2015 |
2015-01 (1.790.942)
Brief Review of Topmost Scientific Results Obtained in 2014 at the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
E18-2015-2 (4.524.969)
Hristozova G. et al.
Atmospheric Deposition Study in the Area of Kardzhali Lead-Zinc Plant
Based on Moss Analysis
For the first time the moss biomonitoring technique was used to assess the environmental
situation in the area affected by the lead-zinc plant as one of the most hazardous enterprises in Bulgaria.
77 Hypnum cupressiforme moss samples were collected in the Kardzhali municipality in the summer and autumn of 2011.
The concentrations of a total of 47 elements were determined by means of instrumental epithermal neutron activation
analysis (ENAA), atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS) and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry
(ICP-AES). Multivariate statistics was applied to characterize the sources of elements detected in the samples.
Four groups of elements were found. In comparison to the data averaged for the area outside of the town,
the atmospheric deposition loads for the elements of industrial origin in Kardzhali, where the smelter chimney
is located, were found to be much higher. Median levels of the measured concentrations of the most toxic metals
(Pb, Zn, Cd, As, Cu, In, Sb) were extremely high in this hot spot when compared to the median Bulgarian cross-country
data from the 2010–2011 European moss survey. GIS technology was used to produce element distribution maps
illustrating deposition patterns of element pollutants in the study area. The results obtained contribute
to the Bulgarian environmental research used to study and control the manufacturing processes of the lead-zinc
plant in the town of Kardzhali.
E2-2015-4 (477.087)
Tawfik A., Diab A.
Transport Coefficients from SU(3) Polyakov Linear- Model
In the mean field approximation, the grand potential of SU(3) Polyakov
linear- model (PLSM) is analyzed for the order parameter of the light and strange chiral
phase-transitions, l and s,
respectively, and for the deconfinement order parameters
and *. Furthermore, the subtracted condensate
l,s and the chiral order-parameters Mb
are compared with lattice QCD calculations. By using the dynamical quasiparticle model (DQPM), which can be
considered as a system of noninteracting massive quasiparticles, we have evaluated the decay width and the
relaxation time of quarks and gluons. In the framework of LSM and with Polyakov loop corrections included,
the interaction measure /T4, the specific heat
cv and speed of sound squared cs2 have been
determined, as well as the temperature dependence of the normalized quark number density
nq/T3 and the
quark number susceptibilities q/T2
at various values of the baryon chemical potential.
The electric and heat conductivity, e and , and the
bulk and shear viscosities normalized to the thermal entropy, /s and
/s, are compared with available results
of lattice QCD calculations.
P2-2015-9 (84.020)
Barbashov B.M., Pestov A.B.
Solution of the Relativistic Problem on the Motion of a Charge in the Crossed Electric and Magnetic Fields
By the method of the first integrals we give a solution of the relativistic problem
on the motion of the charged particles in the crossed electric and magnetic fields at arbitrary value
of a dimensionless controlling parameter which is equal to the ratio of the magnetic strength to the electric one.
P1-2015-15 (317.783)
Anosov V.A. et al.
Tests of the Module Array of the ECAL0 Electromagnetic Calorimeter
for the COMPASS Experiment with the Electron Beam at the ELSA
The array of 3 3 modules of the electromagnetic calorimeter ECAL0
of the COMPASS experiment at CERN has been tested with an electron beam of the ELSA (Germany) facility.
The dependence of the response and the energy resolution of the calorimeter on the angle of incidence
of the electron beam has been studied. A good agreement between the experimental data and the results of
Monte Carlo simulation has been obtained. It will significantly expand the use of simulation to optimize
event reconstruction algorithms.
P4-2015-17 (223.755)
Pupyshev V.V.
Two-Dimensional Coulomb Scattering of a Quantum Particle.
The Wave Functions and Green Functions
By assumption, a charged quantum particle moves in the
two-dimensional plane of the three-dimensional configuration space
and is scattered by the fixed Coulomb center lying in the same
plane. The wave function of this particle, the Green function and
all radial components of these functions are studied. For the
modules of these components the uniform major bounds are derived.
The representation of the wave function in terms of the regular
radial Coulomb functions and the representation of the scattering
amplitude in terms of the partial phase shifts are found. For the
Green function and its radial components the integral
representations are obtained.
E14-2015-18 (857.081)
Stan C. et al.
Multifractal Analysis of CoFe2O4/2DBS/H2O Ferrofluid from TEM and SANS Measurements
Preliminary investigation on the morphological properties and the multifractal characteristics of CoFe2O4
nanoparticles, coated with a double layer of dodecylbenzenesulphonic acid and dispersed in double distillated water, is presented.
TEM images of the sample are analyzed and the computed multifractal spectrum reveals universal multifractality. A comparison with the fractal approach applied to
SANS data is presented, and consistency of results is demonstrated.
P11-2015-19 (210.013)
Volokhova A.V., Zemlyanaya E.V., Rikhvitskiy V.S.
Parallel Optimization Method for Numerical Solving of the Polaron
Equations System Using the Partitions Algorithm
Previously developed method for the numerical simulation of the polaron
states formation in condensed matter has been modified using the partitions
algorithm that provides a significant speedup in the parallel calculations
on multiprocessor systems. Software implementation is based on the MPI
technology. Methodical calculations are carried out on a multiprocessor
cluster CICC LIT JINR (Dubna) with a different processors number and a
different choice of computational parameters. The calculations confirm the
effectiveness of the developed approach for numerical solution of the system
of nonlinear differential equations describing the polaron dynamical model.
P4-2015-20 (200.415)
Pupyshev V.V.
Two-Dimensional Coulomb Scattering of a Quantum Particle.
