E7-2009-4 (229.357)
Cherepanov E.A., Karnaukhov V.A.
Fission and Nuclear Liquid-Gas Phase Transition
The temperature dependence of the liquid-drop fission barrier is considered,
the critical temperature for the liquid-gas phase transition in nuclear matter being
a parameter. Experimental and calculated data on the fission probability
are compared for highly excited 188Os. The calculations have been made
in the framework of the statistical model. It is concluded that the critical
temperature for the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition is higher than 16 MeV.
P17-2009-6 (155.480)
Nesterenko V.V.
The Role of Gibbs Ensembles in Statistical Thermodynamics
The motives are elucidated that force Gibbs to introduce the notion of ensemble
when formulating the statistical thermodynamics. The term "Gibbs ensemble" is
analysed in detail and its relation to the notion of probability is revealed.
The examination of contemporary literature in pertaining field shows clearly
that the term "Gibbs ensemble" is used now only as a synonym of the statistical
distribution function and nothing else. This implies, in particular, that the
initial notion of the Gibbs ensemble, as the set of a large (more precisely,
infinite) number of copies of the thermodynamical system under consideration,
becomes now unnecessary in the mathematical tools of the statistical
thermodynamics and when presenting its essentials too. Furthermore, in its
original meaning the term "Gibbs ensemble" served in the last century only for
definition of probability. Now a proper place of this term is presumably in
interpretation of the statistical thermodynamics in a complete analogy as the
quantum ensembles have been proposed for interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Ivanov V. V., Strizh T. A.
P10-2009-9 (1.763.942)
Verkheev A.Yu., Skachkov N.B., Cherepanov E.O.
Program Package for the Visualization of the Results of Modeling
of Physical Events with Production of Hadronic Jets
The program package is worked out for a visual analysis of the physical process of
hadron-hadron collisions with hadronic jets production at high energy. The program
allows presenting the information about the selected events, it realizes the search for
hadronic jets (PYCELL algorithm taken from PYTHIA event generator package),
performs the analysis of components of jets and the energy distribution of particle
P2-2009-10 (107.683)
Zulkarneev R.Ya.
On Azimuthal Distributions of Hadrons Produced in Reactions
with Polarized Particles and Heavy Nuclei Collisions in Experiments at RHIC Energies
The goal of the work is to show that an anisotropy of the azimuthal
distribution of inclusive spinless particles can appear if these particles were produced
at two proton collisions with oppositely directed but equal on module polarizations
(the state with "aligned" spins). The author draws the attention to the following
analogy which happens due to that circumstance. Namely a full set of azimuthal distributions
of particles produced in the collisions of two fermions (state with spin s=1/2),
is practically identical to the one which was found in non-central AuAu- and CuCu-collisions at
the energies of RHIC experiments. Author belives that one of explanations of the impressive
similiarity of the distributions of particles produced in absolutely different dynamical
processes, could be if the fireballs obtain at AuAu-, CuCu-collisions an angular moment
while being produced.
P13-2009-11 (326.050)
Verhoglyadov A.E., Shabalin E.P.
A Conic Reflector for Increasing of the Flux of Very Cold Neutrons
The work is dedicated to computation of increasing of directed flux of very cold
neutrons from moderators of the IBR-2M reactor due to the reflector of nanodispersed diamond powder.
Monte Carlo simulation of very cold neutron transport, computation of differential albedo and total
albedo was done. Neutron scattering by individual grains of powder with the Born approximation and
neutron adsorption by carbon nuclei were accounted for. It was shown that if the ratio of the grain
dimension to the wavelength of the neutron is equal to unity, then using of the reflector gives a
two-fold gain in the directed flux.
D18-2009-17 (161.014)
Gorbunov A.V., Ljapunov S.M., Okina O.I., Frontas'eva M.V., Pavlov S.S.
Assessment of Factors Influencing Trace Element Content of Mushrooms from European Part of Russia
The results on trace element content in 12 species of basidial mushrooms from the European
part of Russia are presented. Difference in the elemental content of wild and cultivated mushrooms
is demonstrated. Assessment of technogenic contamination impact on trace element content of
champignons is given. It was revealed that in the described conditions accumulation of Ni,
Cu, Zn, Cd, and Pb in Boletus edulis is not observed. High content of the mentioned
elements in these mushrooms is caused by high content of their mobile forms in soil. It was
shown that the high concentration of mobile forms of metals in soil is establishing in the
process of natural many years accumulation of organic matter followed by its decomposition.
Krasavin E. A., Timoshenko G. N.
Kekelidze V. D.
E2-2009-24 (800.046)
Zborovsk I., Tokarev M.V.
Self-Similarity of Particle Production in Soft and High-pT Regions pT
Self-similar features of transverse momentum spectra measured at ISR,
RHIC and Tevatron are studied in the framework of z-scaling. New properties of the
scaling function y(z) in pp/ p collisions are established. These are flavor
independence including particles with heavy flavor content and saturation at low z.
The z-scaling in pp/ p interactions is confronted with data on pion yields
obtained in AuAu collisions at RHIC. A microscopic scenario of hadron and nucleus
interactions at a constituent level in terms of momentum fractions is discussed.
The saturation regime of y(z) at low z is preferable in searching for phase
transitions of hadron matter created in pp/ p and AA collisions at U70,
RHIC, Tevatron, LHC and at the future accelerators NICA (Dubna) and FAIR (Darmstadt).
E13-2009-25 (934.598)
Budagov J. A. et al.
Investigations of Different Types of Gaskets for ILC Cavity Flanges
The paper describes the procedures adopted to carefully test the He leak rate of several
types of vacuum seals. All the tests were performed at room temperature and at liquid nitrogen (LN2)
temperature (77 K), and after thermal cycles between these two temperature levels. The paper also reports
the test results in the INFN-Pisa clean room aimed to measure particle contamination while assembling the
flange connections. The tests of the Quick Disconnect System using a new conical flange design and an
external clamp were carried out. Two types of gaskets: the Helicoflex and the Ultra-Flex, were tested
with this system.
E18-2009-27 (525.512)
Mere ov J., Florek M., Hol K., Je kovsk M.,
S kora I., Burda C., Melicherov T., Mankovska B.,
Oszlanyi J., Frontasyeva Ì.V., Pavlov S.S.
Air Pollution Studies in Slovakia Using Aerosol Filters and Biomonitoring Technique
Instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA) and atomic absorption spectrometry
(AAS) were employed in order to evaluate the concentrations up to 36 chemical elements
(heavy metals, rare earths, and actinides) in the atmospheric aerosols. Two sampling
sites in Bratislava were examined. The first site L  ie dolie is
quite pristine location with a low traffic concentration. The second sampling site is
close to the crude oil processing plant SLOVNAFT. The influence of the steel industry
in Vel'k Ida and thermal power plant in Prievidza was investigated. Most heavily
contaminated sampling site in the vicinity of surface coal mine Tu imice in Czech
Republic was also included in this study. The levels of pollutant concentrations were
compared to those in atmosphere of other five European sites: Cracow (Poland); Budapest
(Hungary); Ispra, Milan, Ponzone (Italy). The terrestrial mosses P. schreberi and
H. splendens were collected in the environs of the oil plant SLOVNAFT to monitor
heavy metal atmospheric deposition. The elemental concentrations in moss samples were
compared to the Slovakian and Norwegian median values.
E13-2009-28 (411.402)
Davydov Yu.I., Openshaw R.
Self-Quenching Streamer Mode in Quenching Gases Initiated by Alpha Particles
The transition from a proportional to a self-quenching streamer mode,
as a function of track length and angle, was investigated in a single-wire chamber
filled with either pure DME or isobutane. The chamber was irradiated with 241Am
alpha particles. An investigation of multistreamer events in DME due to alpha particles
entering the chamber at 20o with track length 4 mm gave an estimate of a dead
zone, defined as the product of dead length and dead time, to be less than 0.1 s · cm.
This value is 3 orders of magnitude less than those observed by other groups for noble
gases based mixtures. No second streamers were observed with pure isobutane for similar tracks.
P19-2009-29 (380.736)
Kholmurodov Kh.T., Koltovaya N.A.
MD Simulation of Kinase CDK2-Cyclin A: the Effect
of Gly16 Ser16 and Arg274 Gln274 Substitutions on the Conformational Structure of Kinase Subunit
Nanoseconds long MD (molecular dynamics) trajectories of the active protein kinase CDK2/ATP
complex were analyzed. The MD simulations of corresponding substitutions CDK2-G16S in conserved
G-loop of a small lobe and CDK2-R274Q of a large lobe showed the importance of these amino acid
residues in the structural conformation. The essential conformational changes of the CDK2 structure,
particularly the increase of distance between the G- and T-loops, are observed. The obtained results
indicate that the inducing of both Gly16 Ser16 and Arg274 Gln274 mutations destabilize
locally the kinase structure around the T-loop area. The mutation Arg274 Gln274 has a more pronounced
effect considering the details of the G- and T-loop regions.
P6-2009-30 (367.689)
Maslov O.D., Bozhikov G.A., Ivanov P.I., Gustova M.V., Belov A.G., Dmitriev S.N.
Application of the Nanostructure Material for Separation of 238U and 237U,
Which Was Obtained in the Photonuclear Reaction 238U(g, n) 237U
237U was obtained in the 238U(g, n) reaction at the electron accelerator -
microtron ÌÒ-25 of the FLNR. The method of capture of recoil atoms with application of the nanostructure
material - hydrous manganese dioxide (cryptomelane-type) in a solid-solid system was used for separation
of 237U and 238U. The 237U purification from fission fragments was realized by an ion
exchange. The 237U preparation with specific activity of 4.5 · 109 Bq/mg 238U and
contents of radioactive impurity 10-6 Bq/Bq has been obtained. The 237U chemical
yield was 80 %.
P13-2009-32 (421.969)
Lubashevskiy A.V., Brudanin V.B., Rozov S.V., Semih S.S., Filosofov D.V., Jakushev E.A.
Status of EDELWEISS-II Experiment
The EDELWEISS-II experiment is dedicated to the direct search for non-barionic dark
matter with cryogenic germanium bolometers. The experimental setup is located in the underground
laboratory LSM at the depth 4800 m of water equivalent. In this work first results of background
and calibration measurements together with the obtained WIMP-nucleon cross-section are presented.
EDELWEISS-II has demonstrated that using of cryogenic germanium detectors with active surface rejection is
a promising technique for direct observation of WIMPs. Calibration and background runs have showed EDELWEISS-II
potential for exploring the best in the world 4 · 10-9 pb level for the spin-independent WIMP-nucleon
P9-2009-34 (574.672)
Savchenko O.V.
Selection of the Basic Parameters of the Ðroton Àccelerator with a
Divided Magnet for the Medico-Òechnical Complex of the LNP, JINR
A variant of the proton accelerator with a divided magnet for
Medico-Technical complex of the LNP, JINR, with decreased (to 5 m) space between
magnetic mirrors is considered.
Selection of the whole basic parameters of the longitudinal and transversal
particle motion, magnetic system and systems for injection, acceleration and
extraction of the proton beam is made on the basis of the performed
estimations and calculations.
The possibility of the practical realization of the accelerator and its
prospect for a subsequent investigation in the field of proton therapy
of cancer patients is shown.
P9-2009-35 (416.051)
Savchenko O.V.
A Small-Dimensional Accelerators for Proton Therapy
A brief survey of available projects and developings of a small-dimensional
accelerators for proton therapy is given. The expediency and perspectivity
of subsequent decrease of its dimensions and weight are marked.
Three variants of the miniaccelerators for proton therapy with maximum
sizes about 1m and weight about 1t are proposed and considered.
The results of the calculations and estimations of the basic parameters of
such accelerators are presented.
In the third variant of the miniaccelerator the possibilities of purely
induction method of the acceleration of the protons are considered.
The principal feasibility of the miniaccelerators and possibility of their
application for rotary-convergent irradiation of the tumours by proton beams
by means of transfer of the miniaccelerator around immovably lying patient
with optimum choice of the energy and intensity of the proton beam for each
direction of the irradiation are shown.
P9-2009-38 (845.763)
Agapov N.N., Alfeev A.V., Andreev V.A., Bazanov A.M., Batin V.I., Blinov N.A.,
Brovko O.I., Butenko A.V., Vasilishin B. V., Volkov V.I., Govorov A.I.,
Donec E.D., Donec E.E., Donec D.E., Eliseev A. V., Ivanov E.V., Issinskij I.B.,
Karpinskij V. N., Kekelidze V. D., Kirichenko A.E., Kovalenko A.D., Kozlov O.S.,
Meshkov I.N., Mihajlov V.A., Monchinskij V.A., Nikitaev P.I., Osipenkov A.L.,
Romanov S.V., Rukojatkin P.A., Sal'nikov V.V., Seleznev V. V., Semin N.V.,
Sidorin A.O., Sisakjan A.N., Slepnev V.M., Smirnova Z.I., Sorin A.S., Trubnikov G.V.,
Fateev A.A., Fimushkin V.V., Hodzhibagijan G.G., Carenkov A.P., Shabunov A.V.,
Shutov V.B., Angelov A., Angelov V., Geshkov I., Dinev D., Cakov I., Stamenov J.,
Savastru D., Sorin M., Ondrish L., Finger M.
