celebrates its national holiday, the Independence Day.
The Directorate of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research congratulates Moldavian colleagues and partners, as well as their relatives, on the Independence Day and wishes them good health, happiness, well-being, luck, and new professional successes for the benefit of science and progress.
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- 26.08.2024
On energy of pion collisions at NICA
A team of scientists from VBLHEP at JINR and three Mexican higher education institutions, including National Autonomous University of Mexico,
Autonomous University of Sinaloa
, and University of Colima, studied collision energy dependence of source sizes for primary and secondary pions at energies available at the JINR Nuclotron-Based Ion Collider Facility from Lévy fits.
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- 26.08.2024
JINR holding International School on cyclotrons
26 August marked the start of the International School of Accelerator Physics: Cyclotrons, organized by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and National Research Nuclear University Moscow Engineering Physics Institute (NRNU MEPhI). The event brought together more than 50 participants from Belarus, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Uzbekistan.
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- 23.08.2024
Description of BM@N Spectrometer at NICA Accelerator Complex
The BM@N (Baryonic Matter at Nuclotron) Collaboration of the NICA Megascience Project prepared a technical description of the BM@N Spectrometer including all its subsystems in an article published in the Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research – section A. The authors of the work are affiliated with the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and scientific and educational centres in Bulgaria, China, Israel, Kazakhstan, Russia, and Uzbekistan.
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- 21.08.2024
JINR and China sign new cooperation agreement
On 21 August 2024, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research and the Ministry of Science and Technology of People’s Republic of China (PRC) signed an agreement at the House of the Government of the Russian Federation. The document was signed alongside the 29th Regular Meeting between Chinese and Russian Heads of Governments. The aim of the new agreement is developing cooperation between JINR and China in fundamental research, facilitating personnel exchange, and expanding research opportunities.
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- 21.08.2024
He had unquestionable authority, both in science and everyday life
21 August marks the 115th anniversary of the birth of Nikolay N. Bogoliubov, an outstanding scientist, one of the founding fathers of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, and its director for 24 years. His exceptional personality and the large number of widely recognised scientific papers he wrote throughout his life amazed his contemporaries and are an inspiration for many to this day. Nadezhda S. Isaeva, who worked as Nikolay Bogoliubov’s secretary for many years and is now an employee of the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at JINR, shared her memories, adding strokes to the portrait of the researcher.
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- 20.08.2024
Study of silicon photomultiplier external cross-talk
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