The Structure of the Radial Wave Functions
By assumption, a charged quantum particle moves in the
two-dimensional plane of the three-dimensional configuration space
and is scattered by the fixed Coulomb center lying in the same
plane. It is shown that the radial wave functions of this particle
satisfy the Coulomb equation with half-integer index. The structure
of these functions is studied. Three physically interesting limits - the non-Coulomb limit and the limits of
high and low energies -
are considered. The main differences of the two-dimensional Coulomb
scattering from the three-dimensional one are clarified.
P13-2015-21 (310.506)
Morozov V.A., Morozova N.V.
Gas Discharge Processes in the Standard and Metal Channel PMTs
The effect of the potential difference at the focusing chamber electrodes of
the XP2020, FEU-85, FEU-87, and FEU-93 photomultipliers on the intensity of
afterpulses resulting from gas discharge processes is investigated. The time distribution of the afterpulses in the metal
channel PMTs - H6780 and R7600U-200 - is studied as well.
E6-2015-24 (128.121)
Maslov O.D.
Results of High-Temperature Processing of High-Carbon Materials from the Lower Cambrian Period of the Earth's History
The paper reports the observation of the spontaneously fissioning nuclides (SFN), concentrated in fly ash during combustion of high-carbon
(graphite) material, chemogenic siliceous-carbonaceous rocks and carbonaceous shale in the mixture with brown coal. In the samples obtained,
the spontaneous fission was measured by track method. The zones of precipitation of SFN and their light homologues on the
thermochromatographic column were determined. The nuclide detected in the alkaline trap has T1/2 = 62 d. It is precipitated with
iron hydroxide, dissolved in the NH4OH + H2O2 solution, distilled by heating up to 100 C, and precipitated
with AgI. This nuclide belongs to the halides. The content of the parent nuclide in high-carbon (graphite) material and chemogenic
siliceous-carbonaceous rock corresponds to 10-14 g/g.
P1-2015-28 (554.327)
Kurilkin A.K. et al.
The Vector Ay and Tensor Ayy, Axx, Axz
Analyzing Powers of the 3Hp Reaction at Energy 200 MeV
The data on the vector Ay and tensor Ayy, Axx,
and Axz analyzing powers of 3Hp
reaction are presented at the kinetic beam energy of 200 MeV in the full angular range in the c.m. frame.
The signs of the tensor analyzing powers Ayy, Axx, and Axz
at forward and backward scattering have demonstrated the sensitivity to the ratio of the D/S components in the
3H and deuteron.
The high-precision experimental results are compared with the theoretical calculations performed in the multiple-scattering model by using standard wave functions
of the three-nucleon bound state and of the deuteron.
P13-2015-30 (233.410)
Turek M. et al.
Tailoring the Evaporator in an Ion Source for Effective Ion Beam Production of Substances with High and Low Melting Points
Two different designs of the internal evaporator in an arc discharge ion
source for low and high melting substances are presented. A matter of the
evaporator size and its placement in order to obtain a stable and intense
ion beam is considered. Basic ion source characteristics, i.e., dependences
of ion current and discharge voltage on discharge and filament currents and
on the external magnetic field flux density are discussed in order to find
optimal working conditions. Results of measurements for both low (P, Zn, Se,
S) and high melting substances (Pd) are presented, which show the
suitability of the designs for ion implantation purposes.
P13-2015-31 (282.780)
Turek M. et al.
Thermal Desorption of Helium from Defected Silicon
The TDS (thermal desorption spectroscopy) measurements of He implanted in
silicon samples are reported. The He implantation energy was 90 keV (at a
tilt of 45 ) while the fluence was 1016 cm-2. Additionally,
the influence of Si preimplantation (fluences in the range
1014-1016 cm-2, E =260 keV) was investigated. The He
releases both from interstitials/vacancies ( peak) and from cavities (an
peak or rather a band consisting probably of at least two peaks) were
observed. The peak disappears for preimplantation fluences larger than
1015 cm-2, while the peak becomes broader and shifts toward
higher temperatures. The TDS spectra were collected using heating ramp rates
in the range 0.3-0.7 K/s. Desorption activation energy of the peak for
different preimplantation fluences was found using the Redhead analysis of
the peak shift.
E16-2015-32 (515.501)
Kuban k J. et al.
Measurement of Out-of-Field Doses in the Clinical Proton Beam at the Czech Proton Therapy Center
In our paper we describe results of out-of-field doses measurements performed in the clinical
proton beam at the Czech Proton Therapy Center (PTC), Prague, using a pencil-beam delivery mode.
The obtained data were compared with a similar experiment previously performed at the medical center of the Dzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems
of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna.
Contrary to the PTC experiment, the clinical proton beam at the JINR Phasotron was formed using passive system of collimators, additional degraders and ridge filters.
In active scanning systems, beam interactions with the patient's body are the only significant source of secondary radiation, whereas in passive scattering beam lines
there are a number of additional collimators, and ridge filters in which secondary radiation is produced.
The out-of-field absorbed doses measured in the Czech PTC were found to be lower and more homogenously distributed than those measured in Dubna.
The main cause of the difference is scattering of the primary beam on the elements of beam formation in the therapy room of JINR.
P15-2015-33 (22.385.898)
Didyk A.Yu., Wi niewski R., Semin V.A.
The Synthesis of Microparticles in Helium at a Pressure of 2.4 kbar with a Palladium Rod inside
HeHPC under Irradiation by Braking -Rays with a Maximum Energy of 10 MeV
A helium high-pressure chamber (2.4 kbar) with a palladium rod inside was exposed to
braking -rays with energies up to 10 MeV during 3.5 105 s. With the opening of the chamber, more
than 10 particles with the size of about 1 mm spilled out, and on the surface of the
entrance window (EW) a set of objects with the element composition
from nitrogen to barium were found. The outer surfaces of EW were covered with a greenish-yellowish
patina of complex composition.