Status of the Nuclotron-M Project (overall results of the run No. 37, 38)
Upgrade of the Nuclotron facility (Nuclotron-M project) is considered as a key part of the first stage in the
realization of the new JINR accelerator project — the NICA/MPD (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility
and MultyPurpose Detector). The goal of the Nuclotron-M project is to prepare main systems of the
synchrotron for its reliable operation as a part of the NICA facility. The project has been started at the end of
2007. The results of the works performed in the frame of the project are presented; the results of two last runs
of the Nuclotron operation are analyzed.
P4-2009-39 (443.706)
Ignatovich V.K., Phan L.T.N.
Elastic Waves and Their Peculiarities
Propagation, reflection from an interface of elastic
waves in isotropic and anisotropic media, and some of their surface
modes are considered in a unified way. Some of their peculiarities,
which are not yet noted in scientific literature, are discussed.
E2-2009-40 (1.443.971)
Tokarev M.V., Zborovsk I.
Self-Similarity of Pion Production in AA Collisions at RHIC
Experimental data on inclusive spectra of pions produced in
heavy ion collisions at RHIC are analyzed in the framework of z-scaling.
The data indicate similarity as a characteristic feature of mechanism
of pion production at high energies. It is argued that this property
includes structure of the colliding objects, interaction of their
constituents and mechanisms of the fragmentation process. A microscopic
scenario of nucleus interactions at a constituent level in terms of momentum
fractions is developed. The centrality dependence of the shape of the scaling
function y(z) and the fractal dimension AA of the fragmentation
process is studied. Energy losses of particles in the final state as a function of
the collision energy, transverse momentum and centrality are estimated. The scale
dependence of the energy losses is discussed. A decreasing tendency of specific heat
of the produced medium with the system size is established. The obtained results may
be exploited to search for and study of new physics phenomena in pion production in
pp and AA collisions at high multiplicities.
E2-2009-41 (198.261)
Pestov I.B.
Self-Organizing Physical Fields and Gravity
It is shown that the Theory of
Self-Organizing Physical Fields provides the adequate and
consistent consideration of the gravitational phenomena.
The general conclusion lies in the fact that the essence of gravidynamics is the new field
concept of time and the general covariant law of
energy conservation which in particular means that dark energy is simply
the energy of the gravitational field.
From the natural geometrical laws of gravidynamics
the dynamical equations of the gravitational field are derived. Two
exact solutions of these equations are obtained. One of them
represents a shock gravitational wave and the other represents the
Universe filled up with the gravitational energy only. These solutions are
compared with
the Schwarzschild and Friedmann solutions in the Einstein general
theory of relativity.
E2-2009-42 (171.453)
Lyuboshitz V.L., Lyuboshitz V.V.
Spin Correlations in the  and 
Systems Generated in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions
Spin correlations for the  and
 pairs, generated in relativistic heavy ion
collisions, and related angular correlations at the joint registration of
hadronic decays of two hyperons, in which space parity is not conserved,
are analyzed. The correlation tensor components can be derived from the double
angular distribution of products of two decays by the method of "moments".
The properties of the "trace" of the correlation tensor
(a sum of three diagonal components), determining the relative fractions
of the triplet states and singlet state of respective pairs, are discussed.
Spin correlations for two identical particles ( ) and two
non-identical particles ( ) are considered from the
viewpoint of the conventional model of one-particle sources. In the framework
of this model, correlations vanish at sufficiently large relative momenta.
However, under these conditions, in the case of two non-identical particles
( ) a noticeable role is played by two-particle annihilation
(two-quark, two-gluon) sources, which lead to the difference of the correlation
tensor from zero. In particular, such a situation may arise when the system passes
through the "mixed phase".
P13-2009-43 (290.258)
Pepelyshev Yu.N., Jang Chang Min
The Influence of Radiation Shield Temperature on Reactivity in the Reactor IBR-2
The influence of temperature of the radiation shield on the power feedback
effects of reactivity in the pulsed periodic fast reactor IBR-2 by the
nuclear program SCALE-4 has been analysed. It has been shown that the
radiation heating of the biological shield with a time constant of ~90
hours brings about moisture reduction of concrete shield during the
operation of the reactor. This leads to the spectral hardness of reflected
neutrons, consequently, the effective multiplication factor is decreased.
These processes describe behaviour of the slow negative component of the
power feedback during power change.
The asymptotic reactivity decreases due to the radiation shield heating
increase proportionally with the power of reactor and is 0.04beff at
power of 2 MW. Total calculated reactivity decrease is only 17% of the
observed values. This implies that not only radiation heating of the
biological shield brings about the reactivity decreases, but also other
reasons of the slow negative component of the power feedback during the
power change probably exist.
P13-2009-45 (1.014.060)
Batusov V.Yu., Budagov Ju.A., Ljablin M.V., Sisakian A.N.
The Observation of Particular Features of a Laser Ray Propagation in Air Media with Standing Acoustic Waves
The laser ray propagation in air media with standing acoustic wave was studied and the
decrease of the laser ray space localization uncertainty was observed. In the case investigated
of laser ray propagation inside a tube in atmospheric air the observed effect is expressed as a
fall with the resonator (tube) quality rise.
P6-2009-48 (454.216)
Tereshatov E.E., Bruchertseifer H., Voronyuk M.G., Starodub G.Ya., Petrushkin O.V., Dmitriev S.N.
Isocratic Separation of Group 5 Elements
The present work has been done in the frame of experiments aimed at the
investigation of chemical properties of long-lived Db isotopes in aqua media.
The isocratic anion exchange separations of group 5 elements in the solutions
containing HF have been considered. An opportunity of principle of niobium and
tantalum separation in the system of HF/NH4F has been shown. Parameters
of separation of dubnium homologues (Ðà, Nb and Ta) in HF/HNO3 mixed
solutions have been optimized. The elution order of niobium and tantalum
depends on the ratio of acids concentrations. This is an additional advantage
of the investigation of chemical properties of dubnium.
P9-2009-52 (466.467)
Dolya S.N., Reshetnikova K.A.
An Intensive Pulsed Neutron Source Based on an Electron Ring Accelerator
A neutron source is proposed. It is based on a proton accelerator with the
energy Ep = 1.2 GeV, current Ip = 0.7 A, pulse duration
= 3 s,
pulse frequency F = 60 Hz, and accelerator length L = 30 m.
Protons are accelerated by the electron rings' field. The electron rings are
formed from the tube beam by way of modulation and creation of rotating
motion by crossing the magnetic field cusp. The frequency of modulation is
fl = 142.8 MHz. The bunch is accelerated at the frequency f2 =
2856 MHz. The high frequency power required for making the field is Pl
= 6-150 MW/section, the power transferred to the accelerated beam is
P2 = 75-100 MW/m.
The bigger radius of the rings (r0 = 2 cm) and radial dimensions of the
ring (ar = 0.125 cm) are provided by the external magnetic field
B0 = 2.4 T. The longitudinal dimensions (az< 0.22 cm) are
maintained by the wave moving synchronously with the bunches. The number of
electrons in each ring is Ne = 3 · 1012, the number of protons is Np= 3 · 1010.
Protons are accelerated with the constant energy gain rate 40 MeV/m. The
electron rings are accelerated in the waveguide with the field strength
Ez = 1.08 MV/m. The intensity of the proton beam is 1013 pp/pulse.
The average intensity of the neutron flux on a lead target is Pn=
1016 n/s, the pulsed neutron flux is Pi = 8 · 1019 n/s.
E18-2009-53 (1.051.838)
Marinova S. et al.
Air Pollution Studies in Bulgaria Using the Moss Biomonitoring Technique, NAA
and AAS
The moss biomonitoring technique was used to study trace element atmospheric
deposition in four areas of Bulgaria (the western Thracian-Rhodope, the
eastern Thracian-Rhodope, the south-eastern and the northern central regions) during
the European moss survey in 2005. A total of 41 elements (Na, Al, Cl, K, Ca,
Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se, Br, Rd, Sr, Mo, Cd, Sb, I,
Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Tb, Dy, Tm, Yb, Hf, Ta, W, Au, Pb, Th, and U) were
determined by instrumental epithermal Neutron Activation Analysis (NAA) and
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) in 97 samples of terrestrial moss. The
moss species used was Hypnum cupressiforme. Principal component analysis (factor analysis) was
used to identify and characterize different pollution sources and to point
out the most polluted areas. The interpretation of the factor analysis
findings points to natural crust, marine, and vegetation components as well
as to anthropogenic sources: ferrous (Plovdiv, Haskovo) and non-ferrous
industries (Plovdiv, Kardzhali, Burgas); oil refining (Burgas), and central
heating stations (Plovdiv, Haskovo, Stara Zagora, Burgas). Comparison of
the medians of the elemental concentrations in moss samples collected in
Bulgaria with those in the Balkan and other European countries reveals that
the Balkan countries show considerably higher concentrations of most
elements in moss than observed in other European countries where moss
sampling has been employed.
P12-2009-54 (640.131)
Kholmurodov Kh.T., Chulkova A.S., Shastova N.A., Medvedkina O.N.
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Phase Transitions of Biphenyl
Molecule in an Active Solvent Medium
The aim of the present work was to study the influence
of the effect of Coulomb interactions on the dynamical behavior of biphenyl
in an active solvent medium. The analysis of the molecular dynamics (ÌD) of
biphenyl molecules in the ÍNO3 solution has been performed. The
temperature-energetic characteristics and phase transformations of biphenyl
interacting with ÍNO3 solution were studied. The dynamics of
density-temperature distribution of biphenyl molecule has been traced up in
real time. The radial distribution functions were built up and nontrivial
phases in the system of biphenyl-active solvent were identified.
Îñèïîâ À. À.
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Àâòîðåô. äèñ. ... äîêòîðà ôèç.-ìàò. íàóê (rus)
P1-2009-58 (469.113)
Azhgirey L.S., Vasiliev T.A., Gurchin Yu.V.,
Zhmyrov V.N., Zolin L.S., Isupov A.Yu., Kurilkin A.K.,
Kurilkin P.K., Ladygin V.P., Litvinenko A.G.,
Peresedov V.F., Piyadin S.M., Reznikov S.G.,
Rovba A.A., Rukoyatkin P.A., Tarasov A.V.,
Hrenov A.N., Yanek M.
Measurement of Tensor Polarization of Deuteron Beam
Passing through Matter
The results of measurements and handling procedure of data on the
tensor polarization of the deuteron beam arising as the beam passes
through matter obtained at Nuclotron during June 2008 run using an
extracted unpolarized 5 GeV/c deuteron beam are described. The
effect observed is compared with calculations made in the framework
of the Glauber multiple scattering theory.
P10-2009-61 (533.640)
Akishina T.P., Denisova O.Yu., Ivanov V.V.
On Electron and Pion Identification Using a Multilayer Perceptron
in the Transition Radiation Detector of the CBM Experiment
The problem of pion-electron identification based on their energy losses in
the TRD is considered in the frame of the CBM experiment. For particles
identification an artificial neural network (ANN) was used, a multilayer
perceptron realized in JETNET and ROOT packages. It is demonstrated that,
in order to get correct and comparable results, it is important to define
the network structure correctly. The recommendations for such a selection
are given. In order to achieve an acceptable level of pions suppression, the
energy losses need to be transformed to more "effective"
variables. The
dependency of ANN output threshold for a fixed portion of electron loss on
the particle momentum is presented.
E13-2009-63 (449.033)
Turek M., Pyszniak K., Drozdziel A., Sielanko J.,
Maczka D., Yuskevich Yu.V., Vaganov Yu.A.
Ionization Efficiency Calculations for Cavity Thermoionization Ion Source
The numerical model of ionization in a thermoionization ion
source is presented. The review of ion source ionization efficiency
calculation results for various kinds of extraction field is given.
The dependence of ionization efficiency on working parameters like
ionizer length and extraction voltage is disscused. Numerical
imulations results are compared to theoretical predictions obtained
from a simplified ionization model.
P13-2009-68 (385.073)
Kuklin A.I., Islamov A.Kh., Kovalev Yu.S.,
Utrobin P.K., Kutuzov S.A., Ivan'kov Î.I.,
Murugova T.N., Rogachev À.V., Gordeliy V.I.
The Small-Angle Neutron Scattering Spectrometer YuMO. Modernization and Scientific Results
The short review of results of small angle neutron scattering
spectrometer YuMO modernization is presented. The base of modernization is a
two detector system. As a result the dynamical q-range is twice increased
and the data acquisition time has been reduced at least twice. Detail description
of YuMO spectrometer has been given.
The short review of realized investigations on spectrometers in the field of biology,
polymers, material science and physical chemistry is given. These investigations have
the methodical aspect. It was shown that spectrometer had the world level of submolecular
structure investigations.
Ïèìèêîâ À. Â.
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Àâòîðåô. äèñ. ... êàíä. ôèç.-ìàò. íàóê (rus)
P9-2009-70 (275.548)
Amirhanov I.V., Karamysheva G.A., Kijan I.N., Sulikovskij Ja.