P15-2015-34 (1.473.601)
Didyk A. Yu., Wi&sakute;niewski R., Semin V. A.
A Study of the Formation of New Structures and Elements in HeHPC
with Palladium inside at a Pressure of 2.4 kbar under the Influence
of Braking γ-Rays with a Maximum Energy of 10 MeV
A helium high-pressure chamber (2.4 kbar) with a palladium rod inside was exposed to braking γ-rays
(with energies up to 10 MeV) for a long time (≈ 3,5 · 105 s). On opening the chamber,
multiple objects with element composition from nitrogen to barium were detected on the walls of both the internal sleeves,
on the side and end surfaces of the palladium cylinder and collector of the reaction products.
The palladium rod underwent especially significant changes: it became covered with multiple spots of zinc oxide.
A model of the formation of new elements and structures is briefly discussed, and comparison with two previous HeHPC experiments without palladium is carried out.
E13-2015-35 (647.226)
Azaryan N. et al.
The Precision Laser Inclinometer Long-Term Sensitivity in Thermo-Stabilized Conditions
The paper presents the latest results of testing of the Precision Laser
Inclinometer in thermostable conditions in Transport Tunnel TT1 at CERN.
Restrictions of the inclinometer's sensitivity in different frequency ranges
have been obtained: 10-6 rad for 10-6-10-4Hz and ~ 10-10 rad for 0.01-1 Hz.
Comparative measurements with two independent inclinometers have been
made and their seismograms almost coincide with each other. The signal
of action of tunnel boring machine has been registered.
P10-2015-38 (4.696.444)
Kirilov A.S., Petukhova T.B.
The Set of Components to Create GUI for Neutron Instrument Control Systems on the Base of PyQt
The work is dedicated to the set of visual components (widgets), which facilitates the development of graphical user interface (GUI)
to control the measurements on neutron instruments with software package Sonix+. The kit components correspond to the basic functions of the user interface
for managing the measurement and visualization of spectra, as well as provide program upload/download for the package components and a number of other functions.
The set is used in the development of the universal GUI and tuning programs for instruments of the IBR-2, as well as specialized GUI for some instruments at other centers.
P10-2015-39 (677.692)
Kirilov A.S., Murashkevich S.M., Petukhova T.B.
Adaptation of Sonix+ to Control the D3 Diffractometer
The work is devoted to the adaptation of the Sonix+ software tool kit to
control the powder diffractometer D3 at one of the beams of the IVV-2M
reactor at the Neutron Complex for Materials Research in the Institute of
Metal Physics (Zarechny). Sonix+ was designed for instruments at the IBR-2
reactor using the time-of-flight mode of spectra accumulation. However, the
underlying solutions simplified the software adaptation for use at
stationary reactors.
P10-2015-40 (715.068)
Kirilov A.S.
New Versions of Instrument Tuning Program and Visualization of Spectra for Reflectometers at the IBR-2 Reactor
The article is devoted to the main features of
the tuning program (ICE) and the spectra visualization program
(SpectraViewer), used at reflectometers of the IBR-2, FLNP, JINR. The ICE
program is implemented as an add-on for the control software Sonix+ and is
designed to adjust the instrument before the main measurement. The
SpectraViewer program is also used at other instruments. Programs have been
written using the PyQt and the graphics library matplotlib.
E6-2015-41 (380.166)
Izosimov I.N.
Isospin Quantum Number and Structure of the Excited States in Halo
Nuclei. Halo-Isomers
It has been shown that isobar-analog (IAS), double
isobar-analog (DIAS), configuration (CS), and double configuration
states (DCS) can simultaneously have n-n, n-p, and p-p halo components in their wave
functions. Differences in halo structure of the excited and ground states
can result in the formation of isomers (halo-isomers). Both the Borromean
and tango halo types can be observed for n-p configurations of atomic
nuclei. The structure of the ground and excited states with different isospin
quantum number in halo-like nuclei is discussed. B(M ) and B(E ) for -transitions
in 6-8Li,
8-10Be, 8,10,11B, 10-14C, 13-17N, 15-17,19O, and 17F
are analyzed. Special attention is given to nuclei whose ground state does
not exhibit halo structure, but the excited state may have one.
P16-2015-45 (722.596)
Beskrovnaia L.G., Komochkov M.M., Maurach N.A.
Double Differential Cross Section for Neutron Production in Carbon-Nucleus Interactions at Energies of 135-400 MeV/nucleon, Obtained Using
the Phenomenological NNEP Method
In this work we calculated the double differential cross sections for
neutron production in 12C-A interactions on the basis of the
phenomenological NNEP method and made their comparison with experimental
data. Comparison was performed to verify the semi-empirical method for the
experimental data and to determine the possibility of using the
semi-empirical method for the prediction of radiation situation in the
carbon-ion medical accelerator in the energy range of carbon ions 135-400 MeV/nucleon. There is a good agreement between the calculated and
experimental data.
P13-2015-47 (508.853)
Pepelyshev Yu.N., Tsogtsaikhan Ts., Ososkov G.A.
Application of Cluster Analysis and Autoregressive Neural Networks for the Noise Diagnostics of IBR-2M Reactor
The pattern recognition methodologies and artificial neural networks were used widely for the reactor noise diagnostics.
It is very important for the pulsed reactor of periodic operation IBR-2M (Dubna) which has a high sensitivity
to reactivity fluctuations (40 times higher than stationary reactors with a uranium fuel).
It is shown that the power noise is subsequently divided into four stable clusters.
The noise transition region is formed by asymptotically increasing vibration
of the moving reflectors in the process of their heating after maximum power is reached. The study of slow processes
shows that the nonlinear autoregressive neural network predicts an error of ~ 5 %. NAR model allows predicting
changes in reactivity caused by the fluctuation of liquid sodium flow rate up to two days of reactor operation.
E13-2015-48 (1.528.640)
Chirikov-Zorin I., Krumshtein Z., Olchevski A.
Design of a Photodetector Unit of a New Shashlyk EM Calorimeter for COMPASS II
A nine-channel photodetector unit with micropixel avalanche photodiodes
(MAPD) and precision thermostabilization based on the compact Peltier module
was designed and constructed. MAPD-3N with a high pixel density of 1.5 104 mm-2
and area 3 3 mm produced by Zecotek were used.
E13-2015-49 (3.132.219)
Budagov J. et al.
Combined Adapter for the Upgraded Cryomodule of the Linear Collider
As part of work on the ILC Project,
research was performed on the development of
techniques to simplify and make reliable and cheaper the construction of the
cryomodules that are core of the main linac. In the current ILC TDR design
both the helium vessel surrounding the niobium RF cavities and the connected
pipes which channel the exhaust helium gas are made of expensive titanium,
one of the few metals that can be welded to niobium by the electron beam
In this paper we describe the construction and performance of transition
elements, obtained by explosion welding, that can couple the niobium cavity
with a stainless steel helium vessel, thus saving large amounts of titanium.
A new design, including a minimal titanium intermediate layer,
has been built. Preliminary tests yielded a
very strong resistance of the bond to extreme temperature shocks from
electron beam welding to exposure to cryogenic temperatures.
The developed
technology allows a trimetallic billet for manufacturing an adapter to be made such that the niobium-titanium bond is free
of intermetallic compounds and the effect of the difference in the linear expansion coefficients of
the ensemble components is eliminated.
P13-2015-50 (1.024.723)
Piyadin S.M. et al.
The System of High-Voltage Power PMT for Experiments at the JINR Nuclotron
An 8-channel high-voltage power system based on the use of the module
«Wenzel Elektronik N1130» is described. Specifications of control modules 8DAC-12 and 8ADC-14
designed for the high-voltage systems in CAMAC standard are presented. This system is designed to provide the power for the detectors
used in physics experiments at the JINR Nuclotron.
P14-2015-52 (297.865)
Alexakhin V.Yu. et al.
Determination of Elemental Composition of Rocks with Tagged Neutron Method
The technology for determination of the elemental composition of rocks on
the basis of the tagged neutron method is tested in the field conditions. We
discuss the results of experimental studies of rock samples irradiated by
tagged fast neutrons with an energy of 14.1 MeV. The source of the fast
neutrons is a portable neutron generator with a built-in silicon
alpha-detector. Characteristic gamma rays resulting from the inelastic
interaction of neutrons with nuclei of chemical elements that make up the
geological rocks and minerals are registered by gamma-detectors based on BGO
crystals. Comparison of the results on the elemental composition of rocks
obtained by the tagged neutron method with reference values is discussed.
P18-2015-55 (905.491)
Bashashin M.V. et al.
NICA Project Management Information System
The science projects growth, changing of the efficiency criteria during the
project implementation require not only increasing of the management
specialization level but also pose the problem of selecting the effective
planning methods, monitoring of deadlines and interaction of participants
involved in research projects. This paper is devoted to choosing the project
management information system for the new heavy-ion collider NICA (Nuclotron
based Ion Collider fAcility). We formulate the requirements for the project
management information system with taking into account the specifics of the
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna, Russia) as an
international intergovernmental research organization, which is developed on
the basis of a flexible and effective information system for the NICA
project management.
D10-2015-56_e (327.763)
Dmitriev A.Yu., Dmitriev F.A.
Automation of Registration of Sample Weights for High-Volume Neutron Activation Analysis
at the IBR-2 Reactor of FLNP, JINR
The "Weight" software tool was created at FLNP JINR to
automate the reading of analytical balance readouts and saving these
values in the NAA database. The analytical balance connected to the personal
computer is used to measure weight values. The "Weight" software tool
controls the reading of weight values and the exchange of information with
the NAA database. The weighing process of a large amount of samples is
reliably provided during high-volume neutron activation analysis.
D10-2015-56_e (327.763)
Dmitriev A.Yu., Dmitriev F.A.
Automation of Registration of Sample Weights for High-Volume Neutron Activation Analysis
at the IBR-2 Reactor of FLNP, JINR
The "Weight" software tool was created at FLNP JINR to
automate the reading of analytical balance readouts and saving these
values in the NAA database. The analytical balance connected to the personal
computer is used to measure weight values. The "Weight" software tool
controls the reading of weight values and the exchange of information with
the NAA database. The weighing process of a large amount of samples is
reliably provided during high-volume neutron activation analysis.
P11-2015-58 (756.742)
Akishin P.G., Sapozhnikov A.A.
Automatic Generation of Three-Dimensional Grids
This paper discusses the generation of three-dimensional meshes oriented to
the finite element method. The algorithm used is based on representation of
the problem domain as a combination of standard macroblocks with initial
generation of a two-dimensional mesh on their boundary followed by
generation of a three-dimensional mesh in each block individually. The
possibility of generating meshes using the developed finite element mesh
generator {3DFEMMesh} is discussed.
P11-2015-60 (374.473)
Batgerel B. et al.
Mathematical Simulation of Gas Nanocluster Generation Processes for Xenon
This work is devoted to the investigation of temperature regime effects on the process of xenon nanocluster generation and evolution.
Mathematical simulation was based on the molecular dynamics method. Numerical calculations were made for various values of the cooling rate and various
initial xenon densities. As a result of computer simulation it was found that mass distributions of generated nanoclusters depend on the choice of evolution
conditions, initial values of xenon density and a rate of the system cooling.
P13-2015-61 (473.718)
Bondarenko G.G. et al.