Modeling of Required Operation Modes and Analysis of Their Stability for Multipurpose Isochronous Cyclotrons
The mathematical and computer modeling of operation modes of multipurpose
isochronous cyclotrons is based on the calculation of currents in trim coils
of correction of the basic magnetic field (Ii, i=1, 2,..., n) at a certain
level of current in the main coil (Imc). The calculation is made for a
given kinetic energy (Ek) at a certain radius or for orbital frequency
of particles (F0). The results of the calculation allow the required
magnetic field to be formed with a certain accuracy in the range from the
ion source to the extraction system of particles. A
series of numerical and physical experiments on calculation of the basic
operation mode of the multipurpose isochronous cyclotron AIC144, INP PAS, Krakow (p, Ek
= 60 MeV, F0 = 26.25 MHz), confirmed both the necessity of including the
evaluation of solution stability into the calculation, and the possibility
of producing the beams of protons in the range of acceleration radii without
essential phase losses in the range of isochronization radii of the required
magnetic field.
P12-2009-71 (640.365)
Kholmurodov Kh.T., Abasheva M.S., Murav'eva S.A., Tuzova V.V.
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Interactions of Valinomycin with Potassium and Sodium Ions in Water Solvent
The aim of the present work is to estimate the value of the
electric field (potentials) for the system of valinomycin + ions Ê+
and Na+ based on the molecular dynamics (MD) study. The analysis of
the interaction processes for the valinomycin + ion Ê+(Na+)
has been performed in water solvent. It is obtained that the capturing
of the ion Ê+(Na+) in the valinomycin cavity has to be possible
not for all values of the electrical strength. For each of two kinds of
ions (Ê+ or Na+) there exists the own critical electrical field,
that is associated with ion bonding to valinomycin, for which the ion has
to remain yet localized inside the valinomycin cavity. The obtained results
on the electrical potential are in a good agreement with the physiological
value of the electrical potential in the cell of native environment.
P13-2009-72 (316.428)
Bulavin M.V.
Modeling of Pneumatic Transport of the Solid Balls of the
Cold Neutron Moderator: the Distribution of Velocity and Traveling Time
In modernized reactor IBR-2M cold moderators are included into makeup of a
complex of neutron moderators where working substance are balls from the
solid frozen mix of aromatic hydrocarbons - mesitylene and m-xylene. Balls
will be delivered into the chamber of moderator by flow of cold helium.
In this work pneumotransport of balls was modeled by movement of glass balls
with nitrogen of the room temperature as transporting gas. Stochastic
character of movement of balls is revealed, characteristics of dispersion of
speeds and time of movement of balls are measured for a line 11.4 m long. The obtained results are used for updating a calculation method.
P2-2008-73 (249.295)
Kosmachev O.S.
The Problem of Quantum Numbers of the Lepton Sector
A unique approach to wave equations for stable and nonstable leptons has been
developed. The algorithm is based on four initial principles which are
necessary and sufficient conditions for obtaining the wave equations. The main
advantage and virtue of the proposed method is a possibility to describe and
enumerate all possible types of free equations for stable and unstable leptons
in the framework of a homogeneous Lorentz group by means of a unique approach
without using the Lagrange formalism.
Îñüêèí À. Ô.
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Àâòîðåô. äèñ. ... êàíä. ôèç.-ìàò. íàóê (rus)
P18-2009-75 (5.225.048)
Eganova I.A., Samojlov V.N., Kallis V., Struminskij V.I., Hanejchuk V.I., Babin A.N.
Geophysical Monitoring Dubna-Nauchny-Novosibirsk:
The Origin of the Hurst Phenomenon and the Solar Eclipse of August 1
Opportunities to apply the fractal theory and the
sequency theory are presented based on the idea about time as an
aspect of the physical reality existence, to study the structure of
time series of the physical characteristics, using the data base of
the complex geophysical monitoring. A crucially new approach is
suggested to unveil the origin of the Hurst statistics, and results
of the observation of the complex systems' reaction to the total
solar eclipse of August 1, 2008 are discussed.
P10-2009-76 (113.713)
Yakovlev A.V.
Composition of Services of Remote Monitoring and Data Access,
Implemented in Infrastructure of ATLAS Experiment
This article presents current possibilities of remote access to data from
the various subsystems of ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition System on
Point1 ATCN level, including data from ATLAS Control Room.
In particular, services of access to different archive data in the CERN
Public Network are considered, such as data from CASTOR system, from
Conditional Databases, from same different archive logs. In addition, the
possibility of access to services is discussed, based in ATCN, which can be
used for remote DQ monitoring and analysis.
In the article the functional capabilities of services to remote access and
monitoring are considered, as well as requirements for credentials and
access rights to the different subsystems required to implement at JINR
Remote Centre (RC) for remote access to infrastructure ATLAS Control Room.
P10-2009-77 (959.726)
Verkheev A.Yu., Skachkov N.B.
Program Package for the Visualization of the Results of Modeling of the
Structure of Hadronic Jets
This article extends the previous works [1, 2] on the development of the program
package for the visualization of the results of modeling of physical events
with hadronic jets production at high energies. We used the sample of events
generated with PYTHIA Monte-Carlo event generator package. The options for
visualization of the process of hadronic jets production starting from the
stage of the accelerated particles collision up to the hadronization of the
secondary particles and the decay are described.
Analogous method of visualization application is worked out for the case of
the use of PYCLUS algorithm (also taken from PYTHIA event generator package)
for search of hadronic jets.
P16-2009-78 (178.387)
Gryzinski M.A., Zielczynski M.,Molokanov A.G., Shvidkij S.V.
Measurement of Dose Equivalent Fields Near Phantom in the Treatment Room
for Proton Therapy in Dubna
At present regular sessions on proton therapy of cancer and some other
diseases are carried out at the Medical-Technical facility of the Laboratory
of Nuclear Problems, Joint Institute for Nuclear Research.
During irradiation a patient is alone in the treatment room. This is fully
justified in case of X-ray or gamma therapy. In case of proton therapy, the
ambient dose equivalent, H*(10), around the patient is expected to be
significantly lower.
Dose measurements around the irradiated phantom have been performed in the
treatment room for proton therapy using proton at 170 MeV energy. The ratio
of the ambient dose equivalent to the maximum absorbed dose in the phantom
was equal to 0.05 mSv/Gy at 0.5 m distance from the phantom in the condition
similar to real patient irradiation. The effective quality factor of
secondary radiation is almost constant in space around the phantom, its
value is equal to 3.5. This value shows a predominant role of neutrons.
The obtained data should be taken into account if the possibility of
presence of accompanying person in the treatment room is considered because
of some medical or psychological reasons.
P13-2009-79 (294.793)
Tsyganov Yu.S.
On the Detecting of Rare ER- -SF Decay Events
When detecting rare decay events of super heavy nuclei with silicon PIPS
detector one unfortunately deals with not only multi-chain events. It is
registering events involving multiple decay chains that allows researchers to
obtain data of good statistical significance. In the case of limited number
of decay chains these estimates are more complicated. In the present paper a
method of statistical analysis of ER- -SF events is presented. A
criterion of evaluating statistical significance different from the
classical one is considered. Examples from the practical experiments are
presented too.
E2-2009-80 (112.316)
Konopleva N.P.
Physics and Geometry
The basic ideas of description methods of physical fields and elementary
particle interactions are discussed. One of such ideas is the conception
of space-time geometry. In this connection experimental measurement methods
are analyzed. It is shown that measure procedures are the origin of
geometrical axioms. The connection between space symmetry properties and
the conservation laws is considered.
P19-2009-81 (798.968)
Kholmurodov Kh.T., Medvedkina O.N., Muraviova S.À., Chulkova A.S., Shastova N.A.
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Interactions of Gold Nanoparticles
with DNA Fragment under Hexagonal Geometry
The analysis of molecular dynamics (ÌD) of interactions of gold
nanoparticles with a DNA fragment under hexagonal geometry has been carried out.
The aim of the present work was to estimate the dynamical conformation changes
in the system of DNA + gold nanoparticles for the various strength of Coulomb
field around the DNA molecule, created in the process of nanocluster formation.
The ÌD simulation of the interaction processes of DNA chain with gold nanoparticles
has been carried out in water solution. The diffusion coefficients are calculated
and the animation pictures of the dynamical conformation changes are obtained.
The structural radial distribution functions have been built for the DNA atoms
interacting with gold nanoparticles.
E9-2009-82 (281.122)
Zhabitsky V.M.
Beam Stability in Synchrotrons with Digital Filters in the Feedback Loop of a Transverse Damper
The stability of an ion beam in synchrotrons
with digital filters in the feedback loop of a transverse damper is treated.
Solving the characteristic equation allows one to calculate the achievable damping rates
as a function of instability growth rate, feedback gain and parameters of the signal processing.
A transverse feedback system (TFS) is required in synchrotrons to stabilize the high
intensity ion beams against transverse instabilities and to damp the beam injection
errors. The TFS damper kicker (DK) corrects the transverse momentum of a bunch in
proportion to its displacement from the closed orbit at the location of the beam
position monitor (BPM). The digital signal processing unit in the feedback loop
between BPM and DK ensures a condition to achieve optimal damping. Damping rates
of the feedback systems with digital notch, Hilbert and all-pass filters are analyzed
in comparison with those in an ideal feedback system.
083(E4-2009-83) (427.134)
Rusov V.D. et al.
The Schrodinger-Chetaev Equation in Bohmian Mechanics and Diffusion Mechanism
of Alpha Decay, Cluster Radioactivity and Spontaneous Fission
In the framework of Bohmian quantum mechanics supplemented with the Chetaev
theorem on stable trajectories in dynamics in the presence of dissipative
forces we have shown the possibility of the classical (without tunneling)
universal description of radioactive decay of heavy nuclei, in which under
certain conditions the so-called noise-induced transition is generated or, in
other words, the stochastic channel of alpha decay, cluster radioactivity
and spontaneous fission conditioned by the Kramers diffusion mechanism.
Based on the ENSDF database we have found the parameterized solutions of the
Kramers equation of Langevin type by Alexandrov dynamic auto-regularization
method (FORTRAN code REGN-Dubna). These solutions describe with
high accuracy the dependence of the half-life (decay probability) of heavy
radioactive nuclei on total kinetic energy of daughter decay products.
The verification of inverse problem solution in the framework of the
universal Kramers description of the alpha decay, cluster radioactivity and
spontaneous fission, which was based on the newest experimental data for
alpha decay of even-even superheavy nuclei (Z=114, 116, 118), has shown
good coincidence of the experimental and theoretical half-life dependence on
alpha-decay energy.
P12-2009-84 (757.744)
Kholmurodov Kh.T., Shastova N.A., Abasheva M.S., Tuzova V.V., Chulkova A.S., Medvedkina O.N.
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Phase Transitions of K-Na
Disilicate Glass in an Active Solvent Medium
The aim of the present work is to study the structural
change processes for metal disilicate glasses, interacting with an active
media solution. The analysis of K-Na disilicate glass structural behavior in
the alkali solution NaOH has been performed on a basis of molecular dynamics
(MD) simulation method. A complete picture of the dynamical processes in the
system of K-Na disilicate glass - active solution has been constructed. The
atoms diffusion coefficients and structural radial distribution functions
(RDF) are calculated.
P10-2009-85 (509.858)
Nikonov E.G., Florko A.B.
Fault Tolerance Improvement for Queuing Systems under Stress Load
Various kinds of queuing information systems (exchange auctions systems, web
servers, SCADA) are faced to unpredictable situations during operation, when
information flow that requires being analyzed and processed rises extremely.
Such stress load situations often require human (dispatcher's or
administrator's) intervention that is the reason why the time of the first denial
of service is extremely important.
Common queuing systems architecture is described. Existing
approaches to computing resource management are considered. A new
late-first-denial-of-service resource management approach is proposed.
E13-2009-86 (403.806)
Ammosov V.V., Gapienko V.A., Gavrishchuk O.P.,
Kuzmin N.A., Semak A.A., Sviridov Yu.M.,
Sychkov S.Ya., Usenko E.A., Yukaev A.I., Zaets V.G.
Properties of a Six-Gap Timing Resistive Plate Chamber with Strip Readout
Six-gap glass timing resistive plate chamber with strip readout was tested
using IHEP U-70 PS test beam. The time resolution of ~ 45 ps at
efficiency larger than 98% was achieved. Position resolution along strip
was estimated to be ~ 1 cm.
E13-2009-87 (546.590)
Anfimov N., Chirikov-Zorin I., Dovlatov A., Gavrishchuk O., Guskov A.,
Khovanskiy N., Krumshtein Z., Leitner R., Meshcheryakov G., Nagaytsev A., Olchevski A.,
Rezinko T., Sadovskiy A., Sadygov Z., Savin I., Tchalyshev V., Tyapkin I., Yarygin G., Zerrouk F.