Investigation of the Distribution of Deuterium and Hydrogen in the
Ta|CD2|Ta, Ta|Ta|ÑD2|Ta|Ta and Nb|CD2|Nb Assemblies after Exposure to High-Temperature
Argon Plasma at the PF-4 Set-Up
Assemblies of Ta|CD2|Ta, Ta|Ta|CD2|Ta|Ta and
Nb|CD2|Nb foils were
irradiated by 30 pulses of high-temperature argon plasma on the "Plasma
Focus" (PF-4) set-up. After irradiation, all the samples of foils were
investigated by registration of hydrogen and deuterium recoils (ERDA) on
both sides of each foil. Redistribution of hydrogen and deuterium in the
stacks of foils was found. Experimental results on ultra-deep penetration of
light gaseous impurities as hydrogen and deuterium are explained based on
the effects of shock waves on the foil and accelerated diffusion by an
external force.
P13-2015-62 (814.608)
Didyk A.Yu. et al.
The Distribution of Deuterium and Hydrogen in Zr, Ni and Ti Foil
Assemblies after Exposure to Pulsed High-Temperature Deuterium Plasma
The accumulation and redistribution of deuterium and hydrogen in the
assemblies of two high-purity Ni, Ti or Zr foils under high-temperature
pulsed action of deuterium plasma at the "Plasma Focus" (PF-4) set-up was
studied by the method of registration of recoil deuterons and protons
(ERDA). It was found that redistribution of implanted deuterium and hydrogen
gas impurities in the assemblies of the studied Zr, Ni and Ti foils takes
place to large depths greatly exceeding the ranges of deuterium ions (at
their maximum speeds of up to 108cm/s). As in earlier studies, the
observed phenomenon can be explained by the redistribution of the implanted
deuterium and hydrogen under the influence of powerful shock waves formed in
the metal foil under the action of high-temperature pulsed plasma, and (or)
the acceleration of the diffusion of deuterium and hydrogen atoms under the
influence of compression-expansion waves at the front of the shock wave
accompanied by redistribution of hydrogen and deuterium to great depths.
P10-2015-63 (280.777)
Zlokazov V.B., Morozov V.A., Morozova N.V.
VMRIA - Program for Definition of the Scintillator Decay Times at Processing 3D(E-T-N) Distributions
The program of determination of the scintillator decay time with use of an autocorrelated time spectrometer is submitted.
The result of measurement of the LaBr3:Ce decay time is given - = 22.5(2) ns.
E18-2015-64 (4.167.965)
Allajbeu Sh. et al.
Atmospheric Depositions of Rare Earth Elements in Albania Studied by the Moss Biomonitoring Technique, Neutron Activation Analysis and GIS Technology
Rare earth elements (REE) are conservative elements, scarcely derived from anthropogenic sources.
The mobilization of REE in the environment requires their monitoring in environmental matrices, where they are mainly present at trace levels.
The results on determination of the content of 11 elements by epithermal neutron activation analysis (ENAA) at the IBR-2 reactor
in Dubna in carpet-forming moss species Hypnum cupressiforme collected from 44 sampling sites over the whole Albanian territory are presented
and discussed. The paper is focused on Sc and lanthanides, as well as Fe and Th, the last ones showing correlations with the investigated REE.
With the exception of Fe, all other elements were never determined in the air deposition of Albania. The STATISTICATM 10 software was used for data analysis.
The median values for the content of elements under investigation were compared to those in Bulgaria, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia,
as well as Norway selected as a pristine area. Therefore, it was shown that the accumulation of REE in mosses is associated
with the wind blown metal-enriched soils that are pointed out as the main emitting factor.
P18-2015-66 (165.875)
Molokanova L.G., Orelovich O.L., Chukova S.N.
Preparation of Cleavages of Polyethylene Naphthalate Track Membranes for Investigations Using Scanning Electron Microscope
The possibility of preparing cleavages of polyethylene naphthalate (PEN) track membrane samples has been investigated for exploring the pore channel
structure along one surface to another using scanning electron microscope. On account of high radiation and thermal resistance of polyethylene naphthalate films,
thermal, ultraviolet, and radiation treatment methods used for embrittlement of such polymers as polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polycarbonate (PC),
and polypropylene (PP) are not suitable for PEN. It has been found that only exposing samples to concentrated nitric acid fumes for 1.5 months allows
embrittlement of the PEN film so that it can be broken in such a way as to obtain even-shaped cleavages.
E10-2015-67 (137.747)
Bogdanova N.B., Todorov S.T., Ososkov G.A.
Use of Orthonormal Polynomial Expansion Method to the Description of the Energy Spectra of Biological Liquids
Orthonormal polynomial expansion method (OPEM) is applied to the data obtained by the method of energy spectra to the liquid
of the biomass of wheat in the case when herbicides are used. Since the biomass of a biological object contains liquid composed mainly of water,
the method of water spectra is applicable to this case as well. For comparison, the similar data obtained from control sample consisting of wheat
liquid without the application of herbicides are shown. The total variance OPEM is involved including errors in both dependent and independent variables.
Special criteria are used for evaluating the optimal polynomial degree and the number of iterations. The presented numerical results show good agreement with
the experimental data. The developed analysis frame is of interest for future analysis in theoretical ecology.
E6-2015-69 (226.474)
Maslov O.D.
The Concentration of Short-Lived Spontaneously Fissioning Nuclides from Iron-Manganese Nodules
The paper reports on the observation of the spontaneously fissioning nuclides as a result of hydrochemical and high-temperature
processing of iron-manganese nodules. The spontaneous fission in the samples obtained was measured by the track method using electrochemical etching,
and nuclides with T1/2 = 15 d, T1/2 = 25 d (similar in chemical properties to Os) and
T1/2 = 62 d (similar in chemical properties to Pb and Ra) were detected.