Beam Test of "Shashlyk" EM Calorimeter Prototypes Readout by Novel MAPD with Superhigh Linearity
The main properties of two different "Shashlyk" EM calorimeter modules readout
by novel micropixel avalanche photodiodes (MAPD) with microwell structure
and very high density of pixels were studied at the T9 CERN PS test-beam
facility. The MAPD-3A with density of pixels 1.5 · 104 mm-2
and area 3 3 mm manufactured by Zecotek company (Singapore) were used in
our test.
P18-2009-90 (303.041)
Baljinnyam N. Ganbold G., Gerbish Sh.,
Lodojsamba S., Frontasyeva M.V., Pavlov S.S.
Nuclear-Physical Methods in Complex Biomonitoring of Pollution
in the Copper-Molybdenum Non-Ferrous Industrial Region "Erdenet" (Mongolia)
To develop a system of complex monitoring of heavy metals in
the areas affected by hazardous industrial impact of Erdenet Mining
Corporation of the environment of Mongolia the biomonitoring techniques were
applied in combination with nuclear and related analytical methods. The moss
(Paltegera) was used to assess the atmospheric deposition patterns of
heavy metals and other toxic elements over a large territory affected by
non-ferrous industry in the town of Erdenet. Its impact on pasture animals
(goats and sheep) was studied through analysis of such inner organs as lung,
spleen, liver, kidney, and heart. A total of 40 elemental concentrations in
these samples were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis
(INAA) using epithermal neutrons at the IBR-2 reactor, FLNP, JINR, Dubna.
The distribution of 14 biogenic elements and heavy metals in water samples
was investigated by means of total reflection X-ray fluorescent analysis
(TXRF) at Nuclear Research Centre of the National University of Mongolia,
Ulaanbaatar. The results obtained evidence for strong accumulation of
element-pollutants typical of non-ferrous industry in the town of Erdenet:
Cu, Cr, Fe, Âà, etc., along with other trace elements and rare earths for
the first time determined in these environmental objects. The results can
be used for integrated assessment of ecological situation near the city of
Erdenet, and planning for the protection of the environment and public health.
E7-2008-91 (823.576)
Sagaidak R.N.
Fusability and Survivability in Reactions Leading to Heavy Nuclei in the Vicinity of the N=126 Shell
The production of heavy nuclei from Rn to Th around the N = 126
neutron shell in complete fusion reactions of nuclei has been considered in
à systematic way in the framework of the conventional barrier-passing
fusion model coupled with the Standard Statistical Model (SSM). Available
data on the excitation functions for fission and production of evaporation
residues obtained in very asymmetric combinations are described with these
models rather well. In the interaction of massive projectiles with heavy
target nuclei quasi-fission effects appear in the entrance reaction channel.
The quantity of the fusion probability introduced empirically has been used
to reproduce excitation functions with the same SSM parameters (fission
barriers) as those obtained in the analysis of very asymmetric combinations.
À lack of stabilization against fission around N = 126 for Th nuclei was
earlier explained with à reduced collective contribution to the level density in spherical nuclei.
However, the present analysis shows severe
inhibition for fusion, i.å., the drop in production cross sections of Th
nuclei in the vicinity of N = 126 is mainly caused by entrance channel
effects. The macroscopic component of fission barriers for nuclei involved
in à deexcitation cascade has been derived and compared with the theoretical
model predictions and available data.
E1-2009-94 (303.658)
Karachuk J., Malakhov A.I.
Asymptotic Behavior of Pion Clusters in Different Nuclear Reactions
This report is aimed to analyze nuclear processes by means of invariant
variables bik based on four-velocity vectors. Pion
clusters generated in different nuclear reactions are investigated in
order to point out their properties able to indicate universal laws for
nuclear matter behavior. Some interesting results concerning pion clusters
invariant parameters are presented.
E19-2009-95 (844.995)
Koltovaya N.A., Kadyshevskaya E.Yu.,
Roshina M.P., Devin A.B.
CDC28, NET1, and HFI1 Are Required for Checkpoints in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The involvement of SRM genes selected as genes affecting
genetic stability and radiosensitivity in a cell cycle arrest under the action
of damaging agents was studied. It was shown that the srm5/cdc28-srm,
srm8/net1-srm, and srm12/hfi1-srm mutations prevent checkpoint
activation by DNA damage, particularly the G0/S (srm5, srm8),
G1/S (srm5, srm8, srm12), S (srm8, srm12), and S/G2
(srm5) checkpoints. It seems that in budding yeast the CDC28,
HFI1/ADA1, and NET1 genes mediate cellular response induced
by DNA damage with checkpoint control. The well-known checkpoint-genes
RAD9, RAD17, RAD24, and RAD53, and the genes CDC28, and
NET1 have been found to belong to one epistasis group named
RAD9-group as regards cell sensitivity to radiation.
An analysis of the radiosensitivity of double mutants has revealed that
the mutation cdc28-srm is hypostatic to each of mutations rad9 ,
and rad24 , and additive to rad17 .
The mutation net1-srm is hypostatic to the mutations rad9 but
additive to rad17 , rad24 ,
and rad53. The
mutation hfi1-srm has an additive effect in compound with the mutations
rad24 and rad9 . So,
investigations of epistatic
interactions have demonstrated a branched RAD9-dependent pathway. The
analyzed genes can also participate in a minor mechanism involved in determining
cell radiation sensitivity independently of the mentioned RAD9-dependent pathway.
E19-2009-96 (1.346.889)
Koltovaya N.A., Nikulushkina Y.V., Roshina M.P., Devin A.B.
RAD9, RAD17, RAD24, and RAD53 Control One Pathway of Resistance
to Irradiation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Mechanisms for the genetic control of the cell cycle
transition (checkpoint control) have been studied in more detail in yeast
Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To clarify the role of the RAD9, RAD17, RAD24,
and RAD53 checkpoint genes in cell
radioresistance, diploid double mutants were analyzed for cell sensitivity
to ionizing radiation. All mutations in combination with rad9 were shown to
manifest the epistatic type of interaction. Our results suggest that the
RAD9, RAD17, RAD24, and RAD53 checkpoint genes belong to a single epistasis group called the
RAD9 group and participate in the same pathway. RAD9 and RAD53 have a positive effect on
sensitivity to irradiation, whereas RAD17 and RAD24 have a negative effect.
For haploid interactions between mutations may differ in the case of or UV irradiation, mutations
- for example, rad9
and rad24 - were shown to have
an additive effect in the first case and epistatic - in the second. The
analyzed genes can also participate in minor mechanisms of radioresistance
that are relatively independent of the above major mechanism.
E13-2009-99 (478.701)
Budagov J., Sabirov B., Shirkov G., Sissakian A.,
Sukhanova A., Trubnikov G., Kephart R., Klebaner A.,
Mitchell D., Nagaitsev S., Soyars B., Basti A., Bedeschi F.,
Frasconi F., Malkov S.I., Perevozchikov V.,
Rybakov V., Zhigalov V.
Superfluid He Testing of Titanium–Stainless Steel Transitions Fabricated by Explosive Welding
An experimental setup was constructed to test in liquid He
bimetallic (titanium–stainless steel) tube joints which were manufactured
by an explosive welding method.
The leak levels of the samples tested at room temperature 7.5·10–10 and 7.5·10–9 Torr · l / s at 77 K,
correspondingly, measured at FNAL (Batavia, USA) after the thermocycling have coincided with the
earlier results obtained at JINR (Dubna, Russia) and INFN (Pisa, Italy) data for the same samples.
For the liquid helium test the tubes were welded in pairs by their titanium ends. At the room
temperature the leak level of the three tested samples was 4.9·10–10 Torr · l/s.
At the first cryogenic tests (4–6 K) one of the samples manifested a leak. The investigation
will be continued since the explosive welding seems to be a very perspective new generation technology.
Ñàõà Á.
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P7-2009-101 (1.129.249)
Penionzhkevich Yu.E.
Nuclear Astrophysics
2009 has been announced by the United Nations and UNESCO a
year of astronomy. A great contribution to our concepts of the
Universe comes from research in the fields of elementary particles
and nuclear physics. In the present paper some problems of the
evolution of the Universe, the nucleosynthesis and cosmochronology
are presented from the point of view of nuclear physics and
elementary particles. A comparison is made of the processes taking
place in the Universe with the mechanism of formation and decay of
nuclei, as well as their interaction at high energies. Examples are
given which show the opportunities opened by nuclear physics
techniques in the investigation of cosmic objects and the properties
of the Universe.
E2-2009-102 (102.212)
Beshtoev Kh.M.
Higgs Mechanism in the Standard Model and Possibility of Its Right Physical Realization
The aim of this work is to answer the question: Is the direct
physical realization of Higgs mechanism in the Standard Model
possible? It is shown that this mechanism cannot have a direct
physical realization since the condition for this realization is
not fulfilled. It means that if at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN a
scalar particle is detected, it does not mean that it is a Higgs particle.
P13-2009-103 (188.099)
Gurov Yu.B., Katulina S.L., Rozov S.V., Sandukovsky V.G., Jurkowski J.
Planar Si(Li) Detectors with a Large Active Volume
The results of research and development of special lithium-drifted silicon
detectors with large active area (30 cm2) and active depth of 4-8 mm
for multilayer spectrometers are presented. The main detector parameters are
shown. The detectors were successfully used in the spectroscopy of ionizing
radiation, in particular, in experimental studies of exotic light nuclei at
P3-2009-104 (95.584)
Alexandrov Yu.A.
Proposition to Test Newton's Gravity Law Using Small-Energy Neutron Scattering
Newton's gravity law has been tested for certain only for distances no less
than several millimeters. For testing the law for smaller distances it is
suggested to use neutron scattering by the nuclei having very small nuclear
scattering lengths acoh, e.g., by a mixture of tungsten isotopes. At the
concentration of tungsten-186 of about 90 % in the mixture, acoh may
turn to zero at low energies. Analysis of the energy dependence of acoh
can considerably reduce the range of distances (up to the size of an atom)
where Newton's law is correct.
One of the methods of measurement may be the Christiansen-filter method
(small-angle neutron scattering) allowing one to
determine the value of acoh with an uncertainty of no more than
0.1 %.
P19-2008-105 (716.030)
Belov O.V., Krasavin E.A., Parkhomenko A.Yu.
Mathematical Model of Induced Mutagenesis in Bacteria Escherichia coli under Ultraviolet Irradiation
The mathematical model of mutational process in bacteria
Escherichia coli induced by ultraviolet radiation is developed.
Dynamics of the basic protein complexes of the E. coli SOS-response
system is investigated. The probability of mutations occurring during translesion-synthesis is estimated.
P13-2009-108 (435.469)
Kuznetsov A.N., Kuznetsov E.A.
Multichannel Measuring Instrument of Small Currents
The device intended for display of a profile of an ion beam by measurement
of currents of the co-ordinate wires is developed. Technical
characteristics, basic electric and logic schemes, time diagrams, and also
photos of the basic parts of the device are presented.
P2-2009-109 (859.911)
Tokarev M.V., Zborovsk I.
Self-Similarity of High-pT Hadron Production in Cumulative Processes and
Violation of Discrete Symmetries at Small Scales (Suggestion for Experiment)
The hypothesis of self-similarity of hadron production in relativistic heavy
ion collisions for search for phase transition in a nuclear matter is
discussed. It is offered to use the established features of z-scaling for
revealing signatures of new physics in cumulative region. It is noted, that
selection of events on centrality in cumulative region could help to
localize a position of a critical point. Change of parameters of the theory
(a specific heat and fractal dimensions) near to a critical point is
considered as a signature of new physics. The relation of the power
asymptotic of (z) at high z, anisotropy of momentum space due to
spontaneous symmetry breaking, and discrete (C, P, T) symmetries is
P9-2009-110 (337.550)
Dolya S.N., Reshetnikova K.A.
About the Electrodynamic Acceleration of Macroscopic Particles
An electric charge is imparted to macroscopic particles, whereupon they
are pre-accelerated in an electrostatic field with the high voltage U = 220
kV. Then the particles are accelerated by a traveling electromagnetic wave
with the initial phase velocity lying in the range = 10-3 -
10-5. Focusing the particles is provided by electrostatic doublets. At
the acceleration length L = 20 m, the particles with Z/A = 2.3· 10-7
increase their velocity from =10-5 to = 10-4.
P9-2009-111 (476.063)
Gikal B.N., Gulbekian G.G., Dmitriev S.N., Bogomolov S.L., Borisov O.N., Ivanenko I.A.,
Kazarinov N.Ju., Kazacha V.I., Kalagin I.V., Kolesov I.V., Sazonov M.N., Tikhomirov A.V., Franko J.
The Project of the DC-110 Heavy Ion Cyclotron for Industrial Application and Applied Research in the Nanotechnology Field
The project of the DC-110 cyclotron facility to provide applied research in
the nanotechnologies (track pore membranes, surface modification of
materials, etc.) has been designed by the Flerov Laboratory of Nuclear
Reactions of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna). The facility
includes the isochronous cyclotron DC-110 for accelerating the intensive Ar,
Kr, Xe ion beams with 2.5 MeV/nucleon fixed energy. The cyclotron is
equipped with system of axial injection having 18 GHz ECR ion source. The
cyclotron electromagnet with pole of 2 m diameter creates magnetic field of
1.67 T. The RF system operates at fixed frequency 15.5 MHz. The extraction
system is equipped with electrostatic deflector. The main parameters of DC-110
cyclotron are presented in this report.
P19-2009-112 (254.321)
Raikher Y.L., Stepanov V.I., Stolyar S.V., Ladygina V.P., Balaev D.A., Ishchenko L.A., Balasoiu M.
Magnetic Properties of Biomineral Nanoparticles Produced by Klebsiella oxytoca Bacteria
Ferrihydrite nanoparticles of the size 2-5 nm produced by environmental
Klebsiella oxytoca bacteria through biomineralization of iron salt solutions
possess unique magnetic properties. Namely, in these grains there co-exist the
antiferromagnetic order inherent to bulk ferrihydrite and the permanent magnetic
moment caused by the decompensation of the nanoparticle spin sublattices. The magnetic
susceptibility of the particles enhanced by the superantiferromagnetism effect, together
with the presence of magnetic moment independent of the external field, provides
the possibility of magnetic manipulation of these natural objects. Thereby a way to
their use in nanomedicine and biotechnologies opens. In the present work measurement
results on magnetization of the two main crystallization phases of ferrihydrite
produced by Klebsiella oxytoca are reported and theoretical analysis of
these data is performed. This enables us to evaluate the magnetic parameters of
real biomineral nanoparticles.
P6-2009-113 (122.223)
Arsenyev N.N., Severyukhin A.P., Voronov V.V.
Properties of Giant Dipole Resonance and Elimination of the Center-of-Mass Motion
Accuracy of the elimination of the spurious state from the E1-transition
strength distribution is studied within the random phase approximation with
separabelized Skyrme forces. As an example we have considered the
distribution of strength of E1 transitions in 132Sn.
P3-2009-114 (607.186)
Kuklin A.I., Islamov A.Kh., Rogov A.D., Gorshkova Yu.E., Utrobin
P.K., Kovalev Yu.S., Rogachev A.V., Ivankov O.I., Kutuzov S.A., Soloviev
D.V., V.I.Gordeliy
The Results of Tests of Methane Cryogenic Moderators on Beam 4 of
the IBR-2 Reactor
The results of measurements at the YuMO spectrometer (beam 4 of IBR-2)
obtained in the course of the tests of the cryogenic methane moderators are
presented. Monte-Carlo simulation spectra for comb-like and cryogenic
moderators are discussed.
The Gin-factor for comb-like and cryogenic moderators was determined.
It was shown that a flux from a cryogenic moderator is 4 times less than for
a comb-like moderator.
The ways for future development of the moderator program for the small-angle
neutron scattering spectrometer at IBR-2 are suggested.
P13-2009-117 (269.055)
Vaganov Yu.A., Maczka D., Slowinski B., Yuskevich Yu.V., Zubrzycki J.
Formation of Molecular Beams for Ion Implantation
The process of formation of diatomic molecule ions for implantation
purposes is described in the present paper. The mean values of ion currents and
molecular concentration ratio to atomic concentration in a discharge chamber
were estimated. The relative / 1 values for different discharge voltages were also determined.
E5-2009-118 (161.581)
Zhidkov P.E.
On the Existence, Uniqueness and Basis Properties of Radial Eigenfunctions
of a Semilinear Second-Order Elliptic Equation in a Ball
We consider the following eigenvalue problem:
- u+f(u)= u, u=u(x), x
B={ x R3: |x|<1 },
u(0)=p>0, x|_{|x|=1}=0,
where p is an arbitrary fixed parameter and f is an odd smooth function. First, we prove
that for each integer n 0
there exists a radially symmetric eigenfunction un which possesses precisely n zeros
being regarded as a function of r=|x| [0, 1).
For p>0 sufficiently small, such an
eigenfunction is unique for each n. Then, we prove that if p>0 is sufficiently small, then an
arbitrary sequence of
radial eigenfunctions {un}n=0,1,2,..., where for each n
the nth eigenfunction un
possesses precisely n zeros in [0,1), is a basis in L2r(B)
(Lr2(B) is the subspace
of L2(B) that consists of radial functions from L2(B)).
In addition, in the latter case,
the sequence {un/|un|L2(B)}n=0,1,2,...
is a Bari basis in the same space.
P13-2009-119 (332.845)
Li Yong Chan, Pepyolyshev Yu.N.
Dynamics of the IBR-2 Fast Pulsed Reactor in the Presence of Shut-Downs
The influence of shut-down during the operation on the power feedback
reactivity change with the dynamics of the IBR-2 fast pulsed reactor has
been considered.
The investigation result has shown that shapes of reactivity curves are
related to the time from the beginning of the reactor cycle, to the duration
after the shut-down, and to the number of shut-down events during the cycle
of the reactor.
It has been shown that the reactivity effects due to the shut-down appeared
during 2 days after the shut-down and after then disappeared. Total
reactivities after the shut-down events vary between +0.12 and -0.05 % k/k.
In many practical cases, the negative range on reactivity curves ("pit")
after the shut-down events is formed and its duration and depth are related
to the operation time after the shut-down and to the moment of the shut-down
from the beginning of the reactor cycle. The depth of "pit" may reach 0.05 % k/k
and its duration varies between a few hours and several
tens of hours.
The knowledge of the reactivity change after the shut-down allows the
consequence of various accidental situations to be explained and the
operator to foresightly predict the reactor state during the following power
P11-2009-120 (186.444)
Ayrjan E.A., Egorov A.A., Sevastianov A.L., Lovetskiy K.P., Sevastianov L.A.
Zero Approximation of Vector Model for Smoothly Irregular Optical Waveguide
On the basis of the adiabatic representation for eigenmodes of the
integrated optical multilayer waveguide, differential equations and boundary
conditions to vertical distribution of the electromagnetic field in the
waveguide are presented. An asymptotic method is applied to
smoothly irregular waveguides, and zero approximation parts of differential
equations and boundary conditions are determined. Exact expressions are
considered for the vertical distribution of the electromagnetic field in a
waveguide and for boundary conditions. Finally, the problem is reduced to
the solution of a homogeneous system of linear algebraic equations depending
on a spectral parameter and to the search for the parameter values.
P11-2009-121 (205.059)
Egorov A.A., Ayrjan E.A., Sevastianov A.L., Sevastianov L.A.
Structure of Modes of Smoothly Irregular Three-Dimensional
Integrated Optical Four-Layer Waveguide
As a method of research of an integrated optical multilayer waveguide,
satisfying the condition of smooth modification of the shape of the studied
three-dimensional structure, an asymptotic method is used. Three-dimensional
fields of smoothly deforming modes of the integrated optical waveguide are
circumscribed analytically. An evident dependence of the contributions of
the first order of smallness in the amplitudes of the electrical and
magnetic fields of the quasi-waveguide modes is obtained. The canonical type
of the equations circumscribing propagation of quasi-TE and quasi-TM modes
in the smoothly irregular part of a four-layer integrated optical
waveguide is represented for an asymptotic method. With the help of the
method of coupled waves and perturbation theory method, the shifts of
complex propagation constants for quasi-TE and quasi-TM modes are obtained
in an explicit form. The elaborated theory is applicable for the analysis of
similar structures of dielectric, magnetic and metamaterials in a
sufficiently broad band of electromagnetic wavelengths.
P11-2009-123 (812.052)
Dikusar N.D.
The Basic Element Method in Polynomial Approximation and Smoothing Problems
A basic element method (BEM) for decomposition of the algebraic
polynomial via three quadratic and one cubic parabolas (basic elements) is presented.
In the polynomial approximation and smoothing problems, the BEM presentation allows
one to decrease the computing complexity of algorithms and increase their stability
to errors by choosing the internal relationship structure between a variable and
controlling parameters. The use of BEM opens new possibilities for increasing the
efficiency of LSM procedures when resolving polynomial regression problems.
P11-2009-124 (300.342)
Amirkhanov I.V., Pavlu ov E., Pavlu M.,
Puzynina T.P., Puzynin I.V., Sarhadov I.
Numerical Modeling of Heat-and-Mass Transfer Process in a Porous Material
The numerical research of the suggested phenomenological model of heat and moisture
transfer in a porous material is performed. The model is described by a system
of equations of four unknown functions - the water concentration wl, water vapor
concentration wv, temperature T and
source I- as functions of the space variable x and time
variable t. Different cases of initial and boundary conditions
are considered that correspond to drying of a wet sample or wetting of a
dry sample. The dynamics of the space distribution of
concentrations, temperatures and sources is calculated
and imaged in the graphs.
E11-2009-125 (119.180)
Jur i inov E.
An Integral Formula for Multi-Loop Calculations in
Quantum Field Theory
The proof of a general integral formula for
analytical calculations of multi-loop Feynman diagrams in quantum
field theory models is given.
E11-2009-126 (378.955)
Bu a J., Hayryan E.A.,
Jur i inov E.,
Jur i in M., Remeck R.
Numerical Investigation of Renormalization Group
Equations in a Model of Vector Field Advected by Anisotropic
Stochastic Environment
Using the field-theoretic renormalization group,
the influence of strong uniaxial small-scale anisotropy on the
stability of inertial-range scaling regimes in a model of passive
transverse vector field advected by an incompressible turbulent flow
is investigated. The velocity field is taken to have a Gaussian
statistics with zero mean and defined noise with finite time
correlations. It is shown that the inertial-range scaling regimes
are given by the existence of infrared stable fixed points of the
corresponding renormalization group equations with some angle
integrals. The analysis of integrals is given. The problem is solved
numerically and the borderline spatial dimension dc (1,3]
below which the stability of the scaling regime is not present is
found as a function of anisotropy parameters.
E14-2009-127 (228.926)
Bodnarchuck V., Cser L., Ignatovich V., Veres T., Yaradaykin S.
Investigation of Periodic Multilayers
Periodic multilayers of various periods were prepared according to an
algorithm proposed by the authors. The reflectivity properties of these
systems were investigated using neutron reflectometry. The obtained
experimental results were compared with the theoretical expectations. In
first approximation, the results proved the main features of the theoretical
predictions. These promising results initiate further research of such
P14-2009-128 (180.699)
Kuklin A.I., Rogachev A.V., Cherny A.Yu.,
Murugova T.N., Dokukin E.B, Islamov A.Kh., Ivankov O.I.,
Kovalev Yu.S., Soloviev D.V.,
Utrobin P.K., Soloviev A.G., Gordeliy V.I.
Nanoscale Size Effects
In this short paper we review a series of publications, some of which are of
our own authorship, where various aspects of size effects were examined. By
analyzing a series of examples we show that various intensive macroscopic
characteristics of nanoobjects exhibit non-trivial size dependencies on the
scale from 200 to 40 . A method for determining the point of critical
changes is suggested. It is shown that drastic variations take place for
sizes in the region 40-60 for ordinary systems and 120-200 in the case
of magnetic systems. We argue that X-ray and neutron scattering provides
metrological support in the domain from 100 to 10 .
P10-2009-129 (344.096)
Kalinnikov V.A.
A New Algorithm of Active Suppression of Pickup Noise and Background in
Information Signals in Real-Time Measurements
A new algorithm of active suppression of pickup noise and background in
information signals in real-time measurement is considered. The
algorithm is based on a recurrent method of spectral coefficients
calculations of noise components in an analyzed signal and a recursive
algorithm of filtration for their suppression. Application of recurrent
calculations in the new algorithm allows realizing dynamic spectral measurement
of information signals in real time, which is
not possible to execute by classical algorithms of spectral transformations due to time restrictions.
P13-2009-130 (436.597)
Chubaryan M.Ya.
The Use of Part of the Energy of the Extracted Electron Beam
from the Circular Accelerator for the Construction of a Free Electron Laser
The possibility of constructing the Free Electron Laser on the
basis of Yerevan Physical Institute synchrotron is discussed. Advisability of
constructing the FEL on the extracted electron beam in the linear mode is shown.
It is noted that the construction of the FEL has no influence on carrying out
fundamental investigations on the synchrotron as on an independent instrument
because the FEL needs only 10-15 % of the initial energy of the extracted electron beam.
The necessity of constructing the FEL is proved for the long-wave - infrared - range (from 2 mm to
0.760 m),
taking into account the financial and technical manufacturing capability. This conclusion also results
from the requirements of fundamental and applied tasks that propose investigations by means of infrared
electromagnetic waves. The regional users of Yerevan FEL are shown.
P9-2009-131 (883.036)
Averichev A.S.
Results of the 39 Nuclotron Run
The 39th Nuclotron run was performed from 2 to 23 June 2009.
Its general goal was commissioning and test of the accelerator systems, which
were deeply modernized after the previous run. The results of KGU-1600/4.5
facility commissioning and results of the machine development shifts are presented.
P19-2009-132 (750.598)
Isaeva O.G., Osipov V.A.