P15-2015-71 (1.610.459)
Didyk A.Yu., Gulbekyan G.G., Myshinskiy G.V.
SEM and RMPA Research of Synthesized Particles
and Objects in Dense Xenon (270 bar) Irradiated
by Braking -Rays with a Maximum Energy of 10 MeV
Natural xenon at an initial pressure of 270 bar in a special chamber (XeHPC) was irradiated for 43 h
(1.548 105 s) by braking -rays with a threshold energy of 10 MeV at electron accelerator
MT-25 at an average intensity of the beam of 20-22 A.
After opening of XeHPC both internal chambers with all structures and particles, but without gas, were
measured on -germanium detector (Canberra) in series with the detector background measurement
to 15 h each measurement. -spectra of short-lived isotopes, formed as a result of exposure,
were obtained and processed. Visual inspection of the inner chambers surfaces showed visible brownish-yellowish coating
of significant thickness.
X-ray microprobe analysis (RMPA) and SEM studies allowed us to determine the composition of the synthesized
particles and structural objects.
P15-2015-72 (1.934.257)
Didyk A.Yu., Gulbekyan G.G., Myshinskiy G.V.
A Study of the Element Composition and Surface Structure Changes
during Irradiation of Dense Xenon (270 atm) by Braking -Rays with a
Maximum Energy of 10 MeV
Natural xenon at an initial pressure of 270 atm in the high-pressure chamber (XeHPC) was irradiated for 43 hours by braking
-rays with a threshold energy of 10 MeV at the MT-25 electron accelerator at an average beam intensity of 20-22 A. The results on gamma
activation analysis of the relevant short-lived radionuclides are presented. When opening the XeHPC, the internal assembly without xenon was installed
on the precision germanium -detector (HPGe-Canberra) for 15-hour measurements of -spectra of radionuclides formed in XeHPC, and the background.
Visual inspection of the inside of the assembly revealed that its surface was covered with a thin film of greenish-yellow color. SEM studies and X-ray probe
microanalysis (XRPMA) have allowed us to determine the composition of the synthesized microparticles. To explain the observed anomalies in the formation
of new elements in the microparticles and microobjects, possible nuclear fission and fusion reactions are presented.
P3-2015-75 (408.420)
Eganova I. A., Kallies W.
On Modeling of the Neutron in Classical Physics: A Methodical Review
In the given work it is shown that the question about the neutron as a non-elementary particle started recently
by B.V. Vasiliev in JINR Communication P3-2014-77 demands to take into conside-ration the entire system of the logically relevant and based
on experiments knowledge which was found by M. Gryzinski in the deterministic atomic physics, and also the two interpretations declared
in this communication are refuted: 1) of an electron-like elementary particle in the neutron structure that has no magnetic properties and
2) of the planetary-type model for a neutron with point objects.
P4-2015-76 (276.221)
Pupyshev V.V.
Two-Dimensional Coulomb Scattering of a Quantum Particle. Low-Energy Asymptotics
By assumption, a charged quantum particle moves in the
two-dimensional plane of the three-dimensional configuration space
and is scattered by a fixed Coulomb center lying in the same plane.
The expansions of the wave-functions and all radial wave-functions
of this particle over integer powers of the wave number and the
Bessel functions of real order are derived. It is proven that the
finite sums of these expansions are the asymptotics of the
wave-functions in the low-energy limit.
E11-2015-77 (317.249)
Mi o L., T r k Cs.
Fast Algorithm for Spline Surfaces
We propose a fast algorithm for evaluation of interpolating spline surfaces with C2 continuity over
uniform grids that utilizes a recently proved approximation property between biquartic and bicubic polynomials. Thanks to this property,
the size of the tridiagonal systems are reduced to the half. The comparison of the proposed algorithm with the classical de Boor's one shows
that the former needs less multiplication operations and its explicit formulas can be parallelized automatically.
P15-2015-78 (1.424.578)
Didyk A. Yu. et al.
91231Pa and 96246Cm Production under Irradiation of Palladium Rodin the Molecular Deuterium
at a Pressure of 1.2 kbar by Braking Radiation with a 10 MeV Maximum Energy
The sample of palladium was irradiated by braking γ-rays with 10 MeV
threshold energy in an atmosphere of molecular deuterium at a pressure of
1.2 kbar during 18 h at a current of 11—13 µA with electron beam in
the deuterium high-pressure chamber (DHPC). The study of the inner
surfaces of DHPC showed significant amounts of lead. As a result of detailed
research of elemental composition of the products of nuclear reactions by
X-ray micro-probe analysis (RMPA), isotopic mass analysis (SIMS), the
measurement of the energy spectrum and the number of α-particles
emitted in the α-spectrometer (Canberra), as well as the
registration of alpha;-particles by track detector (CR-39), it was found that under
irradiation of DHPC by bremsstrahlung the nuclear reactions formed heavy elements 91231Pa and 96246Cm
which are artificial and lacking in nature. Possible mechanisms of their
formation are discussed on the basis of the results of earlier studies and
phenomenological approach to possible nuclear reactions.
P15-2015-79 (4.884.104)
Didyk A. Yu., Wiśniewski R.
New Structures Synthesized by Nuclear Reactions in HHPC with a
Hydrogen Pressure of 3.4 kbar under Irradiation by Braking γ-Rays
with a Threshold Energy of 10 MeV
A hydrogen high-pressure chamber (HHPC) at a pressure of 3.4 kbar was
irradiated by braking γ-rays with a threshold energy of 10 MeV
during 2.23 · 105 s. When the pressure in the
HHPC dropped, one synthesized microparticle separated from the reaction
chamber wall. Detailed studies were carried out of the
elemental composition and structure of the microscopic objects found over
the internal surfaces of the HHPC components. As a result of nuclear
reactions during the HHPC irradiation by braking γ-rays, nuclear
reactions occurred with the formation of light elements from carbon to
medium-weight metals, as well as heavier ones, such as barium. We discuss
the possible upward (with the synthesis of elements from lighter to heavier
ones) and downstream (fission of heavier nuclei into lighter elements)
nuclear reactions.
E3-2015-81 (145.516)
Karamian S.A., Aksenov N.V., Bozhikov G.A.
Double-Neutron Capture Reaction and Natural Abundance of
183W, 195Pt, and 199Hg Isotopes
The database for neutron cross sections is well
developed over the nuclide chart for stable isotopes and not as much for the
radioactive species. Double-neutron capture experiments could be productive
to supply more data. Time-integrated mean flux of slow neutrons reaches a
value of 2.3 1012 cm-2 s-1 at the irradiation port near the
active zone of the IBR-2 pulsed reactor of JINR. This is enough to detect the
double-neutron capture products by the activation method. A high capture
cross section is deduced in the present experiment for intermediate
radioactive 182Ta and 194Ir target nuclides. Together with the
known one for 198Au, these values may prove an essential role of double-neutron capture process for nucleosynthesis of 183W, 195Pt, and
199Hg isotopes at stellar conditions.
E1-2015-83 (902.667)
Tokarev M.V. (on behalf of the STAR Collaboration)
Self-Similarity of Negative Particle Production from the Beam Energy Scan Program at STAR
We present the spectra of negative charged particle production in Au + Au collisions
from STAR for the first phase of the RHIC Beam Energy Scan Program
measured over a wide range
of collision energy = 7.7-200 GeV,
and the transverse momentum of produced particles
in different centralities at | |< 0.5.
The spectra demonstrate a strong dependence on
the collision energy which enhances with pT.
An indication of self-similarity of negative charged particle
production in Au + Au collisions is found.
The constituent energy loss as a function of the energy and centrality
of collisions and transverse momentum of the inclusive particle
was estimated in the z-scaling approach.
The energy dependence of the model parameters - the fractal
and fragmentation dimensions and "specific heat" - was studied.
P19-2015-89 (399.834)
Koltovaya N.A.
Cyclin-Dependent Kinase CDK1/CDC28 and Checkpoints
The genetic instability induced by defects in the cell cycle progression contributes to
different human diseases, particularly neoplastic transformation. The
control mechanisms of correct cell cycle progression are the most studied in
the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, in which checkpoint was first discovered. Many components
of these processes have been identified by now. Here, the role of the
central kinase of cell cycle CDK1/CDC28 is considered in checkpoint in different phases.
P9-2015-90 (85.586)
Dolya S. N.
A Multibeam Proton Accelerator
The paper considers a proton accelerator containing seven independent beams arranged over the accelerator radius.
The current in each beam is Ip = 0,1 A. The initial part of the accelerator consists of shielded spiral waveguides assembled
in a common screen. The main parameters of the accelerator are as follows: the acceleration frequency f = 300 MHz,
the high-frequency power P = 25 MW, and the accelerator's length Lacc1 = 6 m. Upon reaching the proton energy
Wp1 = 6 MeV,
the protons are assembled together into one beam using lenses with an azimuthal magnetic field. Further, the beam acceleration is performed
in an array of superconducting cavities tuned to the frequency f = 1,3 GHz. The acceleration rate is equal to 20 MeV/m, the length of the
accelerator's basic part is Lacc2 = 50 m, and the high-frequency power consumption is P = 15 MW/m.
E7-2015-91 (230.624)
Volkov V.V., Kalandarov Sh.A.
Interpretation of the Low-Energy Fission Process in the Framework of Dinuclear System Conception
The possibility of the interpretation of fission of heavy nuclei as the process of formation, evolution,
and decay of a dinuclear system is discussed. The interpretation is based on the nuclear interaction data obtained in heavy-ion nuclear physics investigations.
P2-2015-92 (366.080)
Dedovich T. G., Tokarev M. V.
Fractal Analysis Methods in the Study of Fractals with Combined Branching
Properties of the space-time in general relativity,
as well as discrete and non-Archimedean
space in the quantum theory of gravity are discussed.
It is noted that the properties of bodies in non-Archimedean
spaces coincide with the properties of the field of P-adic
numbers and fractals.
The authors assume that parton showers used to describe
interactions of particles and nuclei in high energy physics
have a fractal structure.
A mechanism of formation of fractals with combined branching
is studied.
A modified SePaC analysis method is suggested.
The BC, PaC and SePaC methods of determining
the fractal dimension
and other characteristics of fractals are compared.
It is found that SePaC method has advantages for
analysis of fractals with combined branching.
P2-2015-93 (435.328)
Dedovich T. G., Tokarev M. V.
Two-Step Procedure of Fractal Analysis Methods
A two-step procedure of fractal analysis for
PaC and SePaC methods is suggested.
The advantage of the procedure over the base
and modified PaC and SePaC methods is demonstrated.
The results of the analysis of the set of fractals by various methods
(BC and two-stage procedure for PaC and SePaC methods)
are presented.
It is shown that the two-step procedure
for SePaC method is most effective
in the reconstruction of the set of fractals.
E3-2015-94 (360.855)
Telezhnikov S.A. et al.
Precise Determination of Neutron Binding Energy of 64Cu
The neutron binding energy in 64Cu has been accurately measured in thermal neutron capture.
A composite target of natural Cu and NaCl was used on a high-flux neutron beam using a large measuring time.
The -ray spectrum emitted in the (n, )
reaction was measured with a HPGe detector in large statistics (up to 106 events per channel).
Intrinsic limitations of HPGe detectors, which restrict the accuracy of energy calibration, were determined. The value Bn
of 64Cu was determined as 7915.867(24) keV.
P13-2015-95 (509.003)
Omelyanenko M.M.