Effects of Radiotherapy on Anti-Cancer Immune Response: Mathematical
The influence of radiotherapy on the tumor-immune dynamics is studied within
our recent model. Simulation of the standard course of radiotherapy shows
that in the case of weak immune response a few months after cure the tumor
achieves the maximum size, whereas the strong immune system is able to handle
the growth of survived tumor cells population. Simulation of vaccine therapy
after radiotherapy has been carried out. The high efficiency of vaccination
is found provided that it is assigned during a certain period of time after
radiotherapy. Different strategies of radiotherapy have been considered. It
is shown that hyper rectification is more effective for treatment in
comparison with other cures.
P2-2009-134 (130.496)
Chernikov N.A., Shavokhina N.S.
Simple Binary Aether Objects in the Special Theory
of Relativity, an Aether Sphere and a Round Aether Plate
Definition is given on the simple binary aether object and its border
in the (n+1)-dimensional pseudo-Euclidean world of events.
The system of differential equatins for the border is derived in the
case when external forces do not act on the object. Detailed
consideration is given to such examples as an aether sphere and a
round aether plate. Calculation of their inner energy is performed.
P2-2009-135 (101.269)
Zulkarneev R.Ya.
The Total Moment and Reaction Plane in the Processes of Particle Production at High Energies
The reaction plane is one of the effective tools to study properties of
nuclei-nuclei and other interactions. The present-day methods to find this
plane are indirect, and the use of model (hydrodynamic) conceptions about connection
between the collective flows and the impact parameter of a collision has limited precision.
This work offers a more reliable and
direct method to reconstruct the reaction plane (RP) in any model absence.
The idea of the method is based on using the conservation law of the total
moment M of the colliding particles to obtain the connection of
this moment with new experimental observable values. Definition
of the RP notion is given on this ground. It has been shown that the normal
to the RP of any reaction is oriented indeed along direction of this total
moment. In the final analysis, this reason reduces to the existence of an
asimuthal correlation among particles produced in the reaction. In the
literature that effect is interpreted as manifestation of collective flow
production in nuclei collisions.
E5-2009-136 (337.086)
Fiziev P.P.
Classes of Exact Solutions to the Teukolsky Master Equation
The Teukolsky Master Equation (TME) describes perturbations of the Kerr metric in linear approximation. It admits
separation of variables, thus yielding the Teukolsky Radial Equation (TRE) and the Teukolsky Angular Equation (TAE).
We present here a unified description of all classes of exact solutions to these equations
in terms of the confluent Heun functions and the confluent Heun polynomials.
Large classes of new exact solutions are found and described together with their characteristic properties.
Special attention is paid to the polynomial solutions which are singular ones and
describe collimated one-way-running waves. It is shown that a proper linear combination of such
singular solutions can describe bounded one-way-running waves.
P11-2009-138 (482.596)
Amirkhanov I.V., Didyk A.Yu., Muzafarov D.Z., Puzynin I.V., Puzynina T.P,
Sarkar N.R., Sarhadov I., Sharipov Z.À.
Modeling Description of Thermoelastic Stresses in Materials at Irradiation with High Energy Heavy Ions
In the authors' previous works, formation and evolution of thermoelastic
waves arising in metals under the action of pulsed ion beams in the framework
of a system of thermoelasticity equations were investigated.
In the present work, a numerical research of propagation of
thermoelastic waves arising in metals under the action of pulsed ion beams in the framework
of the two-temperature model taking into account electron gas and lattice temperatures
(the thermal spike model) is carried out and a comparative analysis of the obtained results and results
of the previous works is made.
P11-2009-139 (339.948)
Amirkhanov I.V., Didyk A.Yu., Muzafarov D.Z., Puzynin I.V.,
Puzynina T.P., Sarker N.R., Sarhadov I., Sharipov Z.A.
The Modified Thermal Spike Model in Materials at Irradiation with High Energy Heavy Ions
with the Radiant Function Depending on the Ion Velocity
At passage of heavy ions through condensed media, their energy losses are
generally spent for elastic and inelastic interactions. The SRIM-2008
computer program allows calculating the energy losses of heavy ions at their
passage through condensed media. Of great importance for the investigation
is the time from the moment of ion's hitting the target to its full stopping.
The performed calculations (using the results of the SRIM-2008 program) have
shown that the time of passage by a uranium ion with the energy 700~MeV
in a nickel target is tion 4· 10-12 s. In the previous investigations, the motion of an ion in a material was not considered and a
source with the action time tion 10-14 s was used. In this paper the
thermal spike model with a new source considering the motion of an ion
within a material is proposed.
P13-2009-140 (442.134)
Kutuzov S.A., Bogdzel A.A., Balagurov D.A., Mironova G.M.
System of Continuous Data-Flow Recording at a Beam of the IBR-2 Pulsed Reactor
in the Mode of Obtaining Scattering Spectra from Each Power Pulse
A system for long-term continuous accumulation of data-flow on a neutron
beam of the IBR-2 pulsed reactor in the mode of obtaining scattering spectra
from a sample for each power pulse has been suggested, developed and
realized. The system based on the application of a personal computer and
USB-technology has demonstrated its serviceability and reliability during a
week-long measurement cycle. Similar equipment will be used on a neutron
beam of the IBR-2M reactor for investigations of changes in the structure
and microstructure of condensed media at phase transitions and chemical
reactions with sub-millisecond resolution, for studying rare events in
quasi-stable objects, as well as in experiments with stable samples for
controlling the data acquisition system and fluctuation of the reactor
P4-2009-142 (246.169)
Usmanov P.N., Adam I., Salikhbaev U.S., Solnyshkin A.A.
Theoretical Analysis of Experimental Data of 160Dy Obtained at the Decay
Nonadiabatic effects manifested in energies of excited
states and probabilities of electric transitions are studied in the
framework of the phenomenological model. Energies of the low-lying
states of positive parity and reduced probabilities B(E2) for
interband transitions and transitions between the bands are
calculated. Comparison with experiment is performed.
P2-2009-144 (233.076)
Sissakian A.N. et al.
Duality between Thermodynamical and Dynamical Descriptions
of Hadron Production in Central Nucleus--Nucleus Collisions
A new duality principle is proposed according to which there exists a similarity between
the thermal spectra of hadrons produced in heavy-ion collisions and the inclusive spectra
obtained in the framework of dynamical quantum scattering theory. Within the suggested
approach it is shown that the mean square of the hadron transverse momentum, in particular
that of mesons, which are produced in nucleus--nucleus collisions, grows monotonically
and then saturates a plateau. This phenomenon is experimentally observed when the
initial energy increases.
Ãðèãîðüåâ Ñ. Þ.
Íåëîêàëüíûå êîððåëÿöèîííûå ôóíêöèè â ìîäåëÿõ ñâîáîäíûõ ôåðìèîíîâ
Àâòîðåô. äèñ. ... êàíä. ôèç.-ìàò. íàóê
P7-2009-147 (1.459.591)
Artukh A.G., Sereda Yu.M., Klygina S.A., Kononenko G.A., Tetereva Yu.G.,
Vorontzov A.N., Kaminskia G., Erdemchimega B., Ostashko V.V.,
Pavlenko Yu.N., Litovchenko P.G., Kovtune V.E., Koshchiye E.I., Foshchane A.G., Kyslukha D.A.
Fragment-Separator COMBAS
The analysis of the basic ionic-optical characteristics of the
fragment-separator COMBAS is carried out. In forward-angle measurements on
fragment-separator COMBAS momentum distributions of radioactive 6He, 8He and
9Li nuclei, obtained in the reaction 11B (33 A· ÌeV) + 9Be (332.6 mg/cm2), are
studied. Values of momentum and angular (horizontal) acceptances of the
separator COMBAS are measured using 6He, 8He, and 9Li beams. It is found that
the image of 6He, 8He, and 9Li nuclei beams in the final achromatic focus of the
separator Fa approximately twice exceeds the size of the beam on the producing
target (input focus F0), on which primary beam had the size in diameter 6
mm. With intensity of a 11Â primary beam of 1 p À (1 p À =
5 e À), the following beam intensities of radioactive nuclei are obtained: 6He
(6.9· 105 s-1), 8He (2· 104 -1) and 9Li
(4.7· 105 s-1).
The obtained beam intensities of 6He, 8He and 9Li halo-like nuclei are
sufficient for using in spectroscopic researches. Time-of-flight analysis of
the reaction products in final achromatic focus of the COMBAS separator is
proposed. This permits one to measure the energies of transported particles in the
total working range of momentum acceptance and to identify also the particles
in the A, Z without losing them.
E4-2009-148 (442.773)
Balbutsev E.B., Malov L.A.
Spatial Dependence of Pair Correlations (Nuclear Scissors)
The solution of time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov
equations by the Wigner function moments method
leads to the appearance of low-lying modes whose description requires
accurate knowledge of the anomalous density matrix. It is shown
that calculations with the Woods-Saxon potential satisfy this
E18-2009-149 (515.223)
Spiric Z., Frontasyeva M.V., Stafilov T., Steinnes E., Bukovec D.,
Gundorina S.F., Ostrovnaya T.M., Enimiteva V.
Multielement Atmospheric Deposition Study in Croatia Using Moss Biomonitoring,
NAA, AAS and GIS Technologies
For the first time the moss biomonitoring technique and two complementary
analytical techniques — neutron activation analysis (NAA) and atomic absorption
spectrometry (AAS) — were applied to study multielement atmospheric deposition
in the Republic of Croatia. Moss samples were collected during the summer 2006
from 98 sites evenly distributed over the country. Sampling was performed in
accordance with the LRTAP Convention — ICP Vegetation protocol and sampling
strategy of the European Programme on Biomonitoring of Heavy Metal
Atmospheric Deposition. Conventional and epithermal neutron activation
analyses made it possible to determine concentrations of 41 elements
including key heavy metals such as Pb, Cd, Hg, and Cu determined by AAS.
Principal component analysis (factor analysis with VARIMAX rotation) was
applied to distinguish elements mainly of anthropogenic origin from those
predominantly originating from natural sources. Geographical distribution
maps of the elements over the sampled territory were constructed using GIS
technology. The median values for Croatia are consistent with the corresponding
values for all Europe for most elements. It was shown that the Adriatic coastline
of Croatia may be considered as an environmentally pristine area. This study was
conducted for providing reliable assessment of air quality throughout Croatia
and producing information needed for better identification of pollution sources
and improving the potential for assessing environmental and health risks in
Croatia associated with toxic metals.
P11-2009-150 (574.553)
Amirkhanov I.V., Muzafarov D.Z., Sarker N.R., Sarhadov I., Sharipov Z.A.
Investigation of Solutions of Boundary Problems for the Differential
Equation of High Order in a Field of Coulomb Potential
An algorithm to find eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of one boundary problem
for the equation of high order (6th, 8th, 10th and 12th orders) with an
arbitrary parameter at higher derivatives in the Coulomb
potential field is proposed. At 0, some solutions of these
equations coincide with the solution of the Schr dinger equation. Investigations of the properties of
eigenvalues and eigenfunctions with
different values of have been conducted. The algorithm is
implemented using the MAPLE system of symbolic calculations.
P18-2009-152 (357.755)
Kravets L.I., Palistrant N.A.
Preparation of Polymeric Nanostructural Materials
A procedure of template synthesis of nanostructural materials (nanowires,
nanotubules as well as nanomembranes with a selective layer) on the basis of
copolymer from styrene and butylmethacrylate has been developed. Similar
polymeric compositions can be used as matrices in nonlinear optics to create
electronic and optical nanodevices. As a template the poly(ethylene
terephthalate) track membranes with an effective pore diameter of 0.15-0.55 m were used.
The laws of formation of these materials and their
structural properties were investigated. To produce the polymer
nanomaterials, a method of impregnation was used. It is shown that varying
the parameters of the process of deposition of copolymers on the track
membranes surface provides a way for producing a big assortment of composite
nanomembranes with a selective layer as well as nanowires and nanotubules
with a wide spectrum of characteristics.
P18-2009-153 (496.890)
Kravets L.I., Dmitriev S.N., Satulu V., Mitu B., Dinescu G.
Preparation of Polymer Composite Nanomembranes with a Conductivity Asymmetry
The structure and charge transport properties of the poly(ethylene
terephthalate) track membrane modified by a pyrrole plasma have been
studied. It was found that polymer deposition on the surface of a track
membrane via the plasma polymerization of pyrrole results in the creation of a
composite nanomembrane that, in the case of the formation of a semipermeable
layer covering the pores, possesses conductivity asymmetry in electrolyte
solutions - a rectification effect similar to that of a p-n junction in
semiconductors. It is caused by presence in the membrane of two layers with
different functional groups and also by the pore geometry. Such a type of
membranes can be used for creation of chemical and biochemical sensors.
E11-2009-154 (257.956)
Anitas E.M., Kolesnikov D.V., Kuklin A.I., Balasoiu M., Osipov V.A.
Small-Angle Neutron Scattering from 3D Monodisperse Vicsek Fractals
The small-angle neutron scattering intensity for a
system of monodisperse, randomly oriented 3D Vicsek fractals has
been computed. The fractal system is obtained by generating a
sequence of approximations starting with a cube of edge l
as an initiator. When the interactions among particles are
taken into account, we apply the mixed Rogers-Young
integral equation to obtain the pair distribution function g(r)
and structure factor S(q) for the system. The pair potential
used in Rogers-Young (RY) closure is chosen so as to take into account the
arm number of the scatterers.
P1-2009-155 (277.492)
Abraamyan Kh.U., Baznat M.I., Gudima K.K., Kozhin M.A., Nazarenko M.A.,
Reznikov S.G., Sissakian A.N.,
Sorin A.S., Toneev V.D., Friesen A.V.
Resonance Structure in the 
Invariant Mass Spectrum in dC and dCu Interactions
Along with 0 and
mesons, a resonance structure in the
invariant mass spectrum of two photons at
= (360 7 9) MeV is
observed in dC and dCu interactions at momenta 2.75 and 3.83 GeV/c per nucleon,
respectively. Estimates of its width and production cross section are =
(63.7 17.8) MeV
and (dC R  ) =
(98 24-67+93) b. The result
obtained in the reaction d + C is confirmed by the second experiment carried
out on the deuteron beam at momentum 3.83 GeV/c per nucleon with a copper target:
= (382 13) MeV, = (62.0 37.2) MeV and
(dCu  )
= (273 75-96+320) b.
P15-2009-156 (164.655)
Gangrsky Yu.P., Zhemenik V.I., Kolesnikov N.N.,
Lukashik V.G., Markov B.N., Mishinskiy G.V., Maslov O.D., Boshikov G.
High-Spin Isomer of 135Cs (I = 19/2) Formation in Photonuclear Reactions
The yields of 135Cs in ground and isomeric (with a high spin value of
19/2) state and those of its neighboring nuclei were measured in the
photonuclear reactions of ( , f) and ( ,
) types. The experiments were performed at
the bremsstrahlung beam of a
microtron within the electron energy range 8-25 MeV. The generated nuclei
were identified by half-life and emitted -radiation, the reaction
yields - by the intensity of this radiation, related to the beam intensity. The
isomer formation cross-sections were derived, which allow one to judge about the
magnitude of angular momenta of the formed nuclei immediately before the -quantum
cascade, following to the ground or isomeric state of the nuclide. It was
found that the experimental photofission yield of the high-spin isomer 135Cs exceeds
much the calculated one and the one in ( ,
E10-2009-157 (319.328)
Jerusalimov A.P.
ASME Method for Particle Reconstruction
The method of approximate solution of motion equation (ASME)
was used to reconstruct the parameters for charged particles.
It provides a good precision for momentum, angular and space parameters
of particles registered in coordinate detectors.
The application of the method for CBM, HADES and MPD/NICA setups
is discussed.
Ìóðóãîâà Ò. Í.
Ñòðóêòóðíûå èçìåíåíèÿ âî âíóòðåííåé ìåìáðàíå ìèòîõîíäðèé, èíäóöèðîâàííûå ñèñòåìîé îáúåìíîé ðåãóëÿöèè
Àâòîðåô. äèñ. ... êàíä. áèîë. íàóê (rus)
P13-2009-159 (289.224)
Gusev A.V., Nikitin V.A., Safonov A.N.
Experimental Research on Involvement of the Magnetic
Field while
Rotating a Cylindrical Symmetric Magnet
Since Faraday time till now the scientists have continued their dispute
whether the magnetic field rotates during the rotation of a symmetrical
source of the field (for example, a cylindrical permanent magnet) around its
axis. Many of experimental activities have been performed searching for the
answer convincing everybody but it has not been obtained yet. Some authors
believe that when the magnet rotates the field remains immobile, others
that the field is rotating together with the magnet. We have performed an
which, in our opinion, finalizes this long-term dispute. The experiment is
based on the comparison of EMF which appears at the rotation of the magnet
at different configurations of the magnetic field close to the measuring
×èæîâ À. Â.
Êâàíòîâûå êîððåëÿöèè ýëåêòðîìàãíèòíîãî ïîëÿ â äèññèïàòèâíûõ ñðåäàõ
Àâòîðåô. äèñ. ... äîêòîðà ôèç.-ìàò. íàóê (rus)
P9-2009-161 (510.972)
Savchenko O.V.
A Storage Accelerator for the External Injection into the JINR Phasotron
A new method of the external injection into the JINR Phasotron on the basis
of the storage accelerator, which combines a usual regime of the
H--ion acceleration within the central region of the formed
magnetic field and their further accumulation inside of the annular zone of
the magnetic field by means of the sharp reduction of the increment of the
energy for one revolution, is proposed and considered.
Elimination in that version of the equipment for grouping of the
particles of the beam (of the buncher) and using the ready serial magnet
will result in a substantial reduction of the expenditure for realization of
the proposed method of the external injection into the JINR Phasotron.
P9-2009-162 (403.174)
Savchenko O.V.
Proposal for the Increase of the Extraction Coefficient of the Proton Beam
from the JINR Phasîtron
A new scheme of the extraction of the proton beam from the JINR Phasotron with
conservation and use of the operating iron-current channel is proposed and
considered. The increase of the extraction coefficient to 80 % is reached
by placing between the dee of the acceleration and the entrance of the
iron-current channel a supplementary current section with thickness of the
septum about 1 mm.
P9-2009-163 (732.622)
Savchenko O.V.
Ñonsideration of the Ðossibility of Conversion of the JINR
Phasotron into the High-Current Ring Cyclotron
The possibility of the conversion of the JINR Phasotron into a high-current
ring cyclotron with a proton beam current of up to 5 mA and
proton energy ~ 600 MeV is proposed and considered.
The main parameters of its cyclotron and conditions of its realization with
maximum using of the facility of the operating JINR Phasotron are
P13-2009-164 (445.133)
Abazov V.M., Alexeev G.D., Davydov Yu.I., Malyshev V.L.,
Piskun A.A., Tokmenin V.V.
A Performance Comparison of Mini-Drift Tubes with a Different Design
Two types of mini-drift tubes with a different cathode design,
open and closed cathode geometry, have been experimentally compared.
Their parameters have been shown to be practically identical.
The open cathode geometry allows two coordinates to be read
out simultaneously from the same tube by detecting the wire
signal and the strip-induced signal. This advantage will be
employed in the PANDA muon system (FAIR).
P14-2009-165 (386.080)
Belushkin A.V., Kichanov S.E., Kozlenko D.P., Lukin E.V., Savenko B.N.,
Rakhmanov S.K., Shevchenko G.P., Gurin V.C., Malashkevich G.E., Haramus V., Pogoreliy D.K., Podurets K.M.
The Studies of Structural Aspects of Forming Optical Properties of
Nanosystem GeO2-Eu2O3-Ag
The structure properties of the xerogels with composition
95GeO2-5Eu2O3, 94.9GeO2-5Eu2O3-0.1Ag and
99.9GeO2-0.1Ag, which annealed on air at temperature up to 850 oC, were studied by means
of X-rays and neutron diffraction.
Considerable changes were observed in relative intensity of the luminescence
excitation lines of Eu3+ ions 7F_0 5L6 and
7F0 5H6 at silver doping correlated with decreasing
of size of characteristic polydisperse clusters, which were formed at
annealing. The character of chemical bonds changing at clusters forming and
its role in optical properties are analyzed.
P13-2009-166 (451.179)
Jang Chang Min
The Influence of Thermomechanical Changes of Reactor Structures on
Reactivity in the Reactor IBR-2M
The influence of thermomechanical changes of reactor structures on
reactivity in the reactor IBR-2M has been analysed by the nuclear codes
SCALE and DORT. During the operation of reactor, temperatures of reactor
structures around core are varied within wide ranges, which causes their
deformations and displacements, consequently changes in reactivity.
During heating of the reactor housing, the reactor core is displaced down
~ 18 mm from its position at room temperature and that brings about
reactivity reduction of -0.027% k
(0.12 eff). When the power of
reactor is increased from 0 to 2.0 MW during the operation of reactor,
change in reactivity due to additional elongation of reactor housing is
-0,006% k (0.03 eff).
Change in reactivity due to thermal expansion
of the stationary refflector during shifts in the power of reactor from 0 to
2.0 MW is -0.052% k and is increased linearly with the increase in
temperature of the stationary refflector.
Total reactivity effect calculated due to thermomechanical changes of the
reactor housing and stationary refflector is ~ 0.08% k and it has
no essential influence on the operation of reactor, but the calculated
data are important for analysis of the accidents, such as in relation to the
loss of natrium from reactor.
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P14-2009-168 (141.534)
Didyk A.Yu., Sohatsky A.S.
Experimental Studies of Swift Heavy Ion Projected Ranges
in Single Crystals Using "Cross-Section" Method
The experimental data on the measurements of heavy ions with about 1 MeV/amu
and more higher energies projected ranges in dielectric and semiconductor
single crystals with taking into account its crystalographic orientations
are presented. Projected ranges were measured using "cross-section" and
optic and electron scanning microscope. The comparison of experimental
measured projected ranges with calculated corresponding values obtained with
various computer codes and projected range from Nordclife and Shilling table
data is made.
E13-2009-170 (340.425)
Klimov O.L., Volkov A.D.
Measurement of the Cryomodule Cold Mass Displacement Using the WPM
A method for indirect measurement of the cryomodule cold mass displacement
using the wire position monitor (WPM) is developed in the work. An
analytical expression for the transfer functions of the test signal is
obtained for the WPM. Dependences of the x, y coordinates of the cold mass displacement upon the amplitude of the
electrode signals and the parameters of the monitor are determined. The
displacement functions are applicable in the deviation range r 0.82R and
do not depend upon the test signal amplitude. The results are of
interest for the monitoring of the beam position and the cryomodule cold
mass displacement in new-generation accelerators like ILC, NICA, FAIR and
E10-2009-171 (562.798)
Jerusalimov A.P.
Reconstruction of the Parameters of V0 Particles
The procedure of reconstruction of the parameters of
V0 particles is considered for CBM setup that is planned to build
up at the FAIR complex (GSI, Germany). It was shown that the use of
various kinematic cuts permits one to improve essentially the selection
of V0 particles and to increase the signal/background ratio. The use
of the kinematic fit procedure gives still more considerable improvement
of the accuracy of V0 parameters. The procedure of the selection
of x- hyperons is also examined. The considered algorithm can
be used practically without changes to reconstruct the parameters
of V0 particles and -/x- hyperons in MPD/NICA.
E4-2009-172 (227.879)
Karamian S.A., Carroll J.J.
Possible Depletion of Isomers in Perturbed Atomic Environments
For atomic-nuclear cooperative processes, the cross
sections can be deduced in favorable cases from experiments either directly,
or through the linked theoretical estimates. Probability of isomer
transmutation in electron-assisted mechanisms must contain both nuclear and
atomic components. The nuclear database is abundant and extensive, in
particular due to the exploration of electromagnetic nuclear processes, like
emission, reactions induced by photons, Coulomb excitation and so
on. In the present work, the nuclear excitation rate via NEET mechanism is
calculated and compared to known experimental results. The NEEC probability
is estimated schematically. Perspectives for NEEC detection within different
experimental approaches are discussed. A new method is proposed to search
for the isomer depletion under stopping of recoiling nuclei in gas.
P13-2009-173 (305.988)
Abazov V.M., Alexeev G.D., Davydov Yu.I., Malyshev V.L., Piskun A.A., Tokmenin V.V.
The Spatial Accuracy of Mini-Drift Tubes by Detecting the Induced Signals
The coordinate accuracy of the mini-drift tubes determined by detection of
the signals induced on the outer electrodes has been investigated. The
particle coordinate was found using the 1-cm-wide strips placed orthogonally
to the anode wires. The space accuracy of about 0.4 mm (r.m.s.) was achieved
with four tube layers.
E11-2009-174 (438.731)
Kopcansky P., Timko M., Hnatic M., Vala M.,
Arzumanyan G.M., Hayryan E.A., Jancurova L.,
Jadlovsky J., Chovanak J.
The Concept of Focused Magnet for Targeted Drug Delivery
A special focused magnet, designed for the use in the magnetic targeted
drug delivery system, was constructed. The theoretical calculation
of the adhesion condition for a magnetic fluid drop in magnetic field
with obtained design showed that the constructed focused magnet generates
a sufficient magnetic force for the capture of a magnetic drop on
the vessel wall and can be used 2.5-3 cm deeper in an organism compared
with the prism permanent magnet which could enable the non-invasivity
of the magnetic drug targeting procedure. The maximal values for the magnetic
field and gradient of the magnetic field are 0.38 T and 101 T/m.
E13-2009-175 (253.959)
Basti A., Bedeschi F., Budagov J., Foley M.,
Harms E., Klebaner A., Nagaitsev S., Sabirov B.,
Sissakian A., Shirkov G., Soyars W., Trubnikov G.
Superfluid Helium Testing of a Stainless Steel to Titanium Piping Transition Joint
Stainless steel-to-titanium bimetallic transitions have been fabricated with
an explosively bonded joint. This novel joining technique was conducted by
the Russian Federal Nuclear Center (Sarov) working under contract for the Joint
Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna). These bimetallic transitions are being
considered for use in future superconducting radio-frequency cavity
cryomodule assemblies. This application requires cryogenic testing to
demonstrate that this transition joint remains leak-tight when sealing
superfluid helium. To simulate a titanium cavity vessel connection to a
stainless steel service pipe, bimetallic transition joints were paired
together to fabricate piping assemblies. These piping assemblies were then
tested in superfluid helium conditions at Fermi National Accelerator
Laboratory (USA) test facilities. The transition joint test program has been
described. Fabrication experience and test results have been presented.