Current Regulation Unit CR-01 with Power Pass Transistor Bank in Linear Mode
The current regulation unit with a power pass transistor in linear mode is described.
The unit named CR-01 was designed for building high-speed low-noise precision current regulators for low-voltage load, for example,
to supply magnet elements of charged particle accelerators. To build the current regulator using CR-01 unit, an external D.C. power supply is needed.
The required value of output current can be achieved by parallel connection of proportionate number of units. For precision current regulation an overall
current feedback must be applied.
P15-2015-96 (301.002)
Drnoyan J., Zhemenik V. I., Mishinsky G. V.
Isoscaling and Fission Modes in the Kr and Xe Isotope Yields at the
Actinides Photofission
The Kr and Xe isotope yields at the photofission of 232Th, 238U, 237Np,
244Pu, 243Am è 248Cm were tested for the
isoscaling behavior. In contrast with obvious isoscaling in the case of Kr,
in the case of Xe the interplay of the STI and STII fission modes, governed
by N = 82 and N = 88 neutron shells, results in a rather complicated
P13-2015-97 (209.007)
Agapov A. V., Mitsyn G. V., Shipulin K. N.
Automated Range Shifter for Proton Radiotherapy
The article considers the construction of a device for the proton beam energy adjustment in 3D conformal proton radiotherapy
of oncological diseases of head and neck region carried out at the Medico-technical complex of DLNP, JINR. The results
of experimental tests of the device satisfy the required objectives. Also, the range shifter will be used as one of the main parts
in a new system for dynamic irradiation of deep-seated targets of complex shape.
E19-2015-98 (2.560.597)
Dushanov E. B., Koltovaya N. A.
omparison of Modeling Structures of Wild-Type Homodimer\\ and Mutant Hetero- and Homodimers of Phosphatase hITPA-P32T
The modeling structures of human inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase (hITPA) were analysed to identify conformational
changes induced by inactivation effects of P32T mutations.
The conformation of the mutant protomer differed from the crystal structure of mutant apoenzyme (PDB: 4F95),
and that of the wild-type protomer differed from the crystal structure of wild-type holoenzyme (PDB: 2J4E).
Mutant model differed from wild-type model in three regions: two loops and a C-terminal region. The loop between α1 and β2 (28—33 res.),
including the site of localization of mutant amino acid residue Phe31-Ðro32Òhr-Cys33,
in wild-type and mutant protomers had two conformations characterized by different positions of the Phe31 side group.
These conformations were stable. In the crystal structure of the mutant homodimer apoenzyme,
the hydrophobic residue Phe31 was seen to go into solution. %However, in the computational 3 ns model the aromatic ring is oppositely directed.
As the loop between α1 and β2 is a region with internal disorder,
it was suggested that this loop is a regulatory element and mutation of Ð32Ò affects the activity of the enzyme and affinity for substrates through a loop structure.
E5-2015-99 (171.999)
Yamaleev R. M.
Transformation of Linear System of Evolution Equations into
System of Generalized Riccati Equations
A mapping between the linear system of
evolution equations, generated by a~finite-dimensional operator, and
the system of generalized Riccati equations is constructed. The canonical form
of evolution equations is extended up to a multivariable system of
linear differential equations governed by the companion matrix of the
finite-dimensional operator. Solutions of these equations form a
set of generalized trigonometric functions which are coefficients
of the series of expansion of an exponential function. This series
is a polynomial function possessing a definite number of
roots. A nonlinear system of differential equations for the roots
of the high-order Riccati-type equations is derived. Inverse
mapping from the solutions of the obtained system of Riccati
equations onto the solutions of the evolution equations is
P13-2015-100 (1.288.474)
Karpinskiy V. N. et al.
Current-Sink and Current-Source Power Supplies for Focusing and Defocusing
Structural Superconducting Quadrupole Magnets of the Nuclotron
Current-sink and current-source power supplies for focusing and defocusing
magnets for series feeding of the Nuclotron are described. Thyristor rectifiers and
current regulation units with a pass transistor bank in linear mode are
used. As a result, high ramp rate, low ripple and noise are obtained. The
special feature of the described power supplies is using thyristor rectifiers in
bootstrap mode with the purpose of minimizing power losses on the pass
transistor bank and regeneration of stored energy to AC mains. For precision
current regulation an overall current feedback is applied.
Smirnov V. L.
Process of a Cyclotron Modeling with SNOP Program
The description of the SNOP program developed in JINR and intended for
numerical modeling of a beam dynamics in accelerating setups of cyclotron
type is presented. The main methods of work with program components, and
also stages of numerical modeling of a cyclotron, the analysis of the main
characteristics of the accelerated bunch by means of the SNOP are given. The
explanation of some algorithms and procedures used in the program is
Agapov A. V., Baeva A. N.
Assessment of Effective Doses from X-Ray Verification in the
Conformal Proton Radiotherapy
To verify the accuracy of patient positioning during conformal proton
radiotherapy, portal images a set of X-ray verification films for each
direction are used. Thus, in each imaging
procedure the patient receives a dose of radiation.
To improve the quality of treatment and consideration of long-term effects
of X-ray verification images complications, the level of effective doses was
calculated by two techniques: applying modern guidelines and using the
experimental measurements.
The calculation of effective doses of patients receiving conformal proton
radiotherapy in Medicotechnical complex (JINR LNP) demonstrated safety of the method of portal
Akishina E. P. et al.
Component Database Development for the CBM Experiment
This paper presents the implementation of the component database for the CBM
experiment. The considered database is designed to effectively manage a
large number of components for different CBM detectors during their
manufacture, installation and operation. This database contains information
about the production company, quality indicators, including test results,
information on the whereabouts of the component and its status. A functional
model, a design of the database schema, a description of tables and catalogs
as well as a graphical user interface system are shown.