P11-2009-176 (104.773)
Amirkhanov I.V., Muzafarov D.Z., Sarker N.R., Sarhadov I., Sharipov Z.A.
Scattering Problem for the Differential Equation of Fourth Order
with Small Parameter at the Higher Derivative
The algorithm of the solution of scattering problem on a spherical
rectangular potential well for the differential equation of fourth order
with small parameter at the higher derivative is offered. At
 0 the comparative analysis of the solutions of the
differential equation of fourth order with the Schr dinger equation
solutions is carried out. The algorithm is realized with the use of the
system of symbolical evaluations MAPLE.
E15-2009-177 (1.743.161)
Svoboda O., Adam J., Bielewicz M., Hartwing I.,
Kilim S., Kr sa A., Krivopustov M.I., Kugler A.,
Majerle M., Strugalska-Gola E., Szuta M.,
Tsoupko-Sitnikov V.M., Wagner V., Westmeier W.,
Wojciechowski A., Zhuk I.
Study of Spallation Reactions, Neutron Production and Transport in Thick Lead Target
and Uranium Blanket Irradiated with 0.7 GeV Protons
Neutron activation detectors were used to study a neutron
field in setup "Energy plus Transmutation" consisting of thick lead
target and natural uranium blanket. This setup was exposed to 0.7 GeV
proton beam from the Nuclotron accelerator. The experiment was a part of the
systematic study using proton and deuteron beams within the energy range
from 0.7 to 2.52 GeV. The experimental data were compared with the
results of the MCNPX simulations and with the data of other experiments.
Good agreement within the statistical and systematical uncertainties was
E11-2009-178 (625.183)
Majerle M., Adam J., Kr sa A., Peetermans S., Sl ma O.,
Stegailov V.I., Svoboda O., Tsoupko-Sitnikov V.M., Wagner V.
Monte Carlo Method in Neutron Activation Analysis
Neutron activation detectors are a useful
technique for the neutron flux measurements in spallation
experiments. The study of the usefulness and the accuracy
of this method at similar experiments was performed with
the help of Monte Carlo codes MCNPX and FLUKA.
P16-2009-180 (292.062)
Zaytcev L.N.
The Calculation and Construction of the Nuclotron-M Radiation
Shielding for the Operative Design
An extremely simple and universal method has been suggested
for calculation of the shielding of any configuration (except the traps) over the given losses of
accelerated particles. The method is comfortable when operatively solving the
problems of shielding and predicting the radiation situation. The error of
the shielding thickness calculations is less than 10%.
The neutrons escaped from the Nuclotron shielding and multiscattered in air
and ground will form the radiation situation around the modernized
Nuclotron-M. A variant of the Nuclotron shielding design using the
synchrophasotron magnet elements is proposed.
P11-2009-181 (455.030)
Amirhanov I.V., Karamysheva G.A, Kiyan I.N., Sulikowski J.
Improved Technique of Mathematical and Computing Modeling of Required
Operation Modes for Multipurpose Isochronous Cyclotrons
The mathematical and computer modeling of required operation modes of
multipurpose isochronous cyclotrons is presented. The considered procedure
is based on the calculation of currents in trim coils of correction of the
main magnetic field (Ii, i=1, 2... z) at a certain level of current in the
main coil (Imain). A series of numerical and physical experiments on
modeling of the main operation mode of the multipurpose isochronous
cyclotron AIC144 (INP PAS, Krakow): accelarated particles are protons (p),
extracted proton energy is Eout ~ 60.3/60.7 MeV, RF-generator
frequency is Frf =26.155/26.25 MHz, confirmed both the necessity of
including the evaluation of solution stability into the calculation, and the
possibility of successful accelerating of the protons in the whole range of
working radii with the allowable phase losses of accelerated protons in the
isochronization range of required magnetic field (with decreasing beam
current less than 50%) without stopping the cyclotron for performing the
additional magnetic measurements.
E6-2009-182 (344.768)
Bunatian G.G., Nikolenko V.G., Popov A.B.
On the Usage of Electron Beam as a Tool to Produce Radioactive Isotopes in Photonuclear Reactions
We treat the bremsstrahlung, induced by initial electron
beam in converter, and the production of a desirable radioisotope due
to the photonuclear reaction caused by this bremsstrahlung. By
way of illustration, the yield of a number of some, the most
applicable in practice, radioisotopes is evaluated. The acquired
findings persuade us that usage of modern electron accelerators
offers a practicable way to produce the radioisotopes needful
nowadays for various valuable applications in the nuclear medicine.
E3-2009-183 (310.272)
Karamian S.A., Carroll J.J.
Cross Section for Inelastic Neutron Acceleration by 178Hfm2
The scattering of thermal neutrons from isomeric
nuclei may include events in which the outgoing neutrons have
increased kinetic energy. This process has been called Inelastic
Neutron Acceleration (INNA) and occurs when the final nucleus
after emission of the neutron is left in a state with lower
energy than that of the isomer. The result, therefore, is
an induced depletion of the isomeric population to the
ground state. A cascade of several gammas must accompany
the neutron emission to release the high angular momentum
of the initial isomeric state. INNA was previously
observed in a few cases and the associated cross
sections were only in modest agreement with theoretical
estimates. The most recent measurement of an INNA cross
section was INNA = (258 58) b
neutron scattering by 177Lum. In the present work,
an INNA cross section of INNA =152-36+51 b
was deduced from measurements of the total burn-up of the high-spin,
four-quasiparticle isomer 178Hfm2 during irradiation by
thermal neutrons. Statistical estimates for the probability
of different reaction channels past neutron absorption were
used in the analysis, and the deduced INNA
is compared to the theoretically predicted cross section.
P13-2009-184 (432.992)
Astabatyan R.A., Lukyanov S.M., Markaryan E.R., Maslov V.A., Penionzhkevich Yu.E.,
Revenko R.V., Smirnov V.I.
Profilometer of the Secondary Beams Based on the Multiwire Proportional Chamber
Profilometer for diagnostics of secondary beams of ions with
Z 2 is described. Two methods of beam profile measurement are
considered: counting method when impulses are registered event by event,
and current mode with measurement of integrated current of each channel.
Comparison and an estimation of counting ability and life time of
profilometer for two modes were carried out.
P13-2009-186 (315.164)
Batusov V.Yu., Budagov Yu., Lyablin M.V., Sissakian A. N.
On the Effect of Laser Beam Axis Space Fluctuation Attenuation when Beam Propagation in Atmospheric Air Filled Tube
The rms values of the laser ray space fluctuation when
propagating in an atmospheric air a and inside an
atmospheric air filled tube covered at its ends by transparent
stoppers t were measured. An effect of
fluctuation decrease inside a tube was found: the
t/ a ratio significantly
falls down with a beam passed distance. In particular
t/ a =8· 10-3 is at 68 m distance.
E1-2009-187 (348.091)
Ladygin V.P., Jerusalimov A.P., Ladygina N.B.
Polarization of 0 Hyperons in Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions at High Energies
The measurement of 0-hyperon polarization
in nucleus-nucleus collisions is considered as one of
possible tools to study the phase transition. Fixed target
and collider experiments are discussed for the case of
0 production from Au-Au central collisions
at NN of about several GeV.
E1-2009-188 (703.185)
Vok l S., Vrl kov J.
Relativistic Particles Produced in 208Pb Induced Nuclear Collisions at 158 A GeV/c
The angular structures of relativistic particles produced in 208Pb + Ag(Br)
in emulsion detector at 158 A GeV/c have been studied. Three
different methods of analysis have been used - scaled factorial moments, wavelets and
parameter S2.
An evidence for nonstatistical fluctuations has been shown using the method of scaled
factorial moments in pseudorapidity phase space. The comparative study has been done for
different beam energies and masses and Pb + Em events with different degree of centrality.
No clear minimum has been found in the dependences of intermittency parameter q
on q.
The continuous wavelet transform has been applied to the pseudorapidity spectra of produced
particles. Some irregularities have been revealed mainly in the scale range a 0.5
can be interpreted as the preferred pseudorapidities of groups of emitted particles.
The nonstatistical ring-like structures of produced particles in azimuthal plane of a
collision have been found and their parameters have been determined when the azimuthal
structures of produced particles have been investigated using the S2 method.
P2-2009-190 (434.267)
Fadeev N.G.
Asymptotic Freedom in the Mechanics of Composite Particle Inelastic Collisions at High Energies
The application of the asymptotic freedom hypothesis
to consider the mechanics of deep inelastic scattering processes (DIS)
allows one to reveal the elastic form of the parton (xama and
xbmb) scattering also for hadron-hadron interactions of
particles a and b having masses ma and mb with
subsequent hadronization of them into the hadron showers. The
elastic character of the parton scattering, in its turn, helps
to define invariant variables analogous to DIS (Bjorken xa ,
xb and square four-momentum transfer Q2) through the
two-hadron showers in the c.m.s. of a and b particles.
Some results of calculations of 2000 pp interactions at LHC at
10 TeV generated by PYTHIA are presented. This approach can be of
interest for QCD treatment of hh interactions, cumulative
phenomena investigations, search for quark-gluon plasma and
phase transition in the NICA project.
E9-2009-192 (1.327.134)
Dinev D.
Review of Coherent Instabilities in Synchrotrons and Storage Rings
Coherent instabilities are one of the main
factors limiting the performance of synchrotrons and storage
rings. Both longitudinal and transverse instabilities
are reviewed. Instabilities in coasting and bunched
beams at low and high intensity are discussed. The
paper is purposed for practical usage while accelerator design.
P3-2009-193 (460.384)
Ryabova N.Yu., Kiselev M.A., Balagurov A.M.
Influence of cholesterol and ceramide VI on srtructure of the multilamellar lipid membrane at water exchange
The results of neutron diffraction investigation
of structure changes in multilamellar lipid membranes DPPC/cholesterol
and DPPC/ceramide-VI (DPPC - dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine) during
the processes of hydration and dehydration are presented in this work.
The influence of cholesterol and ceramide-VI on kinetic of water
exchange in DPPC membrane is characterized.
E6-2009-194 (151.533)
Aksenov N.V., Bozhikov G.A., Starodub G.Ya.,
Dmitriev S.N., Filosofov D.V., Jon Sun Jin, Radchenko V.I., Lebedev N.A., Novgorodov A.F.
Anion Exchange Behavior of Ti, Zr, Hf, Nb and Ta as Homologues of Rf and Db in Mixed HF-Acetone Solutions
We studied in detail the sorption behavior of Ti, Zr, Hf, Nb and Ta on AG 1
anion exchange resin in HF-acetone mixed solutions as a function of organic
cosolvent and acid concentrations. Anion exchange behavior was found to be
strongly acetone concentration dependent. The distribution coefficients of
Ti, Zr, Hf and Nb increased and those of Ta decreased with increasing
content of acetone in HF solutions. With increasing HF concentration, anion
exchange equilibrium analysis indicated the formation of fluoride complexes
of group-4 elements with charge -3 and Ta with charge -2. For Nb the slope of -2
increased up to -5. Optimal conditions for separation of the elements using
AIX chromatography were found. Group-4 elements formed MF73- (M = Ti, Zr, Hf)
complexes whose sorption decreased Ti > Hf > Zr in reverse
order of complex stability. This fact is of particular interest for studying
ion exchange behavior of Rf compared to Ti. The advantages of studying
chemical properties of Rf and Db in aqueous HF solutions mixed with organic
solvents are briefly discussed.
E1-2009-195 (942.610)
Kr sa A., Kugler A., Majerle M.,
Wagner V., Adam J., Krivopustov M.I.,
Tsoupko-Sitnikov V.M., Vasiliev S.I., Zhuk I.
Neutron Production in p + Pb/U at 2 GeV
The "Energy plus Transmutation"
setup consisting of a thick lead target surrounded by a uranium
blanket was irradiated with 2 GeV protons. The produced
neutrons were measured by means of activation detectors.
The experimental results were compared with Monte Carlo
simulations performed with the MCNPX code. The simulated
quantities are spatial distributions and energy spectra
of neutrons and protons produced in the setup and cross-sections
of (n,xn) and (p,pxn) reactions. Simulations describe
qualitatively well longitudinal distributions of activation
yields, while they predict much steeper decrease of the yields
with growing radial distance than it was measured.
P3-2009-197 (233.236)
Alfimenkov V.P. et al.
On Measurement of the Neutron Decay Time in a Helium Vessel
Parameters of experiment on ultracold neutrons storage in a vessel with
superfluid helium walls at temperatures 0.5 K and below are estimated. 4He has no neutron
capture cross section, and in superfluid form it has very low inelastic scattering cross section of
ultracold neutrons. Therefore a vessel with the walls covered by superfluid 4He is an ideal one for
measurement of a free neutron life time.
2009-198 (179.715)